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Year 2013, Volume: 28 Issue: 28-3, 181 - 194, 01.06.2013


The aim of this study was comparison of self-perception of digital native children’s between the ages of 12 and 17 versus digital immigrant parents’ perceptions towards their children related to internet addiction. In order to achieve this goal İnternet Bağımlılık Testi (Internet Addiction Test-IAT20) and Aile Çocuk İnternet Bağımlılık Testi (Parent Child Internet Addiction Test-PCIAT20) scales developed by Young are used. Young also conducted reliability and validity studies for these scales. These scales were completed by 1433 children and their parents which totals to 2866 people. Study revealed that perception of children differed in large from their parents. While vast majority of digital native children saw themselves as average internet users, digital immigrant parents perceived problems with their digital native children’s internet use. Main reason for the differences in perception surfaced in the scales sub section related to use of time. For this reason internet addiction view based of the use time should be revisited for the digital natives. There is a need for different internet addiction scales for the digital natives based on new definitions.


  • Bakken, I. J., Wenzel, H. G., Götestam, K. G., Johansson, A., & Øren, A. (2009). Internet addiction among Norwegian adults: A stratified probability sample study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 121–127.
  • Beard, K. W., & Wolf, E. M. (2001). Modification in the proposed diagnostic criteria for internet addiction, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 3(4), 377-380.
  • Bilgiç, H. G.; Duman, D., & Seferoğlu, S. S. (2011). Dijital yerlilerin özellikleri ve çevrim içi ortamların tasarlanmasındaki etkileri. Akademik Bilişim 2011, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya. [Çevri,m-içi: ], Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2013.
  • BusinessWire (2012). Time Inc. Study reveals that “digital natives” switch between devices and platforms every two minutes, use media to regulate their Moo. [Available online at: Reveals-“Digital-Natives”-SwitchDevices], Retrieved on 19.06.2013.
  • Chak, K., Leung L. (2004) Shyness and locus of control as predictors of Internet addiction and Internet use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; 7, 559–570.
  • Cao, F., & Su, L. (2006). Internet addiction among Chinese adolescents, Child: Care, Health and Development, 33(3), 275-2
  • Caplan, S. E. (2002). Problematic Internet use and psychosocial well-being: development of a theory-based cognitive– behavioral measurement instrument. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 553–575
  • Çelen, F. K., & Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Investigation of elementary school students’ opinions related to unethical behavior in the use of information and communication technologies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 417-421.
  • Davis, R. A. (2001). A cognitive-behavioral model of pathological internet use. Computers in Human Behavior, 17, 187-1
  • Esen Kiran, B. (2009). Predicting Internet addiction in adolescents by several variables E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(4), 1331-1340.
  • Fritsch, Tobias (2010). Actor models and digital natives: An empiric research approach for online communities. Unpublished masters thesis. Almanya. [Available online at: &sa=X&ei=wFVIUdnSBKS47Aa0_YHwDg&ved=0CFQQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=digital%20natives%20digi tal%20immigrants&f=false ], retrieved on 10.06.2013.
  • General Directorate of Family and Social Studies (2008). Internet Kullanımı ve Aile Araştırması (Internet use and Family Research). Ankara: Ismat Yayıncılık.
  • Ghassemzadeh, L. M. A., Shahraray, M., & Moradi, A. (2008). Prevalence of Internet addiction and comparison of Internet addicts and non-addicts in Iranian high schools. Cyberpsychology & Behavıor , 11(6 ), 731-733.
  • Griffiths, M. D. (1999). Internet addiction: Fact or fiction?, The Psychologist, 12, 246-250.
  • Internet World Stats IWS (2013), World Internet usage and population statistics. [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 15.06.2013.
