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Novel Nutritive Garlic Product ''Black Garlic'': A Critical Review of Its Composition, Production and Bioactivity

Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 57 - 63, 31.12.2017


Garlic has organosulfur compounds and bioactive enzymes in its composition. Garlic has been shown to display anti-bacterial,
anti-fungal, anti-atherosclerotic, detoxification, and anti-carcinogenic effects due to its bioactive components. Although garlic
has been widely used as one of the popular condiment for foods and traditional medicine against various disease,
consumption of garlic is very limited due to its unpleasant odor and taste. In recent years various processing methods were
applied to obtain new garlic products to eliminate undesirable odor of garlic without damage its health benefits. Black garlic is
a heat treated and fermented garlic product at controlled high temperature (60-90 C°) and controlled high humidity (80-90%)
for a period of time without any additives. As a result of this fermentation process white-fresh garlic cloves turns to black and
get sweet taste, chewy and jelly-like structure. Garlic lose its pungent taste and irritative odor during the ageing process due to
the conversion of allicin into water-soluble antioxidant compounds including S-allylcysteine and S-allylmercaptocysteine
moreover many sulfur-containing compounds are formed, which contribute to health benefits. Black garlic has stronger
antioxidant activity than fresh garlic, and better efficacy in preventing metabolic diseases. Furthermore, non enzymatic
browning reactions are take place like Maillard reaction, the chemical oxidation of phenols and caramelisation during aging
process. The results of these reactions color of garlic samples turn to dark brown and some antioxidant compounds formation
is occur. Process time, process temperature and applied relative humidity effect the black garlic physical, chemical and
sensorial properties thus several studies revealed that effect these parameters on black garlic. All process conditions there was
a decrease in moisture content, pH, reducing sugar and increase in browning intensity, antioxidant, SAC content in garlic
samples after fermentation. Aim of this study is review the composition, bioactivity, production and applications of black garlic
during production process and compare them with fresh garlic at different process conditions.


  • . Oommen, S., Anto, R. J., Srinivas, G. and Karunagaran, D. ''Allicin (from garlic) induces caspase-mediated apoptosis in cancer cells,'' in European Journal of Pharmacology Volume 485, Issues 1–3 Pages 97–103
  • . Rose, P., Whiteman, M., Moore, P. K. , and Zhu, Y. Z. ''Bioactive S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxide metabolites in the genus Allium: the chemistry of potential therapeutic agents'' Nat. Prod. Rep. , 2005, 2 2 , 351–368
  • . Schaffer, E.M., Liu, J.Z., Green, J., Dangler, C.A., Milner, J.A., "Garlic and associated allyl sulfur components inhibit N- methyl-N- nitrosourea induced rat mammary carcinogenesis, " Cancer Lett. 102 (1996) 199–204.
  • . Khoo, Y., Aziz Z., ''Garlic supplementation and serum cholesterol: a metaanalysis;'' J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. 34 (2009) 133–145.
  • . Shinkawa, H., Takemura, S., Minamiyama, Y., Kodai, S., Tsukioka, T., Osada- Oka, M., Kubo S., Okada, S., Suehiro, S., "S- allylcysteine is effective as a chemopreventive agent against porcine serum induced hepatic fibrosis in rats," Osaka City Med. J. 55 (2009) 61–69.
  • . Yuan, H., Sun, L., Chen, M., Wang, J."The comparison of the contents of sugar, Amadori, and Heyns compounds in fresh and black garlic. " J Food Sci 2016;81:C1662e8.
  • . Corso-Martinez, M., Corso N., & Villamiel M., (2007). "Biological properties of onions and garlic. " Trends in Food Science and Technology, 18, 609–625.
  • . Montaño A., Casado FJ., de Castro A., Sánchez A.H. and Rejano L., "Vitamin content and amino acid composition of pickled garlic processed with and without fermentation, " J Agric Food Chem 52:7324– 7330 (2004).
