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Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 33 - 41, 01.03.2015


Studies reporting the sperm count as well as the sperm morphology and quality of Turkish men are limited with case reports and they do not build up a general consensus on this matter. Because of this reason, we evaluated any possible changes in semen quality parameters of Turkish normospermic men during the past 16 years. This is a retrospective study of 24693 men with semen data between 1995 and 2011. Semen quality was evaluated by individual and age dependent age groups: 18-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40, 41-50 statistical analysis of semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm count and motility. Considering all age groups, mean sperm concentration was found to be 73.2x106/mL. We also demonstrated that mean semen volume of Turkish men is 3.93 ±1.93 mL. C +2 motility parameter significantly decreased in all age groups. Considering the high number of cases included and the duration studied, the present study is first in reporting Turkish men semen quality.


  • 1. R.H. Waring, R.M. Haris, Endocrine disrupters: A human risk?, Mol. Cell Endocrinol., 244 (2005) 2.
  • 2. E. Carlsen, A. Giwercman, N. Keiding, N.E. Skakkebaek, Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years, BMJ, 305 (1992) 609.
  • 3. S.H. Swan, E.P. Elkin, L. Fenster, The question of declining sperm density revisited: an analysis of 101 studies published 1934-1996, Environ. Health Perspect., 108 (2000) 961.
  • 4. N.C. Feki, N. Abid, A. Rebai, A. Sellami, B.B. Ayed, M. Guermazi, A. Bahloul, T. Rebai, K.L. Ammar, Semen Quality Decline Among Men in Infertile Relationships: Experience Over 12 Years in the South of Tunisia, J. Androl., 30 (2009) 541.
  • 5. M. Rolland, J. Le Moal, V. Wagner, D. Roye`re, J. De Mouzon, Decline in semen concentration and morphology in a sample of 26 609 men close to general population between 1989 and 2005 in France, Hum. Reprod., 28 (2013) 462.
  • 6. H.E. Virtanen, S. Sadov, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, Finland is following the trend sperm quality in Finnish men, Asian J. Androl., 15 (2013) 162.
  • 7. H. Fisch, E.T. Goluboff, J.H. Olson, J. Feldshuh, S.J. Broder, D.H. Barad, Semen analyses in 1,283 men from the United States over a 25-year period: no decline in quality, Fertil Steril, 65 (1996) 1009.
  • 8. J. Axelsson, L. Rylander, A. Rignell-Hydbom, A. Giwercman, No secular trend over the last decade in sperm counts among Swedish men from the general population, Hum. Reprod., 26 (2011) 1.
  • 9. J.B. Bonde, C. Hansen, J. Olsen, Trends in Sperm Counts: the saga continues, Epidemiology, 22 (2011) 617.
  • 10. K. Ozgur, M. Isikoglu, M. Seleker, L. Donmez, Semen quality of smoking and non-smoking men in infertile couples in a Turkish population, Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 271 (2005) 109.
  • 11. B. Aydemir, İ. Onaran, A.R. Kızıler, B. Alıcı, M.C. Akyolcu, The Influence of Oxidative Damage on Viscosity of Seminal Fluid in Infertile Men, J. Androl., 29 (2008) 41.
  • 12. A. Guven, A. Kayikci, K. Cam, P. Arbak, O. Balbay, M. Cam, Alterations in semen parameters of toll collectors working at motorways: does diesel exposure induce detrimental effects on semen?, Andrologia, 40 (2008) 346.
  • 13. Y. Duydu, N. Basaran, A. Ustundag, S. Aydin, U. Undeger, O.Y. Ataman, K. Aydos, Y. Duker, K. Ickstadt, B. Schulze Wltrup, K. Golka, H.M. Bolt, Reproductive toxicity parameters and biological monitoring in occupationally and environmentally boron-exposed persons in Bandirma, Turkey, Arch. Toxicol., 85 (2011) 589.
  • 14. World Health Organization, WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Spermcervical Mucus Interaction, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press 1992.
  • 15. B. Eskenazi, A.J. Wyrobek, E. Sloter, S.A. Kidd, L. Moore, S. Young, D. Moore, The association of age and semen quality in healthy men, Hum. Reprod., 18 (2003) 447.
  • 16. N. Jørgensen, A.G. Andersen, F. Eustache, D. Irvine, J. Suominen, J.H. Petersen, A.N. Andersen, J. Auger, E.H.H. Cawood, A. Horte, T.K. Jensen, P. Jouannet, N. Keiding, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebæk, Regional differences in semen quality in Europe, Hum. Reprod., 16 (2001) 1012.
  • 17. S.H. Swan, C. Brazil, E.Z. Drobnis, F. Liu, R.L. Kruse, M. Hatch, J.B. Redmon, C. Wang, J.W. Overstreet, Geographic differences in semen quality of fertile US males, Environ. Health Perspect., 111 (2003) 414.
  • 18. A.L. Gollenberg, F. Liu, C. Brazil, E.Z. Drobnis, D. Guzick, J.W. Overstreet, J.B. Redmon, A. Sparks, C. Wang, S.H. Swan, Semen quality in fertile men in relation to psychosocial stress, Fertil Steril, 93 (2010) 1104.
  • 19. A.J. Gaskins, D.S. Colaci, J. Mendiola, S.H. Swan, J.E. Chavarro, Dietary patterns and semen quality in young men, Hum. Reprod., 27 (2012) 2899.
  • 20. N. Jørgensen, E. Carlsen, I. Nermoen, M. Punab, J. Suominen, A.G. Andersen, A.M. Andersson, T.B. Haugen, A. Horte, T.K. Jensen, Ø. Magnus, J.H. Petersen, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebaek, East-West gradient in semen quality in Nordic Baltic area: a study of men from the general population in Denmark, Norway, Estonia and Finland, Hum. Reprod., 17 (2002) 2199.
  • 21. S. Sripada, S. Fonseca, A. Lee, K. Harrild, D. Giannaris, E. Mathers, Bhattacharya S , Trends in Semen Parameters in the Northeast of Scotland, J. Androl., 28 (2007) 313.
  • 22. N. Jørgensen, U.N. Joensen, T.K. Jensen, M.B. Jensen, K. Almstrup, I.A. Olesen, A. Juul, A.M. Andersson, E. Carlsen, J.H. Petersen, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebæk, Human semen quality in the new millennium: a prospective cross-sectional population-based study of 4867 men, BMJ Open 2012;2:e000990. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000990.
  • 23. M. Jiang, X. Chen, H. Yue, W. Xu, L. Lin, Y. Wu, B. Liu, Semen quality evaluation in a cohort of 28213 adult males from Sichuan area of south-west China, Andrologia, 46 (2014) 842.
  • 24. N. Cherry, H. Moore, R. McNamee, A. Pacey, G. Burgess, J.A. Clyma, M. Dippnall, H. Baillie, A. Povey, Occupation and male infertility: glycol ethers and other exposures, Occup. Environ. Med., 65 (2008) 708.
  • 25. A.C. Povey, J.A. Clyma, R. McNamee, H.D. Moore, H. Baillie, A.A. Pacey, N.M. Cherry, Participating Centers of Chaps-uk. Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for poor semen quality: a case-referent study, Hum. Reprod., 27 (2012) 2799.
  • 26. N.E. Skakkebaek, M.E. Rajpert-De, K.M. Main, Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: an increasingly common developmental disorder with environmental aspects, Hum. Reprod., 16 (2001) 972.

