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Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 347 - 356, 01.11.2013


Biogenic amines are organic compounds, present in living organisms and they can be a responsibility for many essential processes. Naturally, they can be also in fruits and vegetable and all foods that contain free amino acids or proteins. In a high amount they can be produced by microorganism through the enzymatic reac- tion. Histamine, putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine, tryptamine, β-phenylethylamine, spermine and spermidine are considered to be the most important biogenic amines occurring in foods. Excessive consumption of these amines can inflict health concern and analysis of biogenic amines is important based on their toxicity and their usage as indicators of the degree of freshness or spoilage of food. Several methods exist for isolation, identif- ying and determination of biogenic amines in food. They are mainly based on chromatographic methods: thin layer chromatography TLC , gas chromatography GC , capillary electrophoresis CE and high-performance liquid chromatography HPLC . Due to the low volatility and lack of chromophores of most biogenic amines, UV- spectrometric detection is limited. A new challenge is electrochemical determination of those amines based on oxidative reaction. This review shows different methods which allow quantitative determination of biogenic amines in different food stuffs.


  • 1. A. Naila, S. Flint, G. Fletcher, P. Bremer, G. Meerdink, Control of Biogenic Amines in Food - existing and emerging approaches, J. Food Sci. 75 (2010) 7.
  • 2. R. G. Leuschner, M. Kurthara, W. P. Hammes, Formation of biogenic amines by proteolytic enterococci during cheese ripening, J. Sci. Food Agr. 79 (1999) 1141.
  • 3. S. Santos, Biogenic amines: their importance in food, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 2-3 (1996) 213.
  • 4. J. Karoviova, Z. Kohajdova, Biogenic amines in food, Chem. PaP. 59 (2005) 70.
  • 5. T. Davidek, J. Davidek, Eds, Biogenic amines in natural toxic compounds of foods, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1995), pp. 108.
  • 6. G.Suzzi, F.Gardini, Biogenic amines in dry fermented sausages, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 88 (2003) 41.
  • 7. J.E. Stratton, R.W. Hutkins, S.L. Taylor, Biogenicamines in cheese and other fermented foods – a review, J. Food Protect. 54 (1991) 460.
  • 8. A. Halász, A. Baráth, L. S. Sarkadi, W. Holzapfel, Biogenic amines and their production by microorganisms in food, Tr. Food Sci. Technol. 5 (1994) 42.
  • 9. S. Bodmer, C. Imark, M. Kneubühl, Biogenic amines in food: histamine and food processing, Inflam. Res. 48 (1999) 296.
  • 10. R.E. Anli, N. Vural, S. Yilmaz, Y.H. Vural, The determination of biogenic amines in Turkish red wines, J. Food Comp. Anal. 17 (2004) 53.
  • 11. A. Marcobal, M.C. Polo, P.J. Martin-Alvarez, M.V. Moreno-Arribas, Biogenic amine content of red Spanish wines: comparison of a direct ELISA and an HPLC method for the determination of histamine in wines, Food Res. Int. 38 (2005) 387.
  • 12. S. Kose, G. Hall, Modification of a colorimetric method for histamine analysis in fish meal, Food Res.Int. 33 (2000) 839.
  • 13. S.B. Patange, M.K. Mukundan, K.A. Kumar, A simple and rapid method for colorimetric determination of histamine in fish flesh, Food Control 16 (2005) 465.
  • 14. A.L. Cinquina, A. Cali, F. Longo, L. De Santis, A. Severoni, F. Abballe, Determination of biogenic amines in fish tissues by ion-exchange chromatography with conductivity detection, J. Chromatogr. A. 1032 (2004) 73.
  • 15. K. Pihel, S. Hsieh, J.W. Jorgenson, R.M. Wightman, Electrochemical detection of histamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine at isolated mast cells, Anal. Chem. 67 (1995) 4514.
  • 16. K. Saito, M. Horie, N. Nose, K. Nakagomi, H. Nakazawa, High-performance liquid chromatography of histamine and 1 - methylhistamine with on-column fluorescence derivatization, J. Chromatogr. 595 (1992) 163.
  • 17. Y.H. Tsai, H.F. Kung, T.M. Lee, H.C. Chen, S.S. Chou, C.I. Wei, D.F. Hwang, Determination of histamine in canned mackerel implicated in a food borne poisoning, Food Control 16 (2005) 579.
  • 18. B.S. Hwang, J.T. Wang, Y.M. Choong, A rapid gas chromatographic method for the determination of histamine in fish and fish products, Food Chem. 82 (2003) 329.
