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Continental Approach to Peace and Security Building in Africa: African Peace and Security Architecture

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 57 - 98, 01.08.2014


Yüzölçümü ve nüfus yoğunluğu bakımından dünyanın ikinci büyük kıtası olan Afrika, barış ve güvenlik açısından en istikrarsız bölgedir. Gerek sömürge geçmişi, gerekse konjonktür, kıtada barış ve güvenliğin tesis edilmesini güçleştirmektedir. Afrika'daki istikrarsızlıklar, ülkelerin ekonomik ve politik zayıflıkları; etnik çatışmaları tırmandıracak sosyo-politik ortamın mevcudiyeti; bazı kıt kaynakların ürettiği çatışma ortamı ve küresel rekabete konu doğal kaynaklar gibi pek çok nedenden kaynaklanmaktadır. Afrika'daki barış ve istikrarın sağlanmasına yönelik girişimler sınırlı ve yetersizdir. Afrika Birliği Örgütü'nün 1963'ten itibaren bu yöndeki çabaları Afrika'daki çatışmaları önleyememiştir. 2002 yılında dönüşüm geçiren ve Afrika Birliği adını alan örgüt, Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Mimarisi ile kıtada barış ve güvenliğin sağlanmasına yönelik çabalarını sürdürmektedir. Bu çalışmada, değişen dünyada güvenliğe yönelik mevcut tehditler doğrultusunda kıtasal ve küresel güvenliği ilgilendiren Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Mimarisi, Afrika'nın entegrasyon sürecindeki üçüncü kurumsallaşma olan Afrika Birliği bağlamında incelenmektedir.