  • Kabakci, I.; Odabasi, H. F., & Coklar, A. N. (2008). Parents’ views about Internet use of their children. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 2(4), 248-255.
  • Kandell, J. J. (1998). Internet addiction on campus: the vulnerability of college students. Cyberpsychology and behavior, 1, 11–17.
  • Kraut, R., & Paterson, M. (1998). Internet paradox. American Psychologist, 53, 1017-1031.
  • Mesch, G. S. (2003). The family and the internet: The Israeli case, Social Science Quarterly, 84(4), 1038-1050.
  • Morahan, M. J., & Schumacher, P. (2000). Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 16, 13-29.
  • Ozcinar, Z. (2011). The relationship between Internet addiction and communication, Educational and physical problems of adolescents in North Cyprus. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 21(1), 22–32 .
  • Pallfrey, J., & Gasser, U (2008). Born digital. Understanding the first generation of digital natives. Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group: New York.
  • Pedró, F. (2006). The new millennium learners: Challenging our views on ICT and learning. OECD-CERI [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 01.07.2013.
  • Pratarelli, M., Browne, B., & Johnson, K. (1999). The bits and bytes of computer/internet addiction: a factor analytic approach. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 31, 305-314.
  • Prensky, M. (2003). Has growing up digital and extensive video game playing affected younger military personnel’s skill sets? Paper presented at the I/ITSEC 2003.
  • Rajani M. K., Chandio M. S. (2004). Use of Internet and its effects on our society, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technologies, pp.157-161. [Available online at: ], Retrieved on September 22, 2011.
  • Sırakaya, M. ve Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Öğretmen adaylarının problemli internet kullanımlarının incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Hacettepe University Journal of Education], 28(1), 356-368. Sook-Jung, L. M. A., & Young-Gil, C. M. A. (2007) Children’s Internet use in a family context: Influence on family relationships and parental mediation. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(5), 640-644.
  • Stefannescu, C., Chirita V., Chirita R., & Chele G. (2007). Network identity, The Internet addiction and Romanian teenagers. Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 2062 Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 24-26.
  • Şahin, M. C. (2009). Yeni bin yılın öğrencilerinin özellikleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 1551 [Çevrim-içi: ], Erişim tarihi: 13.05.2013.
  • Van Rompaey, V., Roe K., & Struys K. (2002). Children and the Internet: Adoption in the Family Context, Communication & Society, 5(2), 189–206.
  • Yasser Khazaal, Gabriel Thorens, Riaz Khan, and others (2008). French validation of the Internet addiction test. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(6) , 703-706
  • Yenilmez, Y. ve Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Sanal zorbalık ve öğretmenlerin farkındalık durumlarına bir bakış. Eğitim ve Bilim [Education and Science], 38(169), 420-432.
  • Young, K. S. (1996). Internet addiction: the emergence of a new clinical disorder. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 1(3), 237-244.
  • Young, K. S. (1997). What makes the internet addictive: potential explanations for pathological internet use. Yayınlanmış Amerikan Psikoloji Örgütü 105. yıl Konferansı Semineri, Washington, D.C.
  • Young, K. S. (1998). Center for Internet addiction. Internet addiction test (IAT). [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 26.11.2012.
  • Young, K. S., & Rogers, R. C. (1998). The relationship between depression and internet addiction. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 1, 3-8.
  • Young, K. S. (1999a). Internet addiction: symptoms, evaluation and treatment. In L. Van de Creek, & X. Jackson, Innovations in clinical practice: a source book, 17, 19-31. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
  • Young, K. S. (1999b). Internet addiction: evaluation and treatment. Student British Medical Journal, 7, 351–352.

Dijital Yerli Çocukların ve Dijital Göçmen Ebeveynlerinin İnternet Bağımlılığına İlişkin Algılarının Karşılaştırılması

