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Acid Adaptation and Alliin Resistance of Salmonella Typhimurium Isolated from Acid Pasteurized Garlic Paste

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 01.03.2013


Garlic is often marketed fresh and without processing but, paste is a potential alternative that would retain the delicate and fresh odor of garlic. Allicin is one of the major antibacterial components of garlic. Salmonella was isolated from commercial type garlic paste using ISO 6579 method and identified by serotyping using Kauffman-White Scheme and antibiotic resistance patterns were evaluated using disk diffusion method. The strain was identified as Salmonella Typhimurium. Acid adaptation in citric and acetic acids, survival at pH 3 and Alliin resistance of the strain were evaluated. The strain was significantly resistant to lower pH and an increase in numbers of the strain was recorded. The strain was also resistant to Alliin, which may show that this strain would be the survivor of acid pasteurized garlic paste. This study aims to report an extreme Salmonella Typhimurium strain which adopts to acid and have Alliin resistance. The study underlines the resistance to natural antimicrobials that may cause a risk in public health.


  • E. Block, Garlic and Other Alliums: The Lore and the Science, Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 0-85404- 190-7.2010
  • A.H. Ensminger, Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, CRC Press, 1994.
  • S.Ankri, D. Mirelman, Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microb. Infect., 2 (1999) 125.
  • D.T. Constenla, J.E. Lozano, Effect of pretreatments and processing conditions on the chemical, physical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of garlic paste, J. Food Proc. Eng., 28 (2005) 313.
  • L. Ma, G Zhang, P Gerner-Smidt, R Tauxe, M Doyle, Survival and growth of Salmonella in salsa and related ingredients, J. Food Prot. 73 (2010) 434.
  • C.M. Bennett, C.Dalton, M. Beers-Deeble, A. Milazzo, E. Kraa, D. Davos, M. Puech, A. Tan, M. Heuzenroeder, Fresh garlic: a possible vehicle for Salmonella Virchow, Epidemiol. Infect., 131 (2003) 1041. 7. G.E. Fasciolo, M.I. Meca, E. Gabriel, J. Morabito, Effects on crops of irrigation with treated municipal wastewaters, Water Sci. Technol., 45 (2002) 133.
  • M.F. Lynch, R.V. Tauxe, C.W. Hedberg, The growing burden of foodborne outbreaks due to contaminated fresh produce: risks and opportunities, Epidemiol. Infect., 137 (2009) 307.
  • Y. Uchida, T. Takahashi, N. Sato, The characteristics of the antibacterial activity of garlic, Jpn J. Antibiotics 28 (1975) 638.
  • K.C. Gupta, R. Viswanathan. Combined action of streptomycin and chloramphenicol with plant antibiotics against tubercle bacilli, I. Streptomycin and chloramphenicol with cepharanthine. II. Streptomycin and allicin, Antibiot. Chemother, 5 (1955) 24.
  • K.P. Koutsoumanis, J.N. Sofos, Comparative acid stress response of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium after habituation at different pH conditions, Lett Appl. Microbiol., 38 (2004) 321.
  • J.W. Foster, H.K. Hall, Adaptive acidification tolerance response of Salmonella Typhimurium, J Bact., 172 (1990) 771.
  • J.W. Foster, Low pH adaptation and the acid tolerance response of Salmonella Typhimurium, Critical Rev. in Microbiol., 21 (1995) 215.
  • S. Bearson, B. Bearson, J.W. Foster, Acid stress responses in enterobacteria, FEMS Microbiol. Letter, 147 (1997) 173.
  • J.W. Foster, Salmonella acid shock proteins are required for the adaptive acid tolerance response, J. Bact., 173 (1991) 6896.
  • J.W. Foster, When protons attack: microbial strategies of acid adaptation, Curr. Op. Microbiol., 2 (1999) 170.
  • Anonymous, TS EN ISO 6579: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs–Horizontal method for detection of Salmonella spp, International Standardization Standards Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 2005 (ISO), Turkish
  • Anonymous, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; 16th Informational Supplement, CLSI Document M100– S22, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 2012, Wayne, PA, 2012 Standards
  • A. Álvarez-Ordóñez, A. Fernández, A. Bernardo, M. López, Acid tolerance in Salmonella typhimurium induced by culturing in the presence of organic acids at different growth temperatures, Food Microbiol., 27 (2009) 44.
  • D.S. Soper, “Fisher’s Exact Test Calculator for a 2x2 Contingency Table (Online Software)”, http://www. 2012
  • R.A. Fisher, “On the interpretation of X2 from contingency tables and the calculation of P”, J. Royal Statis. Soc., 85 (1922) 87.
  • P.M. Davidson, Chemical preservatives and natural antimicrobial compounds, In: Doyle MP, Beuchat LR, Garlic as Salmonella vehicle 1047 Montville TJ, eds., Food microbiology–Fundamentals and frontiers, Washington, DC: ASM Press, (1997) 520.
  • W.H. Andrews, G.A. June, P. Sherrod, T.S. Hammack, R.M. Amaguana, In: Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International, Ch. 5., 1995.
  • E.J. Greenacre, T.F. Brocklehurst, The acetic acid Tolerance Response induces cross-protection to salt stress in Salmonella typhimurium, Int. J. Food. Microbiol., 112(2003) 62.
  • E.J. Greenacre, T.F. Brocklehurst, C.R. Waspe, D.R. Wilson, P.D. Wilson, Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes Acid Tolerance Response Induced by Organic Acids at 20°C, Optimization and Modeling, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69 (2003) 3945.
  • Y. M.Kwon, S. C. Ricke, Induction of acid resistance of Salmonella typhimurium by exposure to short-chain fatty acids, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64 (1998) 3458.
  • G.J. Leyer, E.A. Johnson, Acid Adaptation Induces Cross-Protection against Environmental Stresses in Salmonella typhimurium, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 59 (1992) 1842.
  • G.J. Leyer, E.A. Johnson, Acid adaptation promotes survival of salmonella spp. in cheese, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 58 (1992) 2075.
  • J. Gorden, P. L. C. Small, Acid Resistance in Enteric Bacteria, Infect. Immun., 61 (1993) 364.
  • D.S. Merrell, A. Camilli, Acid tolerance of gastrointestinal pathogens, Curr. Op. Microbiol., 5 (2002) 51.

Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 1, 1 - 7, 01.03.2013


Sarımsak genellikle taze ve işlenmeden pazarlanmaktadır ancak, sarımsak macunu lezzetini ve taze kokusunu muhafaza etme açısından potansiyel bir alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Allicin sarımsağın en önemli antibakteriyel bileşenlerinden birisidir. Salmonella, ISO 6579 yöntemi kullanılarak ticari sarımsaktan izole edilmiş ve Kauffman-White Şeması kullanılarak yapılan serotipleme ile belirlenmiştir. Disk difüzyon yöntemi kullanılarak antibiyotik direnç modelleri değerlendirilmiştir. Suş Salmonella Typhimurium olarak belirlenmiştir. Suşun, sitrik ve asetik asitte asit adaptasyonu, pH 3’te sağ kalımı ve Alliin direnci değerlendirilmiştir. Suşun daha düşük pH’larda önemli derecede dirençli olduğu bulunmuş ve suş sayısında artış kaydedilmiştir. Suş ayrıca Alliin’e de direç göstermektedir. Bu da suşun asitle pastörize edilmiş sarımsak macununda yaşayabileceği anlamına gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada aside adapte olmuş ve Alliin direncine sahip aşırı Salmonella Typhimurium suşu rapor edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma halk sağlığını riske atabilecek doğal antibiyotiklere direnç kazanma konusunun altını çizmektedir


