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Ruh Sağlığı Okuryazarlığı Eğitim Girişiminin Öğrenci ve Ebeveynlerin Ruh Sağlığı Okuryazarlığı Bilgi Düzeylerine Etkisi: Kapsam Araştırması

Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 70 - 84, 10.05.2021


Amaç: Bu kapsam araştırmasının amacı okullarda ruh sağlığı okuryazarlığını geliştirmek üzere uygulanan eğitim
girişiminin öğrenci ve ebeveynlerin bilgi düzeylerine etkisini incelemek üzere yayınlanmış çalışmaların sonuçlarını
Yöntem: Araştırma Arksey ve O’Malley kapsamlı araştırma protokolü üzerine temellendirilmiş, PRİSMA ScR
rehberine göre raporlanmıştır. Protokol, araştırma sorusunun tanımlanması, ilgili çalışmaların saptanması,
çalışmaların seçimi, verilerin tablolaştırılması ve yorumlanması aşamalarını kapsamaktadır. Araştırmanın içleme
kriterleri: 2004 yılı ve sonrası, İngilizce veya Türkçe olarak tam metne ulaşılabilmesi, hakemli dergide yayınlanmış
ve ruh sağlığı okuryazarlığı eğitimini içeren girişimsel araştırma makalesi olmasıdır.
Çalışmalara, Google Akademik, Ulakbim, Türk Medline, DergiPark, PubMed, EBSCO, Cohrane Library, OVİD veri
tabanları taranarak ulaşılmıştır. Tasarım olarak eğitim müdahale çalışmaları seçilmiştir. Yüksek lisans ve doktora
tezleri ve tam metne ulaşılamayanlar, İngilizce olmayanlar çalışma kapsamına alınmamıştır. Elektronik tarama ile
saptanan tüm çalışmaların başlık ve özetleri, araştırmacılar tarafından bağımsız olarak gözden geçirilmiştir. İçleme
kriterlerine uygun olan çalışmalar veri çizelgesine göre incelenerek her iki araştırmacının uzlaşması ile araştırma
protokolü uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Okullarda ruh sağlığı okuryazarlığı eğitim girişimi uygulanan çalışmalar elektronik veri tabanları
taranarak veri çizelgesiyle çekilerek listelenmiştir. Başlangıçta 12.700 kaynağa ulaşılmıştır. Dahil edilme
kriterlerine göre kaynakların elenmesi sonucunda 20 araştırmanın tam metinleri çalışmaya alınarak veriler
sentezlenip, grafik ve tanımlayıcı tablolarla sunulmuştur. Ülkemizde ruh sağlığı okuryazarlığı eğitimini içeren
çalışmaya rastlanmamıştır.
Sonuç: Bu kapsam araştırması konu ile ilgili yapılan eğitim girişimlerinin ve değerlendirilen sonuç çıktılarının
sentezlenmiş geniş bir özetini sunmaktadır. Analiz sonucunda alandaki gelecek çalışmalara en etkili eğitim
yöntemlerine ve çıktılara odaklanmada yol gösterici olması beklenmektedir.


