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Esansiyel Yağ Karışımı ve Üzüm Çekirdeği Ekstraktının In vitro Antioksidan Aktiviteleri ve Fenolik Bileşenleri

Year 2018, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 43 - 47, 27.12.2018


Amaç: Bu
çalışma esansiyel yağ karışımı (EYK) ve üzüm çekirdeği ekstraktının (ÜÇE) iki
farklı yöntemle antioksidan aktivitelerini, toplam fenolik madde içeriği ile başlıca
fenolik bileşenlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür.

Materyal ve Metot: EYK (kekik, karanfil, kimyon karışımı) ve ÜÇE’nin antioksidan
aktiviteleri 2.2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazi hidrat (DPPH) radikal süpürme
aktivitesi ve troloks eşdeğeri antioksidan kapasitesi (TEAC) olmak üzere in vitro yöntemlerle saptanmıştır. EYK ve
toplam fenol içerikleri Folin-Ciocaltaeu yöntemine göre saptanmıştır
ve gallik asit eş değeri (GAE) olarak hesaplanmıştır. EOB’nin başlıca
fenolik bileşenleri GC/MS ile belirlenmiştir. ÜÇE’nin  kondanse tanen konsantrasyonu Butanol-HCl
yöntemi ile saptanmıştır.

Bulgular: EYK ve
ÜÇE’nin iki farklı in vitro yönteme
göre belirlenen antioksidan aktiviteleri
DPPH için sırasıyla % 79.0 ve
74.7, TEAC için sırasıyla 276.51 ve 83.0 µM/100 g’dır. EYK ve ÜÇE’nin toplam
fenol içeriği sırasıyla 437.84 mg GAE/g ve 175.50 mg GAE/g’dır. EYK’ın belirlenen başlıca fenolik
bileşenleri karvakrol (%41.63), timol (%4.12), ojenol (%22.38), kuminaldehit (%5.04) ve safranal (%2.69)’dir. ÜÇE’nin yapısında kondanse tanen konsantrasyonu 45.88 g/100g saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: Bu
çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre EYK’nın toplam fenol içeriği ve TEAC aktivitesi
ÜÇE’den daha yüksek saptanmıştır.
Her iki yöntemin (DPPH ve TEAC) esası antioksidanın
elektron transfer eğilimi ölçümüne dayanmasına rağmen, EYK ve ÜÇE’nin
antioksidan aktivitelerinin karşılaştırılmasında kullanılan yöntem önemli bir
etken olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.  


