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Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 4, 267 - 271, 01.11.2015


We investigated the breeding performance and nest site properties of the red-backed shrikes in a small population in Nallihan Bird Sanctuary in Turkey. We carried out the field studies during the 2006 and 2007 breeding seasons. We monitored 12 nests of 7 breeding pairs in the 2007 breeding season. Most of the territories were near the Aladag Stream-Riparian Habitat. The distance between the nests were 110 ± 20 m. The red-backed shrikes built their nests in the thorny bushes at the average height of 80 ± 32.5 cm above the ground. Only one pair could raise fledglings within the monitored pairs. Four Nests were predated during the incubation and four nests were predated during nestling stage in the 2007 breeding season. Yet, the previous year we had detected at least one fledgling within 6 of the 8 territories. We estimated that this small popula- tion had suffered from high nest predation at the Nallihan Bird Sanctuary after a successful breeding season. Long-term studies are required to obtain more detailed information about the populations of the red-backed shrikes in Turkey.


  • 1. R.E. Ricklefs, An Analysis of Nesting Mortality in Birds. (1969)
  • 2. M. Willson, S. Gende, Nesting success of forest birds in southeast Alaska and adjacent Canada. The Condor, 102 (2000) 314-325.
  • 3. Q. Wang, X. Zhou, F. Li, Y. Zhang, F. Li, Nest site characteristics and nest loss of Marsh Grassbird at Zhalong National Nature Reserve, China. J. For. Res., 26 (2015) 785–790.
  • 4. N. Lefranc, T. Worfolk, Shrikes. A Guide to the Shrikes of the World., (1997)
  • 5. G. M. Tucker, M. I. Evans, Habitats for Birds in Europe : A Conservation Strategy for the Wider Environment., (1997).
  • 6. G. Kirwan, B. Demirci, H. Welch, K. Boyla, M. Özen, P. Castell, T. Marlow, The Birds of Turkey, (2008)
  • 7. Z. Ayaş, Trace element residues in eggshells of grey heron (Ardea cinerea) and black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) from Nallihan Bird Paradise, Ankara-Turkey, Ecotoxicology, 16 (2007) 347–352.
  • 8. R.E. Major, The effect of human observers on the intensity of nest predation, Ibis, 132 (1990) 608–612.
  • 9. E. Danchin, B. Heg, B. Doligez, Public information and breeding habitat selection, in Dispersal, J. Clobert, E. Danchin, A.A. Dhondt, and J.D. Nichols, eds., (2001) 243–258.
  • 10. B. Doligez, E. Danchin, J. Clobert, Public information and breeding habitat selection in a wild bird population, Science, 297 (2002) 1168–1170.
  • 11. T.E. Martin, Avian life history evolution in relation to nest sites, nest predation and food, Ecol. Monogr., 65 (1995) 101–127.
  • 12. B. Söderström, T. Pärt, J. Rydén, Different nest predator faunas and nest predation risk on ground and shrub nests at forest ecotones: an experiment and a review, Oecologia, 117 (1998) 108–118.
  • 13. G. Pasinelli, M. Müller, M. Schaub, L. Jenni, Possible causes and consequences of philopatry and breeding dispersal in red-backed shrikes Lanius collurio, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 61 (2007) 1061–1074.
  • 14. A. Kristin, H. Hoi, F. Valera, C. Hoi, “Breeding biology and breeding success of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in a stable and dense population, Ibis, 142 (2000) 305–311.
  • 15. P. Isenmann, G. Fradet, Nest site, laying period, and breeding success of the Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator) in Mediterranean France, J. Fur Ornithol., 139 (1998) 49–54.
  • 16. Z. Brahimia, H. Dziri, S. Benyacoub, Y. Chabi, J. Babura, Breeding ecology of Algerian woodchat shrikes Lanius senator: low breeding success, Folia Zool., 52 (2003) 309-316
  • 17. J.J. Fontaine, T.E. Martin, Habitat selection responses of parents to offspring predation risk: an experimental test, Am. Nat., 168 (2006) 811–818.
  • 18. J.K. Svendsen, P.K. Bøcher, J.-C. Svenning, Habitat and nest site preferences of Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) in western Denmark, Ornis Fennica, 92 (2015) 63–75.
  • 19. V. Olsson, The Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio in southeastern Sweden: Habitat and territory, Ornis Svecica, 5 (1995) 31–41.
  • 20. S. Kuniak, P. Tryjanowski, Distribution and breeding habitat of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in an intensively used farmland, Ring, 22 (2000) 89–93.
  • 21. R. Horváth, R. Farkas, R. Yosef, Nesting ecology of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in Northeastern Hungaria, Ring, 22 (2000) 127–132.
  • 22. T.E. Martin, Processes organizing open-nesting bird assemblages: competition or nest predation, Evol. Ecol., 2 (1988) 37–50.
  • 23. D.M. Visco, T.W. Sherry, Increased abundance, but reduced nest predation in the chestnut-backed antbird in costa rican rainforest fragments: surprising impacts of a pervasive snake species, Biol. Conserv., 188 (2015) 22–31.
  • 24. E. Nol, R.J. Brooks, Effects of predator exclosures on nesting success of killdeer, Journal of Field Ornithology, 53 (1982) 263-268.
  • 25. R. Major, The effect of human observers on the intensity of nest predation, Ibis, 132 (1990) 608-612.
  • 26. A. Basso, H. Richner, Effects of nest predation risk on female incubation behavior and offspring growth in great tits, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 69 (2015) 977–989

