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Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 2, 277 - 285, 01.06.2017


An efficient flotation method based on the combination of flame atomic absorption spectrometry FAAS and separation and preconcentration step for determination of Cd2+ ions in various real samples by the possibility of applying Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-cyano phenyl methyl 1H indole ICPMI , as a new collec- tor was studied. The influence of pH, amount of ICPMI as collector, sample matrix, type and amount of eluting agent, type and amount of surfactant as floating agent, ionic strength and air flow rates i.e. variables affecting the efficiency of the extraction system was evaluated. It is as certained that cadmium ion separated simulta- neously from matrix in the presence of 0.012 mM ligand, 0.025% w/v of sodium dodecyl sulfate SDS and pH 9.0±0.1. These ions can be eluted quantitatively with 0.5 mL of 1M HNO3 in methanol linear range of the determination is between 0.02-2.2 μgmL-1 for Cd2+ with a detection limit for Cd2+ was1.9 μg mL-1 respectively. The method has been successfully applied for determination of trace amounts of cadmium ion in in radiology wastewater, amalgam, natural water and blood samples samples.


  • C. Baird, Environmental Chemistry, 2nd edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.1999.
  • F. Ansar Khameneh, M. Baghdadi, Z. Monsef Khoshhe- sa, Determination of trace amount of cadmium in real water and baby food samples by microinjection flame atomic absorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction using selective synthesis ligand, J. Advan. Chem., 7 (2014) 1420-1433.
  • J. Thompson, J. Bannigan, Cadmium: toxic effects on the reproductive system and the embryo, Reprod. To- xicol., 25 (2008) 304–315.
  • L. Jarup, A. Akesson, Current status of cadmium as an environmental health problem, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 238 (2009) 201–208.
  • A.A. Gouda, A new coprecipitation method without carrier element for separation and preconcentration of some metal ions at trace levels in water and food samples,Talanta, 146 (2016) 435-441.
  • Z. Bahadır, V. N. Bulut, D. Ozdes, C. Duran, H. Bektas, M. Soylak, Separation and preconcentration of lead, chromium and copper by using with the combination coprecipitation-flame atomic absorption spectromet- ric determination, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 20 (2014) 1030- 1034.
  • H. Kalkan, M. Kaplan, S. Orman, Revegetation of Aban- doned Sulphur Flotation Waste in Keciborlu, Isparta/ Turkey: Heavy Metals Concentrations of Growing Me- dia and Agropyron elongatum Grass, Not Bot Horti Ag- robo, 42 (2014) 340-346.
  • M. Behbahani, P. G. Hassanlou, M. M. Amini, F. Omidi, A. Esrafili, M. Farzadkia, A. Bagheri, Application of solvent-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction as a new, fast, simple and reliable preconcentration and trace detection of lead and cadmium ions in fruit and water samples, Food Chem., 187 (2015) 82-88.
  • M. Ghaedi, K. Mortazavi, M. Jamshidi, M. Roosta, B. Ka- rami, Oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with 2-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)-4,5-diphenyl imida- zole for solid phase extraction and preconcentration of some metal ions, Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 94 (2012) 846-859.
  • A. Shokrollahi, H.E. Haghighi, E. Niknam, K. Niknam, Application of cloud point preconcentration and flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of cadmium and zinc ions in urine, blood serum and water samples, Quím. Nova São Paul, 36 (2013) 273- 283.
  • M. Soylak, E. Yilmaz, Determination of Cadmium in Fru- it and Vegetables by Ionic Liquid Magnetic Microext- raction and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Anal. Lett., 48 (2015) 464–476.
  • M.H. Salmani, M. Davoodi, M.H. Ehrampoush, M. Taghi Ghaneian, M.H. Fallahzadah, Removal of cadmium (II) from simulated wastewater by ion flotation technique, J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng., 10 (2013) 1186-1197.
  • M. Ghaedi, K. Niknam, S.N. Kokhdan, M. Soylak, Com- bination of flotation and flame atomic absorption spectrometry for determination, preconcentration and separation of trace amounts of metal ions in bio- logical samples, Human and Experimental Toxicology, 32 (2013) 504–512.
