Aim & Scope

To contribute to the accumulation of knowledge in social sciences both in Türkiye and in the world by publishing original academic studies, compilations, publication reviews, analyses, introductory articles and translated articles based on archival documents. These publications touch on the history and development of archiving in Turkey and in the world, the introduction and promotion of archival services and document and archive management practices.

It covers the evaluation of original scientific articles, compilations, publication evaluations, analyses, introductions and translations of national and international scientific quality in Turkish, English and Arabic languages, examining the problems and offering solutions on the subjects of scientific research conducted on archive documents in social and human fields, introduction of archive materials under various names and administrative structures in Türkiye and around the world, History and Development of Archiving, Archive Systems, Document Restoration, Digitization Methods, Public Document and Archive Management, e-Archive Systems, Introduction of Electronic Document Management and Archiving services, etc.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 11:21:03 AM