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Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.03.2015


In this study, investigation of biofilm formation levels of clinically acquired Escherichia coli strains and exami- nation of each E. coli strains’ clinical information such as clinical material and service units according to their biofilm formation results were determined. In this respect, according to our results; E. coli strains are grouped as 31% Strong Biofilm Former SBF , 27% Intermediate Biofilm Former IBF , 25 % Weak Biofilm Former WBF and 17% None Biofilm Former NBF . In addition to this, clinical materials of wound and urine were found as the most frequent clinical materials from which strong biofilm Former E. coli strains isolated. Besides, urology and cardiology were found as the most SBF isolated service units. Apart from these, E. coli strains were mostly isolated from urinary tract infections and from women who are at the period of post-menopausal. Lastly, the antibiotic susceptibility patterns were investigated and the greatest susceptibility was observed against amika- cin and the least susceptibility was observed against trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Accordingly, NBF strains of E. coli were more susceptible to eight antibiotics than Strong Biofilm Former SBF strains.


  • 1. S.M. Soto, A. Smithson, J. A. Martinez, J. P. Horcajada, J. Mensa and J. Vila, Biofilm formation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains: Relationship with prostatitis, urovirulence factors and antimicrobial resistance, The Journal of Urology, 177 (2007) 365-368.
  • 2. J. Rodríguez-Bano, E. Pico´n, P. Gijo´n, J.R. Herna´ndez, J. M. Cisneros, C. Pena, M. Almela, B. Almirante, F. Grill,J. Colomina, S.Molinos, A. Oliver, C. Ferna´ndezMazarrasa, G.Navarro, A.Coloma, L. Lo´pez-Cerero, A. Pascual, Risk factors and prognosis of nosocomial bloodstream infections caused by extendedspectrum-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 48 (2010) 1726–1731.
  • 3. C.A. Fux, J.W. Costerton, P.S. Stewart, P. Stoodley, Survival strategies of infectious biofilms, Trends in Microbiology, 13 (2005) 34-40.
  • 4. R. Dewanti, A.M.C.L. Wong, Influence of culture conditions on biofilm formation by Escherichia coli 0157:H7, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 26 (1995) 147-164.
  • 5. C.A. Bopp, F.W. Brenner, J.G. Wells, N. Strockbin, Escherichia, Shigella and Salmonella. Manual Clin. Microbiol.,7 (1999) 459–474.
  • 6. G.A. O’Toole, Microtiter dish biofilm formation assay, J Vis Exp., 30(2011) 2437.
  • 7. J.W. Costerton, P.S. Stewart, E.P. Greenberg, Bacterial biofilms: a common cause of persistent infections, Science, 284 (1999), 1318-1321.
  • 8. P. Naves, G. Prado , L. Huelves , V. Rodríguez-Cerrato , V. Ruiz, M.C. Ponte, F. Soriano Effects of human serum albumin, ibuprofen and N-acetyl-L-cysteine against biofilm formation by pathogenic Escherichia coli strains, Journal of Hospital Infection, 76 (2010) 165-170.
  • 9. A. Reisner, J.A.J. Haagensen, M.A. Schembri, E.L. Zechner, S.Molin, Development and maturation of Escherichia coli K-12 biofilms, Molecular Microbiology, 48 (2003) 933–946.
  • 10. L.F. Melo, M.J. Vieira, Physical stability and biological activity of biofilms under turbulent flow and low substrate concentration, Bioprocess Eng., 20 (1999) 363–368.
  • 11. J .M.R. Moreira, L.C. Gomes, J.D.P. Araujo, J.M. Miranda, M. Simoes, L.F. Melo, F.J. Mergulhao, The effect of glucose concentration and shaking conditions on Escherichia coli biofilm formation in microtiter plates, Chemical Engineering Science, 94 (2013) 192–199.
  • 12. D.C. Bean, D. Krahe, D.W. Wareham, Antimicrobial resistance in community and nosocomial Escherichia coli urinary tract isolates, London 2005–2006, Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 7 (2008) 1-4.
  • 13. C. Beloin, A. Roux, J.M. Ghigo, Escherichia coli biofilms, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 322 (2008) 249-279.
  • 14. J.H. Ryu, L. R. Beuchat, Biofilm formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 on stainless steel: effect of exopolysaccharide and curli production on its resistance to chlorine, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (2005) 247–254.
  • 15. M.H. Movassagh, A.R. Karami, Biofilm formation of Escherichia coli O:111 on food contact glass surfaces, Global Veterinaria, 4 (2010) 222-224.
  • 16. N.A. Ghanwate, Biofilm eradication studies on uropathogenic E. coli using ciprofloxacin and nitrodurantoin, Int J Pharm Biomed Res, 3 (2012) 127- 131.
  • 17. R. Haley, D. Culver, J. White, W. Morgan, T. Emor, The nationwide nosocomial infection rate, Am. J. Epidemiol., 121 (1985) 159–167.
  • 18. E. Mears, Current patterns in nosocomial urinary tract infections, Urology 37 (1991) 9–12.
  • 19. A.G. Gristina, J.W. Costerton, Bacterial adherence to biomaterials and tissue. The significance of its role in clinical sepsis, Bone Joint Surg Am. 67 (1985) 264 -273.
  • 20. W. Stamm, S.R. Norrby, Urinary tract infections: disease panorama and challenges, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183(2001) 1-4.
  • 21. R. Raz, W.E. Stamm, A controlled trial of introvaginal estriol in postmenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections, The new England Journal of Medicine, 329 (1993) 753-759.
  • 22. G.G. Anderson, K.W. Dodson, T. M. Hooton, S.J. Hultgren, Intracellular bacterial communities of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in urinary tract pathogenesis, TRENDS in Microbiology, 12 (2004) 424-430.
  • 23. S.M. Soto, Importance of biofilms in urinary tract infections: new therapeutic approaches, Advances in Biology, 2014 (2014) 1-13.
  • 24. M.E. Jones, J.A. Karlowsky, D.C. Draghi, C. Thornsberry, D.f. Sahm, D. Nathwani, Epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria causing skin and soft tissue infections in the USA and Europe: aguide to appropriate antimicrobial theraphy, International Journal ıof Antimicrobial Agents, 22 (2003), 406-419.
  • 25. S.P. Hawser, S.K. Bouchillon, D.J. Hoban, R.E. Badal, P.R. Hsuch, D.L. Paterson, Emergence of high levels of extended–spectrum-β-lactamase-producing gram negative bacilli in the Asia –Pacific region: data from the study for monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends (SMART) program, 2007, Antimicrobial agents and chemotheraphy, 53 (2009) 3280-3284.
  • 26. J.A. Karlowsky, M.E. Jones, D.J. Draghi, C. Thornsberry, D. F. Sahm, G.A. Volturo, Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from blood cultures of hospitalized patients in the United States in 2002, Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 3 (2004) 1-8.
  • 27. D.J. Hoban, L.E. Nicolle, S. Hawser, S. Bouchillon, R. Badal, Antimicrobial susceptibility of global inpatient urinary tract isolates of Escherichia coli: results from the Study for Monitoring antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) program: 2009-2011, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 70 (2010) 507- 511.
  • 28. J.A. Karlowsky, L.J. Kelly, C. Thornsberry, M.E. Jones, D.F. Sahm, Trends in antimicrobial resistance among urinary tract infection isolates of Escherichia coli from female outpatients in the united states, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotheraphy, 46 (2002) 2540-2545.
  • 29. K. Gupta, D.F. Sahm, D. Mayfield, W.E. Stamm, Antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens that cause community-acquired urinary tract infections in women: a nationwide analysis, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 33(2001) 89–94.