  • M.F. Del, V. Gonzalez, I. Garcia, J.A., Sanchez, Effect of organic and inorganic residues on the solubility of trace elements and phytotoxicity of mining waste, Fre- senius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (2010) 2071-2076.
  • Y.A. Zolotov, N.M. Kuzmin, preconcentration of trace elements, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990.
  • M. Caballero, R. Cela, J. A. Pérez-Bustamante, Analyti- cal applications of some flotation techniques a review, Talanta, 37 (1990) 275.
  • LK. Wang, YT. Hung, NK. Shammas, Advanced physi- cochemical treatment processes, Humana Press., (2006) 89.
  • M. Ghaedi, A. Shokrollahi, M. Montazerozohori, F. Ma- rahel, M. Soylak, Development of a flotation method for preconcentration-separation of trace amounts of some metal ions in plant tissues prior to their FAAS determinations, Quim. Nova, 33 (2010) 404-410.
  • Y.S. Kim, Y.S. Choi, W. Lee, extraction equilibria and solvent sublation for determination of ultra trace Bi(◦), In(◦) and Ti(◦) in water samples by ion-pairs of metal-2- naphthoate complexes and tetrabutylammonium ion, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 23 (2002) 1381.
  • H. Izanloo, S. Nasseri, Cadmium removal from aqueous solutions by ground pine cone, Iranian J. Eng. Health Sci. Eng., 2 (2005) 33–42.
  • G.M. Payne, A surveyor’s perspective: water quality for hemodialysis, advancing safety in medical technology, Payne. pdf, accessed in December., 2014.
  • H. Tavallali, A. M. Attaran, Selective determination clo- ud point extraction trace amounts of silver in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, In- ternational J. Chem. Tech., 2 (2010) 1724-1730.
  • D.L.G. Borges, M.A M.S. Veiga, V.L.A. Frescura, B. Welz, A.J. Curıtius, Cloud-point extraction for the determi- nation of Cd, Pb and Pd in blood by electrothermal ato- mic absorption spectrometry, using Ir or Ru as perma- nent modifiers, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 18 (2003) 501.
  • K. Niknam, D. Saberi, M. Mohagheghnejad, Silica bonded S-sulfonic acid: a recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of quinoxalines at room temperature, Mole- cules, 14 (2009) 1915–1926.
  • S. Hssani, A. Moghimi, A. Shahvelaiati, Allogeneic and xenogeneic bone matrix gelatin (bmg) effects on bone defect healing in rats, Ind. J. Fundament. and Appl. Life Sci., 5 (2015) 285-298.
  • M. Ghaedi, M.R. Fathi, A. Shokrollahi, F. Shajarat, Highly selective and sensitive preconcentration of mercury ion and determination by cold vapor atomic absorpti- on spectroscopy, Anal. Lett., 39 (2006) 1171-1180.
  • M. Ghaedi, A. Daneshfar, A. Shokrollahi, H. Ghaedi, A.F. Pili, Highly selective and sensitive spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of silver ion in surfac- tant media using 2-mercaptobenzoxazole, Ann. Chim., 97 (2007) 971-979.
  • A. Shokrolahi, M. Ghaedi, R. Shabani, M. Montazerozo- hori, F. Chehreh, M. Soylak, S. Alipour, A preconcent- ration procedure for copper, nickel and chromium ions in some food and environmental samples on modified Diaion SP-850, Food Chem. Toxicol., 48 (2010) 482- 490.
  • N. Pourpeza, P. Parham, P. Mirzavand, Flotation–spect- rophotometric method for separation and determina- tion of trace amounts of copper, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 34 (2012) 1352-1355.
  • K. Shawket, J. Jihan, R. Muslim, Cloud point extraction methodology for separation and microamounts deter- mination of lead(11) and cadmium(11) ions, Iraq. Nat. J. Chemi., 47 (2012) 401-412.
  • J. Lurie, Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, English translated by: N. Bobrov, Moscow, 1978.
  • M. Bahram, S. Khezri, Cloud point extraction, precon- centration and spectrophotometric determination of nickel in water samples using dimethylglyoxime, Curr. Chem. Lett., 2 (2013) 49-56.
