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Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 2, 161 - 171, 01.06.2016


This study was carried out to determine the effects of grazing on soil parameters in the meadow ecosystems in the alluvial delta plain of Samsun-Turkey. Five 5×5 m exclosures were established in the homogeneous stands in terms of habitat conditions and floristic composition in the study area during 2000-2003. The top of soil was firstly removed and then soil samples were taken from inside and outside of exclosures at a depth of 20 cm in each month for a year. Soil organic matter, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, CaCO3 and total salinity were measured by standard methods. In general, CaCO3 and total salinity exhibited statistically significant differences between the grazed and ungrazed parts.


  • 1. J.F. Dormaar, A. Johnston, S. Smoliak, Seasonal variation in chemical characteristics of grazed and ungrazed mixed prairie and fescue grassland, J. Range Manage., 30 (1977) 195.
  • 2. M.A. Rodriguez, Y.K. Brown, S.A. Gomez, The vertical distribution of belowground biomass in grassland communities in relation to grazing regime and habitat characteristics, J. Veg. Sci., 6 (1995) 63.
  • 3. J.A. Griffith, K.P. Price, E.A. Martinko, A multivariete analysis of biophysical parameters of tallgrass prairie among land management practices and years, Environ. Monit. Assess., 68 (2001) 249.
  • 4. A. Johnston, J.F. Dormaar, S. Smoliak, Long-term grazing effects on fescue grassland soils, J. Range Manage., 24 (1971) 185.
  • 5. S. Smoliak, J.F. Dormaar, A. Johnston, Long-term grazing effects on Stipa-Bouteloua prairie soils, J. Range Manage., 25 (1972) 246.
  • 6. T. Yakupoğlu, F. Sarıoğlu, O. Dengiz, Morphology, physico-chemical characteristics and classification of two vertisols in Bafra and Çarşamba delta plains, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Science 25 (2012) 67.
  • 7. E. Yalçın, M. Kılınç, H.G. Kutbay, A. Bilgin, H. Korkmaz, The Lowland Meadow Vegetation of the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey, Ekoloji 23 (2014) 36.
  • 8. M. Trémolières, A. Schnitzler, J.M. Sánchez-Pérez, D. Schmitt, Changes in foliar nutrient content and resorption Fraxinus excelsior L., Ulmus minor Mill. and Clematis vitalba L. after prevention floods. Ann. For. Sci., 56 (1999) 641.
  • 9. S.E. Allen, N.M. Grimshaw, J.A. Parkinson, C. Quarmby, J.D. Roberts, Methods in Plant Ecology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1986.
  • 10. B. Kacar, Soil Analysis, Nobel Publications, Ankara, 2009.
  • 11. Anonymous, SPSS for Windows. Version 21.0.0 SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA, 2012.
  • 12. R.S. Lavado, J.O. Sierra, P.N. Hashimoto, Impact of grazing on soil nutrients in Pampean grassland, J. Range Manage., 49 (1996) 452.
  • 13. F. Raiesi, E. Asadi, Soil microbial activity and litter turnover in native grazed and ungrazed rangelands in a semiarid ecosystem, Biol. Fertil. Soils 43 (2006) 76.
  • 14. H. Yan, M. Cao, J. Liu, B. Tao, Potential and sustainability for carbon sequestration with improved soil management in agricultural soils of China, Agr. Ecosyst. Environ., 121 (2007) 325.
  • 15. J.F. Dormaar, S. Smoliak, W.D. Willms, Distributions of nitrogen fractions in grazed and ungrazed fescue grassland Ah horizon, J. Range Manage., 43 (1989) 6.
  • 16. J.F. Dormaar, W.D. Willms, Effect of forty-four years of grazing on fescue grassland soils, J. Range Manage., 51 (1998) 122.
  • 17. R.S. Inouye, N.J. Huntly, D. Tilman, J.R. Tester, M. Stilwell, K.C. Zinnel, Old field succession on a Minnesota sand plain, Ecology, 68 (1997) 12.
  • 18. M. Naeth, D. Chanasyk, Grazing effects on soil water in alberta foothills fescue grasslands, J. Range Manage., 48 (1995) 528.
  • 19. S.R. Troelstra, L.A.P. Lotz, R. Wagenaar, L. Sluimer, Temporal and spatial variability in soil nutrient status of former beach plain, Plant and Soil, 127 (1990) 1.
  • 20. J.J. Neeteson, Nitrogen and phosphorus management on Dutch dairy farms: legislation and strategies employed to meet the regulations. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30 (2000) 566.
  • 21. D.E. Goldberg, The distribution of evergreen and deciduous trees relative to soil type: an example from the Sierra Madre, Mexico, and a general model, Ecology, 63 (1982) 942.
  • 22. S.W. Trimble, A.C. Mendel, The cow as geomorphic agent – a critical review. Geomorphology 13 (1995) 233.
  • 23. I. Stavi, E.D. Ungar, H. Lavee, P. Sarah, Grazinginduced spatial variability of soil bulk density and content of moisture, organic carbon and calcium carbonate in a semi-arid rangeland. Catena, 75 (2008) 288.
  • 24. E.J. Chaneton, R.S. Lavado, Soil nutrients and salinity after long- term grazing exclusion in a flooding pampa grassland, J. Range Manage., 49 (1996) 182.
  • 25. R.S. Lavado, M.A. Taboada, Soil salinization as an effect of grazing in a native grassland soil in the Flooding Pampa of Argentina. Soil Use Manage., 3 (1987) 143.
  • 26. M. Alconada, O.E. Ansin, R.S. Lavado, V.A. Deregibus, G. Rubio, F.H. Gutierrez, Effect of retention of runoff water and grazing on soil and on vegetation of a temperate humid grassland. Agri. Water Manage., 23 (1993) 233.

