The author becomes a member of the system by filling in all the information about the authors in the Submit Article section before submitting his/her work.
The author uploads his work, which he prepared in full compliance with the Writing Rules and Publication Principles, to the system from the Submit Article section. All information on the system uploaded to the study system (Article Title, Keywords, Abstract) must be filled in completely in Turkish and English. (The work in which information in any language is missing from the information in the system will be REJECTED.
The Journal Secretariat evaluates the work in terms of compliance with the Writing Rules.
Studies that do not comply with the spelling rules and Article Template, or whose type is not Research Article, are returned to the author, and appropriate studies are sent to the Journal Editor.
Articles corrected in terms of spelling rules can be uploaded back to the system.
The Journal Editor evaluates the study in terms of compliance with publication principles and concludes it as soon as possible.
Articles contrary to the publication principles are rejected by the Editorial. Rejected articles cannot be resubmitted.
The study, which is approved by the Journal Editor, is directed to at least 2 referees related to its field for evaluation.
The referees evaluate the work on the system within 15 days at the latest. The referees who do not turn within the time limit are replaced by new ones.
The author(s) corrects the requested work within 15 days at the latest and prepares a Summary Correction Report. Summary Correction Reports should be added to the beginning of the corrected work to be uploaded to the system. Otherwise, the evaluation process of the studies stops. In order for the process to continue, the summary correction report must be added to the beginning of the study and uploaded to the system.
Studies that receive a reportable/unpublished report from two referees are reviewed by the Journal Editorial Board and a final decision is made. If necessary, the editor can make changes to the number of referees.
Studies with negative results are returned to the author. Studies with positive results are added to the pool of studies to be published and the DOI process is started.