  • M. Soleimani, B. Rafiei, Z.H. Siahpoosh, Ghezeljeh montmorillonite nanoclay as a natural adsorbent for solid phase extraction of copper ions from food samp- les, J. Anal. Chem., 7 (2015) 794-803.
  • I. Svraka, M. Memic, J. Sulejmanovic, T. Muhic-Sarac, Preconcentration of metal ions using silica gel 60 F254, Bulletin of the chemists and technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 42 (2014) 11-16.
  • C.A. Kozlowski, M. Ulewicz, W. Walkowiak, T. Girek, he effect of tautomeric rearrangement on the separa- tion of Zn(II) and Cd(II) in ion flotation process with 4-thiazolidinone derivatives, Minerals Eng., 15 (2002) 677–682.
  • E. Metcahf, Wastewater engineering, treatment and reuse. McGraw-Hill, (2003) 509–524.
  • F.M. Doyle, Ion flotation-its potential for hydrometal- lurgical operations. Int. J. Miner. Process., 72 (2004) 387-399.
  • F. Shemirani, B.T.S. Akhavi, Preconcentration and de- termination of trace cadmium using 1-(2-pyridylazo)- 2-naphthol (PAN) immobilized on surfactant-coated alümina, Anal. Lett., 34 (2001) 2179-2188.
  • K. Ghesmat Konande, S. Bagheri, E. Pakdaman, E. Nik- nam, Ion-flotation Separation of Cd (II) and Ag (I) Tra- ces Using a New Ligand α-N–Naphtyl–4–Methyl Benza- mide (NMBA), before Their Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric determination of these ions in radio- logy wastewater, amalgam, natural water and blood samples, I. J. Pharm. Res. Alli. Sci., 5 (2016) 335-342.
  • H. Karimi, M. Ghaedi, A. Shokrollahi, H.R. Rajabi, M. Soylak, B. Karami, Development of a selective and sensitive flotation method for determination of trace amounts of cobalt, nickel, copper and iron in environ- mental samples, J. Hazard. Mater., 151 (2008) 26-32.
  • J.C. Miller, J.N. Miller, Statistics for Analytical Che- mistry; Ellis Horwood: Chichester, England, 1984.
  • H.A. Panahi, M. Karimi, E. Moniri, H.R. Soudi, evelop- ment of a sensitive spectrophotometeric method for determination of copper, Afr. J. Pur. Appl. Chem., 2 (2008) 96-99.
  • N. Pourreza, H. Parham, P.J. Mirzavand, Flotation◦ spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of thorium, Chin. Chem. Soc., 54 (2009) 785-788.
  • M.S. Hosseini, H. Hashemi-Moghaddam, G. Kardan- Moghaddam, Separation and preconcentration of Ag(I) in aqueous samples by flotation as an ion◦asso- ciate using iodide and ferroin followed the determina- tion by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Annali. Di. Chimica., 97 (2007) 17-23.

Gerçek Numunelerde Yeni Bir Ligand Olan 3- 1H İndol-3-yle 4-Siyano Fenil Metil 1H İndol Kullanarak Eser Miktarda Kadmiyum İyonunun Ön Deriştirme ve Ayrılması için Spektrofotometrik Analiz ve Flotasyon Uygulaması

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 2, 277 - 285, 01.06.2017


A lev atomik absorpsiyon spektrometrisine dayanan etkin bir flotasyon yöntemiyle ayrım ve ön deriştirme adımları toplayıcı olarak ligand 3- 1H-indol-3-il 4-Siyano fenil metil lH-indol ICPMI ile çeşitli gerçek örneklerde Cd2+ iyonlarının tayini incelenmiştir. pH, ICPMI miktarı, numune matrisi, elüsyon maddesinin türü ve miktarı, yüzey aktif maddenin türü ve miktarı, iyonik kuvvet, hava akış oranı, yani ekstraksiyon sisteminin verimliliğini etkileyen değişkenler değerlendirildi. Kadmiyum iyonunun 0.012 mM ligandı, %0.025 w/v sodyum dodesil sülfat SDS ve pH 9.0±0.1 varlığında eşzamanlı olarak matristen ayrıldığı kesin olarak belirlendi. Bu iyonlar, metanolde 1M HNO3’ün 0.5 mL si ile nicel olarak, Cd2+ için 0.02-2.2 µgmL-1 arasında ve Cd2+ için saptama limiti 1.9 µgmL-1 olan doğrusal aralıklarla ayrılabilir. Yöntem, radyoloji atık suyu, amalgam, doğal su ve kan numuneleri örneklerinde az miktarda kadmiyum iyonu tayini için başarıyla uygulanmıştır


  • C. Baird, Environmental Chemistry, 2nd edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.1999.