  • 1. Kutcher S, Wei Y, Costa S, Gusmão R, Skokauskas N, & Sourander A. Enhancing mentalhealth literacy in young people. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2016; 25(6): 567–569.
  • 2. Loureiro LM, Jorm AF, Mendes AC, Santos JC, Ferreira RO, & Pedreiro AT. Mental health literacy about depression : a survey of portuguese youth. BMC Psychiatry. 2013; 13:129, 2–9.
  • 3. Jorm AF, Korten AE, Jacomb PA, Christensen H, Rodgers B, & Pollitt P. Mental health literacy: A survey of the public’s ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Mental Journal Australiagetdey. 1997;166(February),182–186.
  • 4. Hay PJ, Mond JM, Kelly C, Rodgers B, Owen C, Marks P, & Paxton SJ. Mental Health Literacy and Eating-Disordered Behavior: Beliefs of Adolescent Girls Concerning the Treatment of and Treatment-Seeking for Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2006; 36(6), 753–762.
  • 5. Sakellari E, Sourander A, Kalokerinou-Anagnostopoulou A, & Leino-Kilpi H. Opinions About Mental Illness Among Adolescents: The Impact of a Mental Health Educational Intervention. School Mental Health Journal. 2015;7(3),268–277.
  • 6. Burns JR, & Rapee RM. Adolescent mental health literacy : Young people ’ s knowledgeof depression and help seeking, Journal of Adolescence. 2006;225-239
  • 7. Lincoln A, Paasche Orlow MK, Cheng DM, Lloyd Travaglini C, Caruso C, Saitz R, et al. Impact of Health Literacy on Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health related: Quality ofLife Among Adults with Addiction. Journal of General İnternal Medicine. 2006; 21(8):818-22.
  • 8. Kutcher S, Bagnell A, Wei Y. Mental health literacy in secondary schools: A Canadian approach. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 2015;24(2):233– 244.
  • 9. Wei Y, Hayden JA, Kutcher S, Zygmunt A, McGrath P. The effectiveness of school mental health literacy programs to address knowledge, attitudes and help seeking among youth. Early Intervent Psychiatry. 2013;7(2):109–21.
  • 10. Milin R, Kutcher S, Lewis SP, Walker S, Wei Y, Ferrill N, & Armstrong MA. Impact ofa Mental Health Curriculum on Knowledge and Stigma Among High School Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child &Adolescent Psychiatry. 2016; 55(5), 383-391.e1.
  • 11. Oliver S, Harden A, Rees R, Shepherd J, Brunton G, Oakley A. Young people and mental health:Novel methods for systematic review ofresearch on barriers and facilitators. HealthEducation Research. 2008; 23(5), 770–790.
  • 12. Essler V, Arthur A, Stickley T. Using a school-based intervention to challenge stigmatizing attitudes and promote mental health in teenagers. Journal of Mental Health. 2006;15(2):243-250.
  • 13. Stuart H. Reaching Out to High School Youth: The Effectiveness of a Video-Based Antistigma Program. The Canadian Journal of Psychatry. 2006; 51(10).
  • 14. Statement P. The School Nurse’s Role in Behavioral/MentalHealth of Students: PositionStatement. NASN School Nurse. 2019;34(1):62–64.
  • 15. Auerbach RP, Mortier P, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Benjet C, Cuijpers P, Kessler RC. The WHO World Mental Health Surveys İnternational College Student Project: Prevalence andDistribution of Mental Disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2019; 127(7), 623-638.
  • 16. Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Christensen H. Perceived barrier sand facilitators to mental health help-seeking in young people: A Systematic Review. BMC Psychiatry. 2010;10:113
  • 17. Wei Y, Mcgrath PJ, Hayden J, Kutcher S. Mental health literacy measures evaluating knowledge, attitudes and help-seeking: A Scoping Review. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15:29
  • 18. Bjørnsen HN, Espnes GA, Eilertsen MB, Ringdal R, Moksnes UK. The Relationship Between Positive Mental Health Literacy and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents : Implications for School Health Services. The Journal of School Nursing, 2017;1–10.
  • 19. Perry Y, Petrie K, Buckley H, Cavanagh L, Clarke D, Winslade M, Christensen H. Effectsof a classroom-based educational resource on adolescent mental health literacy : A cluster randomised controlled trial. Journal of Adolescence. 2014;37(7):1143–1151.
  • 20. Arksey H, O’Malley L. Scoping studies:towards a methodological framework. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2005;8(1):19–32.
  • 21. Yang J, Cervera RL, Tye SJ, Ekker SC, Pierret C. Adolescent mental health education InSciEd Out :a case study of an alternative middle school population. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2018;16(84):1–10.
  • 22. Pinto-Foltz MD, Cynthia Logsdon M, Myers JA. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Efficacy of a Knowledge- Contact Program to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Mental Health Literacy in Adolescents. NIH Public Access. 2019;72(12):2011–2019.
  • 23. Ojio Y, Yonehara H, Taneichi S. Effects of school-based mental health literacy education for secondary school students to be delivered by school teachers: A preliminary study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2015;69:572–579.
  • 24. Skre I, Friborg O, Breivik C, Johnsen LI, Arnesen Y, Elisabeth C, Wang A. A school intervention for mental health literacy in adolescents : effects of a non-randomized clustercontrolled trial. BMC Public Health. 2013;13:873-885
  • 25. Mcluckie A, Kutcher S, Wei Y, Weaver C. Sustained improvements in students ’ mentalhealth literacy with use of a mental health curriculum in Canadian schools. BMC Psychiatry. 2014;14:379
  • 26. Saporito JM, Ryan C, Teachman BA. Reducing Stigma Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment Among Adolescents. Stigma Research and Action. 2011;2(1), 9–21.
  • 27. Collin PJ, Metcalf AT, Stephens-reicher JC, Michelle E, Herrman HE, Rahilly K, Michelle E. The role of an online service for promoting help-seeking in young people. Advance Mental Health. 2014;10(1):39-51
  • 28. Watson AC, Otey E, Westbrook A, Qardner AL, Lamb TA, Corrigan PW, Fenton WS. Changing Middle Schoolers ’ Attitudes About Mental Okuryazarlığı Bilgi Düzeylerine Illness Through Education. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2004;30(3):563–572.
  • 29. Rickwood D, Cavanagh S, Curtis L SR. Educating Young People about Mental Health andMental Illness : Evaluating a School- Based Programme. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 2004;6(4).
  • 30. Desocio J, Stember L, Schrinsky J. Teaching Children About Mental Health and Illness : A School Nurse Health Education Program. The Journal of School Nursing. 2006;22(2):81-86
  • 31. Bapat S, Jorm A, Lawrence K. Evaluation of a mental health literacy training program for junior sporting clubs. Australasian Psychiatry. 2009;17(6):475–480.
  • 32. Wahl O, Susin J, Kaplan L, Lax A. Changing Knowledge and Attitudes with a Middle School Mental Health Education Curriculum. NIH Public Access, 2011;1(1):44–53.
  • 33. Kelly CM, Jorm AF, Wright A. Improving mental health literacy as a strategy tofacilitate early interventionfor mental disorders. Mental Journal Australia. 2007; 187(7):26-30
  • 34. Spagnolo AB, Murphy AA, and Librera LA. Reducing Stigma by Meeting and Learningfrom People with mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2008;31(3):186-193
Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 3, 70 - 84, 10.05.2021



