Editorial Boards

Editorial Management Board

Dr. Osman EROL Istanbul University , Science Faculty Herbarium, Istanbul, Turkey - erol@istanbul.edu.tr
Dr. Levent Şık, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey - levents@cbu.edu.tr

Co-Editors in Chief

Dr. Ahmet Emre Yaprak, Ankara University Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Ankara, Turkey - eyaprak@science.ankara.edu.tr
Dr. Hasan YILDIRIM, Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, İzmir, Turkey - hasan.yildirim@ege.edu.tr

Honorary Editors

Tuğrul Körüklü, Ankara University Faculty of Science, Ankara, Turkey - koruklu@science.ankara.edu.tr
Burçin Cingay, Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden Herbarium, Istanbul, Turkey burcincingay@ngbb.org.tr

Editorial Assistant

Rachel Mollman, Istanbul, University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Department of Botany, Istanbul, Turkey - zmollman@gmail.com

Language Editors

Elizabeth Mary EARL – Istanbul University, Department of Foreign Languages, Istanbul, Turkey – alan.newson@istanbul.edu.tr


Adil Güner, Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanical Garden, Istanbul, Turkiye - just@ngbb.org.tr

Ayşe Feza Günergun, İstanbul Üniversitesi, Bilim Tarihi Bölümü, Istanbul, Turkiye - fezagunergun@yahoo.com

Almila Çiftçi, Istanbul University Department of Biology, ISTF Herbarium, Istanbul, Turkiye -almila.ciftci@istanbul.edu.tr

Aslı Doğru Koca, Hacettepe University Department of Biology, Ankara Turkiye - adogru@hacettepe.edu.tr

Barış Özudogru, Hacettepe University Department of Biology, Ankara Turkiye - barisoz@hacettepe.edu.tr

Çiğdem Erol, Istanbul University Department of Informatics, Istanbul, Turkiye - cigdems@istanbul.edu.tr

Doerte Harpke, Leıbnız Instıtute of Plant Genetıcs and Crop Plant Research, Gatersleben, Germany - harpke@ipk-gatersleben.de

Emine Uruşak, Istanbul University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Istanbul, Turkiye - akaline@istanbul.edu.tr

Evren Cabi, Namık Kemal University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Tekirdağ, Turkiye - ecabi@nku.edu.tr

Gülnur Ekşi Bona, İstanbul Medipol University Department of Pharmacognosy, İstanbul, Turkiye - gulnur.eksi@medipol.edu.tr

Hasan Yıldırım, Ege University Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, İzmir, Turkiye - hasan.yildirim@ege.edu.tr

Irena Raca, University of Niš Serbia, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology and Ecology, Niš, Serbia - irena.raca@pmf.edu.rs

Mecit Vural, Gazi University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Ankara, Turkiye - mecitvural@gmail.com

Robert Soreng, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, United States of America - sorengr@si.edu

Ünal Akkemik, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forestry Botany, Istanbul, Turkiye -uakkemik@iuc.edu.tr

Mykyta Peregrym, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Vita-Pochtovaya, Kiev, Ukraine -peregrym@ua.fm

Rami Arafeh, Biotechnology Research Center, Palestine Polytechnic University Hebron, Palestine -

Iraj Mehregan, Azad University, Tehran, Iran - imehregan@srbiau.ac.ir

Niki Simpson Greater Guildford Area, United Kingdom - nikisimp@aol.com

Georgia Kamari, University of Patras, Botanical Institute, Patras, Greece - kamari@upatras.gr

Vladimir Randjelovic, University of Nis, Department of Biology and Ecology, Nis, Serbia - vladimir.randjelovic@pmf.edu.rs

Vladimir Dorofeyev, Komarov Botanical Institute, Herbarium (LE) St.-Petersburg, Russia - vdorofeyev@yandex.ru

Gregory Kenicer, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United-Kingdom - GKenicer@rbge.org.uk

Last Update Time: 9/16/24, 5:54:20 PM