  • E. Block, Garlic and Other Alliums: The Lore and the Science, Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 0-85404- 190-7.2010
  • A.H. Ensminger, Foods & Nutrition Encyclopedia, CRC Press, 1994.
  • S.Ankri, D. Mirelman, Antimicrobial properties of allicin from garlic. Microb. Infect., 2 (1999) 125.
  • D.T. Constenla, J.E. Lozano, Effect of pretreatments and processing conditions on the chemical, physical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of garlic paste, J. Food Proc. Eng., 28 (2005) 313.
  • L. Ma, G Zhang, P Gerner-Smidt, R Tauxe, M Doyle, Survival and growth of Salmonella in salsa and related ingredients, J. Food Prot. 73 (2010) 434.
  • C.M. Bennett, C.Dalton, M. Beers-Deeble, A. Milazzo, E. Kraa, D. Davos, M. Puech, A. Tan, M. Heuzenroeder, Fresh garlic: a possible vehicle for Salmonella Virchow, Epidemiol. Infect., 131 (2003) 1041. 7. G.E. Fasciolo, M.I. Meca, E. Gabriel, J. Morabito, Effects on crops of irrigation with treated municipal wastewaters, Water Sci. Technol., 45 (2002) 133.
  • M.F. Lynch, R.V. Tauxe, C.W. Hedberg, The growing burden of foodborne outbreaks due to contaminated fresh produce: risks and opportunities, Epidemiol. Infect., 137 (2009) 307.
  • Y. Uchida, T. Takahashi, N. Sato, The characteristics of the antibacterial activity of garlic, Jpn J. Antibiotics 28 (1975) 638.
  • K.C. Gupta, R. Viswanathan. Combined action of streptomycin and chloramphenicol with plant antibiotics against tubercle bacilli, I. Streptomycin and chloramphenicol with cepharanthine. II. Streptomycin and allicin, Antibiot. Chemother, 5 (1955) 24.
  • K.P. Koutsoumanis, J.N. Sofos, Comparative acid stress response of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium after habituation at different pH conditions, Lett Appl. Microbiol., 38 (2004) 321.
  • J.W. Foster, H.K. Hall, Adaptive acidification tolerance response of Salmonella Typhimurium, J Bact., 172 (1990) 771.
  • J.W. Foster, Low pH adaptation and the acid tolerance response of Salmonella Typhimurium, Critical Rev. in Microbiol., 21 (1995) 215.
  • S. Bearson, B. Bearson, J.W. Foster, Acid stress responses in enterobacteria, FEMS Microbiol. Letter, 147 (1997) 173.
  • J.W. Foster, Salmonella acid shock proteins are required for the adaptive acid tolerance response, J. Bact., 173 (1991) 6896.
  • J.W. Foster, When protons attack: microbial strategies of acid adaptation, Curr. Op. Microbiol., 2 (1999) 170.
  • Anonymous, TS EN ISO 6579: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs–Horizontal method for detection of Salmonella spp, International Standardization Standards Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 2005 (ISO), Turkish
  • Anonymous, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; 16th Informational Supplement, CLSI Document M100– S22, Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 2012, Wayne, PA, 2012 Standards
  • A. Álvarez-Ordóñez, A. Fernández, A. Bernardo, M. López, Acid tolerance in Salmonella typhimurium induced by culturing in the presence of organic acids at different growth temperatures, Food Microbiol., 27 (2009) 44.
  • D.S. Soper, “Fisher’s Exact Test Calculator for a 2x2 Contingency Table (Online Software)”, http://www. 2012
  • R.A. Fisher, “On the interpretation of X2 from contingency tables and the calculation of P”, J. Royal Statis. Soc., 85 (1922) 87.
  • P.M. Davidson, Chemical preservatives and natural antimicrobial compounds, In: Doyle MP, Beuchat LR, Garlic as Salmonella vehicle 1047 Montville TJ, eds., Food microbiology–Fundamentals and frontiers, Washington, DC: ASM Press, (1997) 520.
  • W.H. Andrews, G.A. June, P. Sherrod, T.S. Hammack, R.M. Amaguana, In: Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC International, Ch. 5., 1995.
  • E.J. Greenacre, T.F. Brocklehurst, The acetic acid Tolerance Response induces cross-protection to salt stress in Salmonella typhimurium, Int. J. Food. Microbiol., 112(2003) 62.
  • E.J. Greenacre, T.F. Brocklehurst, C.R. Waspe, D.R. Wilson, P.D. Wilson, Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes Acid Tolerance Response Induced by Organic Acids at 20°C, Optimization and Modeling, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 69 (2003) 3945.
  • Y. M.Kwon, S. C. Ricke, Induction of acid resistance of Salmonella typhimurium by exposure to short-chain fatty acids, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64 (1998) 3458.
  • G.J. Leyer, E.A. Johnson, Acid Adaptation Induces Cross-Protection against Environmental Stresses in Salmonella typhimurium, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 59 (1992) 1842.
  • G.J. Leyer, E.A. Johnson, Acid adaptation promotes survival of salmonella spp. in cheese, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 58 (1992) 2075.
  • J. Gorden, P. L. C. Small, Acid Resistance in Enteric Bacteria, Infect. Immun., 61 (1993) 364.
  • D.S. Merrell, A. Camilli, Acid tolerance of gastrointestinal pathogens, Curr. Op. Microbiol., 5 (2002) 51.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Koluman This is me

Mehmet Özkan This is me

Belkis Levent This is me

Revasiye Güleşen This is me

Bülent Baş This is me

Abdullah Dikici This is me

Zeynep T. Burkan This is me

E. Nazan Akçelik This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 41 Issue: 1


APA Koluman, A., Özkan, M., Levent, B., Güleşen, R., et al. (2013). Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 41(1), 1-7.
AMA Koluman A, Özkan M, Levent B, Güleşen R, Baş B, Dikici A, Burkan ZT, Akçelik EN. Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci. HJBC. March 2013;41(1):1-7.
Chicago Koluman, Ahmet, Mehmet Özkan, Belkis Levent, Revasiye Güleşen, Bülent Baş, Abdullah Dikici, Zeynep T. Burkan, and E. Nazan Akçelik. “Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu Ve Alliin Direnci”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41, no. 1 (March 2013): 1-7.
EndNote Koluman A, Özkan M, Levent B, Güleşen R, Baş B, Dikici A, Burkan ZT, Akçelik EN (March 1, 2013) Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41 1 1–7.
IEEE A. Koluman, M. Özkan, B. Levent, R. Güleşen, B. Baş, A. Dikici, Z. T. Burkan, and E. N. Akçelik, “Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci”, HJBC, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1–7, 2013.
ISNAD Koluman, Ahmet et al. “Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu Ve Alliin Direnci”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41/1 (March 2013), 1-7.
JAMA Koluman A, Özkan M, Levent B, Güleşen R, Baş B, Dikici A, Burkan ZT, Akçelik EN. Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci. HJBC. 2013;41:1–7.
MLA Koluman, Ahmet et al. “Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu Ve Alliin Direnci”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 41, no. 1, 2013, pp. 1-7.
Vancouver Koluman A, Özkan M, Levent B, Güleşen R, Baş B, Dikici A, Burkan ZT, Akçelik EN. Asitle Pastörize Edilmiş Sarımsak Macunundan İzole Edilen Salmonella Typhimurium’un Asit Adaptasyonu ve Alliin Direnci. HJBC. 2013;41(1):1-7.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science