  • 19. M.J. Brown, P.W. Ind, P.J. Barnes, D.A. Jenner, C.T. Dollery, A sensitive and specific radiometric method for the measurement of plasma histamine in normal individuals, Anal. Biochem. 109 (1980) 142.
  • 20. Q. Weng, F. Xia, W. Jin, Determination of histamine by capillary zone electrophoresis with end-column amperometric detection at a carbon fiber microdisk array electrode, Electroanalysis 13 (2001) 1459.
  • 21. A. Marcobal, M.C. Polo, P.J. Martin-Alvarez, M.V. Moreno-Arribas, Biogenic amine content of red Spanish wines: comparison of a direct ELISA and an HPLC method for the determination of histamine in wines, Food Res. Int. 38 (2005) 387.
  • 22. M.K. Amini, S. Shahrokhian, S. Tangestaninejad, Porphyrins as carriers in poly (vinyl chloride)-based membrane potentiometric sensors for histamine, Analyst, 124 (1999) 1319.
  • 23. M.R. Ganjali, P. Norouzi, M. Ghorbani, A. Sepeheri Fourier transform cyclic voltammetric technique for monitoring ultratrace amounts of salbutamol at gold ultra-microelectrode in flowing solutions, Talanta 66 (2005) 1225.
  • 24. A. Önal, Current analytical methods for the determination of biogenic amines in foods; Food Chem. 103 (2007) 1475.
  • 25. B. Boka, N. Adanyi, J. Szamos, D. Virag, A. Kiss Putrescine biosensor based on putrescine oxidase from Kocuria rosea, Enzyme Microb. Technol. 51 (2012) 258.
  • 26. S. Pérez, J. Bartrolí, E. Fàbregas, Amperometric biosensor for the determination of histamine in fish samples, Food Chem. 141 (2013) 4066.
  • 27. M.A. Alonso-Lomillo, O. Domínguez-Renedo, M.J. Arcos-Martínez, Screen-printed biosensors in microbiology; a review, Talanta 82 (2010) 1629.
  • 28. A.S. Hernández-Cázares, M.C. Aristoy, F. Toldrá, An enzyme sensor for the determination of total amines in dry-fermented sausages, J. Food Eng. 106 (2011) 166.
  • 29. R. Draisci, P.G. Volpe, O.L. Lucentini, A. Cecilia, R. Federico, G. Palleschi, Determination of biogenic amines with an electrochemical biosensor and its application to salted anchovies, Food Chem. 62 (1997) 225.
  • 30. S. Tombelli, M. Mascini, Electrochemical biosensors for biogenic amines: a comparison between different approaches, Anal. Chim. Acta 358 (1998) 277.
  • 31. M.A. Alonso-Lomillo, O. Domínguez-Renedo, L. T. Román, M.J.A. Martínez, Horseradish peroxidasescreen printed biosensors for determination of Ochratoxin A, Anal. Chim. Acta 688 (2011) 49.
  • 32. L.G. Harsing, H. Nagashima, D. Duncalf, E. Sylvester Vizi, P.L. Goldiner, Determination of histamine concentrations in plasma by liquid chromatography/ electrochemistry, Clin. Chem. 32 (1986) 1823.
  • 33. C.G. Amorim, R.C. Souza, A.N. Araújo, M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro, V.L. Silva, SI lab-on valve analysis of histamine using potentiometric detection for food quality control, Food Chem. 122 (2010) 871.
  • 34. B.V. Sarada, T.N. Rao, D.A. Tryk, A. Fujishima, Electrochemical oxidation of histamine and serotonin at highly boron-doped diamond electrodes, Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 1632.
  • 35. Z.S. Stojanovi, J.V. Svarc–Gaji, A simple and rapid method for histamine determination in fermented sausages by mediated chronopotentiometry, Food Control 22 (2011) 2013.
  • 36. J. Švarc-Gaji, Z. Stojanovi, Electrocatalytical determination of histamine on a Nickel-Film glassy carbon electrode, Electroanalysis 24 (2010) 2931.
  • 37. B.A. Adergani, P. Norouzi, M.R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, Ultrasensitive flow injection electrochemical method for determination of histamine in tuna fish samples, Food Res. Int. 43 (2010) 1116.
  • 38. J. Švarc-Gaji, Z. Stojanovi, Determination of histamine in cheese by chrono potentiometry on a thin film mercury electrode, Food Chem. 124 (2010) 1172.
  • 39. B.V. Sarada, T.N. Rao, D.A. Tryk, A. Fujishima, Electrochemical oxidation of histamine and serotonin at highly boron-doped diamond electrodes, Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 1632.
  • 40. K. Takagi, S. Shikata, Flow injection determination of histamine with a histamine dehydrogenase – based electrode, Anal. Chim. Acta 505 (2004) 89.
  • 41. D. Telsnig, K. Kalcher, A. Leitner, A. Ortner, Design of an amperometric biosensor for the determination of biogenic amines using screen printed carbon working electrodes, Electroanalysis, 25 (2013) 47.