  • F. Ansar Khameneh, M. Baghdadi, Z. Monsef Khoshhe- sa, Determination of trace amount of cadmium in real water and baby food samples by microinjection flame atomic absorption spectrometry after cloud point extraction using selective synthesis ligand, J. Advan. Chem., 7 (2014) 1420-1433.
  • J. Thompson, J. Bannigan, Cadmium: toxic effects on the reproductive system and the embryo, Reprod. To- xicol., 25 (2008) 304–315.
  • L. Jarup, A. Akesson, Current status of cadmium as an environmental health problem, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 238 (2009) 201–208.
  • A.A. Gouda, A new coprecipitation method without carrier element for separation and preconcentration of some metal ions at trace levels in water and food samples,Talanta, 146 (2016) 435-441.
  • Z. Bahadır, V. N. Bulut, D. Ozdes, C. Duran, H. Bektas, M. Soylak, Separation and preconcentration of lead, chromium and copper by using with the combination coprecipitation-flame atomic absorption spectromet- ric determination, J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 20 (2014) 1030- 1034.
  • H. Kalkan, M. Kaplan, S. Orman, Revegetation of Aban- doned Sulphur Flotation Waste in Keciborlu, Isparta/ Turkey: Heavy Metals Concentrations of Growing Me- dia and Agropyron elongatum Grass, Not Bot Horti Ag- robo, 42 (2014) 340-346.
  • M. Behbahani, P. G. Hassanlou, M. M. Amini, F. Omidi, A. Esrafili, M. Farzadkia, A. Bagheri, Application of solvent-assisted dispersive solid phase extraction as a new, fast, simple and reliable preconcentration and trace detection of lead and cadmium ions in fruit and water samples, Food Chem., 187 (2015) 82-88.
  • M. Ghaedi, K. Mortazavi, M. Jamshidi, M. Roosta, B. Ka- rami, Oxidized multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified with 2-(2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)-4,5-diphenyl imida- zole for solid phase extraction and preconcentration of some metal ions, Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 94 (2012) 846-859.
  • A. Shokrollahi, H.E. Haghighi, E. Niknam, K. Niknam, Application of cloud point preconcentration and flame atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of cadmium and zinc ions in urine, blood serum and water samples, Quím. Nova São Paul, 36 (2013) 273- 283.
  • M. Soylak, E. Yilmaz, Determination of Cadmium in Fru- it and Vegetables by Ionic Liquid Magnetic Microext- raction and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Anal. Lett., 48 (2015) 464–476.
  • M.H. Salmani, M. Davoodi, M.H. Ehrampoush, M. Taghi Ghaneian, M.H. Fallahzadah, Removal of cadmium (II) from simulated wastewater by ion flotation technique, J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng., 10 (2013) 1186-1197.
  • M. Ghaedi, K. Niknam, S.N. Kokhdan, M. Soylak, Com- bination of flotation and flame atomic absorption spectrometry for determination, preconcentration and separation of trace amounts of metal ions in bio- logical samples, Human and Experimental Toxicology, 32 (2013) 504–512.
  • M.F. Del, V. Gonzalez, I. Garcia, J.A., Sanchez, Effect of organic and inorganic residues on the solubility of trace elements and phytotoxicity of mining waste, Fre- senius Environmental Bulletin, 19 (2010) 2071-2076.
  • Y.A. Zolotov, N.M. Kuzmin, preconcentration of trace elements, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990.
