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Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 581 - 584, 01.11.2017


Propolis is a resinous material collected from plant by honey bees. The aim of this study is to investigate the chemical composition of Hakkari Turkey propolis. For this, eight propolis samples collected from different geographical locations were extracted in ethanol and then chemical content of samples were detected by Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry GC-MS . As a result, hydrocarbons, aliphatic acids and their esters, carboxylic acids and their esters, cinnamic acids and their esters, flavonoids, alcohols and terpens were determined in propolis samples. It was found that total flavonoid content of propolis 6 P6 was significantly higher than other samples. Also, ‘Ethyl oleate’ compound was identified in all samples with different amounts.


  • 1. M.G. Miguel, S. Nunes, S.A. Dandlen, A.M. Cavaco, M.D. Antunes, Phenols and antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of propolis from Algarve, South of Portugal, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (2010) 3418-3423.
  • 2. D. Biscaia, S.R.S. Ferreira, Propolis extracts obtained by low pressure methods and supercritical fluid extraction, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 51 (2009) 17-23.
  • 3. X. Guo, B. Chen, L. Luo, X. Zhang, X. Dai, S. Gong, Chemical compositions and antioxidant activities of water extracts of Chinese propolis, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 59 (2011) 12610-12616. A.S.
  • 4. Dos Reis, C. Diedrich, C. De Moura, D. Pereira, J. De Flório Almeida, L.D. Da Silva, M.S.V. Plata-Oviedo, R.A.W. Tavares, S.T. Carpes, Physico-chemical characteristics of microencapsulated propolis coproduct extract and its effect on storage stability of burger meat during storage at -15°C, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 76 (2017) 306-313.
  • 5. K. Midorikawa, A. H. Banskota, Y. Tezuka, T. Nagaoka, K. Matsushige, D. Message, A. Huertas, S. Kadota, Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of propolis, Phytochemical Analysis, 12 (2001) 366- 373.
  • 6. Ö. Gençay, Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base, Hacettepe J. Biol. Chem., 43 (2015) 49–57.
  • 7. A. Uzel, K. Sorkun, O. Oncag, D. Cogulu, O. Gencay, B. Salih, Chemical compositions and antimicrobial activities of four different Anatolian propolis samples, Microbiological Research, v.160 (2005) 189–195.
  • 8. M. Franchin, D.F. Colón, M.G. Da Cunha, F.V. Castanheira, A.L. Saraiva, B. Bueno-Silva, S.M. Alencar, T.M. Cunha, P.L. Rosalen, Neovestitol, an isoflavonoid isolated from Brazilian red propolis, reduces acute and chronic inflammation: involvement of nitric oxide and IL-6, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 1-12.
  • 9. M.C.A. Batista, B.V.D.B. Abreu, R.P. Dutra, M.S. Cunha, F.M.M.D. Amaral, L.M.B. Torres, M.N.D.S. Ribeiro, Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of geopropolis produced by Melipona fasciculata (Meliponinae) in flooded fields and cerrado areas of Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil, Acta Amazonica, 46 (2016) 315-322.
  • 10. N. Ecem Bayram, M. Karadayi, M. Güllüce, S. Bayram, K., Sorkun, G.C, Öz, M.N. Aydoğan, T.Y. Koç, B. Alaylar, B. Salih, Genotoxic and antigenotoxic evaluation of propolis by using in vitro bacterial assay systems, Mellifera, 15 (2015) 29-36.
  • 11. N. Sahinler, A. Gul, G. Copur, Chemical composition and preservative effect of Turkish propolis on egg quality durig storage, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (2009) 1877-1886.
  • 12. S. Mohammadzadeh, M. Shariatpanahi, M. Hamedi, R. Ahmadkhaniha, N. Samadi, S.N. Ostad, Chemical composition, oral toxicity and antimicrobial activity of Iranian propolis, Food chemistry, 103 (2007) 1097- 1103.
  • 13. N. Mercan, I. Kivrak, M.E. Duru, H. Katircioglu, S. Gulcan, S. Malci, G. Acar, B. Salih, Chemical composition effects onto antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of propolis collected from different regions of Turkey, Annals of Microbiology, 56 (2006) 373-378.
  • 14. G. Kayaoglu, H. Omurlu, G. Akca, M. Gurel, O. Gencay, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Antibacterial activity of propolis versus conventional endodontic disinfectants against Enterococcus faecalis in infected dentinal tubules, Journal of Endodontics, 37 (2011) 376-381.
  • 15. G. Girgin, T. Baydar, M. Ledochowski, H. Schennach, D. Bölükbaşı, K.Sorkun, B. Salih, G. Şahin, D. Fuchs, Immunomodulatory effects of Turkish propolis: Changes in neopretin release and tryptophan degradation, Immunobiology, 214 (2009), 129-134.
  • 16. Ö.G. Çelemli, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Chemical composition of propolis samples collected from Tekirdag-Turkey, Mellifera, 12 (2012) 28-32.
  • 17. I. Dimkić, P. Ristivojević, T. Janakiev, T. Berić, J. Trifković, D. Milojković-Opsenica, S. Stanković, Phenolic profiles and antimicrobial activity of various plant resins as potential botanical sources of Serbian propolis, Industrial Crops and Products, 94 (2016) 856-871.
  • 18. C.R.F. Rodrigues, L.C. Plentz, M.C. Marcucci, R.R. Dihl, M. Lehmann, In vivo evaluation of mutagenic and recombinagenic activities of Brazilian propolis, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 96 (2016) 117-121.
  • 19. T. Chasset, T.T. Häbe, P. Ristivojevic, G.E. Morlock, Profiling and classification of French propolis by combined multivariate data analysis of planar chromatograms and scanning direct analysis in real time mass spectra, Journal of Chromatography, 1465 (2016) 197-204.

