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Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 53 - 59, 01.01.2012


The plant Çöven, Gypsophila simonii is widely distributed throughout Çankırı, where it is a native species, and Turkey. In this study, chemical and physical properties of unripe saponins obtained by extraction from the roots of Gypsophila simonii, an endemic plant, were isolated and investigated. Purified aglycones recovered from acid hydrolysis of the saponins were separated by reversed chromatography on a thin layer of silica gel. The structure was characterized methods of analysis by means of 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FTIR and EIMS. The findings indicate that the proposed structure of that saponin was as a new Gypsogenin ester C31H51O3 [1,2]. The obtained sapogenin was crystallized for X-ray diffraction; but X-ray analysis results showed that the compound crystallized was only sucrose C12H22O11 . Phytochemical tests showed the presence of terpenoids in the crude extracts. The total saponin content in plant materials and extracts varied to %12.30±0.50. Furthermore in this study, type of ose and total ose 7.0±0.20% , were investigated as qualitative and quantitative.


  • AN. Yücekutlu, I. Bildacı, Determination of Plant Saponins and Some of Gypsophila Species: A review of the literature, Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem. 36 (2) (2008) 129.
  • BS. Cevrimli, E. Kariptas and AN. Yücekutlu, Isolation of Saponin from Dried Roots of Gypsophila simonii Hub. Mor, Pakistan J. Bio. Sci., 10 (2007) 1944.
  • WA. Oleszek, Chromatographic determination of plant saponins. J. Chromatogr. A, 967 (2002) 147.
  • KR. Price, IT. Johnson, GR. Fenwick, The chemistry and biological significance of saponins in foods and feeding stuffs., CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci., 26 (1987) 135.
  • GR. Fenwick, KR. Price, C. Tsukamoto, K. Okubo, Saponins, In: J.P.F. D’Mello, C.M. Duffus, and J.H. Duffus, Eds. Toxic Substances in Crop Plants. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 285, 1991.
  • K. Hostettmann, A. Marston, Saponins, Cambridge University Press: New York; 128 (1995) 139. 7. L. Heng, JP. Vincken, GA. van Koningsveld, L. Legger, H. Gruppen, MAJS. van Boekel, JP. Roozen, AGJ. Voragen, Bitterness of saponins and their content in dry peas. J. Sci. Food Agric., 86 (2006b) 1225.
  • SG. Sparg, ME. Light, J. van Staden, Biological activities and distribution of plant saponins. J. Ethnopharmacol. 94 (2004) 219.
  • E. Sezik, E. Yeşilada, Z. Akdemir, Z. Berkman, Ö. Demirezer, ve M. Zor, Türkiye’de Yetişen Triterpenik Saponozit Taşıyan Bitkilerin Değerlendirilmesi, VI. Bitkisel İlaç Hammadeleri Toplantısı Bildiri Kitabı, 16- 19 (1986) s.93- 98.
  • H. Battal, F. Sarı, S. Velioğlu, A research on the Production Of Soapwort Extract, Anadolu Uni., J. Sci. Tech., 1 (2003) 75.
  • M. Henry, M. Rochal, B. Bennini, Biosynthesis and accumulation of saponins in Gypsophila paniculata, Phytochemistry, 30 (1991) 1819.
  • RS. Martin, R. Briones, Industrial uses and sustainable supply of Quillaja saponaria saponins, Econ. Bot., 53 (1999) 302.
  • G. Oboh, MT. Olalye, FA. Akinsoye, Hemolytic effect of saponin extracts soybean seeds on some mammalian erythrocytes. Rivista Italian delle Sostanze Grasse, 76 (1999) 479.
  • MJ. Mulky, VM. Gandhi, Mowrah (Madhuca latifolia) Seed, Saponin Toxicological studies, J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. 27 (1977) 708.
  • ERR. Mojica, FE. Merca., Biological properties of lectin from Holothuria scabra Jaeger, J. Biol. Sci., 5 (2005) 472.
  • JP. Houghton, A. Raman, Lab. Handbook for the Fractionation of Natural Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research Lab., Department of Pharmacy, King’s College London, 1998.
  • IM. Said, LB. Din, MW. Samsudin, et. al., A photo- cernical survey of Uku Kincin, Pahang, Malaysia. Mal. Nat. J. 43 (1990) 260.
  • R. Segal, I. Milo-Golzweig, DV. Zaitschek, M. Noam, A facile method for detection of the genuine sapogenin from a saponin extract. Anal. Biochem. 84 (1978) 78.
  • M. Okawa, RR. Yamaguchi, et. al., Five Triterpene Glycosides from Oxytropis myripylla. Chem. Pham. Bull., 50 (2002) 1097.
  • CL. Boders, Descending paper chromatography of oligosaccarides, J. Chem. Educ., 49 (1972) 437.
  • G. Bertrand, Le dosage des sucres reducteurs. Bull de la Soc. Chim. de Paris, XXXV (1906) 1285.
  • N. Malaviya, R. Pal, MN. Khanna, Saponins from Deutzia corymbosa. Phytochemistry, 30(1991) 2798.
  • WM. Zhao, JL. Wolfender, K. Hostettmann, et. al., Citation: Phytochemistry, 45(5) (1997) 1073.
  • GM. Brown, HA. Levy, Further refinement of the structure of sucrose based on neutron-diffraction data, Acta Crytallogr., Sect. B 29 (1973) 790.