  • Aktaş B, Özdemir, P, Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H. 2013. Bazı agro-endüstriyel yan ürünlerin doğal antioksidan kaynağı olarak değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Animal production, 54(2), 30-35.
  • Amarowicz R, Pegg RB, Moghaddam PR, Barl B, Weil JA. 2004. Free-radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of selected plant species from Canadian Prairies. Food Chemistry, 84, 551-562.
  • Bagchi D, Garg A, Krohn RL, Bagchi M, Tran MX, Stohs SJ. 1997. Oxygen free radical scavenging abilities of vitamin C and E, and a grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in vitro. Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, 95, 179-189.
  • Baratta MT, Dorman HJD, Deans SG, Biondi DM, Ruberto G. 1998. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of laurel, sage, rosemary, oregano and coriander essential oils. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 10 (6), 618–627.
  • Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Aktaş B, Yeşil-Çeliktaş Ö. 2011. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of the essential oils from some plant species. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 48(3), 211-215.
  • Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Baysal Ş, Mısırlıoğlu Z, Polat M, Yılmaz H, Turan N. 2010. Effects of essential oil with or without enzyme on growth performance, digestive enzyme, nutrient digestibility, lipid metabolism and immune response of broilers fed wheat-soybean meal diets. British Poultry Science, 51 (1), 67-80.
  • Bozin B, Mimica-Dukic N, Samojlik I, Jovin E. 2007. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of rosemary and sage (Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (19), 7879–7885.
  • Brannan RG, Mah E. 2007. Grape seed extract inhibits lipid oxidation in muscle from different species during refrigerated and frozen storage and oxidation catalyzed by peroxynitrite and iron/ascorbate in a pyrogallol red model system. Meat Science, 77 (4), 540−546.
  • Can A, Ayvaz H, Uysal-Pala Ç, Condelli N, Galgano F, Tolve R. 2018. The total of near and mid-infrared spectroscopy for rapid quantification of oleuropein, total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity in olive tree (Olea europaea) leaves. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-11.
  • Dang MN, Takacsova M, Nguyen DV, Kristianova K. 2001. Antioxidant activity of essential oils from various spices. Nahrung/Food, 45 (1), 64-66.
  • Dorman HJD, Peltoketo A, Hiltunen R, Tikkanen MJ. 2003. Characterisation of the antioxidant properties of de-odourised aqueous extracts from selected Lamiaceae herbs. Food Chemistry, 83(2), 255-262.
  • Gokturk-Baydar N, Sagdic O, Ozkan G, Cetin S. 2006. Determination of antibacterial effects and total phenolic contents of grape (Vitis vinfera L.) seed extracts. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 41, 799-804.
  • Han F, Ma G, Yang M, Yan L, Xiong W, Shu J. 2017. Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of essential oils from different parts of the oregano. Journal of Zhhejang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology), 18(1), 79-84.
  • Jaswir I, Che Man YB, Kitts DD. 2000. Synergistic effects of rosemary, sage and citric acid on fatty acid retention of palm olein during deep-fat frying. JAOCS, 77, 527-533.
  • Lambert RJ, Skandamis WPN, Coote PJ, Nycha GJE. 2001. A study of the minimum inhibitory concentration and mode of action of oregano essential oil, thymol and carvacrol. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 91 (3), 453–462.
  • Lau WD, King JA. 2003, Pre- and post-mortem use of grape seed extract in dark poultry meat to inhibit development of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 602-607.
  • Makkar HPS. 1995. Quantification of tannins: a laboratory manual. ınternational centre for agriculture research in the dry areas, Aleppo, Syria, pp, 1-24.
  • Perumalla AVS, and Hettiarachchy NS. 2011. Green tea and grape seed extracts – Potential applications in food safety and quality. Food Reseach International, 44, 827-839.
  • Peschel W, Dieckmann W, Sonnenschein M, Plescher A. 2006. High antioxidant potential of pressing residues from evening primrose in comparison to other oilseed cakes and plant antioxidants. Industrial Crops and Products, 25(1), 44–54.
  • Rababah TM, Hettiarachchy NS, Horax R. 2004. Total phenolics and antioxidant activities of fenugreek, green tea, black tea, grape seed, ginger, rosemary, gotu kola, and ginkgo extracts, vitamin E, and tert-butylhydroquinone. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 5183-5186. Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231-1237.
  • Rocha-Guzman NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, Gonzalez-Laredo RF, Ramos-Gomez M, Rodrıguez-Munoz ME, Reynoso-Camacho R, Rocha-Uribe A, Roque-Rosales MR. 2007. Antioxidant effect of oregano (Lippia berlandieri v. Shauer) essential oil and mother liquors. Food Chemistry, 102, 330–335.
  • Shahidi F, Marian F. 2003. Phenolics in food and nutraceuticals. CRS Press LLC: Boca Raton, FL 1, 144-150.
  • Songsermsakul P, Pornphairin E, Porasuphatana S. 2013. Comparision of antioxidant activity of grape seed extract and fruits containing high β-carotene, vitamin C, and E. International Journal of Food Properties, 16, 643-648.
  • Tepe B, Daferera D, Sokmen A, Sokmen M, Polissiou M. 2004. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and various extracts of salvia tomentosa miller (Lamiaceae). Food Chemistry, 90(3), 333–340.
  • Thippeswamy NB, Akhilender Naidu K. 2005. Antioxidant potency of cumin varieties-cumin, black cumin and bitter cumin-on antioxidant systems, European Food Research and Technology, 220, 472-476.
  • Tsai TH, Tsai TH, Chien YC, Lee CW, Tsai PJ. 2008. In vitro antimicrobial activities against cariogenic streptococci and their antioxidant capacities: A comparative study of green tea versus different herbs. Food Chemistry, 110,859-864.
  • Wei A, Shibamoto T. 2007. Antioxidant activities and volatile constituents of 327 essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(5), 1737–1742.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marinova E, Pokorny J. 2006, Natural antioxidants from herbs and spices, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 108, 776-793.
  • Yesil-Celiktas O, Girgin G, Orhan H, Wichers HJ, Bedir E, Vardar-Sukan, F. 2007. Screening of free radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activities of Rosmarinus officinalis extracts with focus on location and harvesting times. European Food Research and Technology, 224, 443-451.

