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Year 2013, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 189 - 197, 01.06.2013


It was investigated in this study that the effects of different feedback types on success and retention. In 20072008 academic years, 80 eighth grade students participated to study. Participants assigned to 4 groups (verbal, visual, verbal+visual, control). Subjects were asked to perform lay-up and jumping shot at the basketball lesson. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U Test were used. According to cognitive domain, there were no significant differences between verbal and control; visual and control group and differences between the other groups were significant (p<0.05). According to jump shoot success; there were no significant differences between visual and control; visual and verbal group, differences between the other groups were significant (p<0.05). According to lay-up success; there were no significant differences between visual and control, differences between the all other groups were significant (p<0.05). According to jump shoot retention; there were no significant differences between verbal and visual, differences between the all other groups were significant (p<0.05). According to lay-up retention; differences between the all groups were significant (p<0.05). As a result, different feedback types were effective on physical education lessons, verbal+visual groups was the most effective way.


  • Barzouka, K., Bergeles, N. & Hatziharistos, D. (2007) Effect of Simultaneous Model Observation and Self-Modeling of Voleyball Skills Acquisition. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 104. 32–42
  • Beashel, P.& Sibson, A. (2000). ICT-Help of Hindrance. The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 31(2), 6–8. Boyce, A. B., Jenkins, D. W., Loftus, J. R., Jason, R. & Markos, N. J. (1996) How Should Feedback Be Delivered? The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol: 67 (1): 18–22.
  • Darden, G. F. (1997). Demonstrating Motor Skills-Rethinking The Expert Demonstration. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 68(6): P. 31–35.
  • Darden, G. & Shimon, J. (2000). Revisit an "Old" Technology: Videotape Feedback for Motor Skill Learning and Performance. Strategies, 13(3), 17–21.
  • Delgado, A. R. & Prieto, G. (2003). The Effect of Item Feedback on Multiple-Choice Test Responses. British Journal of Psychology, Vol. 94, pp. 73-85.
  • Edward, P. H. & Dennis, L. (1994) Effect of a Learning Model and Augmented Feedback on Tenis Skill Acquisition. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport Vol. 65 (3) 250–257
  • Guadognoli, N., Holcomb W. & Davis B. (2002) The Efficacy of Video Feedback for Learning The Golf Swing. Journal of Sport Sciences. 20 (8) 615–622
  • Hand, J. & Sidaway, B. (1992). Relative Frequency of Modeling Effects on the Performance and Retention of a Motor Skill. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (1-Supplement), 57.
  • Hebert, P. H. & Landin, D. (1994) Effects of a Learning Model and Augmented Feedback on Tenis Skill Acquisition. Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport. Vol:65, No. 3, 250–257
  • Hebert, E. & Landin, D. (1997). Videotape Feedback in Skill Acquisition. Paper Presented at Southern District AHPERD conference, New Orleans, LA, February.
  • Ignico, A. (1997). The Effects of Interactive Videotape Instruction on Knowledge, Performance and Assesment or Sport Skills. Physical Educator. Vol. 50 58–63
  • Jambor, E. A. & Weekes, E. M. (1995). Videotape Feedback: Make it More Effective. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 66 No. 2 pp. 48–50.
  • Jambor, E. A. (1996). Beyond Language Barriers: Teaching Techniques for Swimming. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 34–36.
  • Janelle, C. M., Barba, D. A., Frehlich, S. G., Tennant, L. K. & Cauraugh, J. H. (1997). Maximizing Performance Effectiveness Through Videotape Replay and a Selfcontrolled Learning Environment. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 68, Pp. 269–279.
  • Kluka, D. A. (1999) Motor Behavior: From Learning to Performance. United States: Morton Publishing Co. 197–203
  • Lee, T. D., Swinnen, S. P. & Serrien, D. J. (1994). Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning. Quest, 46, 328–344.
  • McCullagh, P. & Caird, J. K. (1990). Correct and Learning Models and the Use of Model Knowledge of Results in the Acquisition and Retention of a Motor Skill. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 18, 107–1 16.
  • McCullagh, P. & Meyer, K. N. (1997). Learning Versus Correct Models: Influence of Model Type on the Learning of a Free-Weight Squat Lift. Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport. Vol. 68, No.1 pp. 56–61.
  • Merian, T. & Baumberger, B. (2007) Le Feedback Vidéo en Éducation Physique Scolaire. Staps: Revue Internationale Des Sciences Du Sport Et De L'education Physique. No: 76, 107–120
  • Mohnsen, B. S. & Thompson, C. (1997). Video Technology in Physical Education. Strategies, 10 (6), 8–11.
  • Moston, M. & Ashworth,S. (2002) Teaching Physical Education (5 th ed.) San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings Publish
  • Rothstein, A. L. (1981). Using Feedback to Enhance Learning and Performance With Emphasis on Videotape Replay. Sports Science Periodical on Research and Technology in Sport, 1, 1–7
  • Schmidt, R. A. & Lee, T. D. (1999). Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis (3 th ed.). Champaign, Human Kinetics. 332–333
  • Schmidt, R. A. & Wrisberg, C. A. (2004) Motor Learning and Performance (3 rd ed). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • Siedentop, D. (1991). Generic Instructional Strategies. James Bull (Ed), Developing Teaching Skills in Physical Education. (205–223), Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co.
  • Sidaway, B. & Hand, J. (1993). Frequency of Modeling Effects on the Acquisition and Retention of a Motor Skill. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 64 (1), 122–126.
  • Taylor, S. L. (2006). A Study of The Effectiveness of Modern Digital Imaging Techniques with Middle School Physical Education Students During the Development and Acquisition of Motor Skılls. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The Florida State University College of Education.
  • Turner, T. (1998) A Concise Guide for the Teacher-Coach to Successfully Observe and Correct Motor Skills. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 69 No. 3 pp. 7–9
  • Wang, J. & Griffin, M. (1998). Early Correction of Movement Errors Can Help Student Performance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol:69, No:4

