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Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, 614 - 637, 01.10.2015


Lizozomal depo hastalıkları (LDH) yaygın olarak lizozomal hidrolazların eksikliği sonucu memeli ve kanatlılarda, lizozomların içinde sfingolipid, glikolipid, mukopolisakkarid veya oligasakkaridlerin birikmesi ile karakterize otozomal resesif kalıtımlı hastalıkları tanımlar. Bunun yanı sıra, swainsonine içeren bitkilerin yenmesi ve klorokin gibi katyonik amfifilik ilaçların kullanılması sonucu lizozomal hidrolazların inhibe edilmesi gibi bazı çevresel faktörler de LDH’na neden olabilir. Bu hastalıklardaki klinik ve patolojik bulgular ayırıcı tanıda kullanılabilmekle birlikte, kesin tanı ancak biyokimyasal, immunohistokimyasal, elektron mikroskobik ve genetik testlerin yardımıyla konulabilir. Hayvan ve insanlardaki LDH farklı açılardan öneme sahiptir. Birçok hastalıkta patolojik, histokimyasal, biyokimyasal ve tedaviye yönelik çalışmaların büyük bir kısmının hayvan modelleri üzerinde yapıldığı dikkate alınırsa, hayvanlarda görülen LDH insanlardaki bu hastalıkların anlaşılabilmesi için tartışılmaz bir değere sahiptir. Türkiye’de hayvanlarda görülen bu hastalıklarla ilgili yeterli bilgi birikiminin bulunmaması ile birlikte, özellikle multidisipliner çalışmalarda zorluklar yaşanması önemli bir sorundur. Bu derleme hayvanlarda görülen LDH’nın neler olduğunun ve patogenezlerinin açıklığa kavuşması ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaların bir bütünlük içinde değerlendirilmesi açısından önemlidir. Bununla beraber elektron mikroskobik bulguların da ele alınması ile insanlarda görülenlerle benzerlik gösteren depo hastalıklarının tespitini kolaylaştırıp model bulma konusundaki zorlukların da önüne geçecektir.


  • ) Walkley SU. Cellular Pathology of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Brain Pathology 1998; 8: 175-193
  • ) Jolly RD, Walkley SU. Lysosomal Storage Diseases of Animals: An Essay in Comparative Pathology. Veterinary Pathology 1997; 34: 527-548.
  • ) Milli ÜH, Hazıroğlu R.Veteriner Patoloji I. Cilt II. Baskı, Özkan Matbaacılık LTD. ŞTİ Ankara ss 2000; 257-262
  • ) Nschmann WU, Armien A, Wallace R, Wictor M, Oglesbee M. Neuronal Storage Disease in a Group of Captive Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti). Veterinary Pathology 2006; 43: 1029–1033.
  • ) Brian AS, Cummings JF, Lahunta A. Lysosomal Storage Disease Veterinary Neuropathology, USA p 1995; 214-236.
  • ) Lee RE. The Fine Structure Of The Cerebroside Occurring ın Gaucher's Disease. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 1968; 61(2): 484-9
  • ) Futerman AH, Meer GV. The Cell Biology Of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2004; 5: 554– 565
  • ) Geel TM, Mclaughlin PM, Leij LF, Ruiters MH, Niezen-Koning KE. Pompe Disease: Current State Of Treatment Modalities And Animal Models. Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2007; 92: 299–307.
  • ) Engel AG. Acid Maltase Deficiency In Adults: Studies İn Four Cases Of A Syndrome Which May Mimic Muscular Dystrophy Or Other Myopathies. Brain 1970; 93: 599–616
  • ) Crawley, Allison CJ, Bonning, Lynda E, Finnie JW, Hopwood et al. α-Mannosidosis İn The Guinea Pig: A New Animal Model for Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Pediatric Research 1999; 46(5): 50.
  • ) Walkley SU, Siegel DA, Wurzelmann S. Ectopic Dendritogenesis And Associated Synapse Formation In Swainsonine-İnduced Neuronal Storage Disease. Journal of Neuroscience 1988; 8(2): 445-57.