Klinik Kaynaklı Escherichia coli Suşlarında Biyofilm Oluşumunun Araştırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 43 - 48, 01.03.2015


B u çalışmada, klinik materyallerden elde edilen Escherichia coli suşlarının biyofilm oluşturma yetenekleri araştırıldı ve her bir E. coli suşunun klinik materyal ve servis ünitesi bilgileri biyofilm oluşturma sonuçları ile bir arada değerlendirildi. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızın sonuçlarına göre E. coli suşlarının %31’i Yüksek Biyofilm Oluşturan YBF , %27’si Ilımlı Biyofilm Oluşturan IBO , %25’i Zayıf Biyofilm Oluşturan ZBF ve %17’si ise Biyofilm Oluşturmayan olarak gruplandırıldı. Buna ek olarak klinik materyallerden yara ve idrarın en yüksek sıklıkta izole edilen klinik materyaller olduğu saptandı. Ayrıca Yüksek Biyofilm Oluşturan YBO suşların en fazla üroloji ve kardiyoloji servislerinden izole edildiği gözlendi. Bunların yanı sıra, E. coli suşlarının post-menapozal dönemdeki üriner yol enfeksiyonu geçiren kadınlardan en fazla sıklıkta izole edildiği saptandı. Son olarak E. coli suşlarının antibiyotik hassaslık paternleri incelendiğinde en yüksek hassaslığın amikasin antibiyotiğine, en düşük hassaslığın ise trimetoprim sülfametaksazol antibiyotiğine karşı olduğu gözlendi. Bununla ilişkili olarak Biyofilm Oluşturmayan E. coli suşlarının çalışmada kullanılan 8 antibiyotiğe karşı Yüksek Biyofilm Oluşturan YBF E. coli suşlarına kıyasla daha hassas oldukları belirlendi


