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Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 233 - 244, 01.09.2016


In this study, 13 different bacteria were isolated from the surface mucus layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss ra- inbow trout . These bacteria were identified as Exiguobacterium sp. Om1 , Acinetobacter sp. Om2, Om7 , Microbacterium sp. Om3 , Arthrobacter sp. Om4 , Sphingobacterium sp. Om5 , Stenotrophomonas sp. Om6, 10 and 11 , Pseudomanas sp. Om8 , Corynebacterium sp. Om12 Aeromonas sp. Om14 and Psychrobacter sp. Om15 based on morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics, as well as phylogenetic analy- sis using 16S rDNA sequences. We report that isolate Om15 produces a cold-active lipase enzyme. The lipase enzyme was partially purified from the bacterial supernatant and its specific activity was calculated as 64.393 U g–1. Optimal performance of the enzyme occurred at pH 8.0 and 20°C using p-nitrophenyl dodecanoate as a substrate. SDS-PAGE indicated that the lipase enzyme is composed of 2 subunits 58-60 kDa, and that it is possible that the active lipase enzyme is the heterodimer of the subunits, which was confirmed via Native- PAGE. Furthermore, the lipase activity decreased in response to application of Co2+ and Cu2+ ions; however, no significant difference in the lipase activity was observed via application of other ions.


