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Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 355 - 359, 01.09.2016


In this study, we have investigated induction of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 genes after exposure to low doses gam- ma radiation by using the peripheral human lymphocytes. Gene expression changes were analyzed in quanti- tative real time polymerase chain reaction QRT PCR by using B2M as a reference gene. Whole blood samples of ten young, healthy and non-smoking donors were taken. All samples were divided in to five specimens and four of them were irradiated using constant gamma irradiation source 60Co giving the dose rate of 0.0327 kGy/h while one sample used as control. Blood samples were exposed to 0.1 Gy, 0.5 Gy, 1 Gy and 3 Gy γ-rays. Results were expressed in terms of the threshold cycle value Ct in REST 2009 Relative Expression Software Tool V. 2.0.13 program and the difference between the CT values of the target gene and the reference gene was calculated. We found a linear dose–response relationship for P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 genes. Results of the QRT PCR showed that three of the genes were up-regulated after radiation exposure. We concluded that P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 genes can be promising for the assessment of gene expression changes in radiation expo- sure induced DNA damage.


  • 1. S. Braunstein, M.L. Badura, Q. Xi, S.C. Formenti, R.J. Schneider, Regulation of protein synthesis by ionizing radiation, Mol Cell Biol., 29 (2009) 5645-56.
  • 2. Z. Goldberg, C.W. Schwietert, B. Lehnert, R. Stern, I. Nami, Effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on gene expression in human skin biopsies, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys., 58 (2004) 567-74.
  • 3. S. Gutierrez, E. Carbonell, P. Galofré, A. Creus, R. Marcos, The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay applied to the analysis of radiationinduced DNA damage in thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I, Mutat Res., 413 (1998) 111-9.
  • 4. Z. Somosy, Radiation response of cell organelles, Micron., 31 (2000) 165–181.
  • 5. J. Bolt, Q.N. Vo, W.J. Kim, A.J. McWhorter, J. Thomson, M.E. Hagensee, P. Friedlander, K.D. Brown, J. Gilbert, The ATM/P53 pathway is commonly targeted for inactivation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) by multiple molecular mechanisms, Oral Oncol., 41 (2005) 1013-20.
  • 6. H.Y. Jiang, R.C. Wek, GCN2 phosphorylation of eIF2alpha activates NF-kappaB in response to UV irradiation, Biochem J., 385 (2005) 371-80.
  • 7. E.U. Kurz and S.P. Lees-Miller, DNA damage-induced activation of ATM and ATM-dependent signaling pathways. DNA Repair (Amst)., 3 (2004) 889-900. Review.
  • 8. K.D. Brown, C. Barlow, A. Wynshaw-Boris, Multiple ATM-dependent pathways: an explanation for pleiotropy, Am J Hum Genet., 64 (1999) 46–50.
  • 9. K.W. Kim, L. Moretti, L.R. Mitchell, D.K. Jung, B. Lu, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Mediates RadiationInduced Autophagy via PERK-eIF2α in Caspase-3/7 Deficient Cells, Oncogene, 29 (2010) 3241-51.
  • 10. S.A. Amundson, T.G. Myers, A.J. Jr Fornace, Roles for P53 in growth arrest and apoptosis: putting on the brakes after genotoxic stress, Oncogene, 17 (1998) 3287-99. Review.
  • 11. I. Dauth, J. Krüger, T.G. Hofmann, Homeodomaininteracting protein kinase 2 is the ionizing radiationactivated P53 serine 46 kinase and is regulated by ATM, Cancer Res., 67 (2007) 2274-9.
  • 12. L. Roy, G. Gruel, A. Vaurijoux A, Cell response to ionising radiation analysed by gene expression patterns, Ann Ist Super Sanita., 45 (2009) 272-7. Review
  • 13. M. Gamulin, N. Kopjar, M. Grgić, S. Ramić, V. Bisof, V. Garaj-Vrhovac, Genome damage in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated by radiotherapy, Croat Med J., 49 (2008) 515-27.
  • 14. V. Garaj-Vrhovac, G. Gajski, S. Miljanic , Sensitivity of the standard and Fpg-modified comet assay for the estimation of DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes after exposure to gamma rays, Third European IRPA Congress, 2010.
  • 15. C. Stecca, G.B. Gerber, Adaptive response to DNAdamaging agents: a review of potential mechanisms, Biochem Pharmacol., 55 (1998) 941-51.
  • 16. D.W. Meek, Tumour suppression by P53: a role for the DNA damage response? Nature Reviews Cancer, 9 (2009) 714-23.
  • 17. N. Bitomsky, T.G. Hofmann, Apoptosis and autophagy: Regulation of apoptosis by DNA damage signalling roles of P53, p73 and HIPK2. FEBS J., 276 (2009) 6074-83.
  • 18. M.A. Calzado, F. Renner, A. Roscic, M.L. Schmitz, HIPK2: a versatile switchboard regulating the transcription machinery and cell death. Cell Cycle., 6 (2007) 139-43.
  • 19. D. Sombroek and T.G. Hofmann, How cells switch HIPK2 on and off, Cell Death Differ., 16 (2009) 187-94.
  • 20. A. Bertolotti, Y. Zhang, L.M. Hendershot, H.P. Harding, D. Ron, Dynamic interaction of BiP and ER stress transducers in the unfolded-protein response, Nat Cell Biol., 2 (2000) 326–332.
  • 21. B. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Pang, Y. Su, G. Ai, T. Wang, ER stress induced by ionising radiation in IEC-6 cells, Int J Radiat Biol., 86 (2010) 429-35.
  • 22. E. Lai, T. Teodoro, A. Volchuk, Endoplasmic reticulum stress: signaling the unfolded protein response. Physiology (Bethesda), 22 (2007) 193-201.