Farklı Propolis Örneklerinin Ana Bileşenleri

Year 2017, Volume: 45 Issue: 4, 581 - 584, 01.11.2017


P ropolis bal arıları tarafından bitkilerden toplanan reçinemsi bir maddedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Hakkari Türkiye ’den toplanan propolisin kimyasal içeriğini incelemektir. Bu amaçla farklı coğrafik özelliklere sahip yerlerden toplanan sekiz propolis örneğinin ilk olarak etanol özütleri hazırlandı ve daha sonra kimyasal bileşenlerinin yoğunluğu gaz kromatografisi ve kütle spektrometresi GC-MS aracılığıyla belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, hidrokarbonlar, alifatik asit ve esterleri, karboksilik asit ve esterleri, sinnamik asit ve esterleri, flavonoidler, alkoller ve terpenler propolis örneklerinde tespit edildi. Propolis 6’nın total flavonoid içeriği diğer örneklere kıyasla daha yüksek oranda bulundu. Ayrıca ‘Etil oleat’ bileşiği bütün propolis örneklerinde farklı miktarlarda saptandı


  • 1. M.G. Miguel, S. Nunes, S.A. Dandlen, A.M. Cavaco, M.D. Antunes, Phenols and antioxidant activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of propolis from Algarve, South of Portugal, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48 (2010) 3418-3423.
  • 2. D. Biscaia, S.R.S. Ferreira, Propolis extracts obtained by low pressure methods and supercritical fluid extraction, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 51 (2009) 17-23.
  • 3. X. Guo, B. Chen, L. Luo, X. Zhang, X. Dai, S. Gong, Chemical compositions and antioxidant activities of water extracts of Chinese propolis, Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 59 (2011) 12610-12616. A.S.
  • 4. Dos Reis, C. Diedrich, C. De Moura, D. Pereira, J. De Flório Almeida, L.D. Da Silva, M.S.V. Plata-Oviedo, R.A.W. Tavares, S.T. Carpes, Physico-chemical characteristics of microencapsulated propolis coproduct extract and its effect on storage stability of burger meat during storage at -15°C, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 76 (2017) 306-313.
  • 5. K. Midorikawa, A. H. Banskota, Y. Tezuka, T. Nagaoka, K. Matsushige, D. Message, A. Huertas, S. Kadota, Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis of propolis, Phytochemical Analysis, 12 (2001) 366- 373.
  • 6. Ö. Gençay, Chemical Classification of Propolis Samples Collected from Different Regions of Turkey in Geographical Region Base, Hacettepe J. Biol. Chem., 43 (2015) 49–57.
  • 7. A. Uzel, K. Sorkun, O. Oncag, D. Cogulu, O. Gencay, B. Salih, Chemical compositions and antimicrobial activities of four different Anatolian propolis samples, Microbiological Research, v.160 (2005) 189–195.
  • 8. M. Franchin, D.F. Colón, M.G. Da Cunha, F.V. Castanheira, A.L. Saraiva, B. Bueno-Silva, S.M. Alencar, T.M. Cunha, P.L. Rosalen, Neovestitol, an isoflavonoid isolated from Brazilian red propolis, reduces acute and chronic inflammation: involvement of nitric oxide and IL-6, Scientific Reports, 6 (2016) 1-12.
  • 9. M.C.A. Batista, B.V.D.B. Abreu, R.P. Dutra, M.S. Cunha, F.M.M.D. Amaral, L.M.B. Torres, M.N.D.S. Ribeiro, Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of geopropolis produced by Melipona fasciculata (Meliponinae) in flooded fields and cerrado areas of Maranhão State, northeastern Brazil, Acta Amazonica, 46 (2016) 315-322.
  • 10. N. Ecem Bayram, M. Karadayi, M. Güllüce, S. Bayram, K., Sorkun, G.C, Öz, M.N. Aydoğan, T.Y. Koç, B. Alaylar, B. Salih, Genotoxic and antigenotoxic evaluation of propolis by using in vitro bacterial assay systems, Mellifera, 15 (2015) 29-36.