In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolic Contents and Main Phenolic Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and Grape Seed Extract

Year 2018, Volume: 59 Issue: 2, 43 - 47, 27.12.2018


Objective: This study was conducted to assess antioxidant activities, total
phenolic contents and main phenolic compounds of essential oil blend (EOB) and
grape seed extract (GSE).

Material and
Methods: T
he antioxidant activites of
EOB (composed of oregano, clove and cumin essential oils) and GSE were
determined by in vitro methods such as 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)
radical scavenging activity and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC).
The total phenolic contents of EOB and GSE were determined by the
Folin-Ciocalteu method and calculated as gallic acid equivalents (GAE). The
main phenolic compounds of EOB calculated from the individual essential oils
compounds analyzed by GC/MS. The condensed tannin concentration of GSE was
measured by the butanol/HCl method.

Results: The antioxidant activities of EOB and GSE were determined by two
different in vitro methods provided the values of 79.0 % and 74.7 % for DPPH,
and 276.51 µM/100 g and 83.0 µM/100 g for TEAC, respectively. The total
phenolic contents of EOB and GSE were 437.84 mg GAE/g and 175.50 mg GAE/g,
respectively. The main phenolic compounds of the EOB were carvacrol (42.08 %),
thymol (4.17 %), eugenol (22.38 %), cuminaldhyde (5.04 %) and safranal (2.69
%). The condensed tannin concentration in GSE was 45.88 g/100g

Conclusion: In this study, EOB showed higher total phenolic content and antioxidant
activity determined by two methods (DPPH radical scavenging activity and trolox
equivalent antioxidant capacity) than GSE. The results obtained by both methods
are compatible and quite similar. According to these findings, EOB and GSE
could be used as potential sources of natural antioxidants in food, feed and
pharmaceutical industries.