  • 1. F. Kayırhan, S.S. Çelebi, Increase in the enzymatic hydrolysis rate of triacetin using PE particles in a column reactor, Biochem. Eng. J., 1 (1998) 153-158.
  • 2. B. Joseph, P.W. Ramteke and G. Thomas, Cold active microbial lipases: some hot issues and recent developments, Biotechnol. Adv., 26 (2008) 457-470.
  • 3. J.L. Arpigny and K.E. Jaeger, Bacterial lipolytic enzymes: classification and properties, Biochem. J., 343 (1999) 177-183.
  • 4. P. Ranjitha, E.S. Karthy, A. Mohankumar, Purification and characterization of the lipase from marine Vibrio fischeri, Int. J. Biol., 1 (2009) 48-56.
  • 5. R. Gupta, N. Gupta, P. Rathi, Bacterial lipases: an overview of production, purification and biochemical properties, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 64 (2004) 763-81.
  • 6. J.P. Kishore, Z.C. Manojkumar and T.M. Raghunath, Lipase Biodiversity, Ind. J. Sci. Technol., 4 (2011) 971- 982.
  • 7. V. Kukreja and M. B. Bera, Lipase from Pseudomanas aeriginosa M TCC 24 8 8 : p a r tia l p u r if i c ati o n , ch a ra c te r izati o n a n d c a l ci u m d e p e n d e nt thermostability, Ind. J. Biotechnol., 4 (2005) 222- 226.
  • 8. E. Haba, O. Bresco, C. Ferrer, A. Marqués, M. Busquets, and A. Manresa, Isolation of lipase-secreting bacteria by deploying used frying oil as selective substrate, Enzym. Microb. Technol., 26 (2000) 40-44.
  • 9. A. Rajan, D.R.S. Kumar and J. Nair, Isolation of a novel alkaline lipase producing fungus Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 9657 from aged and crude rice bran oil and quantification by HPTLC, Inter. J. Biol. Chem., 5 (2011) 116-126.
  • 10. N.R. Krieg and J.G. Holt, Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci. In: Palleroni NJ. ed. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Williams and Wilkins, 140- 218. 1986.
  • 11. J. Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch, T. Maniati, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed. N.Y., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press., 1659 pp. 1989.
  • 12. R. Kumar, A. Sharma, A. Kumar and D. Singh, Lipase from Bacillus pumilus RK31: production, purification and some properties, W. Appl. Sci. J., 16 (2012) 940- 948.
  • 13. S. Ugras, K. Sezen, H. Kati and Z. Demirbag, Purification and characterization of an antibacterial substance produced by pest-originated Serratia marcescens Mm3, Turk. J. Biol., 338 (2014) 177-184.
  • 14. M.M. Bradford, A Rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding, Anal. Biochem., 72 (1976) 248-254.
  • 15. U.K. Laemmli, Cleavage of structure of proteins during assembly of the head of bacteriophage-T4, Nature, 227 (1970) 680-685.
  • 16. H.J. Park, J.H. Jeong, S.G. Kang, J.H. Lee, S.A. Lee, H.K. Kim, Functional expression and refolding of new alkaline esterase, EM2L8 from deep-sea sediment metagenome, Protein Expr. Purif., 52 (2007) 340-347.
  • 17. D.W. Lee, Y.S. Koh K.J. Kim, B.C. Kim, H.J. Choi, D.S. Kim, M.T. Suhartono, Y.R. Pyun, Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic lipase from Bacillus thermoleovorans ID-1, FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 179 (1999) 393-400.
  • 18. S.C.B. Gopinath, P. Anbu, A. Hilda, Extracellular enzymatic activity profiles in fungi isolated from oilrich environments, Mycoscience., 46 (2005) 119-126.
  • 19. J.L. Arpigny, G. Feller, C. Gerday, Cloning, sequence and structural features of a lipase from the antarctic facultative psychrophile Psychrobacter immobilis B10, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1171 (1993) 331-333.
  • 20. K.A. Novototskaya-Vlasova, L.E. Petrovskaya, E.M. Rivkina, D.A. Dolgikh, and M.P. Kirpichnikov, Characterization of a cold-active lipase from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5(T) and its deletion mutants, Biochemistry (Mosc)., 78 (2013) 385-94.
  • 21. H.K. Lee, J.A. Min, H.K. Sung, H.S. Won and C.J. Byeong, Purification and characterization of cold active lipase from psychrotrophic Aeromonas sp. LPB4, J. Microbiol., 41 (2003) 22-27.
  • 22. B. Joseph, Isolation, purification and characterization of cold adapted extracellular lipases from psychrotrophic bacteria: feasibility as laundry detergent additive. Ph.D thesis, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University, Allahabad, India, 2006.
  • 23. X. Zeng, X. Xiao, P. Wang and F. Wang, Screening and characterization of psychrotrophic lipolytic bacteria from deep-sea sediments, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 14 (2004) 952-958.
  • 24. K.R. Shah and S.A. Bhatt, Purification and characterization of lipase from Bacillus subtilis Pa2, J. Biochem. Tech., 3 (2011) 292-295.
  • 25. M.J. Dröge, Y.L. Boersma, G. Van Pouderoyen, T.E. Vrenken, C.J. Rüggeberg, M.T. Reetz, B. W. Dıjkstra and W.J. Quax, Directed Evolution of Bacillus subtilis lipase aby use of enantiomeric phosphonate inhibitors: crystal structures and phage display selection, Chem. Biochem ., 7 (2006) 149-157.
  • 26. J. Zhang, S. Lin and R. Zeng,. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a cold-adapted lipase gene from an antarctic deep-sea psychrotrophic bacterium, Psychrobacter sp. 7195, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 17 (2007) 604-610.
  • 27. T. Suzuki, T. Nakayama, T. Kurihara, T. Nishino and N. Esaki, Cold-Active lipolytic activity of psychrotrophic Acinetobacter sp. strain no. 6, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 92 (2001) 144-148.
  • 28. N. Rashid, S. Yuji, E. Satoshi, A. Haruyuki and I. Tadayuki, Low-Temperature lipase from psychrotrophic Pseudomonas sp. strain KB700A., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 67 (2001) 4064-4069.
  • 29. D.W. Choo, T. Kurihara, T. Suzuki, K. Soda and N. Esaki, A Cold-adapted Lipase on an Alaskan Psychrotroph, Pseudomonas sp. strain B11-1: gene cloning and enzyme purification and characterization, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64 (1998) 486-491.
  • 30. K. Amada, M. Haruki, T. Imanaka, M. Morikawa, and S. Kanaya, Over production in Escherichia coli, purification and characterization of a family I.3 lipase from Pseudomonas sp. MIS38, Biochim, Biophys. Acta, 1478 (2000) 201-210.
  • 31. Y. Kojima, M. Kobayashi and S. Shimizu, A novel lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens HU380: gene cloning, overproduction, renaturation-activation, two-step purification, and characterization, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 96 (2003) 242-249.

Oncorhynchus mykiss’in Yüzey Mukus Tabakasından Lipaz Üretici Bakterilerin İzolasyonu, Tanımlanması ve Enzim Karakterizasyonu

