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Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 547 - 556, 01.11.2017


The purpose of this study was to find new parameters permitting the identification of adulterated honeys. For this reason, different qualities of adulterated honeys were produced. Honey bee colonies fed with three different sugar syrups, high fructose corn syrup 55 HFCS-55 , sucrose syrup and invert sugar syrups at 3 L/day in one concentration 1:1.5 g/v for 15 days. After harvest, some physico-chemical 13C/12C, C4%, pH, moisture, optical rotation, electrical conductivity, sugar analyses, proline and diastase and biological total phenolic contents, phenolic profile, and antioxidant capacities properties of the honeys were analyzed and compared. Conductivity, proline content, total phenolic content, diastase activities and antioxidant properties of the honeys were found distinguished parameters. Antioxidant capacity was significantly decreased in adulterated honeys.


  • 1. M. Tosun, Detection of adulteration in honey samples added various sugar syrup with 13C/12C isotope ratio analysis method, Food Chem., 138 (2013) 1629–1632.
  • 2. A. Güler, H. Kocaokutgen, A.V. Garipoglu, H. Onder, D. Ekinci, Detection of adulterated honey produced by honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies fed with different levels of commercial industrial sugar (C3 and C4 plants) syrups by the carbon isotope ratio analysis, Food Chem., 155 (2014) 155–160.
  • 3. Can, O. Yildiz, H. Sahin, E.A. Turumtay, S. Silici, S. Kolayli, An investigation of Turkish honeys: Their pyhysico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacities and phenolic profiles, Food Chem., 180 (2015) 133-141.
  • 4. I. Jasicka-Misiak, A. Poliwoda, M. Deren, P. Kafarski, Phenolic compounds and abscisic acid as potential markers for the floral origin of two Polish unifloral honeys, Food Chem., 131 (2012) 1149–1156.
  • 5. E. Anklam, A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey, Food Chem., 63 (1998) 549-562.
  • 6. Codex standard 12-1981 (Rev. 2 -2001), Revised codex standard for honey, (Formerly Codex Stan-12-1987) (2001). Rome: FAO; WHO.
  • 7. S. Bogdanov, C. Lullmann, P. martin, W.V.D. Ohe, H. Russmann, G.Vorwohl, Honey quality and international regulatory standards (Review by the International Honey Commission), Swiss Bee Res. Centre, (2005).
  • 8. S. Cavrar, O. Yildiz, H. Sahin, F. Karahalil, S. Kolayli, Comparison of Physical and biochemical characteristics of different quality of Turkish honey. Uludag Bee J., 49 (2013) 55-62.
  • 9. AOAC official method 991.41. C4 plant sugars in honey. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis Sugars and Sugar Products; AOAC: Arlington, VA, Chap., (44) (1995) 29- 31.
  • 10. AOAC official method 998.12. C-4 plant sugars in honey. International standard stable carbon isotope ratio method. Int. Gaithersburg MD (USA), Chap. (2005) 44: 27.
  • 11. S. Bogdanov, P. Martin, C. Lullmann, R. Borneck, C. Flamini, M. Morlot, J. Heretier, G. Vorwohl, H. Russmann, L. Persano-Oddo, A.G. Sabatini, G. Marcazzan, L. Marioleas, P. Tsigouri, K. Kerkvliet, J. Ortiz, T. Andivanov, Harmonised methods of the European honey commission, Apidologie, extra issue, (1997) 1–59.
  • 12. S.Ouchemoukh, H. Louaileche, P.Schweizer, Physico chemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honey, Food Contr., 18 (2007) 52-58.
  • 13. K.H. Kim, R. Tsao, R.Yang, S.W. Cui, Phenolic acid profiles and antioxidant activities of wheat bran extracts and the effect of hydrolysis conditions, Food Chem., 95 (2006) 466–473.
  • 14. A. De Villiers, F. Lynen, A. Crouch, P. Sandra, Development of a solid phase extraction procedure for the simultaneous determination of polyphenols, organic acids and sugars in wine, Chromatography, 59 (2004) 403–409.
  • 15. V.L. Singleton, R. Orthofer, R.M. Lamuela-raventós, Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folinciocalteu reagent, Methods Enzymol., 299 (1999) 152- 178.
  • 16. I.F.F. Benzie, J.J. Strain, Ferric Reducing/Antioxidant Power Assay: Direct measure of total antioxidant activity of biological fluids and modified version for simultaneous measurement of total antioxidant power and ascorbic acid concentration, Methods Enzymol., 299 (1999) 15–27.
