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Boya Uzaklaştırma İçin İmmobilize Metal Şelat AŞnite KromatograŞ Matriksi Olarak Fe3+

Year 2011, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 145 - 155, 01.04.2011


Bu çalışmada, Fe3+ şelatlanmış Cibacron Blue F3GA immobilize poli akrilamid-allil glisidil eter [p AAm-AGE CB-Fe3+] kriyojelin boya Congo Red, Reactive Green uzaklaştırma için potansiyel kullanımı araştırılmıştır. Kriyojel, radikalik polimerizasyon ile sentezlenmiştir. Cibacron Blue, kriyojel üzerine kovalent olarak bağlanmış ve Fe3+ iyonları ile şelatlanmıştır. Maksimum adsorpsiyon kapasiteleri, Congo Red için 14.50 mg/g kriyojel; Reaktive Green için 18.78 mg/g kriyojel olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, hem Congo Red hem de Reactive Green için Freundlich izoterminin uygun olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, p AAm-AGE -CB-Fe3+ kriyojelik materyalin yüksek derişimdeki farklı boyalar için adsorban olarak etkin bir şekilde kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir


  • 1. A. Bhatnagar, A.K. Jain, M.K. Mukul, Removal of congo red dye from water using carbon slurry waste, Environ Chem Lett., 2 (2005) 199.
  • 2. S. Seshadri, P.L. Bishop, A.M. Agha, Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of selected azo dyes in wastewater, Waste Manage, 15 (2004) 127.
  • 3. R.Y.L. Yeh, A. Thomas, Color difference measurements and color removal from dye wastewaters using different adsorbents, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 63 (1995) 55.
  • 4. L.C. Morais, O.M. Freitas, E.P. Goncalves, L.T. Vaskancelos, C.G. Beca, Reactive dyes removal from wastewaters by adsorption on eucalyptus bark: variables that define the process, Water Res. 33 (1999) 978.
  • 6. J. McCann, B.N. Ames, Detection of carcinogens as mutagens in the Salmonella/microsome test, Assay of 300 chemicals: discussion, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 73 (1975) 950.
  • 7. J. Oakes, P. Gratton, Kinetic investigations of the oxidation of arylazonaphthol dyes in hypochlorite solutions as a function of pH, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions, 10 (1998) 2201.
  • 8. S.H. Lin, C.C. Lo, Treatment of textile wastewater by foam flotation, Environ. Technol., 17 (1996) 841.
  • 9. S.M. McClung, A.T. Lemley, Electrochemical treatment and HPLC analysis of wastewater containing acid dyes, Text. Chem. Color., 26 (1994) 17.
  • 10. H. Kanazawa, T. Onami, Degradation of azo dyes by sodium hypochlorite, Estimation of the rate equation for the degradation of Orange G and Benzopurpurine, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 68 (1997) 2483.
  • 11. A. Bousher, X. Shen, R.G.J. Edyvean, Removal of colored organic matter by adsorption onto low-cost waste materials, Water Res., 31 (1997) 2084.
  • 12. J. Sarasa, M.P. Roche, M.P. Ormad, E. Gimeno, A. Puig, J.L. Ovellerio, Treatment of a wastewater resulting from dyes manufacturing with ozone and chemical coagulation, Water Res., 32 (1998) 2721.
  • 13. S. Papic, N. Koprivanac, B.A. Loncaric, Removal of reactive dyes from wastewater using Fe(III) coagulant, J. Soc. Dyers Color., 116 (2000) 352.
  • 14. I. Poulios, I. Aetopoulou, Photocatalytic degradation of the textile dye Reactive Orange 16 in the presence of TiO2 suspensions, Environ. Technol., 20 (1999) 479.
  • 15. S.D. Faust, O.M. Aly, Adsorption process for water treatment, Butterworths Publishers, Stoneham, 1987.
  • 16. R.S. Blackburn, Natural polysaccharides and their interaction with dye molecules: applications in effluent treatment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 38 (2004) 4905.
  • 17. V.K. Gupta, D. Mohan, S. Sharma, M. Sharma, Removal of basic dyes (Rhodamine-B and Methylene blue) from aqueous solutions using bagasse fly ash, Sep. Sci. Technol., 35 (2000) 2097.
  • 18. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, L. Krishnan, J. Mittal, Adsorption treatment and recovery of the hazardous dye, Brilliant Blue FCF, over bottom ash and de-oiled soya, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 296 (2005) 16.
  • 19. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, V. Gajbe, J. Mittal, Removal and recovery of the hazardous azo dye Acid Orange 7 through adsorption over waste materials: bottom ash and de-oiled soya columns’, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45 (2006) 1446.
