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Statistical Analysis of Blood Cells and Blood Proteins Behaviours contacted with PMEA- coated and Uncoated Oxygenators

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 445 - 455, 01.09.2012


The blood compatibility of the polymethoxyethyle acrylate PMEA coated and uncoated hollow fibers were investigated using multivariate statistical methods. The patients were divided into two groups where one is PMEA-coated fibers used patients and the other is uncoated oxygenator fibers used patients. The two groups were evaluated by total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, erythrocyte, albumin, fibrinogen, leukocyte, and total protein analysis results. Three evaluations were taken for comparison: baseline T1 , after protamine injection T4 and intensive care T5 . There are no significant differences in the comparison. Additionally, the measurements were also compared by age. The patients were divided to four different age groups and no differences were found between the age groups except intensive care fibrinogen value and baseline protrombine time Pt Value. Then attempt were made to look for the significant correlation value of the measurements. After significant one was found, one measurement value was taken as dependent variable and the measurements, which are highly correlated with dependent variable as independent variables in the regression model. All of the models established that the analysis were significant with both squared r, p and F values. In some regression models, only interaction effect was seen with the variables, which means that PMEA-coating created more hydrophilic surfaces for protein adsorption when compared with uncoated Cardiopulmonary by pass filters.


  • B.G. Tabachick, L.S. Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Fourth Edition, Northridge: Harper Collins, (2001).
  • A.L. Edwards (Translated by Selim Hovardaoğlu) (1995), Entering to Linear Regression and Correlation, Hatipoğlu press.
  • P. Newbold, (translated by Ümit Şenesen) (2001), Statistics for Economy and Science of Business, Second Eddition, Literature press.
  • Boehm et al., Premixed insulin aspart 30 vs. premixed human insulin 30/70 twice daily: a randomized trial in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients, Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, (2002) 393.
  • Christophe Baufreton et al., A combined approach for improving cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary artery surgery: a pilot study, Perfusion, (2002) 407.
  • B.G. Tabachick, L.S. Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Fourth Edition, Northridge : Harper Collins, (2001). 7. A.L. Edwards (Translated by Selim Hovardaoğlu), Entering to Linear Regression and Corelation, Hatipoğlu press, (1995).
  • P. Newbold (translated by Ümit Şenesen), Statistics for Economy and Science of Business, Second Eddition, Literature press, (2001).
  • Boehm et al., Premixed insulin aspart 30 vs. premixed human insulin 30/70 twice daily: a randomized trial in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients, Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, (2002) 393.
  • Christophe Baufreton et al., A combined approach for improving cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary artery surgery: a pilot study, Perfusion, (2002) 407.
  • H.l. Lazar, X. Zhang, T. Hamasaki, C.A. Memmelo, P. Treanor, S. Rivers, G.S. Aldea, S.A. Bernard, R.J. Shemin, Annual Thorac Surgery, 63 (1997) 1701.
  • H. Guckenberger, B. Hacker, T. Hartman, T. Scheybani, Z. Wang, W. Wiegrabe, W. Baumeister, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 9 (1991) 1227.
  • R.J. Leatherbarrow, M. Stedman, T.N.C. Wells , J. Mol. Biol., 22 (1991) 361.
  • N. Saito, S. Motoyama, J. Sawamoto, International Society for Artificial Organs, 24 (2000) 547.
  • F. Ayhan, A. Yousefirad, H. Ayhan, Biocompatibility Investigation and Urea Removal from blood by Urease Immobilized HEMA Incorporated Poly(Ethylenglycoldi metacrylate) microbeads, App. Biomat. Sec. J. Biomed. Mat. Res., 64B (2003) 13.
  • M. Kocakulak, S. Günaydın, R. Saber, B. Farsak, N. Bingöl, C. Koçum, T. Sarı, Y. Zorlutuna, H. Ayhan, E. Pişkin, Investigation of Blood Proteins Adsorption on Coated And Uncoated Hollow Fiber Surfaces in Extracorporeal Circuits During Cardiopulmonary Bypass, The International Symposium of IEEE, 15-18 October 2001, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • M. Kocakulak, S. Günaydın, R. Saber, C. Koçum, N. Bingöl, T. Sarı, Y. Zorlutuna, H. Ayhan, Investigation of Blood compatibility of PMEA coated extracorporeal circuit. J. of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 17 (2002) 343.
  • U. Demirkılıç, E. Kuralay, H. Tatar, M. Kocakulak, C. Koçum, H. Ayhan, Clinical Evaluation and Blood Compatibility OF Coated and Flow Optimized Oxygenators, MEDICON July 2004 Conference, Italy.
  • M. Kocakulak, T. Özgürtaş, F. Ayhan, H. Ayhan, PMEA Coated Oxygenators Saves Red Blood Cells ın open heart surgery, The 11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days, BIOMED2004, 6-10 September 2004, Ankara, Turkey.
  • M. Kocakulak, L. Durgun, F. Ayhan, H. Ayhan, Statistical Analysis of Blood Components Behavior on Various Extracorporeal Circuits, The 11th Internat. Biomed. Sci. &Tech. Days, BIOMED2004, 6-10 September 2004, Ankara, Turkey.
  • U. Demirkilic, M. Kocakulak, E. Kuralay, C. Koçum, H. Tatar, H. Ayhan, Coated and Flow Optimized Oxygenator: Clinical Evaluation and Blood Compatibility, J. Bioact.& Comp. Polym., 19 (2004) 395.
  • M. Kocakulak, C. Kocum, H. Ayhan, Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Immunologic Activation on Coated and Noncoated Oxygenator Fibers, The 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005.
  • M. Kocakulak, T. Özgürtaş, H. Ayhan, Effect of Hydrophilic Polymer Poly(2-Methoxyethyl acrylate) Coated Oxygenator on Haemolysis, J. Biomat. Sci., Polymer Edition, 17 (2006) 449.

PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi

Year 2012, Volume: 40 Issue: 4, 445 - 455, 01.09.2012


P olimetoksietilen akrilat PMEA kaplı ve kapsız oyuk fiberlerin kan uyumluluğu multivariat istatistiksel yöntemler kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Hastalar iki gruba ayrılmıştır: biri PMEA kaplı diğeri de kapsız oksijeneratör fiberlerleri kullanan hastalar. Her iki grup da toplam bilirubin, direkt bilirubin, eritrosit, albumin, fibrinojen, lökosit ve toplam protein analiz sonuçları ile değerlendirilmiştir. Karşılaştırma için üç düzey alınmıştır: taban seviyesi T1 , protamin enjeksiyonu sonrası T4 ve yoğun bakım T5 . Düzeyler arasında belirgin farklılıklar gözlenmemiştir. Ek olarak ölçümler yaşa göre de karşılaştırılmıştır. Hastalar dört farklı yaş grubuna ayrılmıştır ve yoğun bakım fibrinojen değeri ve taban seviyesi protrombin zamanı Pt değeri hariç yaş grupları arasında bir fark bulunmamıştır. Sonra ölçümlerin önemli ilişki değerini bulmak için deneme yapıldı. Önemli bir tane bulunduktan sonra regrasyon modelinde, bir ölçüm bağımlı değişken olarak ve bağımlı değişkenle çok iyi bağlantı kuran ölçümler de bağımsız değişkenler olarak alınmıştır. Analizde kurulan modellerin hepsinin r2, p ve F değerleri önemlidir. Bazı regrasyon modellerinde sadece etkileşim etkisi değişkenlerle birlikte görülmüştür ki bunun anlamı, Kaplanmış cardiopulmoner by pass filtreleri, kaplanmamışlar ile karşılaştırıldığında PMEA kaplılar protein adsorpsiyonu için daha hidrofilik yüzeyler oluşturmuştur


