1- All articles/ article files must be submitted electronically in accordance with the forms on page
2- The uploaded article cannot be sent for publication/ be published elsewhere. Similarly, scientific articles sent to our journal cannot be simultaneously considered by other journals for presentation in a conference/have a poster/publication.
3- After the acceptance of a paper, the author or the authors must upload the copyright form to DERGİPARK system with Author(s)’s name(s) and signature(s) on during the editing process.
4- None of the contributing author(s)’ name(s) or address (es) are written in the “Ön Yükleme Formatı_HRU_Muh_Dergi” form. Therefore, the referees do not know who the author(s) are during the evaluation process. ( Blind review evaluation process)
5- At least two referee editing and the approval of the related editor is necessary for the acceptance of the uploaded article.
6- The originality of the papers and the similarities to other studies are checked by academic plagiarism detector and papers with lower than 20% originality rate are accepted for evaluation.
7- Only author(s) with articles accepted for publication organize their articles in compliance with ‘Accepted Article Format’, which can be found on:
8- Article name abbreviations must be done using ‘Web of Science Abbreviations’
9- Word limit for uploaded articles must be between 18.000- 20.000 words and 10-12 pages in total.
10- Summary and Abstract texts cannot be more than 400 words/ 2800 characters( spaces included)
Obligatory headings in articles:
1- Abstract (in Turkish): This part briefly includes the outline, the purpose, used method/procedure and the findings of the study. The final sentence(s) must include the outcomes and the results of the study. Abstract texts cannot be more than 400 words/ 2800 characters (spaces included).
2- Abstract (in English): It is the exact translation of the abstract of the Turkish text into English. Abstract texts cannot be more than 400 words/ 2800 characters (spaces included).
3- Keywords: It is the Turkish and English words that will enable the article to be searched and found easily. Word/word groups may be between minimum 3 (three) and maximum 6(six) words.
4- Introduction: This part includes the definition of an issue or a problem, the researcher’s purpose, the importance of the study and the limitations of the study. This part includes literature review.
5- Material and Method: All the experiment(s)/ observation(s) and other efforts to conduct and result the study are defined in this section.
6- Results and Discussion: The similarities and differences with previous studies are discussed here.
7- Conclusion: The contributions of the study for scientific/daily life are in this section. The area the study introduces to the literature and the opinions on both in theory and practice are discussed.
8- Acknowledgment: Persons/institutions contributing to the study are mentioned in this section
9- Conflict of Interest (If there are any): Any persons/institutions that might me conflict of interest are mentioned in this part.
10- References: Scientific books/journals/web pages/visual or written materials used are indicated in this part.
1. Article text writing format for pre loading of articles is typeface Times New Roman/Arial and type size is 11.
2- Tables must be aligned left and the explanations must be type size 11 and italics.
3. Figures/maps must be aligned center and the explanations must be type size 11 and italics.
4. Line spacing must be single 8 nk for before and 12 nk for after must be chosen for spacing.
5. Although there are not very strict rules, in the reference section author(s)’ full name(s), section heading(s)/article heading(s),volume/issue/page number, the section of the book and DOI number(if there are any) must be included. Sample reference list can be seen on pre upload page. Below are some samples for reference:
- Kahraman HT,Bayindir r., Sagıroglu S. A new approach to predict the excitation current parameter weightings of synchronous machines based on genetic algorithm-based k-NN estimator. Energy Conversion and Management, 64 (129-138), (2012). (Article)
- Mitchell, T.R. and Larson, J.R. (1987). People in organizations (Third edition). New York:McGraw-Hill, 87,92.( Book)
- Kirazoğlu,F. (2010). Metal-Yalıtkan-Yarıiletken Yapıların Elektrik Özellkilerinin Frekans ve Sıcaklığa Bağlı İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstütüsü, Ankara, 118-120. (Thesis)
The author(s) of the article(s) are responsible for the accuracy and providing the full details of their references.