  • Kitaplar ABRAHAM Kinfe, The Horn of Africa, Conflicts and conflict Mediation in the Greater Horn of Africa, Jointly published by EIIPD (The Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development) and HADAD (The Horn of Africa Democracy and Development International Lobby), 2006.
  • ARI Tayyar, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri, Çatışma, Hegemonya İşbirliği, 6.Baskı, Marmara Kitap Merkezi, Bursa 2010.
  • COLLIER Paul, SAMBANIS Nicholas (ed), Understanding Civil War, Evidence and Analysis, Volume 1: Africa, The World Bank, Washington 2005.
  • ELLERBROCK Simon (ed), Conflict Barometer 2012: Disputes,
  • Non-violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg, No: 21, Germany, 27 February 2013.
  • ENGEL Ulf and Joao Gomes Porto (ed.) Africa’s New Peace and Security Architecture, Promoting Norms, Institutionalizing Solutios, Ashgate Publishing Company, USA 2010.
  • KITCHEN Helen (ed.), A Handbook of African Affairs, The African- American Institute by Frederick A.Praeger Publisher, USA, 1964.
  • NYE Joseph S., Understanding International Conflicts, An Introduction to Theory and History, Sixth Edition, PEARSON, India 2007.
  • OHLSON Thomas (ed.), From Intra-State War to Durable Peace, Conflict and its Resolution in Africa after the Cold War, Republic of Letters Publishing, Dordrecht 2012.
  • SÖNMEZOĞLU Faruk (der.), Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü, 4. Basım, DER Yayınları:184, İstanbul 2010. Makaleler
  • AYANGAFAC Chrysantus, “Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Gündemini Açmak: Türk Afrika İlişkilerini Bekleyen Fırsatlar” Türkiye-Afrika Birliği, Fatma Günce Kanlı (ed), Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2008.
  • BENEDIKT F. Franke, “Competing Regionalisms in Africa and the Continent’s Emerging Security Architecture”, African Studies Quarterly, Volume 9, Issue 3, Spring 2007.
  • BENEDIKT Franke and Stefan Ganzle, “How “African” is the African Peace and Security Architecture? Conceptual and Practical Constraints of Regional Security Cooperation in Africa”, African Security, 5:88– 104, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2012.
  • COLLIER Paul, “Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and their Implications for Policy”, Department of Economics, Oxford University, April 2006,
  • EconomicCausesofCivilConflict-ImplicationsforPolicy.pdf tarihi: 14.1.2014)
  • GEBREWOLD Belachew, “The Cynicism of ‘African Solutions for African Problems’”, African Security, 3:80–103, Taylor&Francis Group. İPEK Cemil Doğaç, “Afrika Birliği Örgütü ve Kıtada İşbirliği Arayışları”, 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, Sayı: 3 (1), Kış 2012.
  • KUO Steven C.Y, “Bejing’s Understanding of African Security: Context and Limitations”, African Security, 5:24–43, Taylor&Francis Group. MURITHI Timothy (ed), “Introduction: Contextualising the debate on a Union Government for Africa” Towards a Union Government for Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, ISS Monograph Series, No: 140, Addis Ababa January 2008.
  • OBA Ali Engin, “Afrika’da Barış, Güvenlik Sorunu ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Gelişiminde Sivil Toplum ve Düşünce Kuruluşlarının Rolü, Ufuk Tepebaş (ed.), Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2010. (Erişim Türkiye Örneği”, Türkiye-Afrika İlişkilerinin
  • SCHALK Baba, AURIACOMBE C. J. and BRYNARD D. J., “Successes and Failures of the Organisation of African Unity: Lessons for hhe Future of the African Union”, Journal of Public Administration, Special Issue 2. Volume 40, November 2005.
  • SIRADAĞ Abdurrahim, “African Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations’ Security Policies: Challenges and Prospects”, Journal of Academic Inquiries, Sayı:2 (7), Yıl 2012.
  • WILLIAMS Paul D., “Working Paper: The African Union’ Conflict Management Capabilities”, The Council on Foreign Relatios, USA, October 2011.
  • YAPICI, Merve İrem, “Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininde Entegrasyon Teorilerinin Yeri ve Etkinliği”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 9, Sayı: 3, 2007. Tezler
  • DAMMAN Erin Kimball, Peacekeeping for Approval: The Rise of African-Led Interventions, A Dissertation for the degree Doctor of Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 2012.
  • DRAMAN Abdul-Rashed, Conflict Prevention at the end of the Twentieth Century: Seizing Opportunities to Rescue an Endangered Continent, A thesis for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy, Department of Political Science Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Canada , 2005.
  • FOLEY Edmund Amarkwei, Taking a critical Look at Conflict and Human Rights from the Organization of African Unity to the African Union, a Dissertation for the degree of master of laws (LLM) in human rights and democratisation in Africa, Department of Political Science, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University in Cairo, Egypt 31 October 2004.
  • Bildiri, Karar ve Raporlar African Union, Decisions, EX.CL/Dec.600-643 (XVIII), Executive Council, Eighteenth Ordinary Session, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24-28 January 2011.
  • African Union, Moving Africa Forward, African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) 2010 Assessment Study, 4-10 November, 2010, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
  • African Union, Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, Adopted by the 1st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, Durban, 9 July 2002.
  • African Union, Solemn Declaration on a Common African Defence and Security Policy (2004), Sirte, Libya, 27-28 February 2004.
  • African Union, The Durban Declaration in Tribute to the Organization of African Unity and on the Launching of the African Union, ASS/AU/Decl.2 (I), Durban, South Africa, 9-10 July 2002.
  • Institute for Security Studies, Peace and Security Council Report, Issiue 48, Addis Ababa, July 2013.
  • Organization of African Unity, Constitutive Act of the African Union(2000/2001), Adopted in Lomé, Togo on 11 July 2000 and entered into force on 26 May 2001.
  • Organization of African Unity, Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Establishment within the Organization of African Unity of a Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (1993), AHG/Dec.3(XXIX), Cairo, Egypt, 28-30 June 1993.
  • Organization of African Unity, Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity on The Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and the Fundamental Changes Taking Place in The World AHG/Dec.1 (XXVI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9-11 July 1990. Organization
  • Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, EAHG/Draft/Decl.(IV) Rev.1, Sirte, Libya, 8-9 September 1999.
  • Organization of African Unity, Treaty Establishing The African Economic Community. İnternet Kaynakları “African Court in Brief”, about-the-court/brief-history (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2013)
  • CILLIERS Jackie, “The African Standby Force: An Update on Progress”, ISS Paper No. 160, Institute for Security Studies, March 2008,
  • Standby-Force-An-Update-on-Progress.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013)
  • “Commision”, (Erişim tarihi: 12.6.2013) “Common Easternşim tarihi: 14.09.2013) for
  • “Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale”, cle&id=2&Itemid=2 (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013) “Community (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013)
  • “Current Peacekeeping Operations”, keeping/operations/current.shtml (Erişim tarihi: 14.1.2014)
  • “Executive Council”, (Erişim tarihi: 2013) “The (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2013)
  • “East African Community”, (Erişim tarihi: 02013) “Member (Erişim tarihi: 13.6.2013)
  • “Overview of The Pan-African Parliament”, http://www.pan-african 2013)
  • “Pan-African Parliament”, DisplayFAQ.aspx (Erişim tarihi: 12.6.2013)
  • “Panel of the Wise”, wise-pow (Erişim tarihi: 25.9.2013)

Afrika'da Barış ve Güvenliğin İnşasında Kıtasal Yaklaşım: Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Mimarisi