Gypsophila simonii: Teşhis, Ekstraksiyon, Sapogenin İzolasyonu ve Sakkarozun X-Ray Kristalografik Yapısı

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 53 - 59, 01.01.2012


Ç öven bitkisi, Gypsophila simonii yaygın olarak Çankırı çevresinde yetişen yerli bir türdür, Türkiye geneline dağılır. Bu çalışmada, endemik bir bitki olan Gypsophila simonii köklerinden ekstraksiyon sonunda elde edilen ham saponinlerin kimyasal ve fiziksel özellikleri araştırıldı. Saponinler, asit hidrolizi sonucu elde edilen saf aglikon silika jel kaplı ince bir tabaka üzerinde kromatografi yöntemleri ile ayrıldı. Yapısı 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FTIR and EIMS analiz yöntemleri ile karakterize edilmiştir. Analiz verilere göre saponinden yeni bir Gypsogenin ester C31H51O3 yapısı önerilmiştir [1,2]. Elde edilen sapogenin X-ray difraksiyon için kristalize edildi, fakat X-ray analiz sonuçları kristalize bileşikte sadece sakkaroz CHO olduğunu gösterdi. Fotokimyasal testleri, ekstraksiyon özütlerde terpenoidler varlığını gösterdi. Bitki materyalindeki ekstraktların toplam saponin içeriği % 12.30 ± 0.50 arasında değişmektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, ose ve toplam ose 7.0 ± 0.20% tipi kalitatif nitel ve kantitatif nicel olarak incelenmiştir