Gıdalarda biyojenik aminlerin belirlenmesindeki mevcut yöntemler ve bakış açıları

Year 2013, Volume: 41 Issue: 4, 347 - 356, 01.11.2013


B iyojenik aminler, canlı organizmalarda bulunan organik bileşiklerdir ve birçok temel işlemlerden sorumlu olabilirler. Meyve, sebze ve serbest amino asit veya protein içeren her gıdada doğal olarak bulunabilirler. Enzimatik tepkimeler yoluyla mikroorganizmalar tarafından yüksek miktarlarda üretilebilirler. Histamin, putresin, kadaverin, tiramin, triptamin, β-feniletilamin, spermin ve spermidin, gıdalarda en sık bulunan önemli biyojenik aminler olarak değerlendirilir. Bu aminlerin aşırı kullanımı, sağlık sorununa yol açabilir ve biyojenik aminlerin analizi, toksik etkilerinin ve tazelik veya bozulma derecelerinin bir göstergesi olarak oldukça önemlidir. Gıdalarda biyojenik aminlerin izolasyonu, tanımlanması ve tayini için çeşitli yöntemler mevcuttur. Bu yöntemler temel olarak kromatografik yöntemlerdir: ince tabaka kromatografisi TLC , gaz kromatografisi GC , kapiler elektroforez CE ve yüksek performans sıvı kromatografi HPLC . Birçok biyojenik aminlerin düşük uçuculuğu ve kromofor gruplarının olmaması dolayısıyla, UV-spektrometrik tayinleri sınırlıdır. Bu aminlerin tayini için yeni bir yöntem ise oksidatif tepkimelerinin elektrokimyasal izlenmesidir. Bu derlemede; farklı gıda numunelerinde biyojenik aminlerin kantitatif tayininde kullanılan çeşitli yöntemler gösterilmektedir