Çayır Ekosistemlerinde Otlatmanın Toprak Parametrelerine Etkileri

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 2, 161 - 171, 01.06.2016


B u çalışma Samsun-Türkiye’de alüvyal delta ovalarındaki çayır ekosistemlerinde otlatmanın toprak parametrelerine etkilerini belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. 2000-2003 yıllarında 5×5 m lik beş adet eksklosür çalışma alanında floristik bileşim ve habitat koşulları bakımından homojen alanlarda kurulmuştur. Toprak örnekleri eksklosürlerin içerisinden ve dışından olmak üzere en üst toprak yüzeyi uzaklaştırıldıktan sonra 20 cm derinlikten bir yıl boyunca aylık olarak alınmıştır. Toprak organik maddesi, pH, azot, fosfor, potasyum, CaCOve toplam tuzluluk standart yöntemlerle ölçülmüştür. Genellikle CaCO3 ve toplam tuzluluk otlatılan ve korunan kısımlar arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede farklı çıkmıştır


  • 1. J.F. Dormaar, A. Johnston, S. Smoliak, Seasonal variation in chemical characteristics of grazed and ungrazed mixed prairie and fescue grassland, J. Range Manage., 30 (1977) 195.
  • 2. M.A. Rodriguez, Y.K. Brown, S.A. Gomez, The vertical distribution of belowground biomass in grassland communities in relation to grazing regime and habitat characteristics, J. Veg. Sci., 6 (1995) 63.
  • 3. J.A. Griffith, K.P. Price, E.A. Martinko, A multivariete analysis of biophysical parameters of tallgrass prairie among land management practices and years, Environ. Monit. Assess., 68 (2001) 249.
  • 4. A. Johnston, J.F. Dormaar, S. Smoliak, Long-term grazing effects on fescue grassland soils, J. Range Manage., 24 (1971) 185.
  • 5. S. Smoliak, J.F. Dormaar, A. Johnston, Long-term grazing effects on Stipa-Bouteloua prairie soils, J. Range Manage., 25 (1972) 246.
  • 6. T. Yakupoğlu, F. Sarıoğlu, O. Dengiz, Morphology, physico-chemical characteristics and classification of two vertisols in Bafra and Çarşamba delta plains, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Anadolu Journal of Agricultural Science 25 (2012) 67.
  • 7. E. Yalçın, M. Kılınç, H.G. Kutbay, A. Bilgin, H. Korkmaz, The Lowland Meadow Vegetation of the Central Black Sea Region of Turkey, Ekoloji 23 (2014) 36.
  • 8. M. Trémolières, A. Schnitzler, J.M. Sánchez-Pérez, D. Schmitt, Changes in foliar nutrient content and resorption Fraxinus excelsior L., Ulmus minor Mill. and Clematis vitalba L. after prevention floods. Ann. For. Sci., 56 (1999) 641.
  • 9. S.E. Allen, N.M. Grimshaw, J.A. Parkinson, C. Quarmby, J.D. Roberts, Methods in Plant Ecology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1986.
  • 10. B. Kacar, Soil Analysis, Nobel Publications, Ankara, 2009.
  • 11. Anonymous, SPSS for Windows. Version 21.0.0 SPSS Inc. Chicago, IL, USA, 2012.
  • 12. R.S. Lavado, J.O. Sierra, P.N. Hashimoto, Impact of grazing on soil nutrients in Pampean grassland, J. Range Manage., 49 (1996) 452.
  • 13. F. Raiesi, E. Asadi, Soil microbial activity and litter turnover in native grazed and ungrazed rangelands in a semiarid ecosystem, Biol. Fertil. Soils 43 (2006) 76.
  • 14. H. Yan, M. Cao, J. Liu, B. Tao, Potential and sustainability for carbon sequestration with improved soil management in agricultural soils of China, Agr. Ecosyst. Environ., 121 (2007) 325.
