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Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 49 - 57, 01.03.2015


This study aims to determine chemical compounds of the propolis samples gathered from different regions of Turkey in geographical region-base. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry GC-MS analysis, was per- formed on 21 propolis samples acquired from different geographical regions of Turkey. Samples were collected from five different geographical regions including Black Sea, Central Anatolia, East Anatolia, Marmarean and Mediterranean Regions Three different phytogeographic regions: European-Sibaerian, Irano-Turanian and Meditteranean phytogeographic regions . So, by this study the chemical compositions of different propolis samples gathered from three distinct phytogeographical regions will be compared. Accordingly, “1-Nona- decene”, “pinocembrin”, “phenylethyl alcohol”, “2-propen-1-one,1- 2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy phenyl -3-phenyl” and particularly “ 2-methoxy-4-vinyl phenol”, “ethyl oleate” were determined as mostly found compounds in collected propolis samples. According to the GC-MS analysis results, five geographical regions are distin- guished from each other according to chemical compound groups. “Benzoic acid “and “17-Pentatriacontene” were found as possible markers of Black Sea Region, “chrysin” for Marmarean region, “2-buten-1-ol,2-methyl”, “Z-12-pentacosane”, “1-Hexacosane” for Central Anatolia, “Nonadecane”, ”Octadecane”, and “2-Nonadecan- one” for East Anatolia Regions. Besides these for the chemical compositions of Mediterranean Region samples, no clear distinction could be found.


  • 1. V. Bankova, D.E. Castro, M.C. Marcucci, Propolis: recent advances in chemistry and plant origin., Apidologie, 31 (2000) 3-15.
  • 2. J.M. Sforcin, V. Bankova, Propolis: Is there a potential for the development of new drugs? Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 133 (2011) 253-260.
  • 3. V.Bankova, Recent trends and important developments in propolis research. Evidence- Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2 (2005) 29-32.
  • 4. V .Benkovic, A. Knezevic, G. Brozovic, F. Knezevic, D. Dikic, M. Bevanda, Basic I & Orsolic N Enchanced antitumor activity of irinotecan combined with propolis and its polyphenolic compounds on Erlich ascites tumor in mice, 61 (2007) 292-297.
  • 5. K. Sorkun, S. Bozcuk, Bazı kültür bitkilerinin tohumlarının çimlenmesinde propolisin etkisinin araştırılması. XII. National Congress of Biology. Edirne-Türkiye, 1994.
  • 6. K. Sorkun, B. Süer, B. Salih, Determination of Chemical Composition of Turkish propolis. Z.Naturforsch, 56 (2001) 666-668.
  • 7. D. Kolankaya, G. Selmanoğlu, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Protective effects of Turkish propolis on alcoholinduced oxidat)ive stres on serum lipid changes and the liver injury in male rats. Food Chemistry, 78 (2002) 213-217.
  • 8. P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. University Pres. Edinburgh, 1965-2000.
  • 9. Ö. Gençay, B. Salih, GC-MS Analysıs of Propolis Samples From 17 Different Regions of Turkey, Four Different Regions of Brazil and One From Japan. Mellifera, 9 (2009) 19-28.
  • 10. G. Girgin, T. Baydar, M. Ledochowsk, H. Schennach, D.N. Bolukbası, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, G. Sahin, D. Fuchs, Immunomodulatory effects of Turkish propolis: changes in neopterin release and tryptophan degradation. Immunobiology, 214 (2009) 129-134.
  • 11. S. Pepeljnjak, I. Jalsenjak, D. Maysinger. Flavonoid content in propolis extract and growth inhibition of Bacillus subtilis. Pharmazie, 40 (1985) 122-123.
  • 12. M. Gao, W. Zhang, Q. Liu, J. Hu, G. Liu, G. Du, Pinocembrin prevents glutamate-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells via decrease of bax/bcl-2 ratio. European Journal of Pharmacology, 591 (2008) 73-79.
  • 13. R. Liu, M. Gao, Z. Yang, G. Du, Pinocembrin protects rat brain against oxidation and apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion both in vivo and in vitro.Brain Res, 1216 (2008) 104-115.
  • 14. M. Velikova, V. Bankova, K. Sorkun, S. Houcine, I. Tsvetkova, A. Kujumgiev, Propolis from the Mediterranean region: chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Z Naturforsch C, 55 (2000) 790-793.
  • 15. A. Kılıc, M. Baysallar, B. Besirbellioglu, B. Salih, K. Sorkun, M. Tanyüksel, In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Annals of Microbiology, 55 (2005) 113-117.
  • 16. S. Silici, S. Kutluca, Chemical comosition and antibacterial activity of propolis collected by three different races of honeybees in the same renge. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 99 (2005) 69-73.
  • 17. T.P. Seven, M. Yılmaz, Ü.G. Şimşek, The effects of Turkish propolis on growth and carcass characteristics in broiler under heat stress. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 146 (2008) 137-148.
  • 18. S. Stangaciu, A guide to the composition and properties of propolis. Apiacta, 33 (1998) 71-77.
  • 19. Ö. Gençay, Identification of botanical origin and chemical composition of propolis from KemaliyeErzincan region. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara 2004.
  • 20. S. Silici, A research on Antibacterial and pharmacological properties of propolis, Ph.D. Thesis Çukurova University, Adana 2003.