24693 Türk Erkeğinde 16 Yıl Süresince Semen Kalitesindeki Değişim

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 33 - 41, 01.03.2015


T ürk erkeklerinde sperm sayısı, sperm morfolojisi ve kalitesi hakındaki çalışmalar vaka raporları ile sınırlı olup semen kalitesi hakkında genel bir bilgi verememektedir. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda normospermik Türk erkeklerinde 16 yıl süresince semen kalitesindeki değişiklikler değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Sunulan araştırma retrospektif bir çalışma olup 1995 ve 2011 yılları arasında 24693 erkeğe ait semen verileri değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Semen kalitesi yaşa ve bireylere bağlı olarak semen hacmi, sperm konsantrasyonu, toplam sperm miktarı ve sperm hareketliliği istatistiksel olarak analiz edilerek değerlendirilmiştir . Değerlendirme sonucunda tüm yaş gruplarında sperm konsantrasyonu 73.2x106/mL olarak bulunmuştur. Ayrıca Türk erkeklerinde semen hacmi 3.93±1.93 mL olarak belirtilmiştir. C +2 hareketlilik değeri tüm yaş gruplarında dikkat çekici bir şekilde düşüş göstermiştir. Sunulan çalışma gerek kişi sayısı gerekse değerlendirilen yıllar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda Türk erkeklerinde semen kalitesinin değerlendirildiği ilk çalışma olma özelliğine sahiptir


