doğru ve kalıcı olarak tanımlanması, izleme sistemlerinin temeldir. Radyo
frekansları ile çalışan pasif transponderler kullanılarak hayvanların
elektronik olarak tanımlanması, küçükbaş hayvanların daha kolay izlenmesini sağlamaktadır.
Bu durum, hayvan hareketlerini ve bilgi yönetimini daha kolay hale getirebilir.
Koyun-keçiler için rumen bolüsleri, elektronik kulak numaraları ve enjekte
edilebilen transponderlerin de bulunduğu farklı tanımlama aygıtlarının etkinliği
araştırılmaktadır. Bazı çalışmalarda kullanılan düğme şeklindeki plastik kulak
numarası ve doğru tasarlanmış bolüsler, koyun-keçi ırklarına bağlı olarak
hayvanın performansını ve yasal tanımlamaları yerine getirememektedir. Bununla birlikle,
yetiştiricilere bu konuda bazı öneriler yapabilmek için daha büyük koyun-keçi
sürülerinde farklı tanımlama aygıtlarının performanslarını karşılaştıran
çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. Sonuç olarak işletmenin üretim sistemi ve izleme
yönteminin maliyeti, tanımlama sisteminin seçiminde daha önemli nedenlerdir.
Abecia JA, Torras J. 2009. Aplicación de la pulsera electrónica Patu-flex: Identificación de corderas y cabritas de reposición. Albéitar 129:54–55.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G, Carné S, Salama AAK, Ghirardi JJ. 2008b. Comparison of manual vs. semi-automatic milk recording systems in dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science 91:1438–1442.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G,. Carné S, AAK, Salama AAK, Ghirardi JJ. 2008a. Performance of using electronic identification (e-ID) for milk recording in dairy goat. Innovations that result in efficient and environmentally friendly farrming Ruminant Research Group, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. 59th Meeting EAAP, 24-27 August 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G, Mocket JH. 2013. Eficacia de lectura dinámica detranspondedores de distintas tecnologías en ganado ovino en condiciones de granja. In: XV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA), Zaragoza, Spain, pp.91–93.
Allen A, Golden B, Taylor M, Patterson D, Henriksen D, Skuce R. 2008. Evaluation of retinal imaging technology for the biometric identification of bovine animals in Northern Ireland Livestock Science 116(1-3): 42-52.
Anon 2006. RFID and UHF: A Prescription for RFID Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry. White paper representing a collaborative effort by ADT/Tyco Fire & Security, Alien, Impinj, Intel, Symbol and Xterprise.
Balvay B. 2010. Identification électronique: Présentation du projet «RFId Caprine». Institut de l’Élevage.http://www.inst-elevage.asso.fr/html1/IMG/pdf_Actualites_de_la_filiere.pdf (23 Nisan 2010).
Barry B, Gonzales-Barron UA, McDonnell K, Butler F, Ward S. 2007. Using muzzle pattern recognition as a biometric approach for cattle identification. Transactions of the ASABE 50(3):1073-1080, ISSN 0001-2351.
Barry B, Corkery G, Gonzales-Barron U, McDonnell K, Butler F, Ward S. 2008. A longitudinal study of the effect of time on the matching performance of a retinal recognition system for lambs. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 64: 202–211.
Bass PD, Pendell DL, Morris DL, Scanga JA, Belk KE, Field TG, Sofos JN, Tatum JD, Smith GC. 2008. Review: sheep traceability systems in selectedcountries outside of North America Professional Animal Scientist 24(4): 302–330.
Bauer U, Kilian M, Harms J, Wendl G. 2009. First results of a large field trial regarding electronic tagging of sheep in Germany. In: Lokhorst C, Groot Koerkamp PWG. (Eds.), Precision Livestock Farming’09. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands 237–242.
Bechini A, Cimino MGCA, Marcelloni F, Tomasi A. 2008. Patterns and technologies for enabling supply chain traceability through collaborative e-business. Information and Software Technology 50(4):342–359.
Besbes B, Hoffmann I. 2011. Animal identification for traceability and performance recording: FAO's multipurpose and integrated approach FAO-ICAR-FEPALE Workshop on animal identification and recording systems for traceability and livestock development in LAC region, December Santiago, Chile.
Blancou J. 2001. A history of the traceability of animals and animal products. Revue Scıentıfıque Et Technique-Offıce International Des Epizooties. 20(2):420-425.
