Research Article
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Bizans’ta Hacılık, Hac Merkezi ve Kutsal Tedavi: Alahan Manastırı Üzerine Yeni Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2023, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 71 - 85, 21.06.2023


Hıristiyan hacılığı dördüncü yüzyılda Bizans imparatorluğunun desteğiyle ortaya çıkmış ve kısa sürede imparatorluk boyunca her bölge ve sosyal kökenden Hıristiyanları kutsal topraklara çekmiştir. Bu gelişme aynı zamanda Hıristiyanlığın, Pagan kült ve inançlara karşı kendini varoluşunu temellendirmesi bağlamında yerel kültlerin Hıristiyanlaştırılması ve Hıristiyan kutsal peyzajının oluşturulmasında kritik bir rol oynamıştır. Hıristiyan hacılığı eski inanç ve ritüellerin Hıristiyan konsepti içerisinde yeniden şekillendiği, dini öneminin yanında politik, ekonomik ve sosyal bir fenomen olarak işaretlenir. Bu açıdan yerel ve bölgesel hac merkezlerinin ortaya çıkması, bu merkezlerin dini önemini gösteren ve hacı ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için çeşitli mimari kuruluş ve tesislerin yapılmasını beraberinde getirmiştir. Hac merkezleri çoğu durumda manastır bünyesinde kurulmuş ya da sonradan kutsal merkezler etrafına manastırlar kurulmuştur. Erken Bizans dönemine ilişkin bu merkezlerden biri antik Claudiopolis’te bulunan Alahan yerleşimidir. Literatürde Alahan Manastırı olarak geçen yerleşim, araştırmacılar arasında Bizans mimari varlığına ilişkin oldukça tartışmalı konulardan biridir. Alahan’ın bir hac merkezi ya da manastır olup olmadığı hala belirsizdir. Bu açıdan makalede Hıristiyan hacılığı genel özellikleriyle tanıtılmış, hac merkezlerinin oluşumunda rol oynayan faktörler incelenmiş ve Alahan yerleşimi, mimari kuruluşları arasındaki mekân-işlev ilişkisi ve hacı hareketi bağlamında yeniden tanımlanmaya çalışılmıştır.

Supporting Institution

Tez çalışması Koç Üniversitesi Suna-İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Araştırmaları Merkezi (AKMED) tarafından doktora projesi kapsamında desteklenmektedir.


  • Anderson, M. A. (2012). Hospitals, hospices and shelters fır the poor in late antiquity. [Doktora tezi]. Yale University, Faculty of the Graduate Scholl.
  • Bakirtzis, C. (2002). Pilgrimage to Thessalonike: The tomb of St. Demetrios. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Bakker, G. (1985). The Buildings at Alahan. Alahan An Early Christian Monastyery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Binns, J. (1994). Ascetics and ambassadors of Christ. The monasteries of Palestine 314-631. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bitton-Ashkelony, B. (2005). Encountering the sacred. The debate on Christian pilgrimage in late antiquity. California: University of California Press.
  • Boero, D. (2015). Symeon and making of the stylite: The construction of sanctity in late antique Syria. [Doktora tezi]. The University of Southern California. Department of Classics.
  • Csepregi, I. (2010). The theological other: Religious and narrative identity in fifth to seventh century Byzantine miracle collections. A. Marinkovic ve T. Vedris (Yay. haz.), Bibliotheca Hagiotheca içinde.
  • Ehrenheim, V. H. (2009). Identifying incubation areas in Pagan and Early Christian times. E. Hallager ve S. Riisager (Yay. haz.), Proceedings of the Danish Institure at Athens VI içinde (ss. 237-276). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
  • Ehrenheim, V. H. (2011). Greek incubation rituals in Classical and Hellenistic Times. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
  • Elton, H. (2002). Alahan and Zeno. Anatolian studies. 52. BIAA, 53-157
  • Eyice, S. (1971). Karadağ (Binbirkilise) ve Karaman çevresinde arkeolojik incelemeler. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
  • Foss, C. (2002). Pilgrimage in medieval Asia Minor. Dumbarton Oaks papers 56. Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Gough, M. (1968). Alahan monastery: A masterpiece of early Christian architecture. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 10.
  • Gough, M. (1985). Alahan monastery and its settings in the Isauran country side. Alahan An Early Christian Monastery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Hild, F. and Hellenkemper, H. (1990). Kilikien und Isaurien. Österreichhische Akademie der Wiss enschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften. TIB 5.
  • Hill, S. (1994). When is a monastery not a monastery? M. Mullet ve A. Kirby (Yay. haz.), The Theotokos EVergetis and eleventh-century monasticisim. Papers of the third Belfast Byzantine International Colloquim 1-4 May 1992 içinde.
  • Hill, S. (1996). The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria. A. Bryer ve J. Haldon (Yay. haz.), Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs. Vol. 1 içinde. Variorum.
  • Hirschfeld, Y. (1992). The Judean desert monasteries in the Byzantine period. Connecticut: Yale University Press.
  • Kirby, A. ve Mercangöz, Z. (1997). The monasteries of Mt Latros and Their architectural development. A. Kirby (Yay. haz.), Work and worship at the Theotokos Evergetis içinde (ss. 51-77). Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations 62.
  • Limor, O. (2006). “Holy Journey”: Pilgrimage and Christian sacred landscape. Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. Brepols.
  • Mango, C. (1991). Germia: A postcrip. JÖB, 297-300.
  • Maraval, P. (2002). The earliest of Christian pilgrimage in the Near East (before the 7th Century) Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol. 56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Mougoyianni, P. (2018). Pilgrimage and Greek identity in Byzantine and Norman Southern Italy (9th-12th Century). I.Eichner (Yay. haz.), Für Seelenheil und Lebensglück. Das byzantinische Pilgerwesen und seine Wurzeln içinde. Byznan zwischen Orient un Okzident.
  • Ötüken, S. Y. (2005). Likya Ortaçağ Araştırmaları ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kazısı. Adalya. Suna-İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü.
  • Palmer, A. (1990). Monk and mason on the Tigris frontier. The early history of Tur’ Abdin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Patrich, J. (2006). Early Christian Churches in the Holy Land. O. Limor ve G. G. Strumsa (Yay. haz.), Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land içinde (ss. 351-392). Brepols.
  • Pena, I. (1997). The Christian art of Byzantine Syria. Londra: Garnet Publishing.
  • Pratsch, T. (2013). “… erwacte und war geheilt”: Inkubationsdarstellungen in byzantinischen Heiligenviten. ZAC 17. De Gruyter.
  • Ricci, A. (2011). Alahan, Di Nuovo. Rivista Dell’Istituto Nazionale D’Archelogia E storia Dell’arte. 66, 37-48.
  • Ristow, V. S. (1988). Frühchristliche Babtisterien. Jahrbuch Fur Antıke Und Chrıstentum 27. aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Munster Westfalen.
  • Sheehan, M. M. (1985). Religious life and monastic organization at Alahan. Alahan An Early Christian Monastyery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Smith, A. J. (2007). “My Lord’s Native Land”: Mapping the Christian Holy Land. Church History. Vol. 76. Cambridge University Press.
  • Talbot, A-M. (2002). Introduction. Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol.56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Talbot, A-M. (2002). Pilgrimage to Healing Shrines: The Evidence of Miracle Accounts. Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol. 56. Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Verzone, P. (1956). Un monumento dell’arte tardo-romana in Isauria: Alahan Monastir. Viglongo.
  • Vikan, G. (1982). Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Art. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Wilkinson, J. (1981). Egeria’s Travels to Holy Land. Ariel Publishing.