Year 2013, Volume: 28 Issue: 28-3, 181 - 194, 01.06.2013


Bu çalışmanın amacı internet bağımlılığı açısından yaşları 12 ve 17 arasında değişen dijital yerli çocukların kendilerini ve bu çocukların dijital göçmen olan ebeveynlerinin de bu çocukları algılamalarının karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bu amaca yönelik Young tarafından geliştirilen ve daha önce geçerlilik ve güvenirlik çalışması araştırmacı tarafından yapılmış olan İnternet Bağımlılık Testi (Internet Addiction Test-IAT20) ve Aile Çocuk İnternet Bağımlılık Testi (Parent Child Internet Addiction Test-PCIAT20) ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Ölçekler 1433 çocuk ve bunların ebeveynleri olarak toplam 2866 kişiye uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada ebeveynler ile çocukların algılarının büyük bölümünün birbirinden farklı olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Dijital yerli çocukların büyük bir bölümünün kendilerini ortalama internet kullanıcısı düzeyinde görürken dijital göçmen ebeveynlerin ise büyük çoğunluğunun dijital yerli olan çocuklarını internet kullanımın da problemli bireyler olarak algıladıkları tespit edilmiştir. Algılamalardaki farklılıkların temel nedeni ölçeklerdeki zaman kullanımı alt boyutlarında ortaya çıkmıştır. Dolayısıyla zamana dayalı internet kullanımını temele alan internet bağımlılığı kavramının dijital yerliler açısından tekrar gözden geçirilmesi gereklidir. Yeni tanımlamalara dayalı Dijital yerliler için farklı internet bağımlılık ölçeklerine ihtiyaç vardır.