  • 20. V.K. Gupta, R. Jain, S. Varshney, Electrochemical removal of the hazardous dye Reactofix Red 3 BFN from industrial effluents, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 312 (2007) 292.
  • 21. V.K. Gupta, R. Jain, S. Varshney, Removal of Reactofix golden yellow 3 RFN from aqueous husk—an agricultural waste, J. Hazard. Mater., 142 (2007) 443.
  • 22. A. Mittal, A. Malviya, D. Kaur, J. Mittal, L. Kurup, Studies on the adsorption kinetics and isotherms for the removal and recovery of Methyl Orange from wastewaters using waste materials, J. Hazard. Mater., 148 (2007) 229.
  • 23. A. Mittal, V.K. Gupta, A. Malviya, J. Mittal, Process development for the batch and bulk removal and recovery of a hazardous, water-soluble azo dye Metanil Yellow by adsorption over waste materials (bottom ash and de-oiled soya), J. Hazard. Mater., 151 (2008) 821.
  • 24. D. Mohan, K.P. Singh, G. Singh, K. Kumar, K. Removal of dyes from wastewater using fly ash, a low cost adsorbent, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41 (2002) 3688.
  • 25. S.V. Mohan, N.C. Rao, J. Karthikeyan, Adsorption removal of direct azo dye from aqueous phase onto coal based sorbents: a kinetic and mechanistic study, J. Hazard. Mater., 90 (2002) 189.
  • 26. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng, R.S. Juang, Kinetics of color removal by adsorption from water using activated clay, Environ. Technol., 22 (2001) 721.
  • 27. M.M. Nassar, The kinetics of basic dye removal using palm fruit bunch, Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 15 (1997) 609.
  • 28. G. McKay, Application of surface diffusion model to the adsorption of dyes on bagasse pith, Adsorption, 4 (1998) 361.
  • 29. G. Annadurai, R.S. Juang, D.J. Lee, Use of cellulosebased wastes for adsorption of dyes from aqueous solutions, , J. Hazard. Mater., 92 (2002) 263.
  • 30. K.R. Ramakrishna, T. Viraraghavan, Dye removal using low cost adsorbents, Water Sci. Technol., 36 (1997) 189.
  • 31. Z. Aksu, Biosorption of reactive dyes by dried activated sludge: equilibrium and kinetic modeling, Biochem. Eng. J., 7 (2001) 79.
  • 32. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, R. Jain, M. Mathur, S. Sikarwar, Adsorption of Safranin T from wastewater using waste materials-activated carbon and activated rice husk’, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 303 (2006) 80.
  • 33. R. Jain, S. Sikarwar, Photocatalytic and adsorption studies on the removal of dye Congo red from wastewater, Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 27 (2006) 158.
  • 34. R. Jain, A. Mittal, M. Mathur, S. Sikarwar, Removal of the hazardous dye Rhodamine B from photocatalytic and adsorption treatments, J. Environ. Manage., 85 (2007) 956.
  • 35. V. Kudela, Hydrogels, In: Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 7, 1987.
  • 36. T. Tanaka, Gels, In: Nicolini C., Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers, M. Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, 1987.
  • 37. V.I. Lozinsky, F.M. Plieva, I.Y. Galaev, B. Mattiasson, The potential of polymeric cryogels in bioseparation, Bioseparation, 10 (2002) 163.
  • 38. V.I. Lozinsky, I.Y. Galaev, F.M. Plieva, I.N. Savina, H. Jungvid, B. Mattiasson, Polymeric cryogels as promising materials of biotechnological interest, Trends in Biotechnol., 10 (2003) 445.
  • 39. N. Demiryas, N. Tüzmen, I.Y. Galaev, E. Pişkin, A. Denizli, Poly(acrylamide-allyl glycidyl ether) Cryogel as a Novel Stationary Phase in Dye-Affinity Chromatography, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 105 (2007) 1808.
  • 40. G.S. Chaga, Twenty-five years of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, past, present and future, J. Biochem. Bioph. Methods, 49 (2001) 313.
  • 41. F.H. Arnold, Metal-affinity separations, a new dimension in protein processing, Bio/Technol., 9 (1991) 150.
  • 42. P. Arvidsson, F.M. Plieva, I.N. Savina, V.I. Lozinsky, S. Fexby, L. Bülow, I.Y. Galaev, B. Mattiasson, Chromatography of microbial cells using continuous supermacroporous affinity and ion-exchange columns, J. Chromatogr. A, 977 (2002) 27.
  • 43. G.T. Hermanson, A.K. Mallia, P.K. Smith, Immobilized Cibacron Blue F3GA, in: Immobilized Affinity Ligand Techniques, Academic Pres Inc., California, USA, 1992.

Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal

Year 2011, Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 145 - 155, 01.04.2011


In this study, the potential use of Fe3+ chelated Cibacron Blue F3GA immobilized poly acrylamide-allyl glycidyl ether [p AAm-AGE -CB-Fe3+ ] cryogel to remove dyes from aqueous solutions was evaluated. Cryogel was prepared by radical polymerization. Cibacron Blue F3GA was covalently immobilized on p AAm-AGE cryogel and then chelated with Fe3+ ions. Maximum adsorption capacities were determined as 14.50 mg/g cryogel for Congo Red and 18.78 mg/g cryogel for Reactive Green. It was also determined that Freundlich isotherm was convenient for both dyes. More than 90% of the adsorbed dyes were desorbed in all cases. This study indicates that p AAm-AGE -CB-Fe3+ cryogelic material can be efficiently used as adsorbent for different dyes at high concentrations.


  • 1. A. Bhatnagar, A.K. Jain, M.K. Mukul, Removal of congo red dye from water using carbon slurry waste, Environ Chem Lett., 2 (2005) 199.
  • 2. S. Seshadri, P.L. Bishop, A.M. Agha, Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of selected azo dyes in wastewater, Waste Manage, 15 (2004) 127.
  • 3. R.Y.L. Yeh, A. Thomas, Color difference measurements and color removal from dye wastewaters using different adsorbents, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 63 (1995) 55.
  • 4. L.C. Morais, O.M. Freitas, E.P. Goncalves, L.T. Vaskancelos, C.G. Beca, Reactive dyes removal from wastewaters by adsorption on eucalyptus bark: variables that define the process, Water Res. 33 (1999) 978.
  • 6. J. McCann, B.N. Ames, Detection of carcinogens as mutagens in the Salmonella/microsome test, Assay of 300 chemicals: discussion, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 73 (1975) 950.
  • 7. J. Oakes, P. Gratton, Kinetic investigations of the oxidation of arylazonaphthol dyes in hypochlorite solutions as a function of pH, J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions, 10 (1998) 2201.
  • 8. S.H. Lin, C.C. Lo, Treatment of textile wastewater by foam flotation, Environ. Technol., 17 (1996) 841.
  • 9. S.M. McClung, A.T. Lemley, Electrochemical treatment and HPLC analysis of wastewater containing acid dyes, Text. Chem. Color., 26 (1994) 17.
  • 10. H. Kanazawa, T. Onami, Degradation of azo dyes by sodium hypochlorite, Estimation of the rate equation for the degradation of Orange G and Benzopurpurine, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 68 (1997) 2483.
  • 11. A. Bousher, X. Shen, R.G.J. Edyvean, Removal of colored organic matter by adsorption onto low-cost waste materials, Water Res., 31 (1997) 2084.
  • 12. J. Sarasa, M.P. Roche, M.P. Ormad, E. Gimeno, A. Puig, J.L. Ovellerio, Treatment of a wastewater resulting from dyes manufacturing with ozone and chemical coagulation, Water Res., 32 (1998) 2721.
  • 13. S. Papic, N. Koprivanac, B.A. Loncaric, Removal of reactive dyes from wastewater using Fe(III) coagulant, J. Soc. Dyers Color., 116 (2000) 352.
  • 14. I. Poulios, I. Aetopoulou, Photocatalytic degradation of the textile dye Reactive Orange 16 in the presence of TiO2 suspensions, Environ. Technol., 20 (1999) 479.
  • 15. S.D. Faust, O.M. Aly, Adsorption process for water treatment, Butterworths Publishers, Stoneham, 1987.