  • 17. P. Molyneux, The use of the stable free radical diphenylpicrylhyrazyl (DPPH) for estimating antioxidant activity, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 26 (2004) 211-221.
  • 18. G.J. Padovan, L.P. Rodriquez, I.A. Leme, D. Jong David, J.S. Marchini, Presence of C4 sugars in honey samples detected by the carbon isotope ratio measured by IRMS, Eur. J. Anal. Chem., 2 (2007) 134–141.
  • 19. S. Ouchemoukh, N. Amessis-Ouchemoukh, M. GómezRomero, F. Aboud, A. Giuseppe, A. FernándezGutiérrez, A. Segura-Carretero, Characterisation of phenolic compounds in Algerian honeys by RPHPLC coupled to electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry, LWT-Food Scie Technol., (2016) doi. org/10.1016/j.lwt.2016.11.084.
  • 20. F. Tezcan, S. Kolayli, H. Sahin, E. Ulusoy, B.F. Erim, Evaluation of organic acid, saccharide composition and antioxidant properties of some authentic Turkish honeys, J. Food Nut. Res., 50 (2011) 33-40.
  • 21. C. Cimpoiu, A. Hosu, V. Miclaus, A. Puscas, Determination of the floral origin of some Romanian honeys on the basis of physical and biochemical properties, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 100 (2013) 149-154.
  • 22. M. Küçük, S. Kolayli, Ş. Karaoğlu, E. Ulusoy, C. Baltaci, F. Candan, Biological activities and chemical composition of three honeys of different types from Anatolia, Food Chem., 100 (2007) 526-34.
  • 23. M.L. AL, D. Daniel, A. Moise, O. Bobis, L. Laslo, S. Bogdanov, Physico-chemical and bioactive properties of different floral origin honeys from Romania, Food Chem., 112 (2009) 863-867.
  • 24. M.S. Finola, M.C. Lasagno, J.M. Marioli, Microbiological and chemical characterization of honeys from central Argentina, Food Chem., 100 (2007) 1649-1653.
  • 25. J. Ahmed, S.T. Prabhu, G.S.V. Raghavan, M. Ngadi, Physico-chemical, rheological, calorimetric and dielectric behavior of selected Indian honey, J. Food Eng., 79 (2007) 1207–1213.
  • 26. L.M. Estevinho, X. Feas, J.A. Seijas, M.P.VazquezTato, Organic honey from Trás-Os-Montes region (Portugal): Chemical, palynological, microbiological and bioactive compounds characterization, Food Chem. Toxicol., 50 (2012) 258-264.
  • 27. I.K. Karabagias, M.V. Vavoura, C. Nikolaou, A. Badeka, S. Kontakos, M.G. Kontaminas, Floral authentication of Greek unifloral honeys based on the combination of phenolic compounds physicochemical parameters and chemometrics, Food Res. Int., 62 (2014) 753-760.
  • 28. F. Pasini, S. Gardini, G.L. Marcazzan, M.F. Caboni, Buckwheat honeys: Screening of composition and properties, Food Chem., 141 (2013) 2802-2811.
  • 29. A. Belay, W.K. Solomon, G. Bultossa, N. Adgaba, S. Melaku, Physicochemical properties of the Harenna forest honey, Bale, Ethiopia, Food Chem., 141 (2013) 3386-3392.
  • 30. R.O.R. Ribeiro, E.T. Mársico, C.S. Carneiro, M.L.G. Monteiro, C.A.C. Júnior, S. Mano, E.F.O. Jesus, Classification of Brazilian honeys by physical and chemical analytical methods and low field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF 1H NMR), LWT-Food Sci. Technol., 55 (2014) 90-95.
  • 31. J. Bertoncelj, U. Dober ek, M. Jamnik, T. Golob, Evaluation of the phenolic content, antioxidant activity and colour of Slovenian honey, Food Chem., 105 (2007) 822-828.
  • 32. J.F. Cotte, H. Casabianca, B. Giroud, M. Albert, J. Lheritier, M.F. Grenier-Loustalot, Characterization of honey amino acid profiles using high-pressure liquid chromatography to control authenticity, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 378 (2004) 1342–1350.
  • 33. S.Z. Gorjanovi , J.M. Alvarez-suarez, M.M. Novakovi , F.T. Pastor, L. Pezo, M. Battino, D.Z. Sužnjevi , Comparative analysis of antioxidant activity of honey of different floral sources using recently developed polarographic and various spectrophotometric assays, J. Food Comp. Anal., 30 (2013)13-18.
  • 34. J.M. Alvarez-suarez, S. Tulipani, D. Diaz, Y. Estevez, S. Romandini, F. Giampieri, E. Damiani, P. Astolfi, S. Bompadre, M. Battino, Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of several monofloral cuban honeys and their correlation with color, polyphenol content and other chemical compounds, Food Chem. Toxicol., 48 (2010) 2490–2499.