  • . Imai, J., Ide, N., Nagae, S., Moriguchi, T., Matsuura, H. and Itakura, Y. ''Antioxidant and radical scavenging effects of aged garlic extract and its constituents.'' Planta Med 60:417–420 (1994).
  • . Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, M., Leontowicz, H., Najman, K., Namiesnik J, Park,Y.S. et al., ''Supplementation of garlic lowers lipids and increases antioxidant capacity in plasma of rats.'' Nutr Res 26:362–368 (2006).
  • . Ide, N., and Lau, B.H., ''Aged garlic extract attenuates intracellular oxidative stress.'' Phytomedicine 6:125–131 (1999).
  • . Ide, N., Matsuura, H. and Itakura, Y., ''Scavenging effect of aged garlic extract and its constituents on active oxygen species.'' Phytother Res 10:340– 341 (1996).
  • . Legault, R.R., Hendel, C.E. and Talburt, W.F. ''Retention of quality in dehydrated vegetables through in package desiccation.'' Food Technol (Chicago) 8:143–149 (1954).
  • . Yilmaz, Y., and Toledo, R., ''Antioxidant activity of water-soluble Maillard reaction products.'' Food Chem 93:273–278 (2005).
  • . Trio, P.Z., You, S., He, X., He, J., Sakao, K., Hou, D.X. ''Chemopreventive functions and molecular mechanisms of garlic organosulfur compounds.'' Food Funct. 2014;5(5):833- 844
  • . Milner, J.A. (2005). ''Garlic (Allium sativum). In: Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements''(edited by P.M. Coates, M.R. Blackman, G.M. Cragg, M. Levine, J. Moss & J.D. White). Pp. 229–240. New York: Marcel Dekker.
  • . Rahman, M.S. (2007). ''Allicin and other functional active components in garlic: health benefits and bioavailability.'' International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 245–268.
  • . Kim, K., Chun, S., Koo, M., Choi, W., Kim, T., Kwon, Y., Chung, H., Billiar, T.R., Kim, Y., (2001) ''Differential regulation of NO availability from macrophages and endothelial cells by the garlic component S- allyl cysteine.'' Free Radical Biol Med 30(7):747– 756.
  • . Amagase, H., ''Clarifying the real bioactive constituents of garlic.'' J Nutr 2006;131:955se62s.
  • . Wang, D., Feng, Y., Liu, J. et al. (2010).'' Black garlic (Allium sativum) extracts enhance the immune system.'' Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 4, 37– 40.
  • . Rojas, P., Serrano-García, N., Medina-Campos O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Maldonado, PD, Ruiz- Sánchez, E. (2011) ''S allylcysteine, a garlic compound, protects against oxidative stress in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium- induced parkinsonism in mice.'' J Nutr Biochem 22:937– 944.
  • . Bae, S.E, Cho, S.Y., Won, Y.D., Lee, S.H., Park, H.J., (2012) '' A comparative study of the different analytical methods for analysis of S- allyl cysteine in black garlic by HPLC.'' LWT- Food Sci Tech 46:532–535
  • . Lampe, J. W. (1999). ''Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies.'' The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 475S-490S.
  • . Choi, D.J., Lee, S.J., Kang, M.J., Cho, H.S., Sung, N.J., Shin, J.H. ''Physicochemical characteristics of black garlic (Allium sativum). '' J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 2008, 37, 465–471.
  • . Choi, I.S., Cha, H.S., Lee, Y.S. ''Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of black garlic.'' Molecules 2014, 19, 16811–16823.
  • . Kimura, S., Tung, Y.C., Pan, M.H., Su, N.W., Lai, Y.J., Cheng, K.C. '' Black garlic: A critical review of its production, bioactivity, and application. '' Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2016) 1-9.
  • . Rapusas, R. S., & Driscoll, R. H. (1995). ''Kinetics of non-enzymatic browning in onion slices during isothermal heating.'' Journal of Food Engineering, 24, 417e429.