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 19, 57 - 98, 01.08.2014


Yüzölçümü ve nüfus yoğunluğu bakımından dünyanın ikinci büyük kıtası olan Afrika, barış ve güvenlik açısından en istikrarsız bölgedir. Gerek sömürge geçmişi, gerekse konjonktür, kıtada barış ve güvenliğin tesis edilmesini güçleştirmektedir. Afrika'daki istikrarsızlıklar, ülkelerin ekonomik ve politik zayıflıkları; etnik çatışmaları tırmandıracak sosyo-politik ortamın mevcudiyeti; bazı kıt kaynakların ürettiği çatışma ortamı ve küresel rekabete konu doğal kaynaklar gibi pek çok nedenden kaynaklanmaktadır. Afrika'daki barış ve istikrarın sağlanmasına yönelik girişimler sınırlı ve yetersizdir. Afrika Birliği Örgütü'nün 1963'ten itibaren bu yöndeki çabaları Afrika'daki çatışmaları önleyememiştir. 2002 yılında dönüşüm geçiren ve Afrika Birliği adını alan örgüt, Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Mimarisi ile kıtada barış ve güvenliğin sağlanmasına yönelik çabalarını sürdürmektedir. Bu çalışmada, değişen dünyada güvenliğe yönelik mevcut tehditler doğrultusunda kıtasal ve küresel güvenliği ilgilendiren Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Mimarisi, Afrika'nın entegrasyon sürecindeki üçüncü kurumsallaşma olan Afrika Birliği bağlamında incelenmektedir.


