Bioecology of the Otter Lutra lutra in Kızılırmak River in Kırıkkale Province
Year 2014,
Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 313 - 321, 01.09.2014
Mücahit Muhammet Karakaş
İrfan Albayrak
This study was carried out between September 2000 and June 2002, and based on the assessment of feeding and habitat features of otter which lives in two localities with the borders of Kırıkkale provinces. The sheltering places and footprints of otter were determined and spraints collected from its territory were analyzed. Sixtyfour plant species were identified, representing the common vegetation cover in the area. Nine fish species, used as food by otter, were identified from Kızılırmak River. Observations for two years revealed that the otter live in respectively unpolluted stretches of the river whereas in the stretches from the point of refinery effluent onward.
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- P.R. Beja, The diet of otters (Lutra lutra L.), J. Zool., 225(1) (1991) 141.
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- C.F. Mason, S.M. Macdonald, Otters: Ecology and conservation, Cambridge University Pres, Cambridge, 1986.
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Kırıkkale Kızılırmak’taki Su Samuru'nun Lutra lutra Biyoekolojisi
Year 2014,
Volume: 42 Issue: 3, 313 - 321, 01.09.2014
Mücahit Muhammet Karakaş
İrfan Albayrak
B u araştırma Eylül 2000 ile Haziran 2002 tarihleri arasında Kırıkkale ilinde Kızılırmak Nehri’ndeki iki lokalitedeki su samurlarının habitat ve beslenme özelliklerinin belirlenmesine dayanmaktadır. Su samurunun yaşam alanı içindeki yuvaları ve ayak izleri tespit edilmiş, bıraktıkları dışkılar toplanarak analiz edilmiş ve bölgenin hakim bitki örtüsünü oluşturan 64 tür bitki teşhis edilmiştir. Kızılırmak’ta su samurunun besinini oluşturan 9 balık türü saptanmıştır. İki yıldayapılan gözlemler su samurunun nispeten kirlenmemiş ırmak suyunda yaşadığını, rafineri atıklarının kirlettiği kısımlarda hiç yaşamadığını ortaya koymuştur
- C.G. Danford, E.R. Alston, On the Mammals of Asia Minor, Proc. Zool. Soc., London, (1877) 270-282.
- M. Çağlar, Fethiye Civarının Bazı Memeli Hayvanları Hakkında, Biologi, 7(3) (1957) 72.
- X. Misonne, Analyse zoogeographique des Mammife`res de Iran-Me`m, Inst. Sci. Natur Belg., Bruvelles, 2(59) (1959) 1.
- P.R. Beja, The diet of otters (Lutra lutra L.), J. Zool., 225(1) (1991) 141.
- J.S. Fairlay, B. Murdoch, Summer food of otters in the lakes of Killarney, Ir. Nat. J. 23(2) (1989) 38.
- M.I. Adrian, M. Delibes, Food habits of the otter (Lutra lutra) in two habitats of the Donana National Park, SW Spain. J. Zool., 212(3) (1987) 399.
- I.R. Taylor, M.J. Jeffries, S.G. Abbot, I.A.R. Hulbert, S.R.K. Virdee, Distribution, habitat and diet of the otter (Lutra lutra) in drina catchment, Yugoslavia, Biol. Conserv., 45(2) (1989) 109.
- N. Güven, Türkiye Su Samuru (Lutra lutra) Projesi, Tabiat ve İnsan Dergisi, Ankara, Su Samuru Özel Sayısı, yıl 34(1) (2000) 32.
- C.F. Mason, S.M. Macdonald, Otters: Ecology and conservation, Cambridge University Pres, Cambridge, 1986.
- S.M. Macdonald, C.F. Mason, Otters: Their habitat and conservation in northeast Greece, Biol. Consery., 31 (1985) 191.
- M. Whitehurst, K. Lindsey, The impact of organic enrichment on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of a lowland river, Wat. Res., 24(5) (1990) 625.
- P. Pollard, M. Huxman, The European Water Framework Directive: a new era in the management of aquatic ecosystem health?, Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystem, 8 (1998) 773.
- R.J. Aston, Tubuficids and water quality; a review, Environ. Pollut., 5 (1973) 1.
- R.S.Wilson, J.D. McGill, A new method of monitoring water quality in a stream receiving sewage effwent, using chironomid pupal exuviae, Water Res., 11 (1977) 959.
- S.V. Gregory, F.J. Swanson, W.A. Mckee, K.W. Cummins, An ecosystem perspective of riparian zones, Bioscience, 41(8) (1991) 540.
- F.B. Cross, R.E. Moss, Historic changes in fishing communities and aquatic habitats in plains streams of Kansas. in: Community and Evolutionary: Ecology of North American Stream Fishes (W.J. Matthews and D.C. Heins Eds.), University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK., 1987.
- S.D. Smith, A.B. Wellingtone, J.L. Nachlinger, C.A. Fox, Functional responses of riparian vegetation to stream flow diversion in the eastern Sierra Nevada, Ecological Application., 1 (1991) 89.
- P.A. Bisson, T.P. Quinn, G.H. Reeves, S.V. Gregory, Best management practices, cumulative effects and long-term trends in fish abundance in Pacific Northwest River systems. 189-232. in: Watershed Management: Balancing Sustainability and Environmental Change (R.J. Naiman Ed.). Springer- Verlag, New York, 1992.
- J.R. Karr, I.J. Schlosser, Water resources and the land-water interface, Science, 201 (1978) 229.
- J.V. Ward, J.A. Stanford, The ecology of regulated systems; past accomplishments and directions for future research. in: Regulated Streams Advaces in Ecology (J.B. Kemper Ed.). Plenum, New York, 1987.
- G.E. Petts, Impounded rivers: Perspectives for ecological management, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 1984.
- P.D. Armitage, J.H. Blackburn, Environmental stability and communities of Chironomidae (Diptera) in a regulated river. Regulated Rivers; Res. Manage., 5 (1990) 319.