Saf ve Hileli Ballar Arasında Fiziksel ve Biyokimyasal Özelliklerin Karşılaştırılması

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 547 - 556, 01.11.2017


B u çalışmanın amacı, sahte balların tanımlanması için yeni parametrelerin bulunmasıdır. Bu sebepden ötürü, farklı kalitede sahte ballar üretildi. Üç farklı şeker şurubu, yüksek fruktoz mısır şurubu 55 HFCS-55 , sukroz şurubu ve invert şeker şurubu 15 gün boyunca günde bir derişimde 1:1.5 g/v günde 3 L olacak şekilde kolonilerde bal arıları beslendi. Hasat edildikten sonra, bazı fiziko-kimyasal 13C/12C, %C4, pH, nem, optik rotasyon, elektrik iletkenliği, şeker analizleri, prolin ve diastaz , biyolojik toplam fenolik içeriği, fenolik profil ve antioksidan kapasiteleri özellikleri ballarda karşılaştırılarak analiz edildi. Balların iletkenlik, prolin içeriği, toplam fenolik içeriği, diastaz aktiviteleri ve antioksidan özellikleri belirgin parametreler olarak bulundu. Antioksidan kapasiteleri sahte ballarda önemli ölçüde azalmıştır


  • 1. M. Tosun, Detection of adulteration in honey samples added various sugar syrup with 13C/12C isotope ratio analysis method, Food Chem., 138 (2013) 1629–1632.
  • 2. A. Güler, H. Kocaokutgen, A.V. Garipoglu, H. Onder, D. Ekinci, Detection of adulterated honey produced by honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies fed with different levels of commercial industrial sugar (C3 and C4 plants) syrups by the carbon isotope ratio analysis, Food Chem., 155 (2014) 155–160.
  • 3. Can, O. Yildiz, H. Sahin, E.A. Turumtay, S. Silici, S. Kolayli, An investigation of Turkish honeys: Their pyhysico-chemical properties, antioxidant capacities and phenolic profiles, Food Chem., 180 (2015) 133-141.
  • 4. I. Jasicka-Misiak, A. Poliwoda, M. Deren, P. Kafarski, Phenolic compounds and abscisic acid as potential markers for the floral origin of two Polish unifloral honeys, Food Chem., 131 (2012) 1149–1156.
  • 5. E. Anklam, A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey, Food Chem., 63 (1998) 549-562.
  • 6. Codex standard 12-1981 (Rev. 2 -2001), Revised codex standard for honey, (Formerly Codex Stan-12-1987) (2001). Rome: FAO; WHO.
  • 7. S. Bogdanov, C. Lullmann, P. martin, W.V.D. Ohe, H. Russmann, G.Vorwohl, Honey quality and international regulatory standards (Review by the International Honey Commission), Swiss Bee Res. Centre, (2005).
  • 8. S. Cavrar, O. Yildiz, H. Sahin, F. Karahalil, S. Kolayli, Comparison of Physical and biochemical characteristics of different quality of Turkish honey. Uludag Bee J., 49 (2013) 55-62.
  • 9. AOAC official method 991.41. C4 plant sugars in honey. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis Sugars and Sugar Products; AOAC: Arlington, VA, Chap., (44) (1995) 29- 31.
  • 10. AOAC official method 998.12. C-4 plant sugars in honey. International standard stable carbon isotope ratio method. Int. Gaithersburg MD (USA), Chap. (2005) 44: 27.
  • 11. S. Bogdanov, P. Martin, C. Lullmann, R. Borneck, C. Flamini, M. Morlot, J. Heretier, G. Vorwohl, H. Russmann, L. Persano-Oddo, A.G. Sabatini, G. Marcazzan, L. Marioleas, P. Tsigouri, K. Kerkvliet, J. Ortiz, T. Andivanov, Harmonised methods of the European honey commission, Apidologie, extra issue, (1997) 1–59.
  • 12. S.Ouchemoukh, H. Louaileche, P.Schweizer, Physico chemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honey, Food Contr., 18 (2007) 52-58.
  • 13. K.H. Kim, R. Tsao, R.Yang, S.W. Cui, Phenolic acid profiles and antioxidant activities of wheat bran extracts and the effect of hydrolysis conditions, Food Chem., 95 (2006) 466–473.
  • 14. A. De Villiers, F. Lynen, A. Crouch, P. Sandra, Development of a solid phase extraction procedure for the simultaneous determination of polyphenols, organic acids and sugars in wine, Chromatography, 59 (2004) 403–409.
  • 15. V.L. Singleton, R. Orthofer, R.M. Lamuela-raventós, Analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of folinciocalteu reagent, Methods Enzymol., 299 (1999) 152- 178.
  • 16. I.F.F. Benzie, J.J. Strain, Ferric Reducing/Antioxidant Power Assay: Direct measure of total antioxidant activity of biological fluids and modified version for simultaneous measurement of total antioxidant power and ascorbic acid concentration, Methods Enzymol., 299 (1999) 15–27.