  • Kitaplar ABRAHAM Kinfe, The Horn of Africa, Conflicts and conflict Mediation in the Greater Horn of Africa, Jointly published by EIIPD (The Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development) and HADAD (The Horn of Africa Democracy and Development International Lobby), 2006.
  • ARI Tayyar, Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri, Çatışma, Hegemonya İşbirliği, 6.Baskı, Marmara Kitap Merkezi, Bursa 2010.
  • COLLIER Paul, SAMBANIS Nicholas (ed), Understanding Civil War, Evidence and Analysis, Volume 1: Africa, The World Bank, Washington 2005.
  • ELLERBROCK Simon (ed), Conflict Barometer 2012: Disputes,
  • Non-violent Crises, Violent Crises, Limited Wars, Wars, Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research, Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg, No: 21, Germany, 27 February 2013.
  • ENGEL Ulf and Joao Gomes Porto (ed.) Africa’s New Peace and Security Architecture, Promoting Norms, Institutionalizing Solutios, Ashgate Publishing Company, USA 2010.
  • KITCHEN Helen (ed.), A Handbook of African Affairs, The African- American Institute by Frederick A.Praeger Publisher, USA, 1964.
  • NYE Joseph S., Understanding International Conflicts, An Introduction to Theory and History, Sixth Edition, PEARSON, India 2007.
  • OHLSON Thomas (ed.), From Intra-State War to Durable Peace, Conflict and its Resolution in Africa after the Cold War, Republic of Letters Publishing, Dordrecht 2012.
  • SÖNMEZOĞLU Faruk (der.), Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü, 4. Basım, DER Yayınları:184, İstanbul 2010. Makaleler
  • AYANGAFAC Chrysantus, “Afrika Barış ve Güvenlik Gündemini Açmak: Türk Afrika İlişkilerini Bekleyen Fırsatlar” Türkiye-Afrika Birliği, Fatma Günce Kanlı (ed), Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2008.
  • BENEDIKT F. Franke, “Competing Regionalisms in Africa and the Continent’s Emerging Security Architecture”, African Studies Quarterly, Volume 9, Issue 3, Spring 2007.
  • BENEDIKT Franke and Stefan Ganzle, “How “African” is the African Peace and Security Architecture? Conceptual and Practical Constraints of Regional Security Cooperation in Africa”, African Security, 5:88– 104, Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, 2012.
  • COLLIER Paul, “Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and their Implications for Policy”, Department of Economics, Oxford University, April 2006,
  • EconomicCausesofCivilConflict-ImplicationsforPolicy.pdf tarihi: 14.1.2014)
  • GEBREWOLD Belachew, “The Cynicism of ‘African Solutions for African Problems’”, African Security, 3:80–103, Taylor&Francis Group. İPEK Cemil Doğaç, “Afrika Birliği Örgütü ve Kıtada İşbirliği Arayışları”, 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim ve Toplum, Sayı: 3 (1), Kış 2012.
  • KUO Steven C.Y, “Bejing’s Understanding of African Security: Context and Limitations”, African Security, 5:24–43, Taylor&Francis Group. MURITHI Timothy (ed), “Introduction: Contextualising the debate on a Union Government for Africa” Towards a Union Government for Africa: Challenges and Opportunities, ISS Monograph Series, No: 140, Addis Ababa January 2008.
  • OBA Ali Engin, “Afrika’da Barış, Güvenlik Sorunu ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Gelişiminde Sivil Toplum ve Düşünce Kuruluşlarının Rolü, Ufuk Tepebaş (ed.), Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2010. (Erişim Türkiye Örneği”, Türkiye-Afrika İlişkilerinin
  • SCHALK Baba, AURIACOMBE C. J. and BRYNARD D. J., “Successes and Failures of the Organisation of African Unity: Lessons for hhe Future of the African Union”, Journal of Public Administration, Special Issue 2. Volume 40, November 2005.
  • SIRADAĞ Abdurrahim, “African Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations’ Security Policies: Challenges and Prospects”, Journal of Academic Inquiries, Sayı:2 (7), Yıl 2012.
  • WILLIAMS Paul D., “Working Paper: The African Union’ Conflict Management Capabilities”, The Council on Foreign Relatios, USA, October 2011.
  • YAPICI, Merve İrem, “Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininde Entegrasyon Teorilerinin Yeri ve Etkinliği”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt 9, Sayı: 3, 2007. Tezler
  • DAMMAN Erin Kimball, Peacekeeping for Approval: The Rise of African-Led Interventions, A Dissertation for the degree Doctor of Philosophy, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 2012.
  • DRAMAN Abdul-Rashed, Conflict Prevention at the end of the Twentieth Century: Seizing Opportunities to Rescue an Endangered Continent, A thesis for the degree of Doctorate of Philosophy, Department of Political Science Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Canada , 2005.
  • FOLEY Edmund Amarkwei, Taking a critical Look at Conflict and Human Rights from the Organization of African Unity to the African Union, a Dissertation for the degree of master of laws (LLM) in human rights and democratisation in Africa, Department of Political Science, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, American University in Cairo, Egypt 31 October 2004.
  • Bildiri, Karar ve Raporlar African Union, Decisions, EX.CL/Dec.600-643 (XVIII), Executive Council, Eighteenth Ordinary Session, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 24-28 January 2011.
  • African Union, Moving Africa Forward, African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) 2010 Assessment Study, 4-10 November, 2010, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
  • African Union, Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union, Adopted by the 1st Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, Durban, 9 July 2002.
  • African Union, Solemn Declaration on a Common African Defence and Security Policy (2004), Sirte, Libya, 27-28 February 2004.
  • African Union, The Durban Declaration in Tribute to the Organization of African Unity and on the Launching of the African Union, ASS/AU/Decl.2 (I), Durban, South Africa, 9-10 July 2002.
  • Institute for Security Studies, Peace and Security Council Report, Issiue 48, Addis Ababa, July 2013.
  • Organization of African Unity, Constitutive Act of the African Union(2000/2001), Adopted in Lomé, Togo on 11 July 2000 and entered into force on 26 May 2001.
  • Organization of African Unity, Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Establishment within the Organization of African Unity of a Mechanism for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (1993), AHG/Dec.3(XXIX), Cairo, Egypt, 28-30 June 1993.
  • Organization of African Unity, Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity on The Political and Socio-Economic Situation in Africa and the Fundamental Changes Taking Place in The World AHG/Dec.1 (XXVI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9-11 July 1990. Organization
  • Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, EAHG/Draft/Decl.(IV) Rev.1, Sirte, Libya, 8-9 September 1999.
  • Organization of African Unity, Treaty Establishing The African Economic Community. İnternet Kaynakları “African Court in Brief”, about-the-court/brief-history (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2013)
  • CILLIERS Jackie, “The African Standby Force: An Update on Progress”, ISS Paper No. 160, Institute for Security Studies, March 2008,
  • Standby-Force-An-Update-on-Progress.pdf (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013)
  • “Commision”, (Erişim tarihi: 12.6.2013) “Common Easternşim tarihi: 14.09.2013) for
  • “Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale”, cle&id=2&Itemid=2 (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013) “Community (Erişim tarihi: 14.09.2013)
  • “Current Peacekeeping Operations”, keeping/operations/current.shtml (Erişim tarihi: 14.1.2014)
  • “Executive Council”, (Erişim tarihi: 2013) “The (Erişim tarihi: 12.06.2013)
  • “East African Community”, (Erişim tarihi: 02013) “Member (Erişim tarihi: 13.6.2013)
  • “Overview of The Pan-African Parliament”, http://www.pan-african 2013)
  • “Pan-African Parliament”, DisplayFAQ.aspx (Erişim tarihi: 12.6.2013)
  • “Panel of the Wise”, wise-pow (Erişim tarihi: 25.9.2013)
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Soner Karagül Ve İbrahim Arslan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Submission Date February 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 10 Issue: 19


Chicago Arslan, Soner Karagül Ve İbrahim. “Afrika’da Barış Ve Güvenliğin İnşasında Kıtasal Yaklaşım: Afrika Barış Ve Güvenlik Mimarisi”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 10, no. 19 (August 2014): 57-98.