  • 11. N. Sahinler, A. Gul, G. Copur, Chemical composition and preservative effect of Turkish propolis on egg quality durig storage, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 21 (2009) 1877-1886.
  • 12. S. Mohammadzadeh, M. Shariatpanahi, M. Hamedi, R. Ahmadkhaniha, N. Samadi, S.N. Ostad, Chemical composition, oral toxicity and antimicrobial activity of Iranian propolis, Food chemistry, 103 (2007) 1097- 1103.
  • 13. N. Mercan, I. Kivrak, M.E. Duru, H. Katircioglu, S. Gulcan, S. Malci, G. Acar, B. Salih, Chemical composition effects onto antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of propolis collected from different regions of Turkey, Annals of Microbiology, 56 (2006) 373-378.
  • 14. G. Kayaoglu, H. Omurlu, G. Akca, M. Gurel, O. Gencay, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Antibacterial activity of propolis versus conventional endodontic disinfectants against Enterococcus faecalis in infected dentinal tubules, Journal of Endodontics, 37 (2011) 376-381.
  • 15. G. Girgin, T. Baydar, M. Ledochowski, H. Schennach, D. Bölükbaşı, K.Sorkun, B. Salih, G. Şahin, D. Fuchs, Immunomodulatory effects of Turkish propolis: Changes in neopretin release and tryptophan degradation, Immunobiology, 214 (2009), 129-134.
  • 16. Ö.G. Çelemli, K. Sorkun, B. Salih, Chemical composition of propolis samples collected from Tekirdag-Turkey, Mellifera, 12 (2012) 28-32.
  • 17. I. Dimkić, P. Ristivojević, T. Janakiev, T. Berić, J. Trifković, D. Milojković-Opsenica, S. Stanković, Phenolic profiles and antimicrobial activity of various plant resins as potential botanical sources of Serbian propolis, Industrial Crops and Products, 94 (2016) 856-871.
  • 18. C.R.F. Rodrigues, L.C. Plentz, M.C. Marcucci, R.R. Dihl, M. Lehmann, In vivo evaluation of mutagenic and recombinagenic activities of Brazilian propolis, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 96 (2016) 117-121.
  • 19. T. Chasset, T.T. Häbe, P. Ristivojevic, G.E. Morlock, Profiling and classification of French propolis by combined multivariate data analysis of planar chromatograms and scanning direct analysis in real time mass spectra, Journal of Chromatography, 1465 (2016) 197-204.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Nesrin Ecem Bayram This is me

Yusuf Can Gerçek This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 45 Issue: 4


APA Bayram, N. E., & Gerçek, Y. C. (2017). Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 45(4), 581-584.
AMA Bayram NE, Gerçek YC. Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples. HJBC. November 2017;45(4):581-584.
Chicago Bayram, Nesrin Ecem, and Yusuf Can Gerçek. “Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45, no. 4 (November 2017): 581-84.
EndNote Bayram NE, Gerçek YC (November 1, 2017) Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45 4 581–584.
IEEE N. E. Bayram and Y. C. Gerçek, “Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples”, HJBC, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 581–584, 2017.
ISNAD Bayram, Nesrin Ecem - Gerçek, Yusuf Can. “Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry 45/4 (November 2017), 581-584.
JAMA Bayram NE, Gerçek YC. Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples. HJBC. 2017;45:581–584.
MLA Bayram, Nesrin Ecem and Yusuf Can Gerçek. “Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples”. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, vol. 45, no. 4, 2017, pp. 581-4.
Vancouver Bayram NE, Gerçek YC. Major Constituents of Different Propolis Samples. HJBC. 2017;45(4):581-4.


Copyright © Hacettepe University Faculty of Science