  • . Samaniego-Esguerra, C. M., Boag, I. F., & Robertson, G. L. (1991). ''Kinetics of quality deterioration in dried onions and green beans as a function of temperature and water activity. '' Lebensmittel- Wissenshaft und Technologie, 24, 53e58.
  • . Benzing-Purdie, L. M., Ripmeester, J. A., & Ratcliffe, C. I. (1985).''Effects of temperature on Maillard reaction products.'' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 33, 31e33.
  • . Zhang, X., Li, N., Lu, X., Liu, P., Qiao, X. ''Effects of temperature on the quality of black garlic.'' J Sci Food Agric 2015;96:2366e72.
  • . Kim, H.K., Choi, Y.W., Lee, E.N., Park, J.K., Kim, S.G., Park, D.J., Kim, B.S., Lim, Y.T., Yoon, S. ''5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from black garlic extract prevents TNF-a-induced monocytic cell adhesion to HUVECs by suppression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression, reactive oxygen species generation and NF-kb activation.'' Phytother Res 2011;25:965e74.
  • . Durling, LJ.K., Busk, L. and Hellman, B.E., ''Evaluation of the DNA damaging effect of the heat-induced food toxicant 5- hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in various cell lines with different activities of sulfotransferases.'' Food Chem Toxicol 47:880– 884 (2009).
  • . Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, H., Leontowicz, M., Namiesnik, J., Najman, K., Drzewiecki, J., Cvikrova, M., Martincova, O., Katrich, E., Trakhtenberg, S. ''Comparison of the main bioactive componunds and antioxidant activities in garlic and white and red onions after treatment protocols.'' J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 4418– 4426.
  • . Xu, G., Ye, X., Chen, J., Liu, D. ''Effect of heat treatment on the phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of citrus peel extract.'' J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 330–335.
  • . Ioannou, I., Hafsa, I., Hamdi, S., Charbonnel, C., Ghoul, M. ''Review of the effects of food processing and formulation on flavonol and anthocyanins behavior.'' J. Food Eng. 2012, 111, 208–217.
  • . Kim, J.S.; Kang, K.J.; Gweon, O.C. ''Comparison of phenolic acids and flavonoids in black garlic at different thermal processing steps.'' J. Funct. Foods 2013, 5, 80–86.
  • . Jang EK, Seo JH, Lee SP. ''Physiological activity and antioxidative effects of aged black garlic (Allium sativumL.) extract.'' Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2008;40:443– 448.
  • . Lee, Y.M., Gweon, O. C., Seo, Y. J., Im, J., Kang, M. J., Kim, M.J., and Kim, J. I., (2009) ''Antioxidant effect of garlic and aged black garlic in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus'' Nutrition Research and Practice ,3(2), 156-161.
  • . Kim, J. H., Nam, S. H., Rico C. W., and Kang, M. Y., ''A comparative study on the antioxidative and anti-allergic activities of fresh and aged black garlic extracts.'' International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2012, 47, 1176–1182.
  • . Wang, D., Feng Y., Liu J., Yan J., Wang M., Sasaki J., Lu C. (2010). "Black garlic (allium sativum) extracts enhance the immune system, " Med Aromat Plant Sci Biotech 4(1):37–40
  • . Wang, X., Jiao, F., Wang, Q.W. et al. (2012). ''Aged black garlic extract induces inhibition of gastric cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.'' Molecular Medicine Reports, 5, 66–72.
  • . Kim, I., Kim, J.Y., Hwang, Y.J. et al. (2011a). ''The beneficial effects of aged black garlic extract on obesity and hyperlipidemia in rats fed a high-fat diet.''Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5, 3159–3168.
  • . Lee, E.N., Choi, Y.W., Kim, H.K. et al. (2011). ''Chloroform extract of aged black garlic attenuates TNF-a-induced ROS generation, VCAM-1 expression, NF-jB activation and adhesiveness for monocytes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. '' Phytotherapy Research, 25, 92–100.
  • . Kang, M.J., Lee, S.J., Shin, J.H., Kang, S.K., Kim, J.G. & Sung, N.J. (2008). ''Effect of garlic with different processing on lipid metabolism in 1% cholesterol fed rats.'' Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 37, 162– 169.