İn Vitro Olarak Gama Radyasyon ile İndüklenen P53, HIPK-2 ve EIF2S1 Genlerinin Ekspresyon Değişikliklerinin Araştırılması

Year 2016, Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 355 - 359, 01.09.2016


B u çalışmada periferal insan lenfositlerinde düşük doz gama radyasyon maruziyeti sonrası P53, HIPK-2 ve EIF2S1 genlerinin indüksiyonunu araştırılmıştır. Gen ekspresyon değişiklikleri, B2M referans gen olarak kullanılarak kantitafif gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu ile KRT PZR değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla genç, sağlıklı ve sigara içmeyen on bireye ait kan örnekleri toplanmıştır. Her birey için beş tüpe bölünen örneklerden ilki kontrol olarak ayrılmış diğer dördü sabit gama kaynağında Co60 0,0327 kGy/sa doz hızına göre hesaplanmış 0,1 Gy, 0.5 Gy, 1 Gy ve 3 Gy gama radyasyonuna maruz bırakılmıştır. Sonuçlar eşik değerinin aşıldığı döngü değerlerine CT göre REST 2009 Relative Expression Software Tool V. 2.0.13 programında değerlendirilmiş, hedef genin ve referans genin CT değerleri arasındaki farklılıklara göre hesaplanmıştır. P53, HIPK2 ve EIF2S1 genleri için linear bir doz-cevap ilişkisi bulunmuştur. KRT PZR sonuçları bu üç geninin maruz kalınan dozlarda up-regüle olduğunu göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar P53, HIPK2 ve EIF2S1 genlerinin radyasyon maruziyeti sonrasında indüklenen DNA hasarında ki gen ekspresyon değişikliklerinin değerlendirilmesinde kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir


  • 1. S. Braunstein, M.L. Badura, Q. Xi, S.C. Formenti, R.J. Schneider, Regulation of protein synthesis by ionizing radiation, Mol Cell Biol., 29 (2009) 5645-56.
  • 2. Z. Goldberg, C.W. Schwietert, B. Lehnert, R. Stern, I. Nami, Effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on gene expression in human skin biopsies, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys., 58 (2004) 567-74.
  • 3. S. Gutierrez, E. Carbonell, P. Galofré, A. Creus, R. Marcos, The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay applied to the analysis of radiationinduced DNA damage in thyroid cancer patients treated with 131I, Mutat Res., 413 (1998) 111-9.
  • 4. Z. Somosy, Radiation response of cell organelles, Micron., 31 (2000) 165–181.
  • 5. J. Bolt, Q.N. Vo, W.J. Kim, A.J. McWhorter, J. Thomson, M.E. Hagensee, P. Friedlander, K.D. Brown, J. Gilbert, The ATM/P53 pathway is commonly targeted for inactivation in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN) by multiple molecular mechanisms, Oral Oncol., 41 (2005) 1013-20.
  • 6. H.Y. Jiang, R.C. Wek, GCN2 phosphorylation of eIF2alpha activates NF-kappaB in response to UV irradiation, Biochem J., 385 (2005) 371-80.
  • 7. E.U. Kurz and S.P. Lees-Miller, DNA damage-induced activation of ATM and ATM-dependent signaling pathways. DNA Repair (Amst)., 3 (2004) 889-900. Review.
  • 8. K.D. Brown, C. Barlow, A. Wynshaw-Boris, Multiple ATM-dependent pathways: an explanation for pleiotropy, Am J Hum Genet., 64 (1999) 46–50.
  • 9. K.W. Kim, L. Moretti, L.R. Mitchell, D.K. Jung, B. Lu, Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Mediates RadiationInduced Autophagy via PERK-eIF2α in Caspase-3/7 Deficient Cells, Oncogene, 29 (2010) 3241-51.
  • 10. S.A. Amundson, T.G. Myers, A.J. Jr Fornace, Roles for P53 in growth arrest and apoptosis: putting on the brakes after genotoxic stress, Oncogene, 17 (1998) 3287-99. Review.
  • 11. I. Dauth, J. Krüger, T.G. Hofmann, Homeodomaininteracting protein kinase 2 is the ionizing radiationactivated P53 serine 46 kinase and is regulated by ATM, Cancer Res., 67 (2007) 2274-9.
  • 12. L. Roy, G. Gruel, A. Vaurijoux A, Cell response to ionising radiation analysed by gene expression patterns, Ann Ist Super Sanita., 45 (2009) 272-7. Review
  • 13. M. Gamulin, N. Kopjar, M. Grgić, S. Ramić, V. Bisof, V. Garaj-Vrhovac, Genome damage in oropharyngeal cancer patients treated by radiotherapy, Croat Med J., 49 (2008) 515-27.
  • 14. V. Garaj-Vrhovac, G. Gajski, S. Miljanic , Sensitivity of the standard and Fpg-modified comet assay for the estimation of DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes after exposure to gamma rays, Third European IRPA Congress, 2010.
  • 15. C. Stecca, G.B. Gerber, Adaptive response to DNAdamaging agents: a review of potential mechanisms, Biochem Pharmacol., 55 (1998) 941-51.
  • 16. D.W. Meek, Tumour suppression by P53: a role for the DNA damage response? Nature Reviews Cancer, 9 (2009) 714-23.
  • 17. N. Bitomsky, T.G. Hofmann, Apoptosis and autophagy: Regulation of apoptosis by DNA damage signalling roles of P53, p73 and HIPK2. FEBS J., 276 (2009) 6074-83.
  • 18. M.A. Calzado, F. Renner, A. Roscic, M.L. Schmitz, HIPK2: a versatile switchboard regulating the transcription machinery and cell death. Cell Cycle., 6 (2007) 139-43.
  • 19. D. Sombroek and T.G. Hofmann, How cells switch HIPK2 on and off, Cell Death Differ., 16 (2009) 187-94.
  • 20. A. Bertolotti, Y. Zhang, L.M. Hendershot, H.P. Harding, D. Ron, Dynamic interaction of BiP and ER stress transducers in the unfolded-protein response, Nat Cell Biol., 2 (2000) 326–332.
  • 21. B. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Pang, Y. Su, G. Ai, T. Wang, ER stress induced by ionising radiation in IEC-6 cells, Int J Radiat Biol., 86 (2010) 429-35.
  • 22. E. Lai, T. Teodoro, A. Volchuk, Endoplasmic reticulum stress: signaling the unfolded protein response. Physiology (Bethesda), 22 (2007) 193-201.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Sibel Ünlü This is me

Emel Sağlar This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 44 Issue: 3


APA Ünlü, S., & Sağlar, E. (2016). Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 44(3), 355-359.
AMA Ünlü S, Sağlar E. Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation. HJBC. September 2016;44(3):355-359.
Chicago Ünlü, Sibel, and Emel Sağlar. “Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44, no. 3 (September 2016): 355-59.
EndNote Ünlü S, Sağlar E (September 1, 2016) Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44 3 355–359.
IEEE S. Ünlü and E. Sağlar, “Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation”, HJBC, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 355–359, 2016.
ISNAD Ünlü, Sibel - Sağlar, Emel. “Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 44/3 (September 2016), 355-359.
JAMA Ünlü S, Sağlar E. Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation. HJBC. 2016;44:355–359.
MLA Ünlü, Sibel and Emel Sağlar. “Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 44, no. 3, 2016, pp. 355-9.
Vancouver Ünlü S, Sağlar E. Investigation of P53, HIPK-2 and EIF2S1 Genes Expression Changes Induced by in Vitro Gamma Radiation. HJBC. 2016;44(3):355-9.


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