  • 1. S.M. Soto, A. Smithson, J. A. Martinez, J. P. Horcajada, J. Mensa and J. Vila, Biofilm formation in uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains: Relationship with prostatitis, urovirulence factors and antimicrobial resistance, The Journal of Urology, 177 (2007) 365-368.
  • 2. J. Rodríguez-Bano, E. Pico´n, P. Gijo´n, J.R. Herna´ndez, J. M. Cisneros, C. Pena, M. Almela, B. Almirante, F. Grill,J. Colomina, S.Molinos, A. Oliver, C. Ferna´ndezMazarrasa, G.Navarro, A.Coloma, L. Lo´pez-Cerero, A. Pascual, Risk factors and prognosis of nosocomial bloodstream infections caused by extendedspectrum-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 48 (2010) 1726–1731.
  • 3. C.A. Fux, J.W. Costerton, P.S. Stewart, P. Stoodley, Survival strategies of infectious biofilms, Trends in Microbiology, 13 (2005) 34-40.
  • 4. R. Dewanti, A.M.C.L. Wong, Influence of culture conditions on biofilm formation by Escherichia coli 0157:H7, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 26 (1995) 147-164.
  • 5. C.A. Bopp, F.W. Brenner, J.G. Wells, N. Strockbin, Escherichia, Shigella and Salmonella. Manual Clin. Microbiol.,7 (1999) 459–474.
  • 6. G.A. O’Toole, Microtiter dish biofilm formation assay, J Vis Exp., 30(2011) 2437.
  • 7. J.W. Costerton, P.S. Stewart, E.P. Greenberg, Bacterial biofilms: a common cause of persistent infections, Science, 284 (1999), 1318-1321.
  • 8. P. Naves, G. Prado , L. Huelves , V. Rodríguez-Cerrato , V. Ruiz, M.C. Ponte, F. Soriano Effects of human serum albumin, ibuprofen and N-acetyl-L-cysteine against biofilm formation by pathogenic Escherichia coli strains, Journal of Hospital Infection, 76 (2010) 165-170.
  • 9. A. Reisner, J.A.J. Haagensen, M.A. Schembri, E.L. Zechner, S.Molin, Development and maturation of Escherichia coli K-12 biofilms, Molecular Microbiology, 48 (2003) 933–946.
  • 10. L.F. Melo, M.J. Vieira, Physical stability and biological activity of biofilms under turbulent flow and low substrate concentration, Bioprocess Eng., 20 (1999) 363–368.
  • 11. J .M.R. Moreira, L.C. Gomes, J.D.P. Araujo, J.M. Miranda, M. Simoes, L.F. Melo, F.J. Mergulhao, The effect of glucose concentration and shaking conditions on Escherichia coli biofilm formation in microtiter plates, Chemical Engineering Science, 94 (2013) 192–199.
  • 12. D.C. Bean, D. Krahe, D.W. Wareham, Antimicrobial resistance in community and nosocomial Escherichia coli urinary tract isolates, London 2005–2006, Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 7 (2008) 1-4.
  • 13. C. Beloin, A. Roux, J.M. Ghigo, Escherichia coli biofilms, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 322 (2008) 249-279.
  • 14. J.H. Ryu, L. R. Beuchat, Biofilm formation by Escherichia coli O157:H7 on stainless steel: effect of exopolysaccharide and curli production on its resistance to chlorine, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (2005) 247–254.
  • 15. M.H. Movassagh, A.R. Karami, Biofilm formation of Escherichia coli O:111 on food contact glass surfaces, Global Veterinaria, 4 (2010) 222-224.
  • 16. N.A. Ghanwate, Biofilm eradication studies on uropathogenic E. coli using ciprofloxacin and nitrodurantoin, Int J Pharm Biomed Res, 3 (2012) 127- 131.
  • 17. R. Haley, D. Culver, J. White, W. Morgan, T. Emor, The nationwide nosocomial infection rate, Am. J. Epidemiol., 121 (1985) 159–167.
  • 18. E. Mears, Current patterns in nosocomial urinary tract infections, Urology 37 (1991) 9–12.
  • 19. A.G. Gristina, J.W. Costerton, Bacterial adherence to biomaterials and tissue. The significance of its role in clinical sepsis, Bone Joint Surg Am. 67 (1985) 264 -273.
  • 20. W. Stamm, S.R. Norrby, Urinary tract infections: disease panorama and challenges, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 183(2001) 1-4.
  • 21. R. Raz, W.E. Stamm, A controlled trial of introvaginal estriol in postmenopausal women with recurrent urinary tract infections, The new England Journal of Medicine, 329 (1993) 753-759.
  • 22. G.G. Anderson, K.W. Dodson, T. M. Hooton, S.J. Hultgren, Intracellular bacterial communities of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in urinary tract pathogenesis, TRENDS in Microbiology, 12 (2004) 424-430.
  • 23. S.M. Soto, Importance of biofilms in urinary tract infections: new therapeutic approaches, Advances in Biology, 2014 (2014) 1-13.
  • 24. M.E. Jones, J.A. Karlowsky, D.C. Draghi, C. Thornsberry, D.f. Sahm, D. Nathwani, Epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria causing skin and soft tissue infections in the USA and Europe: aguide to appropriate antimicrobial theraphy, International Journal ıof Antimicrobial Agents, 22 (2003), 406-419.
  • 25. S.P. Hawser, S.K. Bouchillon, D.J. Hoban, R.E. Badal, P.R. Hsuch, D.L. Paterson, Emergence of high levels of extended–spectrum-β-lactamase-producing gram negative bacilli in the Asia –Pacific region: data from the study for monitoring antimicrobial resistance trends (SMART) program, 2007, Antimicrobial agents and chemotheraphy, 53 (2009) 3280-3284.
  • 26. J.A. Karlowsky, M.E. Jones, D.J. Draghi, C. Thornsberry, D. F. Sahm, G.A. Volturo, Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from blood cultures of hospitalized patients in the United States in 2002, Annals of clinical microbiology and antimicrobials, 3 (2004) 1-8.
  • 27. D.J. Hoban, L.E. Nicolle, S. Hawser, S. Bouchillon, R. Badal, Antimicrobial susceptibility of global inpatient urinary tract isolates of Escherichia coli: results from the Study for Monitoring antimicrobial Resistance Trends (SMART) program: 2009-2011, Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 70 (2010) 507- 511.
  • 28. J.A. Karlowsky, L.J. Kelly, C. Thornsberry, M.E. Jones, D.F. Sahm, Trends in antimicrobial resistance among urinary tract infection isolates of Escherichia coli from female outpatients in the united states, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotheraphy, 46 (2002) 2540-2545.
  • 29. K. Gupta, D.F. Sahm, D. Mayfield, W.E. Stamm, Antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens that cause community-acquired urinary tract infections in women: a nationwide analysis, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 33(2001) 89–94.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Nermin Hande Avcıoğlu This is me

