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Year 2013, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 1 - 14, 01.06.2013


This longitudinal study has two phases: The first phase completed in 2007-2008 academic term was an attempt to probe into pragmatic comprehension levels of second language (L2) learners as measured by the recognition of speech acts and conversational implicatures (Alagözlü & Büyüköztürk, 2009). Using One Group Pretest-Posttest Research Design and considering the first measurement as a pretest, in the second phase of the study conducted in 2010-2011 academic year, pragmatic comprehension levels of the Turkish learners of English are tested once more after three and a half years of formal instruction with a paired t-test of pre and post-scores of the same learners, which did not indicate a statistically significant difference between the scores (p>0,05), therefore, an improvement between the scores of two measurements of pragmatic comprehension of speech acts and conversational implicatures in aural discourse.


  • Alagözlü, N. &Ş.Büyüköztürk. (2009). Aural Pragmatic Comprehension. Novitas Royal Youth Journal pp. 83-92
  • Alagözlü, N. (2012). English as a Foreign Language Cul-De-Sac in Turkey Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 47, 2012, Pages 1757-1761
  • Andersen, A. and Lynch, T. (2000). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Austin, J.L. (1976). How to do things with words. Oxford : Oxford University Press
  • Blum-Kulka, S. (1989). Playing it safe: The role of Conventionality in Indirectness. In Shosana Blum-Kulka, Juliane House, Gabriele Kasper. (Eds) Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Volume XXXI pp. 37-71 Ablex, Norwood New Jersey.
  • Bouton ,L. (1988). A crosscultral study of ability to interpret implictures in English. World Englishes. 7: 183-196
  • Bouton, L. (1994). Conversational implicature in a second language: Learned slowly when not deliberately taught.
  • Journal of Pragmatics, 22, 157-167. Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Canale and Swain (1983). From Communicative competence to language pedagogy . In J. Richards &R. Schmidt (Eds.)
  • Language and communication (pp 2-27) London: Longman Geis, M.L. (2006). Speech acts and conversational interaction. New York
  • Demirel, Ö. (1991). Türkiye'de yabancı dil ögretmeni yetiştirmede karşılaşılan güçlükler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Vol.6 pp. 25-39
  • Demi r e l, Ö. (1999). Kuramdan Uygulamaya Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. PegemA. Ankara
  • Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., N. Hyams (2003). An Introducion to Language. 7th Edition. Boston: Thomson&Heinle
  • Garcia, P. (2004a). Developmental Differences in Speech Act Recognition: A Pragmatic Awareness Study Language Awareness Vol. 13 No.2 96–115
  • Garcia, P. (2004b). Pragmatic Comprehension of High and Low Level Language Learners TESL-EJ Vol. 8. No.2 Retrieved on 12 March, 2012
  • Gebhard, J. 2000. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language: A Teacher Self –development and methodology Guide. USA: The University of Michigan Press.
  • Gilakjani, A., & Ahmadi, M. (2011). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English Listening Comprehension and the Strategies for Improvement. Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, 2(5), 977-988. doi:10.4304/jltr.2.5.977-988
  • Grice, H.P. ( 1975 ). Grice, H.P. (1975). ‘Logic and conversation’ In Cole, P. & Morgan, J. (eds.) Syntax and Semantics, Volume 3. New York: Academic Press. pp. 41-58.
  • Işık, A. 2008 Yabancı Dil Eğitimimizdeki Yanlışlar Nereden Kaynaklanıyor? Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies Vol.4, No.2, October
  • Kasper, G. (2009). L2 Pragmatic Development in William C Ritchie; Tej K Bhatia (eds). The new handbook of second language acquisition Emerald, Bingley.
  • Kintch, W & T.A. Van Dijk. (1978). Toward a model of text comprehension and production Psychological Review 85 pp. 363-39
  • Sakarya-Maden, S. (2000).Vergleich des alten und des neuen Cu r r i c u l ums. Berufsbezogene Deutschlehrerausbildung. Dokumentation Z um Wo r k s h op am 26./27.Mai 2000 İstanbul, 45-56
  • Shiffrin, D. (1994). Approaches to Discourse. Blackwell, Oxford
  • Taguchi, N. (2009). Corpus-Informed Assessment of Comprehension of Conversational Implicatures in L2 English TESOL Quarterly Volume 43, Issue 4, pp 739–750.
  • Uslu, Z. (2006). Almanca Öğretmenliği Lisans Programına İlişkin Ogrencı Görüşleri Işığında 2006-2007 Öğretim Yılında Yapılan Değişikliklerin Değerlendirilmesi: Dicle Üniversitesi Örneği. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi Http://Egitim.Cu.Edu.Tr/Efdergi/Download/2006.2.32.67.Pdf
  • Olshtain, E & Cohen, A. (1991) Teaching speech act behaviour to non-native speakers. In Marianne Celce- Murcia (ed.) Teaching English as a second or foreign language (pp. 154-167) Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Osada, N. (2004). Listening Comprehension Research : A brief review of the past thirty years. Dialogue Vol 3 pp53-66 retrieved on Jan 10 th, 2012 from
  • Van. Dijk , T.A. ( 1977) Text and context: Explorations in the semantics and pragmatics of discourse. London: Longman.
  • Van Dijk, T.A. & Kintch,W. (1983) Strategies of Discourse comprehension Academic Press. Retrieved
  • Wilson, D. and D. Sperber (2004) "Relevance theory." In: Handbook of Pragmatics. Eds. G. Ward and L. Horn. Oxford: Blackwell, 607-632. Retrieved from
  • YÖK, (1999). Türkiye'de Öğretmen Eğitiminde Standartlar ve Akreditasyon. YÖK/Dünya Bankası Milli Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi. Ankara