  • 1. R.H. Waring, R.M. Haris, Endocrine disrupters: A human risk?, Mol. Cell Endocrinol., 244 (2005) 2.
  • 2. E. Carlsen, A. Giwercman, N. Keiding, N.E. Skakkebaek, Evidence for decreasing quality of semen during past 50 years, BMJ, 305 (1992) 609.
  • 3. S.H. Swan, E.P. Elkin, L. Fenster, The question of declining sperm density revisited: an analysis of 101 studies published 1934-1996, Environ. Health Perspect., 108 (2000) 961.
  • 4. N.C. Feki, N. Abid, A. Rebai, A. Sellami, B.B. Ayed, M. Guermazi, A. Bahloul, T. Rebai, K.L. Ammar, Semen Quality Decline Among Men in Infertile Relationships: Experience Over 12 Years in the South of Tunisia, J. Androl., 30 (2009) 541.
  • 5. M. Rolland, J. Le Moal, V. Wagner, D. Roye`re, J. De Mouzon, Decline in semen concentration and morphology in a sample of 26 609 men close to general population between 1989 and 2005 in France, Hum. Reprod., 28 (2013) 462.
  • 6. H.E. Virtanen, S. Sadov, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, Finland is following the trend sperm quality in Finnish men, Asian J. Androl., 15 (2013) 162.
  • 7. H. Fisch, E.T. Goluboff, J.H. Olson, J. Feldshuh, S.J. Broder, D.H. Barad, Semen analyses in 1,283 men from the United States over a 25-year period: no decline in quality, Fertil Steril, 65 (1996) 1009.
  • 8. J. Axelsson, L. Rylander, A. Rignell-Hydbom, A. Giwercman, No secular trend over the last decade in sperm counts among Swedish men from the general population, Hum. Reprod., 26 (2011) 1.
  • 9. J.B. Bonde, C. Hansen, J. Olsen, Trends in Sperm Counts: the saga continues, Epidemiology, 22 (2011) 617.
  • 10. K. Ozgur, M. Isikoglu, M. Seleker, L. Donmez, Semen quality of smoking and non-smoking men in infertile couples in a Turkish population, Arch. Gynecol. Obstet., 271 (2005) 109.
  • 11. B. Aydemir, İ. Onaran, A.R. Kızıler, B. Alıcı, M.C. Akyolcu, The Influence of Oxidative Damage on Viscosity of Seminal Fluid in Infertile Men, J. Androl., 29 (2008) 41.
  • 12. A. Guven, A. Kayikci, K. Cam, P. Arbak, O. Balbay, M. Cam, Alterations in semen parameters of toll collectors working at motorways: does diesel exposure induce detrimental effects on semen?, Andrologia, 40 (2008) 346.
  • 13. Y. Duydu, N. Basaran, A. Ustundag, S. Aydin, U. Undeger, O.Y. Ataman, K. Aydos, Y. Duker, K. Ickstadt, B. Schulze Wltrup, K. Golka, H.M. Bolt, Reproductive toxicity parameters and biological monitoring in occupationally and environmentally boron-exposed persons in Bandirma, Turkey, Arch. Toxicol., 85 (2011) 589.
  • 14. World Health Organization, WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Spermcervical Mucus Interaction, 3rd ed. Cambridge University Press 1992.
  • 15. B. Eskenazi, A.J. Wyrobek, E. Sloter, S.A. Kidd, L. Moore, S. Young, D. Moore, The association of age and semen quality in healthy men, Hum. Reprod., 18 (2003) 447.
  • 16. N. Jørgensen, A.G. Andersen, F. Eustache, D. Irvine, J. Suominen, J.H. Petersen, A.N. Andersen, J. Auger, E.H.H. Cawood, A. Horte, T.K. Jensen, P. Jouannet, N. Keiding, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebæk, Regional differences in semen quality in Europe, Hum. Reprod., 16 (2001) 1012.
  • 17. S.H. Swan, C. Brazil, E.Z. Drobnis, F. Liu, R.L. Kruse, M. Hatch, J.B. Redmon, C. Wang, J.W. Overstreet, Geographic differences in semen quality of fertile US males, Environ. Health Perspect., 111 (2003) 414.
  • 18. A.L. Gollenberg, F. Liu, C. Brazil, E.Z. Drobnis, D. Guzick, J.W. Overstreet, J.B. Redmon, A. Sparks, C. Wang, S.H. Swan, Semen quality in fertile men in relation to psychosocial stress, Fertil Steril, 93 (2010) 1104.
  • 19. A.J. Gaskins, D.S. Colaci, J. Mendiola, S.H. Swan, J.E. Chavarro, Dietary patterns and semen quality in young men, Hum. Reprod., 27 (2012) 2899.
  • 20. N. Jørgensen, E. Carlsen, I. Nermoen, M. Punab, J. Suominen, A.G. Andersen, A.M. Andersson, T.B. Haugen, A. Horte, T.K. Jensen, Ø. Magnus, J.H. Petersen, M. Vierula, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebaek, East-West gradient in semen quality in Nordic Baltic area: a study of men from the general population in Denmark, Norway, Estonia and Finland, Hum. Reprod., 17 (2002) 2199.
  • 21. S. Sripada, S. Fonseca, A. Lee, K. Harrild, D. Giannaris, E. Mathers, Bhattacharya S , Trends in Semen Parameters in the Northeast of Scotland, J. Androl., 28 (2007) 313.
  • 22. N. Jørgensen, U.N. Joensen, T.K. Jensen, M.B. Jensen, K. Almstrup, I.A. Olesen, A. Juul, A.M. Andersson, E. Carlsen, J.H. Petersen, J. Toppari, N.E. Skakkebæk, Human semen quality in the new millennium: a prospective cross-sectional population-based study of 4867 men, BMJ Open 2012;2:e000990. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-000990.
  • 23. M. Jiang, X. Chen, H. Yue, W. Xu, L. Lin, Y. Wu, B. Liu, Semen quality evaluation in a cohort of 28213 adult males from Sichuan area of south-west China, Andrologia, 46 (2014) 842.
  • 24. N. Cherry, H. Moore, R. McNamee, A. Pacey, G. Burgess, J.A. Clyma, M. Dippnall, H. Baillie, A. Povey, Occupation and male infertility: glycol ethers and other exposures, Occup. Environ. Med., 65 (2008) 708.
  • 25. A.C. Povey, J.A. Clyma, R. McNamee, H.D. Moore, H. Baillie, A.A. Pacey, N.M. Cherry, Participating Centers of Chaps-uk. Modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for poor semen quality: a case-referent study, Hum. Reprod., 27 (2012) 2799.
  • 26. N.E. Skakkebaek, M.E. Rajpert-De, K.M. Main, Testicular dysgenesis syndrome: an increasingly common developmental disorder with environmental aspects, Hum. Reprod., 16 (2001) 972.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