Gülcan Şahal This is me

Işıl Seyis Bilkay This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA Avcıoğlu, N. H., Şahal, G., & Bilkay, I. S. (2015). Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43(1), 43-48.
AMA Avcıoğlu NH, Şahal G, Bilkay IS. Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains. HJBC. March 2015;43(1):43-48.
Chicago Avcıoğlu, Nermin Hande, Gülcan Şahal, and Işıl Seyis Bilkay. “Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia Coli Strains”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43, no. 1 (March 2015): 43-48.
EndNote Avcıoğlu NH, Şahal G, Bilkay IS (March 1, 2015) Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43 1 43–48.
IEEE N. H. Avcıoğlu, G. Şahal, and I. S. Bilkay, “Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains”, HJBC, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 43–48, 2015.
ISNAD Avcıoğlu, Nermin Hande et al. “Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia Coli Strains”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43/1 (March 2015), 43-48.
JAMA Avcıoğlu NH, Şahal G, Bilkay IS. Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains. HJBC. 2015;43:43–48.
MLA Avcıoğlu, Nermin Hande et al. “Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia Coli Strains”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 1, 2015, pp. 43-48.
Vancouver Avcıoğlu NH, Şahal G, Bilkay IS. Investigation of Biofilm Formation in Clinically Acquired Escherichia coli Strains. HJBC. 2015;43(1):43-8.


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