  • . Seo, Y.J., Gweon, O.C., Im, J., Lee, Y.M., Kang, M.J. & Kim, J.I. (2009). ''Effect of garlic and aged back garlic on hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus.'' Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 14, 1–7
  • . Kim, M.H., Kim, M.J., Lee, J.H. et al. (2011b).
  • ''Hepatoprotective effect of aged black garlic on chronic alcohol induced liver injury in rats.'' Journal of Medicinal Food, 14, 732–738.
Year 2017, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 57 - 63, 31.12.2017



  • . Oommen, S., Anto, R. J., Srinivas, G. and Karunagaran, D. ''Allicin (from garlic) induces caspase-mediated apoptosis in cancer cells,'' in European Journal of Pharmacology Volume 485, Issues 1–3 Pages 97–103
  • . Rose, P., Whiteman, M., Moore, P. K. , and Zhu, Y. Z. ''Bioactive S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxide metabolites in the genus Allium: the chemistry of potential therapeutic agents'' Nat. Prod. Rep. , 2005, 2 2 , 351–368
  • . Schaffer, E.M., Liu, J.Z., Green, J., Dangler, C.A., Milner, J.A., "Garlic and associated allyl sulfur components inhibit N- methyl-N- nitrosourea induced rat mammary carcinogenesis, " Cancer Lett. 102 (1996) 199–204.
  • . Khoo, Y., Aziz Z., ''Garlic supplementation and serum cholesterol: a metaanalysis;'' J. Clin. Pharm. Ther. 34 (2009) 133–145.
  • . Shinkawa, H., Takemura, S., Minamiyama, Y., Kodai, S., Tsukioka, T., Osada- Oka, M., Kubo S., Okada, S., Suehiro, S., "S- allylcysteine is effective as a chemopreventive agent against porcine serum induced hepatic fibrosis in rats," Osaka City Med. J. 55 (2009) 61–69.
  • . Yuan, H., Sun, L., Chen, M., Wang, J."The comparison of the contents of sugar, Amadori, and Heyns compounds in fresh and black garlic. " J Food Sci 2016;81:C1662e8.
  • . Corso-Martinez, M., Corso N., & Villamiel M., (2007). "Biological properties of onions and garlic. " Trends in Food Science and Technology, 18, 609–625.
  • . Montaño A., Casado FJ., de Castro A., Sánchez A.H. and Rejano L., "Vitamin content and amino acid composition of pickled garlic processed with and without fermentation, " J Agric Food Chem 52:7324– 7330 (2004).
  • . Imai, J., Ide, N., Nagae, S., Moriguchi, T., Matsuura, H. and Itakura, Y. ''Antioxidant and radical scavenging effects of aged garlic extract and its constituents.'' Planta Med 60:417–420 (1994).
  • . Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, M., Leontowicz, H., Najman, K., Namiesnik J, Park,Y.S. et al., ''Supplementation of garlic lowers lipids and increases antioxidant capacity in plasma of rats.'' Nutr Res 26:362–368 (2006).
  • . Ide, N., and Lau, B.H., ''Aged garlic extract attenuates intracellular oxidative stress.'' Phytomedicine 6:125–131 (1999).
  • . Ide, N., Matsuura, H. and Itakura, Y., ''Scavenging effect of aged garlic extract and its constituents on active oxygen species.'' Phytother Res 10:340– 341 (1996).
  • . Legault, R.R., Hendel, C.E. and Talburt, W.F. ''Retention of quality in dehydrated vegetables through in package desiccation.'' Food Technol (Chicago) 8:143–149 (1954).
  • . Yilmaz, Y., and Toledo, R., ''Antioxidant activity of water-soluble Maillard reaction products.'' Food Chem 93:273–278 (2005).