  • 17. P. Molyneux, The use of the stable free radical diphenylpicrylhyrazyl (DPPH) for estimating antioxidant activity, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol., 26 (2004) 211-221.
  • 18. G.J. Padovan, L.P. Rodriquez, I.A. Leme, D. Jong David, J.S. Marchini, Presence of C4 sugars in honey samples detected by the carbon isotope ratio measured by IRMS, Eur. J. Anal. Chem., 2 (2007) 134–141.
  • 19. S. Ouchemoukh, N. Amessis-Ouchemoukh, M. GómezRomero, F. Aboud, A. Giuseppe, A. FernándezGutiérrez, A. Segura-Carretero, Characterisation of phenolic compounds in Algerian honeys by RPHPLC coupled to electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry, LWT-Food Scie Technol., (2016) doi. org/10.1016/j.lwt.2016.11.084.
  • 20. F. Tezcan, S. Kolayli, H. Sahin, E. Ulusoy, B.F. Erim, Evaluation of organic acid, saccharide composition and antioxidant properties of some authentic Turkish honeys, J. Food Nut. Res., 50 (2011) 33-40.
  • 21. C. Cimpoiu, A. Hosu, V. Miclaus, A. Puscas, Determination of the floral origin of some Romanian honeys on the basis of physical and biochemical properties, Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 100 (2013) 149-154.
  • 22. M. Küçük, S. Kolayli, Ş. Karaoğlu, E. Ulusoy, C. Baltaci, F. Candan, Biological activities and chemical composition of three honeys of different types from Anatolia, Food Chem., 100 (2007) 526-34.
  • 23. M.L. AL, D. Daniel, A. Moise, O. Bobis, L. Laslo, S. Bogdanov, Physico-chemical and bioactive properties of different floral origin honeys from Romania, Food Chem., 112 (2009) 863-867.
  • 24. M.S. Finola, M.C. Lasagno, J.M. Marioli, Microbiological and chemical characterization of honeys from central Argentina, Food Chem., 100 (2007) 1649-1653.
  • 25. J. Ahmed, S.T. Prabhu, G.S.V. Raghavan, M. Ngadi, Physico-chemical, rheological, calorimetric and dielectric behavior of selected Indian honey, J. Food Eng., 79 (2007) 1207–1213.
  • 26. L.M. Estevinho, X. Feas, J.A. Seijas, M.P.VazquezTato, Organic honey from Trás-Os-Montes region (Portugal): Chemical, palynological, microbiological and bioactive compounds characterization, Food Chem. Toxicol., 50 (2012) 258-264.
  • 27. I.K. Karabagias, M.V. Vavoura, C. Nikolaou, A. Badeka, S. Kontakos, M.G. Kontaminas, Floral authentication of Greek unifloral honeys based on the combination of phenolic compounds physicochemical parameters and chemometrics, Food Res. Int., 62 (2014) 753-760.
  • 28. F. Pasini, S. Gardini, G.L. Marcazzan, M.F. Caboni, Buckwheat honeys: Screening of composition and properties, Food Chem., 141 (2013) 2802-2811.
  • 29. A. Belay, W.K. Solomon, G. Bultossa, N. Adgaba, S. Melaku, Physicochemical properties of the Harenna forest honey, Bale, Ethiopia, Food Chem., 141 (2013) 3386-3392.
  • 30. R.O.R. Ribeiro, E.T. Mársico, C.S. Carneiro, M.L.G. Monteiro, C.A.C. Júnior, S. Mano, E.F.O. Jesus, Classification of Brazilian honeys by physical and chemical analytical methods and low field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF 1H NMR), LWT-Food Sci. Technol., 55 (2014) 90-95.
  • 31. J. Bertoncelj, U. Dober ek, M. Jamnik, T. Golob, Evaluation of the phenolic content, antioxidant activity and colour of Slovenian honey, Food Chem., 105 (2007) 822-828.
  • 32. J.F. Cotte, H. Casabianca, B. Giroud, M. Albert, J. Lheritier, M.F. Grenier-Loustalot, Characterization of honey amino acid profiles using high-pressure liquid chromatography to control authenticity, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 378 (2004) 1342–1350.
  • 33. S.Z. Gorjanovi , J.M. Alvarez-suarez, M.M. Novakovi , F.T. Pastor, L. Pezo, M. Battino, D.Z. Sužnjevi , Comparative analysis of antioxidant activity of honey of different floral sources using recently developed polarographic and various spectrophotometric assays, J. Food Comp. Anal., 30 (2013)13-18.
  • 34. J.M. Alvarez-suarez, S. Tulipani, D. Diaz, Y. Estevez, S. Romandini, F. Giampieri, E. Damiani, P. Astolfi, S. Bompadre, M. Battino, Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of several monofloral cuban honeys and their correlation with color, polyphenol content and other chemical compounds, Food Chem. Toxicol., 48 (2010) 2490–2499.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Sevgi Kolaylı This is me