Türkiye’nin Farklı Bölgelerinden Toplanan Propolis Örneklerinin Coğrafik Bölge Bazında Kimyasal Olarak Sınıflandırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 1, 49 - 57, 01.03.2015


B u çalışma, Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinden toplanan çeşitli propolis örneklerinin kimyasal içeriklerini coğrafik bölge bazında belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Türkiye’nin farklı coğrafik bölgelerinden toplanan 21 propolis örneği üzerinden Gaz Kromatografisi-Kütle Spektrometresi GC-MS analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örnekler Karadeniz, İç Anadolu, Doğu Anadolu, Marmara ve Akdeniz Bölgelerini içeren beş farklı coğrafik bölgeden üç farklı fitocoğrafik bölge; Avrupa-Sibirya, İran-Turan ve Akdeniz fitocoğrafik bölgeleri toplanmıştır. Böylelikle bu çalışmayla, üç farklı fitocoğrafik bölgeden toplanan propolis örneklerinin kimyasal içerikleri kıyasalanmış olacaktır. Sonuçlara gore, “1-Nonadesin”, “pinosembrin”, “feniletil alkol”, “2-propen-1-on,1- 2,6-dihidroksi4-metoksi fenil -3-fenil” ve özellikle “ 2-metoksi-4-vinil fenol”, “etil oleat” toplanan propolis örneklerinde en sık rastlanılan bileşikler olarak saptanmıştır. GC-MS analiz sonuçlarına göre beş coğrafik bölge kimyasal bileşik grupları bakımından birbirinden ayrılmıştır. “Benzoik asit“ and “17-Pentatriakonten” Karadeniz bölgesi için, “krisin” Marmara bölgesi için, “2-büten-1-ol,2-metil”, “Z-12-pentakosan”, “1-Hekzakosan” İç Anadolu Bölgesi için, “ Nonadekan”, ”Oktadekan”, ve “2-Nonadekanon” Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi için olası belirleyici bileşikler olarak bulunmuştur. Bunların yanında Akdeniz Bölgesi örneklerinde kimyasal içerik bakımından net bir ayrım bulunamamıştır