  • 1. Kutcher S, Wei Y, Costa S, Gusmão R, Skokauskas N, & Sourander A. Enhancing mentalhealth literacy in young people. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2016; 25(6): 567–569.
  • 2. Loureiro LM, Jorm AF, Mendes AC, Santos JC, Ferreira RO, & Pedreiro AT. Mental health literacy about depression : a survey of portuguese youth. BMC Psychiatry. 2013; 13:129, 2–9.
  • 3. Jorm AF, Korten AE, Jacomb PA, Christensen H, Rodgers B, & Pollitt P. Mental health literacy: A survey of the public’s ability to recognise mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Mental Journal Australiagetdey. 1997;166(February),182–186.
  • 4. Hay PJ, Mond JM, Kelly C, Rodgers B, Owen C, Marks P, & Paxton SJ. Mental Health Literacy and Eating-Disordered Behavior: Beliefs of Adolescent Girls Concerning the Treatment of and Treatment-Seeking for Bulimia Nervosa. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 2006; 36(6), 753–762.
  • 5. Sakellari E, Sourander A, Kalokerinou-Anagnostopoulou A, & Leino-Kilpi H. Opinions About Mental Illness Among Adolescents: The Impact of a Mental Health Educational Intervention. School Mental Health Journal. 2015;7(3),268–277.
  • 6. Burns JR, & Rapee RM. Adolescent mental health literacy : Young people ’ s knowledgeof depression and help seeking, Journal of Adolescence. 2006;225-239
  • 7. Lincoln A, Paasche Orlow MK, Cheng DM, Lloyd Travaglini C, Caruso C, Saitz R, et al. Impact of Health Literacy on Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health related: Quality ofLife Among Adults with Addiction. Journal of General İnternal Medicine. 2006; 21(8):818-22.
  • 8. Kutcher S, Bagnell A, Wei Y. Mental health literacy in secondary schools: A Canadian approach. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 2015;24(2):233– 244.
  • 9. Wei Y, Hayden JA, Kutcher S, Zygmunt A, McGrath P. The effectiveness of school mental health literacy programs to address knowledge, attitudes and help seeking among youth. Early Intervent Psychiatry. 2013;7(2):109–21.
  • 10. Milin R, Kutcher S, Lewis SP, Walker S, Wei Y, Ferrill N, & Armstrong MA. Impact ofa Mental Health Curriculum on Knowledge and Stigma Among High School Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child &Adolescent Psychiatry. 2016; 55(5), 383-391.e1.
  • 11. Oliver S, Harden A, Rees R, Shepherd J, Brunton G, Oakley A. Young people and mental health:Novel methods for systematic review ofresearch on barriers and facilitators. HealthEducation Research. 2008; 23(5), 770–790.
  • 12. Essler V, Arthur A, Stickley T. Using a school-based intervention to challenge stigmatizing attitudes and promote mental health in teenagers. Journal of Mental Health. 2006;15(2):243-250.
  • 13. Stuart H. Reaching Out to High School Youth: The Effectiveness of a Video-Based Antistigma Program. The Canadian Journal of Psychatry. 2006; 51(10).
  • 14. Statement P. The School Nurse’s Role in Behavioral/MentalHealth of Students: PositionStatement. NASN School Nurse. 2019;34(1):62–64.
  • 15. Auerbach RP, Mortier P, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Benjet C, Cuijpers P, Kessler RC. The WHO World Mental Health Surveys İnternational College Student Project: Prevalence andDistribution of Mental Disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2019; 127(7), 623-638.
  • 16. Gulliver A, Griffiths KM, Christensen H. Perceived barrier sand facilitators to mental health help-seeking in young people: A Systematic Review. BMC Psychiatry. 2010;10:113
  • 17. Wei Y, Mcgrath PJ, Hayden J, Kutcher S. Mental health literacy measures evaluating knowledge, attitudes and help-seeking: A Scoping Review. BMC Psychiatry. 2015;15:29
  • 18. Bjørnsen HN, Espnes GA, Eilertsen MB, Ringdal R, Moksnes UK. The Relationship Between Positive Mental Health Literacy and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents : Implications for School Health Services. The Journal of School Nursing, 2017;1–10.
