Review Process

  • Articles submitted to the journal must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. If it is determined that this rule has been violated, the article's review process will be terminated. Revised versions of works published in symposium, congress, or similar proceedings may be published, provided that this is clearly stated in the article.
  • The editorial evaluation process for submitted articles takes 21 days. The peer review process can take up to a maximum of 3 months.
  • A similarity report will be obtained for all submitted articles using a plagiarism prevention program. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% will not be included in the peer review process. Subsequently, the language editor will review the articles for compliance with language and formatting rules.
  • Initially, submitted articles are reviewed by the subject editor for compliance with the journal's aims, scope, format, and content requirements.
  • The review process follows a double-blind peer review system, where the identities of the reviewers are not disclosed to the authors, and vice versa.
  • Articles that comply with the publication policy and writing guidelines are sent to two reviewers for evaluation through the double-blind peer review system. Based on the reviewers' reports, a decision is made on whether the article will be published.
  • If one reviewer provides a positive recommendation and the other provides a negative one, the article is sent to a third reviewer. The final decision on publication is made by the editor after considering all reviewer reports.
  • If the reviewers request revisions, the authors are required to make the necessary corrections. Upon request, the revisions may be reviewed again by the reviewers.
  • The Customs and Trade Journal reserves the right to publish, not publish, or request revisions for the submitted articles.
  • All legal responsibility for the articles published in the Customs and Trade Journal rests with the author(s).
  • No fees are charged to authors for articles published in the Customs and Trade Journal, and no royalties are paid to reviewers or authors.

If the submitted article utilizes data collected through surveys, interviews, focus group studies, etc., it is mandatory to upload the relevant permission documents obtained from the institution or the Ethics Committee Approval Certificate to the "Dergipark Article Submission System" at the time of article submission.

Last Update Time: 8/16/24, 12:46:45 AM

Our Journal is under the evaluation of the ULAKBİM TR Dizin Index and indexed by ASOSINDEX and SOBİAD.