  • ) Jolly RD. Mannosidosis And Its Control In Angus And Murray Grey Cattle. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 1978; 26: 194-198.
  • ) Noyan A.Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji. Meteksan yayınevi s 2004; 82-95
  • ) Nikoletopoulou M, Papandreou E, Tavernarakis N. Autophagy In The Physiology And Pathology Of The Central Nervous System. Cell Death and Differentiation 2015; 22, 398–407
  • ) Schwake M, Schröder B, Saftig P. Lysosomal Membrane Proteins And Their Central Role İn Physiology. Traffic 2013; (7): 739-48
  • ) Murray R, Mayes AP, Granner DK, Rodwellwv Harper's Biochemistry, Harper'in Biyokimyası Çeviren: MENTEŞ G, ERSÖZ B, Barış Kitabevi İstanbul s 1993; 292-298.
  • ) Nelson D, Cox MM. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger Biyokimyanın İlkeleri Çeviri: KILIÇ N, Palme Yay. Ankara s 2005; 363-388.
  • ) Erer H, Kıran MM, Çiftçi MK. Veteriner Genel Patoloji I. Baskı, Bahçıvanlar Basım Sanayi A.Ş. Konya s 2000; 114–116.
  • ) Warren CD, Alroy J. Morphological, Biochemical And Molecular Biology Approaches For The Diagnosis Of Lysosomal Storage Diseases. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2000; 12: 483–496.
  • ) Martin RD, Rigat BA, Foureman P, Varadajan GS, Hwang M, Krum BK et al. Molecular Consequencesof The Pathogenic Mutation İn Feline GM Gangliosidosis Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2008; 94: 212-221.
  • ) Baker HJ, Lindsey JR, Mckhann GM, Farrell DF. Neuronal GM1 Gangliosidosis In A Siamese Cat with ß-Galactosidase Deficiency. Science 1971; 174(4011): 838 – 839
  • ) Kolodny E, Frankel B, Torres P. Alroy J Raghavan S GM1-Gangliosidosis In An American Black Bear. Molecular genetics and metabolism 2007; 161: 68-72.
  • ) Muller G, Alldinger S, Moritz A, Zurbriggen A, Kirchhof N, Sewell A, Baumgartner W GM-gangliosidosis In Alaskan Huskies: Clinical and Pathologic Findings. Veterinary Pathology 2001; 38: 281–290
  • ) Barker CG, Blakemore WF, Dell A, Palmer AC, Tiller PR, Winchester BG. GM1 Gangliosidosis (Type 1) In A Cat. Biochemical Journal 1986; 235 (1): 151–158.
  • ) Ishikawa Y, LI SC, Wood PA, LI YT. BioChemical Basis Of Type AB GM Gangliosidosis In A Japanese spaniel. J Neurochem (1987); 48(3): 860-4.
  • ) Fox J, Li YT, Dawson G, Alleman A, Johnsrude J, Schumacher J et al. Naturally Occurring GM Gangliosidosis İn Two Muntjak Deer With Pathological And Biochemical Features Of Human Classical Tay-Sachs Disease (Type B GM gangliosidosis). Acta Neuropathologica 1999; 97(1): 57-62.
  • ) Yamato O, Matsuki N, Satoh H, Inaba M, Ono K, Yamasaki M et al. Sandhoff Disease İn A Golden Retriever Dog. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2002; 25: 319–320
  • ) Cummings JF, Wood PA, Walkley SU, de Lahunta A, DeForest ME. GM2 Gangliosidosis İn A Japanese Spaniel. Acta Neuropathologica 1985; 67(3-4): 247-53.
  • ) Zeng BJ, Torrens PA, Viner TC, Wang ZH, Raghavan SS, Alroy J et al. Spontaneous Appearance Of Tay–Sachs Disease İn An Animal Model. Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2008; 95: 59–65.
  • ) Hartley WJ, Blakemore WF. Neurovisceral Storage and Dysmyelinogenesis in Neonatal Goats. Acta Neuropathologica 1973; 25: 325-333
  • ) Wenger DA, Victoria T, Rafi MA, Luzi P, Vanier MT, Vite C et al. Globoid cell Leukodystrophy in Cairn and West Highland White Terriers. The Journal of Heredity 1999; 90: 138–142.