  • AN. Yücekutlu, I. Bildacı, Determination of Plant Saponins and Some of Gypsophila Species: A review of the literature, Hacettepe J. Biol. & Chem. 36 (2) (2008) 129.
  • BS. Cevrimli, E. Kariptas and AN. Yücekutlu, Isolation of Saponin from Dried Roots of Gypsophila simonii Hub. Mor, Pakistan J. Bio. Sci., 10 (2007) 1944.
  • WA. Oleszek, Chromatographic determination of plant saponins. J. Chromatogr. A, 967 (2002) 147.
  • KR. Price, IT. Johnson, GR. Fenwick, The chemistry and biological significance of saponins in foods and feeding stuffs., CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci., 26 (1987) 135.
  • GR. Fenwick, KR. Price, C. Tsukamoto, K. Okubo, Saponins, In: J.P.F. D’Mello, C.M. Duffus, and J.H. Duffus, Eds. Toxic Substances in Crop Plants. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 285, 1991.
  • K. Hostettmann, A. Marston, Saponins, Cambridge University Press: New York; 128 (1995) 139. 7. L. Heng, JP. Vincken, GA. van Koningsveld, L. Legger, H. Gruppen, MAJS. van Boekel, JP. Roozen, AGJ. Voragen, Bitterness of saponins and their content in dry peas. J. Sci. Food Agric., 86 (2006b) 1225.
  • SG. Sparg, ME. Light, J. van Staden, Biological activities and distribution of plant saponins. J. Ethnopharmacol. 94 (2004) 219.
  • E. Sezik, E. Yeşilada, Z. Akdemir, Z. Berkman, Ö. Demirezer, ve M. Zor, Türkiye’de Yetişen Triterpenik Saponozit Taşıyan Bitkilerin Değerlendirilmesi, VI. Bitkisel İlaç Hammadeleri Toplantısı Bildiri Kitabı, 16- 19 (1986) s.93- 98.
  • H. Battal, F. Sarı, S. Velioğlu, A research on the Production Of Soapwort Extract, Anadolu Uni., J. Sci. Tech., 1 (2003) 75.
  • M. Henry, M. Rochal, B. Bennini, Biosynthesis and accumulation of saponins in Gypsophila paniculata, Phytochemistry, 30 (1991) 1819.
  • RS. Martin, R. Briones, Industrial uses and sustainable supply of Quillaja saponaria saponins, Econ. Bot., 53 (1999) 302.
  • G. Oboh, MT. Olalye, FA. Akinsoye, Hemolytic effect of saponin extracts soybean seeds on some mammalian erythrocytes. Rivista Italian delle Sostanze Grasse, 76 (1999) 479.
  • MJ. Mulky, VM. Gandhi, Mowrah (Madhuca latifolia) Seed, Saponin Toxicological studies, J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. 27 (1977) 708.
  • ERR. Mojica, FE. Merca., Biological properties of lectin from Holothuria scabra Jaeger, J. Biol. Sci., 5 (2005) 472.
  • JP. Houghton, A. Raman, Lab. Handbook for the Fractionation of Natural Extracts. Pharmacognosy Research Lab., Department of Pharmacy, King’s College London, 1998.
  • IM. Said, LB. Din, MW. Samsudin, et. al., A photo- cernical survey of Uku Kincin, Pahang, Malaysia. Mal. Nat. J. 43 (1990) 260.
  • R. Segal, I. Milo-Golzweig, DV. Zaitschek, M. Noam, A facile method for detection of the genuine sapogenin from a saponin extract. Anal. Biochem. 84 (1978) 78.
  • M. Okawa, RR. Yamaguchi, et. al., Five Triterpene Glycosides from Oxytropis myripylla. Chem. Pham. Bull., 50 (2002) 1097.
  • CL. Boders, Descending paper chromatography of oligosaccarides, J. Chem. Educ., 49 (1972) 437.
  • G. Bertrand, Le dosage des sucres reducteurs. Bull de la Soc. Chim. de Paris, XXXV (1906) 1285.
  • N. Malaviya, R. Pal, MN. Khanna, Saponins from Deutzia corymbosa. Phytochemistry, 30(1991) 2798.
  • WM. Zhao, JL. Wolfender, K. Hostettmann, et. al., Citation: Phytochemistry, 45(5) (1997) 1073.
  • GM. Brown, HA. Levy, Further refinement of the structure of sucrose based on neutron-diffraction data, Acta Crytallogr., Sect. B 29 (1973) 790.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

A. Nihal Yücekutlu This is me

Süheyla Özbey This is me

Işık Bildacı This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 40 Issue: 1


APA Yücekutlu, A. N., Özbey, S., & Bildacı, I. (2012). Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40(1), 53-59.
AMA Yücekutlu AN, Özbey S, Bildacı I. Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​. HJBC. January 2012;40(1):53-59.
Chicago Yücekutlu, A. Nihal, Süheyla Özbey, and Işık Bildacı. “Gypsophila Simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40, no. 1 (January 2012): 53-59.
EndNote Yücekutlu AN, Özbey S, Bildacı I (January 1, 2012) Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40 1 53–59.
IEEE A. N. Yücekutlu, S. Özbey, and I. Bildacı, “Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​”, HJBC, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 53–59, 2012.
ISNAD Yücekutlu, A. Nihal et al. “Gypsophila Simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40/1 (January 2012), 53-59.
JAMA Yücekutlu AN, Özbey S, Bildacı I. Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​. HJBC. 2012;40:53–59.
MLA Yücekutlu, A. Nihal et al. “Gypsophila Simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 40, no. 1, 2012, pp. 53-59.
Vancouver Yücekutlu AN, Özbey S, Bildacı I. Gypsophila simonii: Identification, Extraction, Isolation of Sapogenin and X-Ray Crystallographic Structure of Sucrose ​. HJBC. 2012;40(1):53-9.


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