One of the pioneer writers of the absurd theatre stream, Eugène Ionesco, describes the meaninglessness of existence and the failure of mankind in realizing himself by means of a grotesque and symbolic depiction. Eugène Ionesco exhibits the gradual capture of mankind by totalitarian regimes, which gained power prior to the Second World War, in his famous play Rhinoceroses, which is an important mile stone in his literary life. The writer questions the meaning of life and subconsciousness in his play, which he wrote in a surrealistic approach. He emphasizes the fact that people, who lived under a totalitarian regime, began to form a herd by being unable to resist continuous political pressure anymore and tragic consequences of the fact that they delivered their free will over to others. The play seems to be like a scream against barbarism that humanity had suffered from during the Nazi regime. Becoming a rhinoceros, which is perceived as an irrational image, is based upon the loss of identity of the transforming majority due to the willingness to resemble one another and to oppress other people by becoming a stronger entity. Ionesco demonstrates the situation, in which mankind is caught in between, by means of his play, which yielded a tremendous echo in its context. He criticizes the fact that society endorsed a gregarious identity and everything that turned into a hegemonical power. He focuses on hopelessness, loneliness, desperateness, fear and disappointment of mankind, who is anxious about adapting oneself to time with respect to life. Eugène Ionesco makes use of irony and satire of the lack of resistance in France to violence whilst being under German occupation, in his play through which he confronts people with their basic problems. The author, who opposes all kinds of fanaticism and despotism, underlines the importance for mankind to determine their destiny by exerting their own free will, without surrender to any authority. He states that people, who revolt against oppression and violence, should never give up on their unconditional love and honour. By means of a text-based methodology, we try, in this study, to analyse the denial of principles of a society that turns into a crowd full of rhinoceroses as a result of metamorphosis
Eugène Ionesco Rhinoceroses 20thCentury the Theatre of the Absurd
Nasıl ki kültür bilgisi dil öğrenmenin bir parçası ise, günümüz
sınıflarında teknolojinin kullanımı da hızla yabancı dil derslerinin
vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmektedir. Bu ifadeden yola çıkarak bu
çalışma derslerde destek materyal olarak kullanılan akıllı tahtaların
hazırlık sınıflarında kültürlerarası öğrenme süreçlerine ilişkin etkilerini
ortaya koymak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda, hem ders veren
öğretim elemanlarının kültürlerarası öğrenmeye yönelik görüşlerini tespit
etmek, hem de kullanılan öğretim materyalinin ve akıllı tahtanın
kültürlerarası öğrenme etkinliklerindeki etkisini saptamak amacıyla açık
uçlu sorular kullanılmıştır. Araştırma yöntemi olarak nitel araştırma
yöntemi seçilmiş ve anket soruları hazırlık sınıflarında ders veren öğretim
elemanlarına yöneltilmiştir. Anket sürecinde toplanan ses kayıtlarının
dökümleri içerik olarak konuya uyan başlıklar altında sınıflandırılmış ve
bağlama cevap veren, konuya ilişkin en açık cevapları içeren bazı ana
temalar belirlenmiştir. Değerlendirme sonucunda temel olarak yabancı dil
öğretiminde akıllı tahta kullanımının öğretim elemanları açısından
kültürlerarası konuların aktarımında motive edici ve hızlı bir yardımcı
olarak görüldüğü tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu tarz destek materyallerinin
kullanımının yaygınlaşmasının teşvik edilmesi öğretim elemanlarınca
önerilmektedir. Fakat tüm bu sonuçlara rağmen, yine de ders esnasında
akıllı tahta kullanımının etkili bir şekilde yapılıp yapılmadığı konusunda
öğretim elemanlarının çekinceleri dile getirilmiştir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Kültürlerarası Öğrenme, Alman Dili ve
Edebiyatında Yabancı Dil Olarak Almanca, Akıllı Tahta ve Dil, Öğretim
Materyali, Dil Öğrenimi ve Kültür.
Abstract: Just as cultural knowledge is a part of language learning, so has
the use of technology rapidly become an indispensable part of foreign
language teaching in today’s lessons. Respectively, this study aims to
reveal the impact of the use of Smart Boards as a supplementary material
on the intercultural learning process in preparatory classes. Therefore,
firstly with the aim of bringing out teachers’ attitudes towards
intercultural learning and secondly, revealing the influence of the use of
teaching materials and Smart Boards on intercultural learning activities,
open ended questions were used. As a research method a qualitative
process was implemented and the survey questions were used to interview
the teachers teaching preparatory classes. In the survey process, the
gathered transcripts of the recorded interviews were contentedly
organized under headings related to the topic and some main themes that
include the most precise answers were determined. After the evaluation
process, teachers’ statements revealed that in foreign language teaching
the use of Smart Boards is motivating in terms of teaching intercultural
knowledge and that it is a fast facilitator. Additionally, the teachers
suggested that the use of such kind of supplementary materials should be
encouraged to become more prevalent. Despite all of the results, the
teachers expressed their reservations about whether the Smart Boards are
used in an effective way or not in the lessons.
Keywords: Intercultural Learning, German as a Foreign Language in
German Philology, Smart Board and Language, Teaching Material,
Language Teaching and Culture.
Birincil Dil | alm |
Bölüm | Tüm Sayı |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 14 Nisan 2015 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2015 |