Kızılsırtlı Örümcekkuşunun Lanius collurio Bir Riperyan Habitattaki Üreme Performansı

Year 2015, Volume: 43 Issue: 4, 267 - 271, 01.11.2015


B u çalışmada, kızılsırtlı örümcekkuşunun Nallıhan Kuş Cenneti’ndeki küçük bir populasyonunun üreme performansı ve yuva yeri özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Saha çalışmaları 2006 ve 2007 üreme dönemlerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. 2007 üreme döneminde 7 üreme çiftine ait 12 yuva takip edilmiştir. Teritoryumların büyük çoğunluğunun Aladağ Çayı riperyan habitatında bulunduğu kaydedilmiştir. Yuvalar arasındaki mesafe 110 ± 20 m’dir. Kızılsırtlı örümcekkuşları yuvalarını dikenli çalılara, yerden ortalama 80 ± 32.5 cm yüksekliğe yapmışlardır. Takip edilen çiftlerden yalnızca bir tanesi kanatlanmış yavrular yetiştirebilmiştir. 2007 üreme döneminde dört yuva inkübasyon, dört yuva da yavru aşamasında predasyona uğramıştır. Buna rağmen, bir önceki üreme döneminde 8 teritoryumun içinde 6 tanesinde kanatlanmış yavrular gözlenmiştir. Bu küçük populasyonun başarılı bir üreme dönemi sonrası maruz kaldığı yoğun yuva predasyonu nedeniyle başarısız olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. Türkiye’deki kızılsırtlı örümcekkuşu populasyonları hakkında daha ayrıntılı bilgi sahibi olmak için uzun dönemli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır


  • 1. R.E. Ricklefs, An Analysis of Nesting Mortality in Birds. (1969)
  • 2. M. Willson, S. Gende, Nesting success of forest birds in southeast Alaska and adjacent Canada. The Condor, 102 (2000) 314-325.
  • 3. Q. Wang, X. Zhou, F. Li, Y. Zhang, F. Li, Nest site characteristics and nest loss of Marsh Grassbird at Zhalong National Nature Reserve, China. J. For. Res., 26 (2015) 785–790.
  • 4. N. Lefranc, T. Worfolk, Shrikes. A Guide to the Shrikes of the World., (1997)
  • 5. G. M. Tucker, M. I. Evans, Habitats for Birds in Europe : A Conservation Strategy for the Wider Environment., (1997).
  • 6. G. Kirwan, B. Demirci, H. Welch, K. Boyla, M. Özen, P. Castell, T. Marlow, The Birds of Turkey, (2008)
  • 7. Z. Ayaş, Trace element residues in eggshells of grey heron (Ardea cinerea) and black-crowned night heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) from Nallihan Bird Paradise, Ankara-Turkey, Ecotoxicology, 16 (2007) 347–352.
  • 8. R.E. Major, The effect of human observers on the intensity of nest predation, Ibis, 132 (1990) 608–612.
  • 9. E. Danchin, B. Heg, B. Doligez, Public information and breeding habitat selection, in Dispersal, J. Clobert, E. Danchin, A.A. Dhondt, and J.D. Nichols, eds., (2001) 243–258.
  • 10. B. Doligez, E. Danchin, J. Clobert, Public information and breeding habitat selection in a wild bird population, Science, 297 (2002) 1168–1170.
  • 11. T.E. Martin, Avian life history evolution in relation to nest sites, nest predation and food, Ecol. Monogr., 65 (1995) 101–127.
  • 12. B. Söderström, T. Pärt, J. Rydén, Different nest predator faunas and nest predation risk on ground and shrub nests at forest ecotones: an experiment and a review, Oecologia, 117 (1998) 108–118.
  • 13. G. Pasinelli, M. Müller, M. Schaub, L. Jenni, Possible causes and consequences of philopatry and breeding dispersal in red-backed shrikes Lanius collurio, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 61 (2007) 1061–1074.
  • 14. A. Kristin, H. Hoi, F. Valera, C. Hoi, “Breeding biology and breeding success of the Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor in a stable and dense population, Ibis, 142 (2000) 305–311.
  • 15. P. Isenmann, G. Fradet, Nest site, laying period, and breeding success of the Woodchat Shrike (Lanius senator) in Mediterranean France, J. Fur Ornithol., 139 (1998) 49–54.
  • 16. Z. Brahimia, H. Dziri, S. Benyacoub, Y. Chabi, J. Babura, Breeding ecology of Algerian woodchat shrikes Lanius senator: low breeding success, Folia Zool., 52 (2003) 309-316
  • 17. J.J. Fontaine, T.E. Martin, Habitat selection responses of parents to offspring predation risk: an experimental test, Am. Nat., 168 (2006) 811–818.
  • 18. J.K. Svendsen, P.K. Bøcher, J.-C. Svenning, Habitat and nest site preferences of Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) in western Denmark, Ornis Fennica, 92 (2015) 63–75.
  • 19. V. Olsson, The Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio in southeastern Sweden: Habitat and territory, Ornis Svecica, 5 (1995) 31–41.
  • 20. S. Kuniak, P. Tryjanowski, Distribution and breeding habitat of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in an intensively used farmland, Ring, 22 (2000) 89–93.
  • 21. R. Horváth, R. Farkas, R. Yosef, Nesting ecology of the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) in Northeastern Hungaria, Ring, 22 (2000) 127–132.
  • 22. T.E. Martin, Processes organizing open-nesting bird assemblages: competition or nest predation, Evol. Ecol., 2 (1988) 37–50.
  • 23. D.M. Visco, T.W. Sherry, Increased abundance, but reduced nest predation in the chestnut-backed antbird in costa rican rainforest fragments: surprising impacts of a pervasive snake species, Biol. Conserv., 188 (2015) 22–31.
  • 24. E. Nol, R.J. Brooks, Effects of predator exclosures on nesting success of killdeer, Journal of Field Ornithology, 53 (1982) 263-268.
  • 25. R. Major, The effect of human observers on the intensity of nest predation, Ibis, 132 (1990) 608-612.
  • 26. A. Basso, H. Richner, Effects of nest predation risk on female incubation behavior and offspring growth in great tits, Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 69 (2015) 977–989
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Necmiye Şahin Arslan This is me

Zafer Ayaş This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 43 Issue: 4


APA Arslan, N. Ş., & Ayaş, Z. (2015). Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43(4), 267-271.
AMA Arslan NŞ, Ayaş Z. Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​. HJBC. November 2015;43(4):267-271.
Chicago Arslan, Necmiye Şahin, and Zafer Ayaş. “Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius Collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43, no. 4 (November 2015): 267-71.
EndNote Arslan NŞ, Ayaş Z (November 1, 2015) Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43 4 267–271.
IEEE N. Ş. Arslan and Z. Ayaş, “Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​”, HJBC, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 267–271, 2015.
ISNAD Arslan, Necmiye Şahin - Ayaş, Zafer. “Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius Collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 43/4 (November 2015), 267-271.
JAMA Arslan NŞ, Ayaş Z. Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​. HJBC. 2015;43:267–271.
MLA Arslan, Necmiye Şahin and Zafer Ayaş. “Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius Collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 43, no. 4, 2015, pp. 267-71.
Vancouver Arslan NŞ, Ayaş Z. Breeding Performance of the Red-Backed Shrikes Lanius collurio in a Riparian Habitat ​. HJBC. 2015;43(4):267-71.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science