  • ) Van DE, Water NS, Jolly RD, Farrow BR. Canine Gaucher Disease--The Enzymic Defect.Australian Journal of Experimental Biology & Medical Science 1979; 57(5): 551-4.
  • ) June DA, Wenger MS, Stanley TK, Snyder P, Kingston RS. Niemann-Pick Disease: A Genetic Model in Siamese Cats. Science 1980; 208: 27.
  • ) Saunders GK, Wenger AD. Sphingomyelinase Deficiency( Niemann-Pick Disease) İn A Hereford Calf. Veterinary Pathology 2008; 45: 201-202
  • ) Bjurulf B, Spetalen S, Erichsen A, Wanier MT, Strom E, Stromme P et al. Disease Type C2 Presenting As Fatal Pulmonary Alveolar Lipoproteinosis: Morphological Findings İn Lung And Nervous Tissue. Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14(8): 71-75.
  • ) Hocking JD, Jolly RD, Battr D. An Inherited Lysosomal Storage Disease Deficiency Of A-Mannosidase In Angus Cattle. Biochemical Journal 1972; 128: 69-78.
  • ) Stegelmeie B, Molyneux RJ, Elbein AD, James LF. The Lesions of Locoweed (Astragalus Mollissimus), Swainsonine, And Castanospermine In Rats. Veterinary Pathology 1995; 32: 289–298
  • ) Vandevelde M, Fankhauser R, Bichsel P, Wiesmann U, Herschkowitz N. Hereditary Neurovisceral Mannosidosis Associated With Alpha-Mannosidase Deficiency In A Family Of Persian Cats. Acta Neuropathol 1982; 58(1): 64-8.
  • ) Raghavan S, Stuer G, Riviere L, Alroy J, Kolodny EH. Characterization Of AlphaMannosidase In Feline Mannosidosis. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1988; 11(1): 3-16.
  • ) Bryan L, Schmutz S, Hodges SD, Snyder FF. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Bovine Beta-Mannosidase Deficiency 1990; Dec 14; 173(2): 491-5.
  • ) Margaret ZJ and Abbitt B. Bovine ß-Mannosidosis. American Journal of Pathologh 1993; 142: 3.
  • ) Jolly RD, Thompson KG, Bayliss SL, Vidler BM, Orr MB, Healy PJ. BetaMannosidosis İn A Salers Calf: A New Storage Disease Of Cattle. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 1990; 38(3): 102-5.
  • ) Skelly B, Sargan DR, Herrtage ME, Winchester BG. The Molecular Defect Underlying Canine Fucosidosis. Journal of Medical Genetics 1996; 33: 284–288
  • ) Brown ED, Thrall MA, Walkley SU, Wenger DA, Mitchell WT, Royals K et al. Feline Niemann-Pick Disease Type C. American Journal of Pathology 1994; 144: 6.
  • ) Hout HV, Reuser AJ, Vulto AG, Loonen MC, Ploeg AT. Recombinant Human Alphaglucosidase From Rabbit Milk In Pompe Patients. Lancet 2000; 356: 397–398.
  • ) Wilkerson MJ, Lewis DC, Marks S, Prieur DJ. Clinical and Morphologic Features of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II in a Dog: Naturally Occurring Model of Hunter Syndrome.Veterinary Pathology 1998; 35: 230-233.
  • ) Mark E.Haskins Animal models For Mucopolysaccharidosis Disorders And Their Clinical Relevance. Acta Pædiatrica 2001; 4803–5253
  • ) Frances MP, Lachmann RH. Treating Iysosomal Storage Disorders: Current Practice And Future Prospects. Biophysica Acta 2008; 159: 9-34.
  • ) Vogler C, Levy B, Galvin N, Sands MS, Birkenmeier EH, Sly WS et al. A Novel Model Of Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type Vıı Due To An Intracisternal A Particle Element Transposition Into The Beta-Glucuronidase Gene: Clinical And Pathologic Findings. Pediatric Research 2001; 49(3): 342-348.