İsmet Çok This is me

Gamze Karababa This is me

M.hakan Şatıroğlu This is me

Ayça Çakmak Pehlivanlı This is me

Gülşen Göney This is me

Uğur Çiftçi This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA Çok, İ., Karababa, G., Şatıroğlu, M., Pehlivanlı, A. Ç., et al. (2015). Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43(1), 33-41.
AMA Çok İ, Karababa G, Şatıroğlu M, Pehlivanlı AÇ, Göney G, Çiftçi U. Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011. HJBC. March 2015;43(1):33-41.
Chicago Çok, İsmet, Gamze Karababa, M.hakan Şatıroğlu, Ayça Çakmak Pehlivanlı, Gülşen Göney, and Uğur Çiftçi. “Semen Quality in 24693 Turkish Men over a 16 Year Period 1995-2011”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43, no. 1 (March 2015): 33-41.
EndNote Çok İ, Karababa G, Şatıroğlu M, Pehlivanlı AÇ, Göney G, Çiftçi U (March 1, 2015) Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43 1 33–41.
IEEE İ. Çok, G. Karababa, M. Şatıroğlu, A. Ç. Pehlivanlı, G. Göney, and U. Çiftçi, “Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011”, HJBC, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 33–41, 2015.
ISNAD Çok, İsmet et al. “Semen Quality in 24693 Turkish Men over a 16 Year Period 1995-2011”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43/1 (March 2015), 33-41.
JAMA Çok İ, Karababa G, Şatıroğlu M, Pehlivanlı AÇ, Göney G, Çiftçi U. Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011. HJBC. 2015;43:33–41.
MLA Çok, İsmet et al. “Semen Quality in 24693 Turkish Men over a 16 Year Period 1995-2011”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 1, 2015, pp. 33-41.
Vancouver Çok İ, Karababa G, Şatıroğlu M, Pehlivanlı AÇ, Göney G, Çiftçi U. Semen quality in 24693 Turkish men over a 16 year period 1995-2011. HJBC. 2015;43(1):33-41.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science