  • . Trio, P.Z., You, S., He, X., He, J., Sakao, K., Hou, D.X. ''Chemopreventive functions and molecular mechanisms of garlic organosulfur compounds.'' Food Funct. 2014;5(5):833- 844
  • . Milner, J.A. (2005). ''Garlic (Allium sativum). In: Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements''(edited by P.M. Coates, M.R. Blackman, G.M. Cragg, M. Levine, J. Moss & J.D. White). Pp. 229–240. New York: Marcel Dekker.
  • . Rahman, M.S. (2007). ''Allicin and other functional active components in garlic: health benefits and bioavailability.'' International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 245–268.
  • . Kim, K., Chun, S., Koo, M., Choi, W., Kim, T., Kwon, Y., Chung, H., Billiar, T.R., Kim, Y., (2001) ''Differential regulation of NO availability from macrophages and endothelial cells by the garlic component S- allyl cysteine.'' Free Radical Biol Med 30(7):747– 756.
  • . Amagase, H., ''Clarifying the real bioactive constituents of garlic.'' J Nutr 2006;131:955se62s.
  • . Wang, D., Feng, Y., Liu, J. et al. (2010).'' Black garlic (Allium sativum) extracts enhance the immune system.'' Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Science and Biotechnology, 4, 37– 40.
  • . Rojas, P., Serrano-García, N., Medina-Campos O.N., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Maldonado, PD, Ruiz- Sánchez, E. (2011) ''S allylcysteine, a garlic compound, protects against oxidative stress in 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium- induced parkinsonism in mice.'' J Nutr Biochem 22:937– 944.
  • . Bae, S.E, Cho, S.Y., Won, Y.D., Lee, S.H., Park, H.J., (2012) '' A comparative study of the different analytical methods for analysis of S- allyl cysteine in black garlic by HPLC.'' LWT- Food Sci Tech 46:532–535
  • . Lampe, J. W. (1999). ''Health effects of vegetables and fruit: assessing mechanisms of action in human experimental studies.'' The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 475S-490S.
  • . Choi, D.J., Lee, S.J., Kang, M.J., Cho, H.S., Sung, N.J., Shin, J.H. ''Physicochemical characteristics of black garlic (Allium sativum). '' J. Korean Soc. Food Sci. Nutr. 2008, 37, 465–471.
  • . Choi, I.S., Cha, H.S., Lee, Y.S. ''Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of black garlic.'' Molecules 2014, 19, 16811–16823.
  • . Kimura, S., Tung, Y.C., Pan, M.H., Su, N.W., Lai, Y.J., Cheng, K.C. '' Black garlic: A critical review of its production, bioactivity, and application. '' Journal of Food and Drug Analysis (2016) 1-9.
  • . Rapusas, R. S., & Driscoll, R. H. (1995). ''Kinetics of non-enzymatic browning in onion slices during isothermal heating.'' Journal of Food Engineering, 24, 417e429.
  • . Samaniego-Esguerra, C. M., Boag, I. F., & Robertson, G. L. (1991). ''Kinetics of quality deterioration in dried onions and green beans as a function of temperature and water activity. '' Lebensmittel- Wissenshaft und Technologie, 24, 53e58.
  • . Benzing-Purdie, L. M., Ripmeester, J. A., & Ratcliffe, C. I. (1985).''Effects of temperature on Maillard reaction products.'' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 33, 31e33.
  • . Zhang, X., Li, N., Lu, X., Liu, P., Qiao, X. ''Effects of temperature on the quality of black garlic.'' J Sci Food Agric 2015;96:2366e72.
  • . Kim, H.K., Choi, Y.W., Lee, E.N., Park, J.K., Kim, S.G., Park, D.J., Kim, B.S., Lim, Y.T., Yoon, S. ''5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from black garlic extract prevents TNF-a-induced monocytic cell adhesion to HUVECs by suppression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression, reactive oxygen species generation and NF-kb activation.'' Phytother Res 2011;25:965e74.
  • . Durling, LJ.K., Busk, L. and Hellman, B.E., ''Evaluation of the DNA damaging effect of the heat-induced food toxicant 5- hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in various cell lines with different activities of sulfotransferases.'' Food Chem Toxicol 47:880– 884 (2009).