  • ) Schultheiss PC, Gardner SA, Owens JM, Wenger DA, Thrall MA.Mucopolysaccharidosis VII In A Cat. Veterinary Pathology 2000; 37: 502–505.
  • ) Karageorgos L, Hill B, Bawden MJ, Hopwood JJ. Bovine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIB. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2007; 30: 358–364.
  • ) Jolly RD, Johnstone AC, Norman EJ, Hopwood JJ, Walkley SU. Pathology of Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA In Huntaway Dogs. Veterinary Pathology 2007; 44: 569–578.
  • ) Muenzer J. Overview of The Mucopolysaccharidoses. Rheumatology. (2011) 5:v4-12. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ker394
  • ) Rossmeisl JH, Duncan R, Fox J, Erin S, Karen D. Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis In A Labrador Retriever. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2003; 15: 457–460.
  • ) Cesta MF, Mozzachio K, Little PB, Olby NJ, Sills RC, Brown TT. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis in a Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig (Sus scrofa).Veterinary Pathology 2006; 43: 556–560.
  • ) Hafner S, Flynn TE, Harmon BG, Hill JE. Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis In A Holstein Ster. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2005; 17: 194–197.
  • ) Cárcel-Trullols J, Kovács AD, Pearce DA. Cell biology of the NCL proteins: What They Do And Don't Do. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2015) 925-4439(15)00145-3 doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2015.04.027.
  • ) Bauder B, Thalhammer J, Nowotny N, Kolodziejek J, Herout N, Furst S et al. Equine Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Acta Neuropathologica 2001; 101: 410–414.

Pathogenesis And Pathological Findings Of Lysosomal Storage Diseases In Domestic Animals

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4, 614 - 637, 01.10.2015


Lysosomal storage diseases (LSD) generally define autosomal recessive genetic diseases characterized with accumulation of oligosaccharides, mucopolysaccharides, glycolipids or sphingolipids in the lysosoms of mammals and winged animals due to lysosomal hydrolases. Besides, some environmental factors such as the inhibition of lysosomal hydrolases due to consumption of plants with swainsonine content as well as chloroquine and cationic amphiphilic drug intake may also cause LSDs. Though the clinical and pathological symptoms seen in these diseases may be used for differential diagnosis, a final diagnosis may only be established by means of biochemical, immunohistochemical, electron microscopic and genetic tests. LDSs in animals and humans are important in terms of different matters. Considering most of the pathological, histochemical, biochemical and therapeutic studies are conducted on animals in many diseases; LDSs seen in animals are of vital importance for understanding these diseases in humans. In addition to the fact that the knowledge in Turkey regarding these diseases in animals is inadequate, difficulties in multidisciplinary studies also constitutes an important problem. This compilation is significant in terms of assessing the LDSs seen in animals as well as the studies conducted in order to clarify their pathogenesis as a whole. In addition, with the evaluation of electron microscopic findings, it will also prevent the difficulties related to finding models by facilitating the detection of storage diseases similar to those seen in humans.


  • ) Walkley SU. Cellular Pathology of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Brain Pathology 1998; 8: 175-193
  • ) Jolly RD, Walkley SU. Lysosomal Storage Diseases of Animals: An Essay in Comparative Pathology. Veterinary Pathology 1997; 34: 527-548.
  • ) Milli ÜH, Hazıroğlu R.Veteriner Patoloji I. Cilt II. Baskı, Özkan Matbaacılık LTD. ŞTİ Ankara ss 2000; 257-262
  • ) Nschmann WU, Armien A, Wallace R, Wictor M, Oglesbee M. Neuronal Storage Disease in a Group of Captive Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti). Veterinary Pathology 2006; 43: 1029–1033.
  • ) Brian AS, Cummings JF, Lahunta A. Lysosomal Storage Disease Veterinary Neuropathology, USA p 1995; 214-236.