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 233 - 244, 01.09.2016


B u çalışmada Oncorhynchus mykiss gökkuşağı alabalığı ’in yüzey mukus tabakasından 13 farklı bakteri izole edildi. Bu bakteriler; morfolojik, fizyolojik, biyokimyasal ve 16S rDNA analiz sonuçları dikkate alınarak; Exiguobacterium sp. Om1 , Acinetobacter sp. Om2 ve Om7 , Microbacterium sp. Om3 , Arthrobacter sp. Om4 , Sphingobacterium sp. Om5 , Stenotrophomonas sp. Om6, 10 ve 11 , Pseudomanas sp. Om8 , Corynebacterium sp. Om12 Aeromonas sp. Om14 ve Psychrobacter sp. Om15 olarak tanımlandı. Om15 izolatının soğukta aktif lipaz enzimi ürettiği tespit edildi. Lipaz enzimi bakteri süpernatantından kısmi olarak saflaştırıldı ve özgül aktivitesi 64.393 U g–1 olarak hesaplandı. Enzimin optimum performansı substrat olarak p-nitrofenil dodekanat kullanıldığında, pH 8.0’de ve 20°C’de gösterdiği tespit edildi. SDS-PAGE analizi ile lipaz enzimin 5860 kDa büyüklüğünde iki alt birime sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Aktif lipaz enziminin bu alt birimlerin heterodimer yapıları ile oluştuğu Native-PAGE ile tespit edildi. Bunların yanısıra lipazın aktivitesinin Co+2 ve Cu+2 iyonları uygulaması ile azaldığı diğer iyon uygulamalarının ise aktivitede önemli değişikliklere sebep olmadığı belirlendi