  • 1. A. Naila, S. Flint, G. Fletcher, P. Bremer, G. Meerdink, Control of Biogenic Amines in Food - existing and emerging approaches, J. Food Sci. 75 (2010) 7.
  • 2. R. G. Leuschner, M. Kurthara, W. P. Hammes, Formation of biogenic amines by proteolytic enterococci during cheese ripening, J. Sci. Food Agr. 79 (1999) 1141.
  • 3. S. Santos, Biogenic amines: their importance in food, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 2-3 (1996) 213.
  • 4. J. Karoviova, Z. Kohajdova, Biogenic amines in food, Chem. PaP. 59 (2005) 70.
  • 5. T. Davidek, J. Davidek, Eds, Biogenic amines in natural toxic compounds of foods, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1995), pp. 108.
  • 6. G.Suzzi, F.Gardini, Biogenic amines in dry fermented sausages, Int. J. Food Microbiol. 88 (2003) 41.
  • 7. J.E. Stratton, R.W. Hutkins, S.L. Taylor, Biogenicamines in cheese and other fermented foods – a review, J. Food Protect. 54 (1991) 460.
  • 8. A. Halász, A. Baráth, L. S. Sarkadi, W. Holzapfel, Biogenic amines and their production by microorganisms in food, Tr. Food Sci. Technol. 5 (1994) 42.
  • 9. S. Bodmer, C. Imark, M. Kneubühl, Biogenic amines in food: histamine and food processing, Inflam. Res. 48 (1999) 296.
  • 10. R.E. Anli, N. Vural, S. Yilmaz, Y.H. Vural, The determination of biogenic amines in Turkish red wines, J. Food Comp. Anal. 17 (2004) 53.
  • 11. A. Marcobal, M.C. Polo, P.J. Martin-Alvarez, M.V. Moreno-Arribas, Biogenic amine content of red Spanish wines: comparison of a direct ELISA and an HPLC method for the determination of histamine in wines, Food Res. Int. 38 (2005) 387.
  • 12. S. Kose, G. Hall, Modification of a colorimetric method for histamine analysis in fish meal, Food Res.Int. 33 (2000) 839.
  • 13. S.B. Patange, M.K. Mukundan, K.A. Kumar, A simple and rapid method for colorimetric determination of histamine in fish flesh, Food Control 16 (2005) 465.
  • 14. A.L. Cinquina, A. Cali, F. Longo, L. De Santis, A. Severoni, F. Abballe, Determination of biogenic amines in fish tissues by ion-exchange chromatography with conductivity detection, J. Chromatogr. A. 1032 (2004) 73.
  • 15. K. Pihel, S. Hsieh, J.W. Jorgenson, R.M. Wightman, Electrochemical detection of histamine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine at isolated mast cells, Anal. Chem. 67 (1995) 4514.
  • 16. K. Saito, M. Horie, N. Nose, K. Nakagomi, H. Nakazawa, High-performance liquid chromatography of histamine and 1 - methylhistamine with on-column fluorescence derivatization, J. Chromatogr. 595 (1992) 163.
  • 17. Y.H. Tsai, H.F. Kung, T.M. Lee, H.C. Chen, S.S. Chou, C.I. Wei, D.F. Hwang, Determination of histamine in canned mackerel implicated in a food borne poisoning, Food Control 16 (2005) 579.
  • 18. B.S. Hwang, J.T. Wang, Y.M. Choong, A rapid gas chromatographic method for the determination of histamine in fish and fish products, Food Chem. 82 (2003) 329.
  • 19. M.J. Brown, P.W. Ind, P.J. Barnes, D.A. Jenner, C.T. Dollery, A sensitive and specific radiometric method for the measurement of plasma histamine in normal individuals, Anal. Biochem. 109 (1980) 142.
  • 20. Q. Weng, F. Xia, W. Jin, Determination of histamine by capillary zone electrophoresis with end-column amperometric detection at a carbon fiber microdisk array electrode, Electroanalysis 13 (2001) 1459.
  • 21. A. Marcobal, M.C. Polo, P.J. Martin-Alvarez, M.V. Moreno-Arribas, Biogenic amine content of red Spanish wines: comparison of a direct ELISA and an HPLC method for the determination of histamine in wines, Food Res. Int. 38 (2005) 387.
  • 22. M.K. Amini, S. Shahrokhian, S. Tangestaninejad, Porphyrins as carriers in poly (vinyl chloride)-based membrane potentiometric sensors for histamine, Analyst, 124 (1999) 1319.
  • 23. M.R. Ganjali, P. Norouzi, M. Ghorbani, A. Sepeheri Fourier transform cyclic voltammetric technique for monitoring ultratrace amounts of salbutamol at gold ultra-microelectrode in flowing solutions, Talanta 66 (2005) 1225.
  • 24. A. Önal, Current analytical methods for the determination of biogenic amines in foods; Food Chem. 103 (2007) 1475.
  • 25. B. Boka, N. Adanyi, J. Szamos, D. Virag, A. Kiss Putrescine biosensor based on putrescine oxidase from Kocuria rosea, Enzyme Microb. Technol. 51 (2012) 258.
  • 26. S. Pérez, J. Bartrolí, E. Fàbregas, Amperometric biosensor for the determination of histamine in fish samples, Food Chem. 141 (2013) 4066.
  • 27. M.A. Alonso-Lomillo, O. Domínguez-Renedo, M.J. Arcos-Martínez, Screen-printed biosensors in microbiology; a review, Talanta 82 (2010) 1629.
  • 28. A.S. Hernández-Cázares, M.C. Aristoy, F. Toldrá, An enzyme sensor for the determination of total amines in dry-fermented sausages, J. Food Eng. 106 (2011) 166.
  • 29. R. Draisci, P.G. Volpe, O.L. Lucentini, A. Cecilia, R. Federico, G. Palleschi, Determination of biogenic amines with an electrochemical biosensor and its application to salted anchovies, Food Chem. 62 (1997) 225.
  • 30. S. Tombelli, M. Mascini, Electrochemical biosensors for biogenic amines: a comparison between different approaches, Anal. Chim. Acta 358 (1998) 277.
  • 31. M.A. Alonso-Lomillo, O. Domínguez-Renedo, L. T. Román, M.J.A. Martínez, Horseradish peroxidasescreen printed biosensors for determination of Ochratoxin A, Anal. Chim. Acta 688 (2011) 49.
  • 32. L.G. Harsing, H. Nagashima, D. Duncalf, E. Sylvester Vizi, P.L. Goldiner, Determination of histamine concentrations in plasma by liquid chromatography/ electrochemistry, Clin. Chem. 32 (1986) 1823.
  • 33. C.G. Amorim, R.C. Souza, A.N. Araújo, M.C.B.S.M. Montenegro, V.L. Silva, SI lab-on valve analysis of histamine using potentiometric detection for food quality control, Food Chem. 122 (2010) 871.
  • 34. B.V. Sarada, T.N. Rao, D.A. Tryk, A. Fujishima, Electrochemical oxidation of histamine and serotonin at highly boron-doped diamond electrodes, Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 1632.
  • 35. Z.S. Stojanovi, J.V. Svarc–Gaji, A simple and rapid method for histamine determination in fermented sausages by mediated chronopotentiometry, Food Control 22 (2011) 2013.
  • 36. J. Švarc-Gaji, Z. Stojanovi, Electrocatalytical determination of histamine on a Nickel-Film glassy carbon electrode, Electroanalysis 24 (2010) 2931.
  • 37. B.A. Adergani, P. Norouzi, M.R. Ganjali, R. Dinarvand, Ultrasensitive flow injection electrochemical method for determination of histamine in tuna fish samples, Food Res. Int. 43 (2010) 1116.
  • 38. J. Švarc-Gaji, Z. Stojanovi, Determination of histamine in cheese by chrono potentiometry on a thin film mercury electrode, Food Chem. 124 (2010) 1172.
  • 39. B.V. Sarada, T.N. Rao, D.A. Tryk, A. Fujishima, Electrochemical oxidation of histamine and serotonin at highly boron-doped diamond electrodes, Anal. Chem. 72 (2000) 1632.
  • 40. K. Takagi, S. Shikata, Flow injection determination of histamine with a histamine dehydrogenase – based electrode, Anal. Chim. Acta 505 (2004) 89.
  • 41. D. Telsnig, K. Kalcher, A. Leitner, A. Ortner, Design of an amperometric biosensor for the determination of biogenic amines using screen printed carbon working electrodes, Electroanalysis, 25 (2013) 47.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Albana Veseli This is me