  • ) Lee RE. The Fine Structure Of The Cerebroside Occurring ın Gaucher's Disease. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 1968; 61(2): 484-9
  • ) Futerman AH, Meer GV. The Cell Biology Of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 2004; 5: 554– 565
  • ) Geel TM, Mclaughlin PM, Leij LF, Ruiters MH, Niezen-Koning KE. Pompe Disease: Current State Of Treatment Modalities And Animal Models. Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2007; 92: 299–307.
  • ) Engel AG. Acid Maltase Deficiency In Adults: Studies İn Four Cases Of A Syndrome Which May Mimic Muscular Dystrophy Or Other Myopathies. Brain 1970; 93: 599–616
  • ) Crawley, Allison CJ, Bonning, Lynda E, Finnie JW, Hopwood et al. α-Mannosidosis İn The Guinea Pig: A New Animal Model for Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Pediatric Research 1999; 46(5): 50.
  • ) Walkley SU, Siegel DA, Wurzelmann S. Ectopic Dendritogenesis And Associated Synapse Formation In Swainsonine-İnduced Neuronal Storage Disease. Journal of Neuroscience 1988; 8(2): 445-57.
  • ) Jolly RD. Mannosidosis And Its Control In Angus And Murray Grey Cattle. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 1978; 26: 194-198.
  • ) Noyan A.Yaşamda ve Hekimlikte Fizyoloji. Meteksan yayınevi s 2004; 82-95
  • ) Nikoletopoulou M, Papandreou E, Tavernarakis N. Autophagy In The Physiology And Pathology Of The Central Nervous System. Cell Death and Differentiation 2015; 22, 398–407
  • ) Schwake M, Schröder B, Saftig P. Lysosomal Membrane Proteins And Their Central Role İn Physiology. Traffic 2013; (7): 739-48
  • ) Murray R, Mayes AP, Granner DK, Rodwellwv Harper's Biochemistry, Harper'in Biyokimyası Çeviren: MENTEŞ G, ERSÖZ B, Barış Kitabevi İstanbul s 1993; 292-298.
  • ) Nelson D, Cox MM. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Lehninger Biyokimyanın İlkeleri Çeviri: KILIÇ N, Palme Yay. Ankara s 2005; 363-388.
  • ) Erer H, Kıran MM, Çiftçi MK. Veteriner Genel Patoloji I. Baskı, Bahçıvanlar Basım Sanayi A.Ş. Konya s 2000; 114–116.
  • ) Warren CD, Alroy J. Morphological, Biochemical And Molecular Biology Approaches For The Diagnosis Of Lysosomal Storage Diseases. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2000; 12: 483–496.
  • ) Martin RD, Rigat BA, Foureman P, Varadajan GS, Hwang M, Krum BK et al. Molecular Consequencesof The Pathogenic Mutation İn Feline GM Gangliosidosis Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2008; 94: 212-221.
  • ) Baker HJ, Lindsey JR, Mckhann GM, Farrell DF. Neuronal GM1 Gangliosidosis In A Siamese Cat with ß-Galactosidase Deficiency. Science 1971; 174(4011): 838 – 839
  • ) Kolodny E, Frankel B, Torres P. Alroy J Raghavan S GM1-Gangliosidosis In An American Black Bear. Molecular genetics and metabolism 2007; 161: 68-72.
  • ) Muller G, Alldinger S, Moritz A, Zurbriggen A, Kirchhof N, Sewell A, Baumgartner W GM-gangliosidosis In Alaskan Huskies: Clinical and Pathologic Findings. Veterinary Pathology 2001; 38: 281–290
  • ) Barker CG, Blakemore WF, Dell A, Palmer AC, Tiller PR, Winchester BG. GM1 Gangliosidosis (Type 1) In A Cat. Biochemical Journal 1986; 235 (1): 151–158.
  • ) Ishikawa Y, LI SC, Wood PA, LI YT. BioChemical Basis Of Type AB GM Gangliosidosis In A Japanese spaniel. J Neurochem (1987); 48(3): 860-4.
  • ) Fox J, Li YT, Dawson G, Alleman A, Johnsrude J, Schumacher J et al. Naturally Occurring GM Gangliosidosis İn Two Muntjak Deer With Pathological And Biochemical Features Of Human Classical Tay-Sachs Disease (Type B GM gangliosidosis). Acta Neuropathologica 1999; 97(1): 57-62.