  • M. Caballero, R. Cela, J. A. Pérez-Bustamante, Analyti- cal applications of some flotation techniques a review, Talanta, 37 (1990) 275.
  • LK. Wang, YT. Hung, NK. Shammas, Advanced physi- cochemical treatment processes, Humana Press., (2006) 89.
  • M. Ghaedi, A. Shokrollahi, M. Montazerozohori, F. Ma- rahel, M. Soylak, Development of a flotation method for preconcentration-separation of trace amounts of some metal ions in plant tissues prior to their FAAS determinations, Quim. Nova, 33 (2010) 404-410.
  • Y.S. Kim, Y.S. Choi, W. Lee, extraction equilibria and solvent sublation for determination of ultra trace Bi(◦), In(◦) and Ti(◦) in water samples by ion-pairs of metal-2- naphthoate complexes and tetrabutylammonium ion, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 23 (2002) 1381.
  • H. Izanloo, S. Nasseri, Cadmium removal from aqueous solutions by ground pine cone, Iranian J. Eng. Health Sci. Eng., 2 (2005) 33–42.
  • G.M. Payne, A surveyor’s perspective: water quality for hemodialysis, advancing safety in medical technology, Payne. pdf, accessed in December., 2014.
  • H. Tavallali, A. M. Attaran, Selective determination clo- ud point extraction trace amounts of silver in water samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, In- ternational J. Chem. Tech., 2 (2010) 1724-1730.
  • D.L.G. Borges, M.A M.S. Veiga, V.L.A. Frescura, B. Welz, A.J. Curıtius, Cloud-point extraction for the determi- nation of Cd, Pb and Pd in blood by electrothermal ato- mic absorption spectrometry, using Ir or Ru as perma- nent modifiers, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 18 (2003) 501.
  • K. Niknam, D. Saberi, M. Mohagheghnejad, Silica bonded S-sulfonic acid: a recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of quinoxalines at room temperature, Mole- cules, 14 (2009) 1915–1926.
  • S. Hssani, A. Moghimi, A. Shahvelaiati, Allogeneic and xenogeneic bone matrix gelatin (bmg) effects on bone defect healing in rats, Ind. J. Fundament. and Appl. Life Sci., 5 (2015) 285-298.
  • M. Ghaedi, M.R. Fathi, A. Shokrollahi, F. Shajarat, Highly selective and sensitive preconcentration of mercury ion and determination by cold vapor atomic absorpti- on spectroscopy, Anal. Lett., 39 (2006) 1171-1180.
  • M. Ghaedi, A. Daneshfar, A. Shokrollahi, H. Ghaedi, A.F. Pili, Highly selective and sensitive spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of silver ion in surfac- tant media using 2-mercaptobenzoxazole, Ann. Chim., 97 (2007) 971-979.
  • A. Shokrolahi, M. Ghaedi, R. Shabani, M. Montazerozo- hori, F. Chehreh, M. Soylak, S. Alipour, A preconcent- ration procedure for copper, nickel and chromium ions in some food and environmental samples on modified Diaion SP-850, Food Chem. Toxicol., 48 (2010) 482- 490.
  • N. Pourpeza, P. Parham, P. Mirzavand, Flotation–spect- rophotometric method for separation and determina- tion of trace amounts of copper, J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 34 (2012) 1352-1355.
  • K. Shawket, J. Jihan, R. Muslim, Cloud point extraction methodology for separation and microamounts deter- mination of lead(11) and cadmium(11) ions, Iraq. Nat. J. Chemi., 47 (2012) 401-412.
  • J. Lurie, Handbook of Analytical Chemistry, English translated by: N. Bobrov, Moscow, 1978.
  • M. Bahram, S. Khezri, Cloud point extraction, precon- centration and spectrophotometric determination of nickel in water samples using dimethylglyoxime, Curr. Chem. Lett., 2 (2013) 49-56.
  • M. Soleimani, B. Rafiei, Z.H. Siahpoosh, Ghezeljeh montmorillonite nanoclay as a natural adsorbent for solid phase extraction of copper ions from food samp- les, J. Anal. Chem., 7 (2015) 794-803.