Pilgrimage, Pilgrim Center and Sacred Healing in Byzantium: A New Evaluation on Alahan Monastery

Year 2023, Volume: 40 Issue: 1, 71 - 85, 21.06.2023


Christian pilgrimage arose with the support of Byzantine empire in the fourth century and soon attracted Christians from all regions and social backgrounds throughout the empire to the holy lands. This development also played a critical role in the Christianization of local cults and the creation of the Christian sacred landscape in the context of which Christianity grounded its existence against Pagan cults and beliefs. Christian pilgrimage is marked as a political, economic and social phenomenon, in addition to its religious significance, in which old beliefs and rituals are reshaped. In this respect, the emergence of local and regional pilgrim centers has brought about the construction of various architectural establishments and facilities that Show the religious importance of these centers and meet the needs of the pilgrims. Pilgrim centers were in most cases established within monasteries or later monasteries were erected around holy centers. One of these center the early Byzantine period is Alahan settlement in ancient Claudiopolis. The settlement, which is referred to as the Alahan Monastery in the literature, is one of the most controversial issues regarding the Byzantine architectural existence among researchers. It is stil unclear whether Alahan was a pilgrim center or a monastery. In this respect, in this article, Christian pilgirimage is introduced with its general characteristics, the factors that play a role in the formation of pilgrim centers are examined, and the Alahan settlement is tried to be redefined in the context of the space-function relationship between its architectural institutions and the pilgrim movement.