  • Aktaş B, Özdemir, P, Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H. 2013. Bazı agro-endüstriyel yan ürünlerin doğal antioksidan kaynağı olarak değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Animal production, 54(2), 30-35.
  • Amarowicz R, Pegg RB, Moghaddam PR, Barl B, Weil JA. 2004. Free-radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of selected plant species from Canadian Prairies. Food Chemistry, 84, 551-562.
  • Bagchi D, Garg A, Krohn RL, Bagchi M, Tran MX, Stohs SJ. 1997. Oxygen free radical scavenging abilities of vitamin C and E, and a grape seed proanthocyanidin extract in vitro. Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology, 95, 179-189.
  • Baratta MT, Dorman HJD, Deans SG, Biondi DM, Ruberto G. 1998. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidative activity of laurel, sage, rosemary, oregano and coriander essential oils. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 10 (6), 618–627.
  • Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Aktaş B, Yeşil-Çeliktaş Ö. 2011. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities of the essential oils from some plant species. The Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Ege University, 48(3), 211-215.
  • Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Baysal Ş, Mısırlıoğlu Z, Polat M, Yılmaz H, Turan N. 2010. Effects of essential oil with or without enzyme on growth performance, digestive enzyme, nutrient digestibility, lipid metabolism and immune response of broilers fed wheat-soybean meal diets. British Poultry Science, 51 (1), 67-80.
  • Bozin B, Mimica-Dukic N, Samojlik I, Jovin E. 2007. Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of rosemary and sage (Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae) essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (19), 7879–7885.
  • Brannan RG, Mah E. 2007. Grape seed extract inhibits lipid oxidation in muscle from different species during refrigerated and frozen storage and oxidation catalyzed by peroxynitrite and iron/ascorbate in a pyrogallol red model system. Meat Science, 77 (4), 540−546.
  • Can A, Ayvaz H, Uysal-Pala Ç, Condelli N, Galgano F, Tolve R. 2018. The total of near and mid-infrared spectroscopy for rapid quantification of oleuropein, total phenolics, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity in olive tree (Olea europaea) leaves. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 1-11.
  • Dang MN, Takacsova M, Nguyen DV, Kristianova K. 2001. Antioxidant activity of essential oils from various spices. Nahrung/Food, 45 (1), 64-66.
  • Dorman HJD, Peltoketo A, Hiltunen R, Tikkanen MJ. 2003. Characterisation of the antioxidant properties of de-odourised aqueous extracts from selected Lamiaceae herbs. Food Chemistry, 83(2), 255-262.
  • Gokturk-Baydar N, Sagdic O, Ozkan G, Cetin S. 2006. Determination of antibacterial effects and total phenolic contents of grape (Vitis vinfera L.) seed extracts. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 41, 799-804.
  • Han F, Ma G, Yang M, Yan L, Xiong W, Shu J. 2017. Chemical composition and antioxidant activities of essential oils from different parts of the oregano. Journal of Zhhejang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology), 18(1), 79-84.
  • Jaswir I, Che Man YB, Kitts DD. 2000. Synergistic effects of rosemary, sage and citric acid on fatty acid retention of palm olein during deep-fat frying. JAOCS, 77, 527-533.
  • Lambert RJ, Skandamis WPN, Coote PJ, Nycha GJE. 2001. A study of the minimum inhibitory concentration and mode of action of oregano essential oil, thymol and carvacrol. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 91 (3), 453–462.
  • Lau WD, King JA. 2003, Pre- and post-mortem use of grape seed extract in dark poultry meat to inhibit development of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51, 602-607.
  • Makkar HPS. 1995. Quantification of tannins: a laboratory manual. ınternational centre for agriculture research in the dry areas, Aleppo, Syria, pp, 1-24.
  • Perumalla AVS, and Hettiarachchy NS. 2011. Green tea and grape seed extracts – Potential applications in food safety and quality. Food Reseach International, 44, 827-839.
  • Peschel W, Dieckmann W, Sonnenschein M, Plescher A. 2006. High antioxidant potential of pressing residues from evening primrose in comparison to other oilseed cakes and plant antioxidants. Industrial Crops and Products, 25(1), 44–54.
  • Rababah TM, Hettiarachchy NS, Horax R. 2004. Total phenolics and antioxidant activities of fenugreek, green tea, black tea, grape seed, ginger, rosemary, gotu kola, and ginkgo extracts, vitamin E, and tert-butylhydroquinone. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 5183-5186. Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C. 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved radical cation decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26, 1231-1237.
  • Rocha-Guzman NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, Gonzalez-Laredo RF, Ramos-Gomez M, Rodrıguez-Munoz ME, Reynoso-Camacho R, Rocha-Uribe A, Roque-Rosales MR. 2007. Antioxidant effect of oregano (Lippia berlandieri v. Shauer) essential oil and mother liquors. Food Chemistry, 102, 330–335.
  • Shahidi F, Marian F. 2003. Phenolics in food and nutraceuticals. CRS Press LLC: Boca Raton, FL 1, 144-150.
  • Songsermsakul P, Pornphairin E, Porasuphatana S. 2013. Comparision of antioxidant activity of grape seed extract and fruits containing high β-carotene, vitamin C, and E. International Journal of Food Properties, 16, 643-648.
  • Tepe B, Daferera D, Sokmen A, Sokmen M, Polissiou M. 2004. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and various extracts of salvia tomentosa miller (Lamiaceae). Food Chemistry, 90(3), 333–340.
  • Thippeswamy NB, Akhilender Naidu K. 2005. Antioxidant potency of cumin varieties-cumin, black cumin and bitter cumin-on antioxidant systems, European Food Research and Technology, 220, 472-476.
  • Tsai TH, Tsai TH, Chien YC, Lee CW, Tsai PJ. 2008. In vitro antimicrobial activities against cariogenic streptococci and their antioxidant capacities: A comparative study of green tea versus different herbs. Food Chemistry, 110,859-864.
  • Wei A, Shibamoto T. 2007. Antioxidant activities and volatile constituents of 327 essential oils. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55(5), 1737–1742.
  • Yanishlieva NV, Marinova E, Pokorny J. 2006, Natural antioxidants from herbs and spices, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 108, 776-793.
  • Yesil-Celiktas O, Girgin G, Orhan H, Wichers HJ, Bedir E, Vardar-Sukan, F. 2007. Screening of free radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activities of Rosmarinus officinalis extracts with focus on location and harvesting times. European Food Research and Technology, 224, 443-451.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Hatice Basmacıoğlu-malayoğlu

Pınar Özdemir This is me

Burcu Aktaş

Publication Date December 27, 2018
Submission Date September 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 59 Issue: 2


APA Basmacıoğlu-malayoğlu, H., Özdemir, P., & Aktaş, B. (2018). In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolic Contents and Main Phenolic Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and Grape Seed Extract. Hayvansal Üretim, 59(2), 43-47.


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