  • B.G. Tabachick, L.S. Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Fourth Edition, Northridge: Harper Collins, (2001).
  • A.L. Edwards (Translated by Selim Hovardaoğlu) (1995), Entering to Linear Regression and Correlation, Hatipoğlu press.
  • P. Newbold, (translated by Ümit Şenesen) (2001), Statistics for Economy and Science of Business, Second Eddition, Literature press.
  • Boehm et al., Premixed insulin aspart 30 vs. premixed human insulin 30/70 twice daily: a randomized trial in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients, Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, (2002) 393.
  • Christophe Baufreton et al., A combined approach for improving cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary artery surgery: a pilot study, Perfusion, (2002) 407.
  • B.G. Tabachick, L.S. Fidell, Using Multivariate Statistics, Fourth Edition, Northridge : Harper Collins, (2001). 7. A.L. Edwards (Translated by Selim Hovardaoğlu), Entering to Linear Regression and Corelation, Hatipoğlu press, (1995).
  • P. Newbold (translated by Ümit Şenesen), Statistics for Economy and Science of Business, Second Eddition, Literature press, (2001).
  • Boehm et al., Premixed insulin aspart 30 vs. premixed human insulin 30/70 twice daily: a randomized trial in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients, Diabetes UK, Diabetic Medicine, (2002) 393.
  • Christophe Baufreton et al., A combined approach for improving cardiopulmonary bypass in coronary artery surgery: a pilot study, Perfusion, (2002) 407.
  • H.l. Lazar, X. Zhang, T. Hamasaki, C.A. Memmelo, P. Treanor, S. Rivers, G.S. Aldea, S.A. Bernard, R.J. Shemin, Annual Thorac Surgery, 63 (1997) 1701.
  • H. Guckenberger, B. Hacker, T. Hartman, T. Scheybani, Z. Wang, W. Wiegrabe, W. Baumeister, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 9 (1991) 1227.
  • R.J. Leatherbarrow, M. Stedman, T.N.C. Wells , J. Mol. Biol., 22 (1991) 361.
  • N. Saito, S. Motoyama, J. Sawamoto, International Society for Artificial Organs, 24 (2000) 547.
  • F. Ayhan, A. Yousefirad, H. Ayhan, Biocompatibility Investigation and Urea Removal from blood by Urease Immobilized HEMA Incorporated Poly(Ethylenglycoldi metacrylate) microbeads, App. Biomat. Sec. J. Biomed. Mat. Res., 64B (2003) 13.
  • M. Kocakulak, S. Günaydın, R. Saber, B. Farsak, N. Bingöl, C. Koçum, T. Sarı, Y. Zorlutuna, H. Ayhan, E. Pişkin, Investigation of Blood Proteins Adsorption on Coated And Uncoated Hollow Fiber Surfaces in Extracorporeal Circuits During Cardiopulmonary Bypass, The International Symposium of IEEE, 15-18 October 2001, İstanbul, Turkey.
  • M. Kocakulak, S. Günaydın, R. Saber, C. Koçum, N. Bingöl, T. Sarı, Y. Zorlutuna, H. Ayhan, Investigation of Blood compatibility of PMEA coated extracorporeal circuit. J. of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 17 (2002) 343.
  • U. Demirkılıç, E. Kuralay, H. Tatar, M. Kocakulak, C. Koçum, H. Ayhan, Clinical Evaluation and Blood Compatibility OF Coated and Flow Optimized Oxygenators, MEDICON July 2004 Conference, Italy.
  • M. Kocakulak, T. Özgürtaş, F. Ayhan, H. Ayhan, PMEA Coated Oxygenators Saves Red Blood Cells ın open heart surgery, The 11th International Biomedical Science and Technology Days, BIOMED2004, 6-10 September 2004, Ankara, Turkey.
  • M. Kocakulak, L. Durgun, F. Ayhan, H. Ayhan, Statistical Analysis of Blood Components Behavior on Various Extracorporeal Circuits, The 11th Internat. Biomed. Sci. &Tech. Days, BIOMED2004, 6-10 September 2004, Ankara, Turkey.
  • U. Demirkilic, M. Kocakulak, E. Kuralay, C. Koçum, H. Tatar, H. Ayhan, Coated and Flow Optimized Oxygenator: Clinical Evaluation and Blood Compatibility, J. Bioact.& Comp. Polym., 19 (2004) 395.
  • M. Kocakulak, C. Kocum, H. Ayhan, Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy of Immunologic Activation on Coated and Noncoated Oxygenator Fibers, The 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Shanghai, China, September 1-4, 2005.
  • M. Kocakulak, T. Özgürtaş, H. Ayhan, Effect of Hydrophilic Polymer Poly(2-Methoxyethyl acrylate) Coated Oxygenator on Haemolysis, J. Biomat. Sci., Polymer Edition, 17 (2006) 449.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fatma Ayhan This is me

Mustafa Kocakulak This is me

Oğuz Akpolat This is me

Hakan Ayhan This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 40 Issue: 4


APA Ayhan, F., Kocakulak, M., Akpolat, O., Ayhan, H. (2012). PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40(4), 445-455.
AMA Ayhan F, Kocakulak M, Akpolat O, Ayhan H. PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi. HJBC. September 2012;40(4):445-455.
Chicago Ayhan, Fatma, Mustafa Kocakulak, Oğuz Akpolat, and Hakan Ayhan. “PMEA-Kaplı Ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin Ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40, no. 4 (September 2012): 445-55.
EndNote Ayhan F, Kocakulak M, Akpolat O, Ayhan H (September 1, 2012) PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40 4 445–455.
IEEE F. Ayhan, M. Kocakulak, O. Akpolat, and H. Ayhan, “PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi”, HJBC, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 445–455, 2012.
ISNAD Ayhan, Fatma et al. “PMEA-Kaplı Ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin Ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 40/4 (September 2012), 445-455.
JAMA Ayhan F, Kocakulak M, Akpolat O, Ayhan H. PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi. HJBC. 2012;40:445–455.
MLA Ayhan, Fatma et al. “PMEA-Kaplı Ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin Ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 40, no. 4, 2012, pp. 445-5.
Vancouver Ayhan F, Kocakulak M, Akpolat O, Ayhan H. PMEA-kaplı ve Kapsız Oksijenatörlerle Temas Eden Kan Hücrelerinin ve Kan Proteinlerinin Davranışının İstatistiksel Analizi. HJBC. 2012;40(4):445-5.


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