  • 1. F. Kayırhan, S.S. Çelebi, Increase in the enzymatic hydrolysis rate of triacetin using PE particles in a column reactor, Biochem. Eng. J., 1 (1998) 153-158.
  • 2. B. Joseph, P.W. Ramteke and G. Thomas, Cold active microbial lipases: some hot issues and recent developments, Biotechnol. Adv., 26 (2008) 457-470.
  • 3. J.L. Arpigny and K.E. Jaeger, Bacterial lipolytic enzymes: classification and properties, Biochem. J., 343 (1999) 177-183.
  • 4. P. Ranjitha, E.S. Karthy, A. Mohankumar, Purification and characterization of the lipase from marine Vibrio fischeri, Int. J. Biol., 1 (2009) 48-56.
  • 5. R. Gupta, N. Gupta, P. Rathi, Bacterial lipases: an overview of production, purification and biochemical properties, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 64 (2004) 763-81.
  • 6. J.P. Kishore, Z.C. Manojkumar and T.M. Raghunath, Lipase Biodiversity, Ind. J. Sci. Technol., 4 (2011) 971- 982.
  • 7. V. Kukreja and M. B. Bera, Lipase from Pseudomanas aeriginosa M TCC 24 8 8 : p a r tia l p u r if i c ati o n , ch a ra c te r izati o n a n d c a l ci u m d e p e n d e nt thermostability, Ind. J. Biotechnol., 4 (2005) 222- 226.
  • 8. E. Haba, O. Bresco, C. Ferrer, A. Marqués, M. Busquets, and A. Manresa, Isolation of lipase-secreting bacteria by deploying used frying oil as selective substrate, Enzym. Microb. Technol., 26 (2000) 40-44.
  • 9. A. Rajan, D.R.S. Kumar and J. Nair, Isolation of a novel alkaline lipase producing fungus Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 9657 from aged and crude rice bran oil and quantification by HPTLC, Inter. J. Biol. Chem., 5 (2011) 116-126.
  • 10. N.R. Krieg and J.G. Holt, Gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci. In: Palleroni NJ. ed. Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Williams and Wilkins, 140- 218. 1986.
  • 11. J. Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch, T. Maniati, Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 2nd ed. N.Y., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press., 1659 pp. 1989.
  • 12. R. Kumar, A. Sharma, A. Kumar and D. Singh, Lipase from Bacillus pumilus RK31: production, purification and some properties, W. Appl. Sci. J., 16 (2012) 940- 948.
  • 13. S. Ugras, K. Sezen, H. Kati and Z. Demirbag, Purification and characterization of an antibacterial substance produced by pest-originated Serratia marcescens Mm3, Turk. J. Biol., 338 (2014) 177-184.
  • 14. M.M. Bradford, A Rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding, Anal. Biochem., 72 (1976) 248-254.
  • 15. U.K. Laemmli, Cleavage of structure of proteins during assembly of the head of bacteriophage-T4, Nature, 227 (1970) 680-685.
  • 16. H.J. Park, J.H. Jeong, S.G. Kang, J.H. Lee, S.A. Lee, H.K. Kim, Functional expression and refolding of new alkaline esterase, EM2L8 from deep-sea sediment metagenome, Protein Expr. Purif., 52 (2007) 340-347.
  • 17. D.W. Lee, Y.S. Koh K.J. Kim, B.C. Kim, H.J. Choi, D.S. Kim, M.T. Suhartono, Y.R. Pyun, Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic lipase from Bacillus thermoleovorans ID-1, FEMS Microbiol. Lett., 179 (1999) 393-400.
  • 18. S.C.B. Gopinath, P. Anbu, A. Hilda, Extracellular enzymatic activity profiles in fungi isolated from oilrich environments, Mycoscience., 46 (2005) 119-126.
  • 19. J.L. Arpigny, G. Feller, C. Gerday, Cloning, sequence and structural features of a lipase from the antarctic facultative psychrophile Psychrobacter immobilis B10, Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 1171 (1993) 331-333.
  • 20. K.A. Novototskaya-Vlasova, L.E. Petrovskaya, E.M. Rivkina, D.A. Dolgikh, and M.P. Kirpichnikov, Characterization of a cold-active lipase from Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5(T) and its deletion mutants, Biochemistry (Mosc)., 78 (2013) 385-94.
  • 21. H.K. Lee, J.A. Min, H.K. Sung, H.S. Won and C.J. Byeong, Purification and characterization of cold active lipase from psychrotrophic Aeromonas sp. LPB4, J. Microbiol., 41 (2003) 22-27.
  • 22. B. Joseph, Isolation, purification and characterization of cold adapted extracellular lipases from psychrotrophic bacteria: feasibility as laundry detergent additive. Ph.D thesis, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University, Allahabad, India, 2006.
  • 23. X. Zeng, X. Xiao, P. Wang and F. Wang, Screening and characterization of psychrotrophic lipolytic bacteria from deep-sea sediments, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 14 (2004) 952-958.
  • 24. K.R. Shah and S.A. Bhatt, Purification and characterization of lipase from Bacillus subtilis Pa2, J. Biochem. Tech., 3 (2011) 292-295.
  • 25. M.J. Dröge, Y.L. Boersma, G. Van Pouderoyen, T.E. Vrenken, C.J. Rüggeberg, M.T. Reetz, B. W. Dıjkstra and W.J. Quax, Directed Evolution of Bacillus subtilis lipase aby use of enantiomeric phosphonate inhibitors: crystal structures and phage display selection, Chem. Biochem ., 7 (2006) 149-157.
  • 26. J. Zhang, S. Lin and R. Zeng,. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a cold-adapted lipase gene from an antarctic deep-sea psychrotrophic bacterium, Psychrobacter sp. 7195, J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 17 (2007) 604-610.
  • 27. T. Suzuki, T. Nakayama, T. Kurihara, T. Nishino and N. Esaki, Cold-Active lipolytic activity of psychrotrophic Acinetobacter sp. strain no. 6, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 92 (2001) 144-148.
  • 28. N. Rashid, S. Yuji, E. Satoshi, A. Haruyuki and I. Tadayuki, Low-Temperature lipase from psychrotrophic Pseudomonas sp. strain KB700A., Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 67 (2001) 4064-4069.
  • 29. D.W. Choo, T. Kurihara, T. Suzuki, K. Soda and N. Esaki, A Cold-adapted Lipase on an Alaskan Psychrotroph, Pseudomonas sp. strain B11-1: gene cloning and enzyme purification and characterization, Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 64 (1998) 486-491.
  • 30. K. Amada, M. Haruki, T. Imanaka, M. Morikawa, and S. Kanaya, Over production in Escherichia coli, purification and characterization of a family I.3 lipase from Pseudomonas sp. MIS38, Biochim, Biophys. Acta, 1478 (2000) 201-210.
  • 31. Y. Kojima, M. Kobayashi and S. Shimizu, A novel lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens HU380: gene cloning, overproduction, renaturation-activation, two-step purification, and characterization, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 96 (2003) 242-249.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Serpil Uğraş This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 44 Issue: 3


APA Uğraş, S. (2016). Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 44(3), 233-244.
AMA Uğraş S. Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss. HJBC. September 2016;44(3):233-244.
Chicago Uğraş, Serpil. “Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus Mykiss”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44, no. 3 (September 2016): 233-44.
EndNote Uğraş S (September 1, 2016) Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44 3 233–244.
IEEE S. Uğraş, “Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss”, HJBC, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 233–244, 2016.
ISNAD Uğraş, Serpil. “Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus Mykiss”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44/3 (September 2016), 233-244.
JAMA Uğraş S. Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss. HJBC. 2016;44:233–244.
MLA Uğraş, Serpil. “Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus Mykiss”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 44, no. 3, 2016, pp. 233-44.
Vancouver Uğraş S. Isolation, Identification and Enzyme Characterization of Lipase Producing Bacteria from Mucus Layer of Oncorhynchus mykiss. HJBC. 2016;44(3):233-44.


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