Aural Pragma-Linguistic Comprehension: A Longitudinal Study

Year 2013, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 1 - 14, 01.06.2013


Bu boylamsal çalışma iki aşamalıdır: 2007-2008 öğretim yılında tamamlanan ilk aşamada ikinci dil öğreniminde edimsel anlama seviyelerini araştırılmıştır (Alagözlü ve Büyüköztürk, 2009). 2010-2011 akademik yılının ikinci döneminde gerçekleştirilen ikinci aşamada ise iletişimsel yetinin edimsel boyutuna sınırlı kalarak, aynı öğrencilerin edimsel anlama seviyeleri, Tek Grup Öntest-Sontest Araştırma Modeli kullanarak üç buçuk yıllık yapılandırılmış öğretim süresi sonucunda bir kez daha ölçülmüştür. Bu ikinci ölçümün amacı, yapılandırılmış öğrenimin öğrencilerin işitsel edimsel anlamalarında, yani ikinci dilde sözeylemleri ve konuşma sezdirilerini anlamada herhangi bir gelişme veya değişme gösterip göstermediklerini araştırmaktır. Her iki ölçüm tek örneklem t-test ile karşılaştırılmış ve sonuçlar, sözeylemleri ve konuşma sezdirilerini içeren dinleme edimsel anlama seviyelerinde ön test ve son test sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık (p>0,05) bulunmadığını göstermiştir.


