ISSN: 1309-7423
e-ISSN: 1309-7423
Founded: 2010
Publisher: Gumushane University
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Gümüşhane University Journal of Social Sciences (GUSBID), formerly known as Gümüşhane University Social Sciences Institute Electronic Journal, is an open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal published three times a year (January, May, and September). Scientific and original research articles sent to the journal for publication must be in English or Turkish.

Important Information
Gümüşhane University Journal of Social Sciences (GUSBID) does not accept number-specific articles.
It is ABSOLUTELY not possible to guarantee a certain number or time for the works uploaded through the system and whose publication process is completed positively.
You can use the Article Template to organize your work according to journal writing rules. Articles that do not fully comply with the article template, contain author identification information, and do not have an Extended Abstract (for Turkish studies) are directly rejected after being included in the evaluation process.

Articles sent to (GUSBID);
The type of studies should be Research Papers. (Other article types are not accepted)
Studies must comply with the Journal Publication Principles.
Studies must comply with the Journal Writing Rules.
The plagiarism rate must be below 13%.
All information on the System related to the study (Keywords, Author Identity Information Abstracts, etc.) must be filled in completely.

2024 - Volume: 15 Issue: 2

Research Article

Teknoloji Kabul Modeli Bağlamında Sosyal Etkinin Metaverse Teknolojilerini Kullanma Niyetine Etkisi