  • Bakken, I. J., Wenzel, H. G., Götestam, K. G., Johansson, A., & Øren, A. (2009). Internet addiction among Norwegian adults: A stratified probability sample study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 50, 121–127.
  • Beard, K. W., & Wolf, E. M. (2001). Modification in the proposed diagnostic criteria for internet addiction, CyberPsychology & Behavior, 3(4), 377-380.
  • Bilgiç, H. G.; Duman, D., & Seferoğlu, S. S. (2011). Dijital yerlilerin özellikleri ve çevrim içi ortamların tasarlanmasındaki etkileri. Akademik Bilişim 2011, İnönü Üniversitesi, Malatya. [Çevri,m-içi: ], Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2013.
  • BusinessWire (2012). Time Inc. Study reveals that “digital natives” switch between devices and platforms every two minutes, use media to regulate their Moo. [Available online at: Reveals-“Digital-Natives”-SwitchDevices], Retrieved on 19.06.2013.
  • Chak, K., Leung L. (2004) Shyness and locus of control as predictors of Internet addiction and Internet use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking; 7, 559–570.
  • Cao, F., & Su, L. (2006). Internet addiction among Chinese adolescents, Child: Care, Health and Development, 33(3), 275-2
  • Caplan, S. E. (2002). Problematic Internet use and psychosocial well-being: development of a theory-based cognitive– behavioral measurement instrument. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 553–575
  • Çelen, F. K., & Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Investigation of elementary school students’ opinions related to unethical behavior in the use of information and communication technologies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 417-421.
  • Davis, R. A. (2001). A cognitive-behavioral model of pathological internet use. Computers in Human Behavior, 17, 187-1
  • Esen Kiran, B. (2009). Predicting Internet addiction in adolescents by several variables E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4(4), 1331-1340.
  • Fritsch, Tobias (2010). Actor models and digital natives: An empiric research approach for online communities. Unpublished masters thesis. Almanya. [Available online at: &sa=X&ei=wFVIUdnSBKS47Aa0_YHwDg&ved=0CFQQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=digital%20natives%20digi tal%20immigrants&f=false ], retrieved on 10.06.2013.
  • General Directorate of Family and Social Studies (2008). Internet Kullanımı ve Aile Araştırması (Internet use and Family Research). Ankara: Ismat Yayıncılık.
  • Ghassemzadeh, L. M. A., Shahraray, M., & Moradi, A. (2008). Prevalence of Internet addiction and comparison of Internet addicts and non-addicts in Iranian high schools. Cyberpsychology & Behavıor , 11(6 ), 731-733.
  • Griffiths, M. D. (1999). Internet addiction: Fact or fiction?, The Psychologist, 12, 246-250.
  • Internet World Stats IWS (2013), World Internet usage and population statistics. [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 15.06.2013.
  • Kabakci, I.; Odabasi, H. F., & Coklar, A. N. (2008). Parents’ views about Internet use of their children. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 2(4), 248-255.
  • Kandell, J. J. (1998). Internet addiction on campus: the vulnerability of college students. Cyberpsychology and behavior, 1, 11–17.
  • Kraut, R., & Paterson, M. (1998). Internet paradox. American Psychologist, 53, 1017-1031.
  • Mesch, G. S. (2003). The family and the internet: The Israeli case, Social Science Quarterly, 84(4), 1038-1050.
  • Morahan, M. J., & Schumacher, P. (2000). Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 16, 13-29.
  • Ozcinar, Z. (2011). The relationship between Internet addiction and communication, Educational and physical problems of adolescents in North Cyprus. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 21(1), 22–32 .
  • Pallfrey, J., & Gasser, U (2008). Born digital. Understanding the first generation of digital natives. Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group: New York.
  • Pedró, F. (2006). The new millennium learners: Challenging our views on ICT and learning. OECD-CERI [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 01.07.2013.
  • Pratarelli, M., Browne, B., & Johnson, K. (1999). The bits and bytes of computer/internet addiction: a factor analytic approach. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 31, 305-314.
  • Prensky, M. (2003). Has growing up digital and extensive video game playing affected younger military personnel’s skill sets? Paper presented at the I/ITSEC 2003.
  • Rajani M. K., Chandio M. S. (2004). Use of Internet and its effects on our society, Proceedings of National Conference on Emerging Technologies, pp.157-161. [Available online at: ], Retrieved on September 22, 2011.
  • Sırakaya, M. ve Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Öğretmen adaylarının problemli internet kullanımlarının incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi [Hacettepe University Journal of Education], 28(1), 356-368. Sook-Jung, L. M. A., & Young-Gil, C. M. A. (2007) Children’s Internet use in a family context: Influence on family relationships and parental mediation. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 10(5), 640-644.
  • Stefannescu, C., Chirita V., Chirita R., & Chele G. (2007). Network identity, The Internet addiction and Romanian teenagers. Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Engineering Education, pp. 2062 Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, July 24-26.
  • Şahin, M. C. (2009). Yeni bin yılın öğrencilerinin özellikleri. Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2), 1551 [Çevrim-içi: ], Erişim tarihi: 13.05.2013.
  • Van Rompaey, V., Roe K., & Struys K. (2002). Children and the Internet: Adoption in the Family Context, Communication & Society, 5(2), 189–206.
  • Yasser Khazaal, Gabriel Thorens, Riaz Khan, and others (2008). French validation of the Internet addiction test. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(6) , 703-706
  • Yenilmez, Y. ve Seferoglu, S. S. (2013). Sanal zorbalık ve öğretmenlerin farkındalık durumlarına bir bakış. Eğitim ve Bilim [Education and Science], 38(169), 420-432.
  • Young, K. S. (1996). Internet addiction: the emergence of a new clinical disorder. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 1(3), 237-244.
  • Young, K. S. (1997). What makes the internet addictive: potential explanations for pathological internet use. Yayınlanmış Amerikan Psikoloji Örgütü 105. yıl Konferansı Semineri, Washington, D.C.
  • Young, K. S. (1998). Center for Internet addiction. Internet addiction test (IAT). [Available online at: ], Retrieved on 26.11.2012.
  • Young, K. S., & Rogers, R. C. (1998). The relationship between depression and internet addiction. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 1, 3-8.
  • Young, K. S. (1999a). Internet addiction: symptoms, evaluation and treatment. In L. Van de Creek, & X. Jackson, Innovations in clinical practice: a source book, 17, 19-31. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
  • Young, K. S. (1999b). Internet addiction: evaluation and treatment. Student British Medical Journal, 7, 351–352.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Necmi Eşgi This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 28 Issue: 28-3


APA Eşgi, N. (2013). Dijital Yerli Çocukların ve Dijital Göçmen Ebeveynlerinin İnternet Bağımlılığına İlişkin Algılarının Karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(28-3), 181-194.