  • Alagözlü, N. &Ş.Büyüköztürk. (2009). Aural Pragmatic Comprehension. Novitas Royal Youth Journal pp. 83-92
  • Alagözlü, N. (2012). English as a Foreign Language Cul-De-Sac in Turkey Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 47, 2012, Pages 1757-1761
  • Andersen, A. and Lynch, T. (2000). Listening. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Austin, J.L. (1976). How to do things with words. Oxford : Oxford University Press
  • Blum-Kulka, S. (1989). Playing it safe: The role of Conventionality in Indirectness. In Shosana Blum-Kulka, Juliane House, Gabriele Kasper. (Eds) Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Volume XXXI pp. 37-71 Ablex, Norwood New Jersey.
  • Bouton ,L. (1988). A crosscultral study of ability to interpret implictures in English. World Englishes. 7: 183-196
  • Bouton, L. (1994). Conversational implicature in a second language: Learned slowly when not deliberately taught.
  • Journal of Pragmatics, 22, 157-167. Buck, G. (2001). Assessing Listening. New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Canale and Swain (1983). From Communicative competence to language pedagogy . In J. Richards &R. Schmidt (Eds.)
  • Language and communication (pp 2-27) London: Longman Geis, M.L. (2006). Speech acts and conversational interaction. New York
  • Demirel, Ö. (1991). Türkiye'de yabancı dil ögretmeni yetiştirmede karşılaşılan güçlükler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Vol.6 pp. 25-39
  • Demi r e l, Ö. (1999). Kuramdan Uygulamaya Eğitimde Program Geliştirme. PegemA. Ankara
  • Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., N. Hyams (2003). An Introducion to Language. 7th Edition. Boston: Thomson&Heinle
  • Garcia, P. (2004a). Developmental Differences in Speech Act Recognition: A Pragmatic Awareness Study Language Awareness Vol. 13 No.2 96–115
  • Garcia, P. (2004b). Pragmatic Comprehension of High and Low Level Language Learners TESL-EJ Vol. 8. No.2 Retrieved on 12 March, 2012
  • Gebhard, J. 2000. Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language: A Teacher Self –development and methodology Guide. USA: The University of Michigan Press.
  • Gilakjani, A., & Ahmadi, M. (2011). A Study of Factors Affecting EFL Learners' English Listening Comprehension and the Strategies for Improvement. Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, 2(5), 977-988. doi:10.4304/jltr.2.5.977-988
  • Grice, H.P. ( 1975 ). Grice, H.P. (1975). ‘Logic and conversation’ In Cole, P. & Morgan, J. (eds.) Syntax and Semantics, Volume 3. New York: Academic Press. pp. 41-58.
  • Işık, A. 2008 Yabancı Dil Eğitimimizdeki Yanlışlar Nereden Kaynaklanıyor? Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies Vol.4, No.2, October
  • Kasper, G. (2009). L2 Pragmatic Development in William C Ritchie; Tej K Bhatia (eds). The new handbook of second language acquisition Emerald, Bingley.
  • Kintch, W & T.A. Van Dijk. (1978). Toward a model of text comprehension and production Psychological Review 85 pp. 363-39
  • Sakarya-Maden, S. (2000).Vergleich des alten und des neuen Cu r r i c u l ums. Berufsbezogene Deutschlehrerausbildung. Dokumentation Z um Wo r k s h op am 26./27.Mai 2000 İstanbul, 45-56
  • Shiffrin, D. (1994). Approaches to Discourse. Blackwell, Oxford
  • Taguchi, N. (2009). Corpus-Informed Assessment of Comprehension of Conversational Implicatures in L2 English TESOL Quarterly Volume 43, Issue 4, pp 739–750.
  • Uslu, Z. (2006). Almanca Öğretmenliği Lisans Programına İlişkin Ogrencı Görüşleri Işığında 2006-2007 Öğretim Yılında Yapılan Değişikliklerin Değerlendirilmesi: Dicle Üniversitesi Örneği. Çukurova Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi Http://Egitim.Cu.Edu.Tr/Efdergi/Download/2006.2.32.67.Pdf
  • Olshtain, E & Cohen, A. (1991) Teaching speech act behaviour to non-native speakers. In Marianne Celce- Murcia (ed.) Teaching English as a second or foreign language (pp. 154-167) Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
  • Osada, N. (2004). Listening Comprehension Research : A brief review of the past thirty years. Dialogue Vol 3 pp53-66 retrieved on Jan 10 th, 2012 from
  • Van. Dijk , T.A. ( 1977) Text and context: Explorations in the semantics and pragmatics of discourse. London: Longman.
  • Van Dijk, T.A. & Kintch,W. (1983) Strategies of Discourse comprehension Academic Press. Retrieved
  • Wilson, D. and D. Sperber (2004) "Relevance theory." In: Handbook of Pragmatics. Eds. G. Ward and L. Horn. Oxford: Blackwell, 607-632. Retrieved from
  • YÖK, (1999). Türkiye'de Öğretmen Eğitiminde Standartlar ve Akreditasyon. YÖK/Dünya Bankası Milli Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi. Ankara
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Nuray Alagözlü This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 44 Issue: 44


APA Alagözlü, N. (2013). Aural Pragma-Linguistic Comprehension: A Longitudinal Study. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 44(44), 1-14.