  • ) Yamato O, Matsuki N, Satoh H, Inaba M, Ono K, Yamasaki M et al. Sandhoff Disease İn A Golden Retriever Dog. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2002; 25: 319–320
  • ) Cummings JF, Wood PA, Walkley SU, de Lahunta A, DeForest ME. GM2 Gangliosidosis İn A Japanese Spaniel. Acta Neuropathologica 1985; 67(3-4): 247-53.
  • ) Zeng BJ, Torrens PA, Viner TC, Wang ZH, Raghavan SS, Alroy J et al. Spontaneous Appearance Of Tay–Sachs Disease İn An Animal Model. Molecular Genetics and Metabolisma 2008; 95: 59–65.
  • ) Hartley WJ, Blakemore WF. Neurovisceral Storage and Dysmyelinogenesis in Neonatal Goats. Acta Neuropathologica 1973; 25: 325-333
  • ) Wenger DA, Victoria T, Rafi MA, Luzi P, Vanier MT, Vite C et al. Globoid cell Leukodystrophy in Cairn and West Highland White Terriers. The Journal of Heredity 1999; 90: 138–142.
  • ) Van DE, Water NS, Jolly RD, Farrow BR. Canine Gaucher Disease--The Enzymic Defect.Australian Journal of Experimental Biology & Medical Science 1979; 57(5): 551-4.
  • ) June DA, Wenger MS, Stanley TK, Snyder P, Kingston RS. Niemann-Pick Disease: A Genetic Model in Siamese Cats. Science 1980; 208: 27.
  • ) Saunders GK, Wenger AD. Sphingomyelinase Deficiency( Niemann-Pick Disease) İn A Hereford Calf. Veterinary Pathology 2008; 45: 201-202
  • ) Bjurulf B, Spetalen S, Erichsen A, Wanier MT, Strom E, Stromme P et al. Disease Type C2 Presenting As Fatal Pulmonary Alveolar Lipoproteinosis: Morphological Findings İn Lung And Nervous Tissue. Medical Science Monitor 2008; 14(8): 71-75.
  • ) Hocking JD, Jolly RD, Battr D. An Inherited Lysosomal Storage Disease Deficiency Of A-Mannosidase In Angus Cattle. Biochemical Journal 1972; 128: 69-78.
  • ) Stegelmeie B, Molyneux RJ, Elbein AD, James LF. The Lesions of Locoweed (Astragalus Mollissimus), Swainsonine, And Castanospermine In Rats. Veterinary Pathology 1995; 32: 289–298
  • ) Vandevelde M, Fankhauser R, Bichsel P, Wiesmann U, Herschkowitz N. Hereditary Neurovisceral Mannosidosis Associated With Alpha-Mannosidase Deficiency In A Family Of Persian Cats. Acta Neuropathol 1982; 58(1): 64-8.
  • ) Raghavan S, Stuer G, Riviere L, Alroy J, Kolodny EH. Characterization Of AlphaMannosidase In Feline Mannosidosis. J Inherit Metab Dis. 1988; 11(1): 3-16.
  • ) Bryan L, Schmutz S, Hodges SD, Snyder FF. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. Bovine Beta-Mannosidase Deficiency 1990; Dec 14; 173(2): 491-5.
  • ) Margaret ZJ and Abbitt B. Bovine ß-Mannosidosis. American Journal of Pathologh 1993; 142: 3.
  • ) Jolly RD, Thompson KG, Bayliss SL, Vidler BM, Orr MB, Healy PJ. BetaMannosidosis İn A Salers Calf: A New Storage Disease Of Cattle. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 1990; 38(3): 102-5.
  • ) Skelly B, Sargan DR, Herrtage ME, Winchester BG. The Molecular Defect Underlying Canine Fucosidosis. Journal of Medical Genetics 1996; 33: 284–288
  • ) Brown ED, Thrall MA, Walkley SU, Wenger DA, Mitchell WT, Royals K et al. Feline Niemann-Pick Disease Type C. American Journal of Pathology 1994; 144: 6.