  • 15. J.F. Dormaar, S. Smoliak, W.D. Willms, Distributions of nitrogen fractions in grazed and ungrazed fescue grassland Ah horizon, J. Range Manage., 43 (1989) 6.
  • 16. J.F. Dormaar, W.D. Willms, Effect of forty-four years of grazing on fescue grassland soils, J. Range Manage., 51 (1998) 122.
  • 17. R.S. Inouye, N.J. Huntly, D. Tilman, J.R. Tester, M. Stilwell, K.C. Zinnel, Old field succession on a Minnesota sand plain, Ecology, 68 (1997) 12.
  • 18. M. Naeth, D. Chanasyk, Grazing effects on soil water in alberta foothills fescue grasslands, J. Range Manage., 48 (1995) 528.
  • 19. S.R. Troelstra, L.A.P. Lotz, R. Wagenaar, L. Sluimer, Temporal and spatial variability in soil nutrient status of former beach plain, Plant and Soil, 127 (1990) 1.
  • 20. J.J. Neeteson, Nitrogen and phosphorus management on Dutch dairy farms: legislation and strategies employed to meet the regulations. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30 (2000) 566.
  • 21. D.E. Goldberg, The distribution of evergreen and deciduous trees relative to soil type: an example from the Sierra Madre, Mexico, and a general model, Ecology, 63 (1982) 942.
  • 22. S.W. Trimble, A.C. Mendel, The cow as geomorphic agent – a critical review. Geomorphology 13 (1995) 233.
  • 23. I. Stavi, E.D. Ungar, H. Lavee, P. Sarah, Grazinginduced spatial variability of soil bulk density and content of moisture, organic carbon and calcium carbonate in a semi-arid rangeland. Catena, 75 (2008) 288.
  • 24. E.J. Chaneton, R.S. Lavado, Soil nutrients and salinity after long- term grazing exclusion in a flooding pampa grassland, J. Range Manage., 49 (1996) 182.
  • 25. R.S. Lavado, M.A. Taboada, Soil salinization as an effect of grazing in a native grassland soil in the Flooding Pampa of Argentina. Soil Use Manage., 3 (1987) 143.
  • 26. M. Alconada, O.E. Ansin, R.S. Lavado, V.A. Deregibus, G. Rubio, F.H. Gutierrez, Effect of retention of runoff water and grazing on soil and on vegetation of a temperate humid grassland. Agri. Water Manage., 23 (1993) 233.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Yalçın This is me

Ahmet Doğan This is me

Adnan Akçin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 44 Issue: 2


APA Yalçın, E., Doğan, A., & Akçin, A. (2016). Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 44(2), 161-171.
AMA Yalçın E, Doğan A, Akçin A. Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems. HJBC. June 2016;44(2):161-171.
Chicago Yalçın, Erkan, Ahmet Doğan, and Adnan Akçin. “Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44, no. 2 (June 2016): 161-71.
EndNote Yalçın E, Doğan A, Akçin A (June 1, 2016) Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44 2 161–171.
IEEE E. Yalçın, A. Doğan, and A. Akçin, “Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems”, HJBC, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 161–171, 2016.
ISNAD Yalçın, Erkan et al. “Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44/2 (June 2016), 161-171.
JAMA Yalçın E, Doğan A, Akçin A. Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems. HJBC. 2016;44:161–171.
MLA Yalçın, Erkan et al. “Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 44, no. 2, 2016, pp. 161-7.
Vancouver Yalçın E, Doğan A, Akçin A. Effects of Grazing on Soil Parameters in Meadow Ecosystems. HJBC. 2016;44(2):161-7.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science