  • 1. V. Bankova, D.E. Castro, M.C. Marcucci, Propolis: recent advances in chemistry and plant origin., Apidologie, 31 (2000) 3-15.
  • 2. J.M. Sforcin, V. Bankova, Propolis: Is there a potential for the development of new drugs? Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 133 (2011) 253-260.
  • 3. V.Bankova, Recent trends and important developments in propolis research. Evidence- Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2 (2005) 29-32.
  • 4. V .Benkovic, A. Knezevic, G. Brozovic, F. Knezevic, D. Dikic, M. Bevanda, Basic I & Orsolic N Enchanced antitumor activity of irinotecan combined with propolis and its polyphenolic compounds on Erlich ascites tumor in mice, 61 (2007) 292-297.
  • 5. K. Sorkun, S. Bozcuk, Bazı kültür bitkilerinin tohumlarının çimlenmesinde propolisin etkisinin araştırılması. XII. National Congress of Biology. Edirne-Türkiye, 1994.
  • 6. K. Sorkun, B. Süer, B. Salih, Determination of Chemical Composition of Turkish propolis. Z.Naturforsch, 56 (2001) 666-668.
  • 7. D. Kolankaya, G. Selmanoğlu, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Protective effects of Turkish propolis on alcoholinduced oxidat)ive stres on serum lipid changes and the liver injury in male rats. Food Chemistry, 78 (2002) 213-217.
  • 8. P.H. Davis, Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands. University Pres. Edinburgh, 1965-2000.
  • 9. Ö. Gençay, B. Salih, GC-MS Analysıs of Propolis Samples From 17 Different Regions of Turkey, Four Different Regions of Brazil and One From Japan. Mellifera, 9 (2009) 19-28.
  • 10. G. Girgin, T. Baydar, M. Ledochowsk, H. Schennach, D.N. Bolukbası, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, G. Sahin, D. Fuchs, Immunomodulatory effects of Turkish propolis: changes in neopterin release and tryptophan degradation. Immunobiology, 214 (2009) 129-134.
  • 11. S. Pepeljnjak, I. Jalsenjak, D. Maysinger. Flavonoid content in propolis extract and growth inhibition of Bacillus subtilis. Pharmazie, 40 (1985) 122-123.
  • 12. M. Gao, W. Zhang, Q. Liu, J. Hu, G. Liu, G. Du, Pinocembrin prevents glutamate-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y neuronal cells via decrease of bax/bcl-2 ratio. European Journal of Pharmacology, 591 (2008) 73-79.
  • 13. R. Liu, M. Gao, Z. Yang, G. Du, Pinocembrin protects rat brain against oxidation and apoptosis induced by ischemia-reperfusion both in vivo and in vitro.Brain Res, 1216 (2008) 104-115.
  • 14. M. Velikova, V. Bankova, K. Sorkun, S. Houcine, I. Tsvetkova, A. Kujumgiev, Propolis from the Mediterranean region: chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Z Naturforsch C, 55 (2000) 790-793.
  • 15. A. Kılıc, M. Baysallar, B. Besirbellioglu, B. Salih, K. Sorkun, M. Tanyüksel, In vitro antimicrobial activity of propolis against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Annals of Microbiology, 55 (2005) 113-117.
  • 16. S. Silici, S. Kutluca, Chemical comosition and antibacterial activity of propolis collected by three different races of honeybees in the same renge. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 99 (2005) 69-73.
  • 17. T.P. Seven, M. Yılmaz, Ü.G. Şimşek, The effects of Turkish propolis on growth and carcass characteristics in broiler under heat stress. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 146 (2008) 137-148.
  • 18. S. Stangaciu, A guide to the composition and properties of propolis. Apiacta, 33 (1998) 71-77.
  • 19. Ö. Gençay, Identification of botanical origin and chemical composition of propolis from KemaliyeErzincan region. Master Thesis, Hacettepe University, Ankara 2004.
  • 20. S. Silici, A research on Antibacterial and pharmacological properties of propolis, Ph.D. Thesis Çukurova University, Adana 2003.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Ömür Gençay Çelemli This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 43 Issue: 1


APA Çelemli, Ö. G. (2015). Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43(1), 49-57.
AMA Çelemli ÖG. Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base. HJBC. March 2015;43(1):49-57.
Chicago Çelemli, Ömür Gençay. “Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43, no. 1 (March 2015): 49-57.
EndNote Çelemli ÖG (March 1, 2015) Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43 1 49–57.
IEEE Ö. G. Çelemli, “Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base”, HJBC, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 49–57, 2015.
ISNAD Çelemli, Ömür Gençay. “Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43/1 (March 2015), 49-57.
JAMA Çelemli ÖG. Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base. HJBC. 2015;43:49–57.
MLA Çelemli, Ömür Gençay. “Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 1, 2015, pp. 49-57.
Vancouver Çelemli ÖG. Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base. HJBC. 2015;43(1):49-57.


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