Eda Mehmeti This is me

Majlinda Vasjari This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 41 Issue: 4


APA Veseli, A., Mehmeti, E., & Vasjari, M. (2013). Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 41(4), 347-356.
AMA Veseli A, Mehmeti E, Vasjari M. Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food. HJBC. November 2013;41(4):347-356.
Chicago Veseli, Albana, Eda Mehmeti, and Majlinda Vasjari. “Current Methods and the Ones in Perspective for the Determination of Biogenic Amines in Food”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41, no. 4 (November 2013): 347-56.
EndNote Veseli A, Mehmeti E, Vasjari M (November 1, 2013) Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41 4 347–356.
IEEE A. Veseli, E. Mehmeti, and M. Vasjari, “Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food”, HJBC, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 347–356, 2013.
ISNAD Veseli, Albana et al. “Current Methods and the Ones in Perspective for the Determination of Biogenic Amines in Food”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 41/4 (November 2013), 347-356.
JAMA Veseli A, Mehmeti E, Vasjari M. Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food. HJBC. 2013;41:347–356.
MLA Veseli, Albana et al. “Current Methods and the Ones in Perspective for the Determination of Biogenic Amines in Food”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 41, no. 4, 2013, pp. 347-56.
Vancouver Veseli A, Mehmeti E, Vasjari M. Current methods and the ones in perspective for the determination of biogenic amines in food. HJBC. 2013;41(4):347-56.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science