  • 16. R.S. Blackburn, Natural polysaccharides and their interaction with dye molecules: applications in effluent treatment, Environ. Sci. Technol., 38 (2004) 4905.
  • 17. V.K. Gupta, D. Mohan, S. Sharma, M. Sharma, Removal of basic dyes (Rhodamine-B and Methylene blue) from aqueous solutions using bagasse fly ash, Sep. Sci. Technol., 35 (2000) 2097.
  • 18. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, L. Krishnan, J. Mittal, Adsorption treatment and recovery of the hazardous dye, Brilliant Blue FCF, over bottom ash and de-oiled soya, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 296 (2005) 16.
  • 19. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, V. Gajbe, J. Mittal, Removal and recovery of the hazardous azo dye Acid Orange 7 through adsorption over waste materials: bottom ash and de-oiled soya columns’, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45 (2006) 1446.
  • 20. V.K. Gupta, R. Jain, S. Varshney, Electrochemical removal of the hazardous dye Reactofix Red 3 BFN from industrial effluents, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 312 (2007) 292.
  • 21. V.K. Gupta, R. Jain, S. Varshney, Removal of Reactofix golden yellow 3 RFN from aqueous husk—an agricultural waste, J. Hazard. Mater., 142 (2007) 443.
  • 22. A. Mittal, A. Malviya, D. Kaur, J. Mittal, L. Kurup, Studies on the adsorption kinetics and isotherms for the removal and recovery of Methyl Orange from wastewaters using waste materials, J. Hazard. Mater., 148 (2007) 229.
  • 23. A. Mittal, V.K. Gupta, A. Malviya, J. Mittal, Process development for the batch and bulk removal and recovery of a hazardous, water-soluble azo dye Metanil Yellow by adsorption over waste materials (bottom ash and de-oiled soya), J. Hazard. Mater., 151 (2008) 821.
  • 24. D. Mohan, K.P. Singh, G. Singh, K. Kumar, K. Removal of dyes from wastewater using fly ash, a low cost adsorbent, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 41 (2002) 3688.
  • 25. S.V. Mohan, N.C. Rao, J. Karthikeyan, Adsorption removal of direct azo dye from aqueous phase onto coal based sorbents: a kinetic and mechanistic study, J. Hazard. Mater., 90 (2002) 189.
  • 26. F.C. Wu, R.L. Tseng, R.S. Juang, Kinetics of color removal by adsorption from water using activated clay, Environ. Technol., 22 (2001) 721.
  • 27. M.M. Nassar, The kinetics of basic dye removal using palm fruit bunch, Adsorpt. Sci. Technol., 15 (1997) 609.
  • 28. G. McKay, Application of surface diffusion model to the adsorption of dyes on bagasse pith, Adsorption, 4 (1998) 361.
  • 29. G. Annadurai, R.S. Juang, D.J. Lee, Use of cellulosebased wastes for adsorption of dyes from aqueous solutions, , J. Hazard. Mater., 92 (2002) 263.
  • 30. K.R. Ramakrishna, T. Viraraghavan, Dye removal using low cost adsorbents, Water Sci. Technol., 36 (1997) 189.
  • 31. Z. Aksu, Biosorption of reactive dyes by dried activated sludge: equilibrium and kinetic modeling, Biochem. Eng. J., 7 (2001) 79.
  • 32. V.K. Gupta, A. Mittal, R. Jain, M. Mathur, S. Sikarwar, Adsorption of Safranin T from wastewater using waste materials-activated carbon and activated rice husk’, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 303 (2006) 80.
  • 33. R. Jain, S. Sikarwar, Photocatalytic and adsorption studies on the removal of dye Congo red from wastewater, Int. J. Environ. Pollut., 27 (2006) 158.