Oktay Yıldız This is me

Havvanur Güney This is me

Zehra Can This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 45 Issue: 4


APA Kolaylı, S., Yıldız, O., Güney, H., Can, Z. (2017). Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 45(4), 547-556.
AMA Kolaylı S, Yıldız O, Güney H, Can Z. Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys. HJBC. November 2017;45(4):547-556.
Chicago Kolaylı, Sevgi, Oktay Yıldız, Havvanur Güney, and Zehra Can. “Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45, no. 4 (November 2017): 547-56.
EndNote Kolaylı S, Yıldız O, Güney H, Can Z (November 1, 2017) Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45 4 547–556.
IEEE S. Kolaylı, O. Yıldız, H. Güney, and Z. Can, “Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys”, HJBC, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 547–556, 2017.
ISNAD Kolaylı, Sevgi et al. “Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45/4 (November 2017), 547-556.
JAMA Kolaylı S, Yıldız O, Güney H, Can Z. Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys. HJBC. 2017;45:547–556.
MLA Kolaylı, Sevgi et al. “Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 45, no. 4, 2017, pp. 547-56.
Vancouver Kolaylı S, Yıldız O, Güney H, Can Z. Comparison of Physical and Biochemical Properties Between Pure and Adulterated Blossom Honeys. HJBC. 2017;45(4):547-56.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science