  • I. Svraka, M. Memic, J. Sulejmanovic, T. Muhic-Sarac, Preconcentration of metal ions using silica gel 60 F254, Bulletin of the chemists and technologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 42 (2014) 11-16.
  • C.A. Kozlowski, M. Ulewicz, W. Walkowiak, T. Girek, he effect of tautomeric rearrangement on the separa- tion of Zn(II) and Cd(II) in ion flotation process with 4-thiazolidinone derivatives, Minerals Eng., 15 (2002) 677–682.
  • E. Metcahf, Wastewater engineering, treatment and reuse. McGraw-Hill, (2003) 509–524.
  • F.M. Doyle, Ion flotation-its potential for hydrometal- lurgical operations. Int. J. Miner. Process., 72 (2004) 387-399.
  • F. Shemirani, B.T.S. Akhavi, Preconcentration and de- termination of trace cadmium using 1-(2-pyridylazo)- 2-naphthol (PAN) immobilized on surfactant-coated alümina, Anal. Lett., 34 (2001) 2179-2188.
  • K. Ghesmat Konande, S. Bagheri, E. Pakdaman, E. Nik- nam, Ion-flotation Separation of Cd (II) and Ag (I) Tra- ces Using a New Ligand α-N–Naphtyl–4–Methyl Benza- mide (NMBA), before Their Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric determination of these ions in radio- logy wastewater, amalgam, natural water and blood samples, I. J. Pharm. Res. Alli. Sci., 5 (2016) 335-342.
  • H. Karimi, M. Ghaedi, A. Shokrollahi, H.R. Rajabi, M. Soylak, B. Karami, Development of a selective and sensitive flotation method for determination of trace amounts of cobalt, nickel, copper and iron in environ- mental samples, J. Hazard. Mater., 151 (2008) 26-32.
  • J.C. Miller, J.N. Miller, Statistics for Analytical Che- mistry; Ellis Horwood: Chichester, England, 1984.
  • H.A. Panahi, M. Karimi, E. Moniri, H.R. Soudi, evelop- ment of a sensitive spectrophotometeric method for determination of copper, Afr. J. Pur. Appl. Chem., 2 (2008) 96-99.
  • N. Pourreza, H. Parham, P.J. Mirzavand, Flotation◦ spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of thorium, Chin. Chem. Soc., 54 (2009) 785-788.
  • M.S. Hosseini, H. Hashemi-Moghaddam, G. Kardan- Moghaddam, Separation and preconcentration of Ag(I) in aqueous samples by flotation as an ion◦asso- ciate using iodide and ferroin followed the determina- tion by flame atomic absorption spectrometry Annali. Di. Chimica., 97 (2007) 17-23.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Nasrin Zeighami This is me

Saideh Bagheri This is me

Nasim Shadmani This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 45 Issue: 2


APA Zeighami, N., Bagheri, S., & Shadmani, N. (2017). Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 45(2), 277-285.
AMA Zeighami N, Bagheri S, Shadmani N. Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples. HJBC. June 2017;45(2):277-285.
Chicago Zeighami, Nasrin, Saideh Bagheri, and Nasim Shadmani. “Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H Indole-3-Yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45, no. 2 (June 2017): 277-85.
EndNote Zeighami N, Bagheri S, Shadmani N (June 1, 2017) Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45 2 277–285.
IEEE N. Zeighami, S. Bagheri, and N. Shadmani, “Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples”, HJBC, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 277–285, 2017.
ISNAD Zeighami, Nasrin et al. “Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H Indole-3-Yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45/2 (June 2017), 277-285.
JAMA Zeighami N, Bagheri S, Shadmani N. Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples. HJBC. 2017;45:277–285.
MLA Zeighami, Nasrin et al. “Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H Indole-3-Yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 45, no. 2, 2017, pp. 277-85.
Vancouver Zeighami N, Bagheri S, Shadmani N. Application of Flotation and Spectrophotometric Detection for Preconcentration and Separation of Trace Amounts of Cadmium Ion Using a New Ligand 3- 1H indole-3-yle 4-Cyano Phenyl Methyl 1H Indole ICPMI in Real Samples. HJBC. 2017;45(2):277-85.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science