  • 19. Perry Y, Petrie K, Buckley H, Cavanagh L, Clarke D, Winslade M, Christensen H. Effectsof a classroom-based educational resource on adolescent mental health literacy : A cluster randomised controlled trial. Journal of Adolescence. 2014;37(7):1143–1151.
  • 20. Arksey H, O’Malley L. Scoping studies:towards a methodological framework. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2005;8(1):19–32.
  • 21. Yang J, Cervera RL, Tye SJ, Ekker SC, Pierret C. Adolescent mental health education InSciEd Out :a case study of an alternative middle school population. Journal of Translational Medicine. 2018;16(84):1–10.
  • 22. Pinto-Foltz MD, Cynthia Logsdon M, Myers JA. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Initial Efficacy of a Knowledge- Contact Program to Reduce Mental Illness Stigma and Improve Mental Health Literacy in Adolescents. NIH Public Access. 2019;72(12):2011–2019.
  • 23. Ojio Y, Yonehara H, Taneichi S. Effects of school-based mental health literacy education for secondary school students to be delivered by school teachers: A preliminary study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 2015;69:572–579.
  • 24. Skre I, Friborg O, Breivik C, Johnsen LI, Arnesen Y, Elisabeth C, Wang A. A school intervention for mental health literacy in adolescents : effects of a non-randomized clustercontrolled trial. BMC Public Health. 2013;13:873-885
  • 25. Mcluckie A, Kutcher S, Wei Y, Weaver C. Sustained improvements in students ’ mentalhealth literacy with use of a mental health curriculum in Canadian schools. BMC Psychiatry. 2014;14:379
  • 26. Saporito JM, Ryan C, Teachman BA. Reducing Stigma Toward Seeking Mental Health Treatment Among Adolescents. Stigma Research and Action. 2011;2(1), 9–21.
  • 27. Collin PJ, Metcalf AT, Stephens-reicher JC, Michelle E, Herrman HE, Rahilly K, Michelle E. The role of an online service for promoting help-seeking in young people. Advance Mental Health. 2014;10(1):39-51
  • 28. Watson AC, Otey E, Westbrook A, Qardner AL, Lamb TA, Corrigan PW, Fenton WS. Changing Middle Schoolers ’ Attitudes About Mental Okuryazarlığı Bilgi Düzeylerine Illness Through Education. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2004;30(3):563–572.
  • 29. Rickwood D, Cavanagh S, Curtis L SR. Educating Young People about Mental Health andMental Illness : Evaluating a School- Based Programme. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 2004;6(4).
  • 30. Desocio J, Stember L, Schrinsky J. Teaching Children About Mental Health and Illness : A School Nurse Health Education Program. The Journal of School Nursing. 2006;22(2):81-86
  • 31. Bapat S, Jorm A, Lawrence K. Evaluation of a mental health literacy training program for junior sporting clubs. Australasian Psychiatry. 2009;17(6):475–480.
  • 32. Wahl O, Susin J, Kaplan L, Lax A. Changing Knowledge and Attitudes with a Middle School Mental Health Education Curriculum. NIH Public Access, 2011;1(1):44–53.
  • 33. Kelly CM, Jorm AF, Wright A. Improving mental health literacy as a strategy tofacilitate early interventionfor mental disorders. Mental Journal Australia. 2007; 187(7):26-30
  • 34. Spagnolo AB, Murphy AA, and Librera LA. Reducing Stigma by Meeting and Learningfrom People with mental illness. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2008;31(3):186-193
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Özlem Özkan Salkım This is me

Şeyda Özbıçakcı This is me

Publication Date May 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 21 Issue: 3


APA Özkan Salkım, Ö., & Özbıçakcı, Ş. (2021). Ruh Sağlığı Okuryazarlığı Eğitim Girişiminin Öğrenci ve Ebeveynlerin Ruh Sağlığı Okuryazarlığı Bilgi Düzeylerine Etkisi: Kapsam Araştırması. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 21(3), 70-84.