  • 34. R. Jain, A. Mittal, M. Mathur, S. Sikarwar, Removal of the hazardous dye Rhodamine B from photocatalytic and adsorption treatments, J. Environ. Manage., 85 (2007) 956.
  • 35. V. Kudela, Hydrogels, In: Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 7, 1987.
  • 36. T. Tanaka, Gels, In: Nicolini C., Structure and Dynamics of Biopolymers, M. Nijhoff Publ., Dordrecht, 1987.
  • 37. V.I. Lozinsky, F.M. Plieva, I.Y. Galaev, B. Mattiasson, The potential of polymeric cryogels in bioseparation, Bioseparation, 10 (2002) 163.
  • 38. V.I. Lozinsky, I.Y. Galaev, F.M. Plieva, I.N. Savina, H. Jungvid, B. Mattiasson, Polymeric cryogels as promising materials of biotechnological interest, Trends in Biotechnol., 10 (2003) 445.
  • 39. N. Demiryas, N. Tüzmen, I.Y. Galaev, E. Pişkin, A. Denizli, Poly(acrylamide-allyl glycidyl ether) Cryogel as a Novel Stationary Phase in Dye-Affinity Chromatography, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 105 (2007) 1808.
  • 40. G.S. Chaga, Twenty-five years of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography, past, present and future, J. Biochem. Bioph. Methods, 49 (2001) 313.
  • 41. F.H. Arnold, Metal-affinity separations, a new dimension in protein processing, Bio/Technol., 9 (1991) 150.
  • 42. P. Arvidsson, F.M. Plieva, I.N. Savina, V.I. Lozinsky, S. Fexby, L. Bülow, I.Y. Galaev, B. Mattiasson, Chromatography of microbial cells using continuous supermacroporous affinity and ion-exchange columns, J. Chromatogr. A, 977 (2002) 27.
  • 43. G.T. Hermanson, A.K. Mallia, P.K. Smith, Immobilized Cibacron Blue F3GA, in: Immobilized Affinity Ligand Techniques, Academic Pres Inc., California, USA, 1992.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Tülden Kalburcu This is me

M. Nalan Tüzmen This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 39 Issue: 2


APA Kalburcu, T., & Tüzmen, M. N. (2011). Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 39(2), 145-155.
AMA Kalburcu T, Tüzmen MN. Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal. HJBC. April 2011;39(2):145-155.
Chicago Kalburcu, Tülden, and M. Nalan Tüzmen. “Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel As an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye Removal”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39, no. 2 (April 2011): 145-55.
EndNote Kalburcu T, Tüzmen MN (April 1, 2011) Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39 2 145–155.
IEEE T. Kalburcu and M. N. Tüzmen, “Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal”, HJBC, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 145–155, 2011.
ISNAD Kalburcu, Tülden - Tüzmen, M. Nalan. “Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel As an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye Removal”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 39/2 (April 2011), 145-155.
JAMA Kalburcu T, Tüzmen MN. Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal. HJBC. 2011;39:145–155.
MLA Kalburcu, Tülden and M. Nalan Tüzmen. “Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel As an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye Removal”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 39, no. 2, 2011, pp. 145-5.
Vancouver Kalburcu T, Tüzmen MN. Fe3+ Immobilized Cryogel as an Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography IMAC Support for Dye removal. HJBC. 2011;39(2):145-5.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science