Writing Rules

General Rules
  • The publication languages of the Journal of Customs and Trade are Turkish and English.
  • The responsible author for editorial correspondence should be clearly identified for articles with multiple authors.
  • The authors are responsible for any distortions, inaccuracies, copyright infringements, plagiarism, etc., that may occur in the content or citations of published articles.
  • The content of published articles is the responsibility of the authors. It is assumed that the authors have obtained the necessary approvals from ethics committees and institutions if required by the nature of the study.
  • In Turkish articles, both in-text and in the bibliography, the spelling rules in the current edition of the Turkish Language Association (TDK) Spelling Guide must be followed.
  • The APA7 guide should be followed for citations and references.
  • The publication rights of the published articles belong to the publisher.
  • A letter containing the following statement, signed by all authors, must be sent to the publisher: "The article has been read and approved by all authors, has not been submitted to another journal, the scientific ethics codes have been followed at every stage of the article preparation, and if the article is published, all publication rights will be transferred to the publisher."

Title, Abstract, Keywords, and JEL Codes:
  • Each study must include a title in both Turkish and English, and an abstract in Turkish (Öz) and English (Abstract) of 150-200 words. The abstract and introduction sections should not be repetitive of each other.
  • To classify the subject of the article, at least 3 and at most 6 keywords should be provided.
  • Additionally, at least 1 and at most 4 JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) Classification Codes should be provided. JEL Codes can be viewed at https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel.

Extended Summary for Turkish Submissions
  • For Turkish-language studies accepted for publication, an Extended Summary in English, ranging from 600 to 800 words, is required. The Extended Summary section should be a well-edited text, written in accordance with English grammar rules, and should not be divided into subheadings or contain references. It should include the study's purpose, the need for the study, its contribution to the literature and original value, the methods and data used, key findings, policy recommendations if any, study limitations, and suggestions for future research.

Word Limits for Submissions:
  • Research and review articles submitted to our journal should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words, including references and all other elements.

Style Guidelines

Font, Size, and Paper Dimensions:
  • Manuscripts should be typed on A4 paper with standard page margins, justified alignment, in Times New Roman font, 12-point size, with single line spacing. One line of space should be left between paragraphs.
Heading Styles:
  • Sections and subsections, except for Introduction and Conclusion, should be numbered in 10-point font. The section and subsection titles should be written after the corresponding number. Sections should be numbered as follows: (1., 2., 3., …), and subsections should be numbered as (1.1., 1.1.1., 1.2., 1.2.1., 1.2.2., 2.1., 2.1.1.,,
  • All titles, including the article title, should be capitalized only at the first letter of each word.
  • Table, graph, and figure titles should be in bold, with only the first letters of each word capitalized, and written in 10-point font. Other content, including references, should be in 10-point font with single line spacing, and bold font should not be used.
  • Tables and figures should be titled and numbered; titles should be placed above tables and below figures and graphs. Sources should be placed under tables and figures, and text color should be black only.
Number and Numerical Styles:
  • Page numbers should be aligned to the right/left of the page bottom without parentheses, dashes, etc.
  • Dates should be written in the day, month, year format with slashes in between (e.g., 22/11/2013). In percentage expressions, there should be no space between the percentage symbol (%) and the number (e.g., %45).
  • Decimal points should be separated by commas, and numbers with four or more digits should be grouped in threes from the end with periods. Equation numbers should be placed in parentheses on the right side of the page. If the derivation of equations is not clearly shown in the text, the derivation process must be provided on a separate page for the editorial board's review.
References and Citation Rules:
  • The APA7 Guide should be followed for in-text citations and references. The bibliography should be alphabetically ordered by the last name according to APA7. Examples for the reference list are provided below:
Ceyhan, S., & Atay, H. (2005). Açıklamalı İçtihatlı 5607 Sayılı Kaçakçılıkla Mücadele Kanunu. Yolsuzlukla Mücadele Derneği Yayınları.

Özsoy, H. H. M., & Gümüş, M. (2012). Küreselleşmenin Ekonomi ve Hukuka Matematiksel Etkisi, Gümrük ve Ticaret Dergisi, 7(3), 29-40.

Edited Books and Book Chapters:
Krugman, P. (1995). The Move Toward Free Trade Zones. In P. King (Ed.), International Economics and International Economic Policy: A Reader (pp. 163-182). McGraw-Hill Inc.

Other Sources:
Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası. (2001). 2002 Yılında Para ve Kur Politikası ve Muhtemel Gelişmeler, Basın Duyurusu, 2 Ocak, Ankara, www.tcmb.gov.tr.

Demircioğlu, E. (2005). Çin’in Ekonomik Yükselişi, UEAP Discussion Paper, 1748, Uluslararası Ekonomik Araştırmalar Platformu, Adana.

  • In-text citations should be shown as follows:

“... it is stated (Göktaş, 1982, pp. 210-215).”

“The opinion was advanced by Ceyhan (1970a, pp. 15-20).”

(Gupta et al., 1982, p. 286).

  • Citations of multiple sources in one parenthesis should be shown as follows:

(Sarıyerlioğlu-Mahmut & Tünay-Mehmet Ali, 2003, p. 355; Demircioğlu, 1979, pp. 17-27).

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the articles published in the Customs and Trade Journal are those of the authors and do not bind the legal entity of the association. Authors who submit peer-reviewed/non-peer-reviewed articles to the journal are deemed to have accepted this rule.

Last Update Time: 8/16/24, 12:55:19 AM

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