Turkey's 2006:04-2020:05 monthly data aimed to analyze the effect of the exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices in this study. In this direction, Phillips-Perron unit root test is applied to the variables and it is understood that the series are stationary at different levels. Then, ARDL bounds test is applied to analyze the long-term relationship between variables. As a result of the analysis, it is found that there is a long-term relationship between variables. Finally, VAR analysis, which is a short-term analysis, is applied in the study in order to better understand the pass-through effect. Within the scope of VAR analysis, primarily, while the coefficients are interpreted, the analysis is ended with the Impulse Response Analysis and Variance Decomposition tests. The results show that the effects of changes in the exchange rate on domestic prices are significant, but the exchange rate has the most impact on the consumer price index among variables.