  • . Gorinstein, S., Leontowicz, H., Leontowicz, M., Namiesnik, J., Najman, K., Drzewiecki, J., Cvikrova, M., Martincova, O., Katrich, E., Trakhtenberg, S. ''Comparison of the main bioactive componunds and antioxidant activities in garlic and white and red onions after treatment protocols.'' J. Agric. Food Chem. 2008, 56, 4418– 4426.
  • . Xu, G., Ye, X., Chen, J., Liu, D. ''Effect of heat treatment on the phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of citrus peel extract.'' J. Agric. Food Chem. 2007, 55, 330–335.
  • . Ioannou, I., Hafsa, I., Hamdi, S., Charbonnel, C., Ghoul, M. ''Review of the effects of food processing and formulation on flavonol and anthocyanins behavior.'' J. Food Eng. 2012, 111, 208–217.
  • . Kim, J.S.; Kang, K.J.; Gweon, O.C. ''Comparison of phenolic acids and flavonoids in black garlic at different thermal processing steps.'' J. Funct. Foods 2013, 5, 80–86.
  • . Jang EK, Seo JH, Lee SP. ''Physiological activity and antioxidative effects of aged black garlic (Allium sativumL.) extract.'' Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2008;40:443– 448.
  • . Lee, Y.M., Gweon, O. C., Seo, Y. J., Im, J., Kang, M. J., Kim, M.J., and Kim, J. I., (2009) ''Antioxidant effect of garlic and aged black garlic in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus'' Nutrition Research and Practice ,3(2), 156-161.
  • . Kim, J. H., Nam, S. H., Rico C. W., and Kang, M. Y., ''A comparative study on the antioxidative and anti-allergic activities of fresh and aged black garlic extracts.'' International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2012, 47, 1176–1182.
  • . Wang, D., Feng Y., Liu J., Yan J., Wang M., Sasaki J., Lu C. (2010). "Black garlic (allium sativum) extracts enhance the immune system, " Med Aromat Plant Sci Biotech 4(1):37–40
  • . Wang, X., Jiao, F., Wang, Q.W. et al. (2012). ''Aged black garlic extract induces inhibition of gastric cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.'' Molecular Medicine Reports, 5, 66–72.
  • . Kim, I., Kim, J.Y., Hwang, Y.J. et al. (2011a). ''The beneficial effects of aged black garlic extract on obesity and hyperlipidemia in rats fed a high-fat diet.''Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5, 3159–3168.
  • . Lee, E.N., Choi, Y.W., Kim, H.K. et al. (2011). ''Chloroform extract of aged black garlic attenuates TNF-a-induced ROS generation, VCAM-1 expression, NF-jB activation and adhesiveness for monocytes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. '' Phytotherapy Research, 25, 92–100.
  • . Kang, M.J., Lee, S.J., Shin, J.H., Kang, S.K., Kim, J.G. & Sung, N.J. (2008). ''Effect of garlic with different processing on lipid metabolism in 1% cholesterol fed rats.'' Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 37, 162– 169.
  • . Seo, Y.J., Gweon, O.C., Im, J., Lee, Y.M., Kang, M.J. & Kim, J.I. (2009). ''Effect of garlic and aged back garlic on hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus.'' Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 14, 1–7
  • . Kim, M.H., Kim, M.J., Lee, J.H. et al. (2011b).
  • ''Hepatoprotective effect of aged black garlic on chronic alcohol induced liver injury in rats.'' Journal of Medicinal Food, 14, 732–738.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Selin Alihanoğlu This is me

Mehmet Karaaslan

Hasan Vardin

Publication Date December 31, 2017
Submission Date August 1, 2017
Acceptance Date December 17, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


APA Alihanoğlu, S., Karaaslan, M., & Vardin, H. (2017). Novel Nutritive Garlic Product ’’Black Garlic’’: A Critical Review of Its Composition, Production and Bioactivity. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 2(3), 57-63.