  • ) Hout HV, Reuser AJ, Vulto AG, Loonen MC, Ploeg AT. Recombinant Human Alphaglucosidase From Rabbit Milk In Pompe Patients. Lancet 2000; 356: 397–398.
  • ) Wilkerson MJ, Lewis DC, Marks S, Prieur DJ. Clinical and Morphologic Features of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type II in a Dog: Naturally Occurring Model of Hunter Syndrome.Veterinary Pathology 1998; 35: 230-233.
  • ) Mark E.Haskins Animal models For Mucopolysaccharidosis Disorders And Their Clinical Relevance. Acta Pædiatrica 2001; 4803–5253
  • ) Frances MP, Lachmann RH. Treating Iysosomal Storage Disorders: Current Practice And Future Prospects. Biophysica Acta 2008; 159: 9-34.
  • ) Vogler C, Levy B, Galvin N, Sands MS, Birkenmeier EH, Sly WS et al. A Novel Model Of Murine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type Vıı Due To An Intracisternal A Particle Element Transposition Into The Beta-Glucuronidase Gene: Clinical And Pathologic Findings. Pediatric Research 2001; 49(3): 342-348.
  • ) Schultheiss PC, Gardner SA, Owens JM, Wenger DA, Thrall MA.Mucopolysaccharidosis VII In A Cat. Veterinary Pathology 2000; 37: 502–505.
  • ) Karageorgos L, Hill B, Bawden MJ, Hopwood JJ. Bovine Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIB. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2007; 30: 358–364.
  • ) Jolly RD, Johnstone AC, Norman EJ, Hopwood JJ, Walkley SU. Pathology of Mucopolysaccharidosis IIIA In Huntaway Dogs. Veterinary Pathology 2007; 44: 569–578.
  • ) Muenzer J. Overview of The Mucopolysaccharidoses. Rheumatology. (2011) 5:v4-12. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/ker394
  • ) Rossmeisl JH, Duncan R, Fox J, Erin S, Karen D. Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis In A Labrador Retriever. Journal Of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2003; 15: 457–460.
  • ) Cesta MF, Mozzachio K, Little PB, Olby NJ, Sills RC, Brown TT. Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis in a Vietnamese Pot-bellied Pig (Sus scrofa).Veterinary Pathology 2006; 43: 556–560.
  • ) Hafner S, Flynn TE, Harmon BG, Hill JE. Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinosis In A Holstein Ster. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2005; 17: 194–197.
  • ) Cárcel-Trullols J, Kovács AD, Pearce DA. Cell biology of the NCL proteins: What They Do And Don't Do. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (2015) 925-4439(15)00145-3 doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2015.04.027.
  • ) Bauder B, Thalhammer J, Nowotny N, Kolodziejek J, Herout N, Furst S et al. Equine Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis. Acta Neuropathologica 2001; 101: 410–414.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA75RB49RG
Bölüm Makaleler

Güngör Çağdaş Dinçel Bu kişi benim

Oguz Kul Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Dinçel, G. Ç., & Kul, O. (2015). Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(4), 614-637.
AMA Dinçel GÇ, Kul O. Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Ekim 2015;4(4):614-637.
Chicago Dinçel, Güngör Çağdaş, ve Oguz Kul. “Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4, sy. 4 (Ekim 2015): 614-37.
EndNote Dinçel GÇ, Kul O (01 Ekim 2015) Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4 4 614–637.
IEEE G. Ç. Dinçel ve O. Kul, “Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 4, ss. 614–637, 2015.
ISNAD Dinçel, Güngör Çağdaş - Kul, Oguz. “Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 4/4 (Ekim 2015), 614-637.
JAMA Dinçel GÇ, Kul O. Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;4:614–637.
MLA Dinçel, Güngör Çağdaş ve Oguz Kul. “Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 4, sy. 4, 2015, ss. 614-37.
Vancouver Dinçel GÇ, Kul O. Evcil Hayvanların Lizozomal Depo Hastalıklarında Patogenez Ve Patolojik Bulgular. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2015;4(4):614-37.