Caja G, Barillet F, Nehring R, Marie C, Ribó O, Ricard E, Lagriffoul G, Conill C, Aurel MR, Jacquin M. 1996. Comparison of different devices for electronic identification in dairy sheep. In: Renaud, J., van Gelder, J. (Eds.) Performance Recording of Animals. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 349–353, EAAP Publ. No. 87.
Caja G, Conill C, Nehring R, Ribó O. 1999a. Development of a ceramic bolus for the permanent electronic identification of sheep, goat and cattle. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 24:45–63.
Caja G, Conill C, Ribó O, Nehring R, Salama AAK, Ayadi M. 2013. Readability and migration of glass encapsulated transponders injected in different body sites of adult goats for electronic identification. Animal (submitted for publication). traceability of pigs from birth to the end of the slaughter line. Journal of Animal Science 83:2215–2224.
Caja G, Ghirardi J, Hernández-Jover M, Garí D. 2004. Diversity of animal identification techniques: from fire-age to electronic-age. ICAR Technical Series No.9.
Caja G, Hernandez-Jover M, Conill C, Garin D, Alabern X, Farriol B, Ghirardi JJ. 2005a. Use of ear tags and injectable transponders for the identification and traceability of pigs from birth to end of the slaughter line. Journal of Animal Science 83:2215-224.
Caja G, Ghirardi JJ, Garin D, Viseca JF. 2005b. Capsule for the electronic identification of ruminants of any weight anda ge. Inventors; Rumitag S.L. Assigne. International Patent WO/2005/002329.
Caja G, Luini M, Fonseca PD. 1994. Electronic identification of farm animals using implantable transponders. In: FEOGA Research Project (Contract CCAM 93-342), Final Report, Vol. I–II, December European Commission, Brussels.
Caja G, Peris S, Conill C, Nehring R, Roca R, Ribó O, Milán MJ. 1999b. Implementation of a system based on electronic identification for the official milk recording of dairy goats in Catalonia. In: Barillet F, Zervas NP. (Eds.), Milking and Milk Production of Dairy Sheep and Goats. Wageningen Pers, EAAP Publ. No. 95, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 406–411.
Caja G, Ribó O, Nehring R, Conill C, Peris S, Solanes D, Montardit JL, Milán MJ, Farriol B, Vilaseca JF, Alvarez, JM, Díez A, Aguilar O. 1998a. Contract AIR 3 PL 93 2304 (1995–1997): Coupling Active and Passive Telemetric (CAPT) Data Collection for Monitoring, Control and Management of Animal Production at Farm and Sectorial Level. Final Report, Partner P10. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Caja G, Vilaseca JF, Korn C. 1998b. The European Union, assignee, 1998b. Ruminal bolus for electronic identification of a ruminant. Patent WO 98/01025 (01.15.1998).
Caja G, Carné S, Salama AAK, Ait-Saidi A, Rojas-Olivares MA, Rovai M, Capote J, Castro N, Argüello A, Ayadi M, Aljumaah R, Alshaikh MA. 2014. State-of-the-art of electronic identification techniques and applications in goats. Small Ruminant Research 121:42–50.
Capote J, Martín D, Castro N, Muñoz E, Lozano J, Carné S, Ghirardi JJ, Caja G. 2005. Retención de bolos ruminales para identificación electrónica en distintas razas de cabras españolas. ITEA Production Animal 26:297–299 (Vol. extra).
Cappai MG, Picciau M, Nieddu G, Bitti MPL, Pinna W. 2014. Long term performance of RFID technology in the large scale identification of small ruminants through electronic ceramic boluses: Implications for animal welfare and regulation compliance. Small Ruminant Research 117:169-175.
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Carné S, Caja G, Ghirardi JJ, Salama AAK. 2009a. Long-term performance of visual and electronic identification devices in dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science 92:1500–1511.
Carné S, Caja G, Ghirardi JJ, Salama AAK. 2011. Modeling the retention of rumen boluses for the electronic identification of goats. Journal of Dairy Science 94:716–726.
Carné S, Caja G, Rojas-Olivares MA, Salama AAK. 2010. Readability of visual and electronic leg tags versus rumen boluses and electronic ear tags for the permanent identification of dairy goats Journal of Dairy Science 93(11):5157-5166.
Carné S, Gipson TA, Rovai M, Merkel RC, Caja G. 2009b. Extended field test on the use of visual ear tags and electronic boluses for the identification of different goat breeds in the United States. Journal of Animal Science 87:2419–2427.