  • Anderson, M. A. (2012). Hospitals, hospices and shelters fır the poor in late antiquity. [Doktora tezi]. Yale University, Faculty of the Graduate Scholl.
  • Bakirtzis, C. (2002). Pilgrimage to Thessalonike: The tomb of St. Demetrios. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Bakker, G. (1985). The Buildings at Alahan. Alahan An Early Christian Monastyery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Binns, J. (1994). Ascetics and ambassadors of Christ. The monasteries of Palestine 314-631. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bitton-Ashkelony, B. (2005). Encountering the sacred. The debate on Christian pilgrimage in late antiquity. California: University of California Press.
  • Boero, D. (2015). Symeon and making of the stylite: The construction of sanctity in late antique Syria. [Doktora tezi]. The University of Southern California. Department of Classics.
  • Csepregi, I. (2010). The theological other: Religious and narrative identity in fifth to seventh century Byzantine miracle collections. A. Marinkovic ve T. Vedris (Yay. haz.), Bibliotheca Hagiotheca içinde.
  • Ehrenheim, V. H. (2009). Identifying incubation areas in Pagan and Early Christian times. E. Hallager ve S. Riisager (Yay. haz.), Proceedings of the Danish Institure at Athens VI içinde (ss. 237-276). Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
  • Ehrenheim, V. H. (2011). Greek incubation rituals in Classical and Hellenistic Times. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
  • Elton, H. (2002). Alahan and Zeno. Anatolian studies. 52. BIAA, 53-157
  • Eyice, S. (1971). Karadağ (Binbirkilise) ve Karaman çevresinde arkeolojik incelemeler. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
  • Foss, C. (2002). Pilgrimage in medieval Asia Minor. Dumbarton Oaks papers 56. Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Gough, M. (1968). Alahan monastery: A masterpiece of early Christian architecture. The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vol. 10.
  • Gough, M. (1985). Alahan monastery and its settings in the Isauran country side. Alahan An Early Christian Monastery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Hild, F. and Hellenkemper, H. (1990). Kilikien und Isaurien. Österreichhische Akademie der Wiss enschaften, philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften. TIB 5.
  • Hill, S. (1994). When is a monastery not a monastery? M. Mullet ve A. Kirby (Yay. haz.), The Theotokos EVergetis and eleventh-century monasticisim. Papers of the third Belfast Byzantine International Colloquim 1-4 May 1992 içinde.
  • Hill, S. (1996). The Early Byzantine Churches of Cilicia and Isauria. A. Bryer ve J. Haldon (Yay. haz.), Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs. Vol. 1 içinde. Variorum.
  • Hirschfeld, Y. (1992). The Judean desert monasteries in the Byzantine period. Connecticut: Yale University Press.
  • Kirby, A. ve Mercangöz, Z. (1997). The monasteries of Mt Latros and Their architectural development. A. Kirby (Yay. haz.), Work and worship at the Theotokos Evergetis içinde (ss. 51-77). Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations 62.
  • Limor, O. (2006). “Holy Journey”: Pilgrimage and Christian sacred landscape. Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land. Brepols.
  • Mango, C. (1991). Germia: A postcrip. JÖB, 297-300.
  • Maraval, P. (2002). The earliest of Christian pilgrimage in the Near East (before the 7th Century) Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol. 56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Mougoyianni, P. (2018). Pilgrimage and Greek identity in Byzantine and Norman Southern Italy (9th-12th Century). I.Eichner (Yay. haz.), Für Seelenheil und Lebensglück. Das byzantinische Pilgerwesen und seine Wurzeln içinde. Byznan zwischen Orient un Okzident.
  • Ötüken, S. Y. (2005). Likya Ortaçağ Araştırmaları ve Demre Aziz Nikolaos Kazısı. Adalya. Suna-İnan Kıraç Akdeniz Medeniyetleri Araştırma Enstitüsü.
  • Palmer, A. (1990). Monk and mason on the Tigris frontier. The early history of Tur’ Abdin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Patrich, J. (2006). Early Christian Churches in the Holy Land. O. Limor ve G. G. Strumsa (Yay. haz.), Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land içinde (ss. 351-392). Brepols.
  • Pena, I. (1997). The Christian art of Byzantine Syria. Londra: Garnet Publishing.
  • Pratsch, T. (2013). “… erwacte und war geheilt”: Inkubationsdarstellungen in byzantinischen Heiligenviten. ZAC 17. De Gruyter.
  • Ricci, A. (2011). Alahan, Di Nuovo. Rivista Dell’Istituto Nazionale D’Archelogia E storia Dell’arte. 66, 37-48.
  • Ristow, V. S. (1988). Frühchristliche Babtisterien. Jahrbuch Fur Antıke Und Chrıstentum 27. aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Munster Westfalen.
  • Sheehan, M. M. (1985). Religious life and monastic organization at Alahan. Alahan An Early Christian Monastyery in Sourthern Turkey. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
  • Smith, A. J. (2007). “My Lord’s Native Land”: Mapping the Christian Holy Land. Church History. Vol. 76. Cambridge University Press.
  • Talbot, A-M. (2002). Introduction. Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol.56. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Talbot, A-M. (2002). Pilgrimage to Healing Shrines: The Evidence of Miracle Accounts. Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Vol. 56. Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Verzone, P. (1956). Un monumento dell’arte tardo-romana in Isauria: Alahan Monastir. Viglongo.
  • Vikan, G. (1982). Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Art. Dumbarton Oaks: Trustees for Harvard University.
  • Wilkinson, J. (1981). Egeria’s Travels to Holy Land. Ariel Publishing.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Art History
Journal Section Articles

Hüseyin Hakan Gazioğlu 0000-0002-2262-9462

Early Pub Date June 10, 2023
Publication Date June 21, 2023
Submission Date April 4, 2022
Acceptance Date July 26, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 40 Issue: 1


APA Gazioğlu, H. H. (2023). Bizans’ta Hacılık, Hac Merkezi ve Kutsal Tedavi: Alahan Manastırı Üzerine Yeni Bir Değerlendirme. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(1), 71-85.

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