Castro A, Martín D, López JL, Montesdeoca MC, Capote J. 2004. Efecto de la identificación electrónica con bolo ruminal en los parámetros histológicos de los estómagos de cabritos. Pages 88–90 in XXIX Jornadas Científicas de la SEOC, Lleida, Spain.
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Year 2016,
Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 42 - 56, 30.07.2016
Abecia JA, Torras J. 2009. Aplicación de la pulsera electrónica Patu-flex: Identificación de corderas y cabritas de reposición. Albéitar 129:54–55.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G, Carné S, Salama AAK, Ghirardi JJ. 2008b. Comparison of manual vs. semi-automatic milk recording systems in dairy goats. Journal of Dairy Science 91:1438–1442.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G,. Carné S, AAK, Salama AAK, Ghirardi JJ. 2008a. Performance of using electronic identification (e-ID) for milk recording in dairy goat. Innovations that result in efficient and environmentally friendly farrming Ruminant Research Group, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain. 59th Meeting EAAP, 24-27 August 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Ait-Saidi A, Caja G, Mocket JH. 2013. Eficacia de lectura dinámica detranspondedores de distintas tecnologías en ganado ovino en condiciones de granja. In: XV Jornadas sobre Producción Animal. Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA), Zaragoza, Spain, pp.91–93.
Allen A, Golden B, Taylor M, Patterson D, Henriksen D, Skuce R. 2008. Evaluation of retinal imaging technology for the biometric identification of bovine animals in Northern Ireland Livestock Science 116(1-3): 42-52.
Anon 2006. RFID and UHF: A Prescription for RFID Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry. White paper representing a collaborative effort by ADT/Tyco Fire & Security, Alien, Impinj, Intel, Symbol and Xterprise.
Balvay B. 2010. Identification électronique: Présentation du projet «RFId Caprine». Institut de l’Élevage.http://www.inst-elevage.asso.fr/html1/IMG/pdf_Actualites_de_la_filiere.pdf (23 Nisan 2010).
Barry B, Gonzales-Barron UA, McDonnell K, Butler F, Ward S. 2007. Using muzzle pattern recognition as a biometric approach for cattle identification. Transactions of the ASABE 50(3):1073-1080, ISSN 0001-2351.
Barry B, Corkery G, Gonzales-Barron U, McDonnell K, Butler F, Ward S. 2008. A longitudinal study of the effect of time on the matching performance of a retinal recognition system for lambs. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 64: 202–211.
Bass PD, Pendell DL, Morris DL, Scanga JA, Belk KE, Field TG, Sofos JN, Tatum JD, Smith GC. 2008. Review: sheep traceability systems in selectedcountries outside of North America Professional Animal Scientist 24(4): 302–330.
Bauer U, Kilian M, Harms J, Wendl G. 2009. First results of a large field trial regarding electronic tagging of sheep in Germany. In: Lokhorst C, Groot Koerkamp PWG. (Eds.), Precision Livestock Farming’09. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands 237–242.
Bechini A, Cimino MGCA, Marcelloni F, Tomasi A. 2008. Patterns and technologies for enabling supply chain traceability through collaborative e-business. Information and Software Technology 50(4):342–359.
Besbes B, Hoffmann I. 2011. Animal identification for traceability and performance recording: FAO's multipurpose and integrated approach FAO-ICAR-FEPALE Workshop on animal identification and recording systems for traceability and livestock development in LAC region, December Santiago, Chile.
Blancou J. 2001. A history of the traceability of animals and animal products. Revue Scıentıfıque Et Technique-Offıce International Des Epizooties. 20(2):420-425.
Caja G, Barillet F, Nehring R, Marie C, Ribó O, Ricard E, Lagriffoul G, Conill C, Aurel MR, Jacquin M. 1996. Comparison of different devices for electronic identification in dairy sheep. In: Renaud, J., van Gelder, J. (Eds.) Performance Recording of Animals. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp. 349–353, EAAP Publ. No. 87.
Caja G, Conill C, Nehring R, Ribó O. 1999a. Development of a ceramic bolus for the permanent electronic identification of sheep, goat and cattle. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 24:45–63.
Caja G, Conill C, Ribó O, Nehring R, Salama AAK, Ayadi M. 2013. Readability and migration of glass encapsulated transponders injected in different body sites of adult goats for electronic identification. Animal (submitted for publication). traceability of pigs from birth to the end of the slaughter line. Journal of Animal Science 83:2215–2224.
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