Beden Eğitimi Derslerinde Kullanılan Farklı Tür Dönütlerin Erişi ve Kalıcılığa Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 44 Issue: 44, 189 - 197, 01.06.2013


Beden eğitimi derslerinde kullanılan farklı dönütlerin başarı ve kalıcılığa etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, 2007-2008 öğretim yılında 8. sınıfta 4 grupta (sözel, görsel, sözel+görsel, kontrol) 80 öğrenci ile basketbolda turnike ve sıçrayarak şut konularında yapılmıştır. Kruskal-Wallis ve Mann Whitney-U Testleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgularda; bilişsel alanda, sözel ve kontrol, görsel ve kontrol grupları arasındaki farklar anlamlı bulunmazken diğer gruplar arasındaki farklar anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Devinişsel alan sıçrayarak şut erişi puanlarında, görsel ve kontrol, sözel ve görsel gruplar arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmazken diğer gruplar arasındaki farklar anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Turnike erişi puanlarında görsel ve kontrol grubu arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmazken diğer gruplar arasındaki farklar anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sıçrayarak şut kalıcılık puanlarında, sözel ve görsel gruplar arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmazken diğer gruplar arasındaki farklar anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Turnike kalıcılık puanlarında tüm gruplar arasındaki fark anlamlı bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Sonuçta, beden eğitimi derslerinde kullanılan farklı dönütlerin başarıya etkisinin olduğu, en fazla etkinin sözel+görsel dönüt grubunda olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Barzouka, K., Bergeles, N. & Hatziharistos, D. (2007) Effect of Simultaneous Model Observation and Self-Modeling of Voleyball Skills Acquisition. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 104. 32–42
  • Beashel, P.& Sibson, A. (2000). ICT-Help of Hindrance. The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 31(2), 6–8. Boyce, A. B., Jenkins, D. W., Loftus, J. R., Jason, R. & Markos, N. J. (1996) How Should Feedback Be Delivered? The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol: 67 (1): 18–22.
  • Darden, G. F. (1997). Demonstrating Motor Skills-Rethinking The Expert Demonstration. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 68(6): P. 31–35.
  • Darden, G. & Shimon, J. (2000). Revisit an "Old" Technology: Videotape Feedback for Motor Skill Learning and Performance. Strategies, 13(3), 17–21.
  • Delgado, A. R. & Prieto, G. (2003). The Effect of Item Feedback on Multiple-Choice Test Responses. British Journal of Psychology, Vol. 94, pp. 73-85.
  • Edward, P. H. & Dennis, L. (1994) Effect of a Learning Model and Augmented Feedback on Tenis Skill Acquisition. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport Vol. 65 (3) 250–257
  • Guadognoli, N., Holcomb W. & Davis B. (2002) The Efficacy of Video Feedback for Learning The Golf Swing. Journal of Sport Sciences. 20 (8) 615–622
  • Hand, J. & Sidaway, B. (1992). Relative Frequency of Modeling Effects on the Performance and Retention of a Motor Skill. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63 (1-Supplement), 57.
  • Hebert, P. H. & Landin, D. (1994) Effects of a Learning Model and Augmented Feedback on Tenis Skill Acquisition. Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport. Vol:65, No. 3, 250–257
  • Hebert, E. & Landin, D. (1997). Videotape Feedback in Skill Acquisition. Paper Presented at Southern District AHPERD conference, New Orleans, LA, February.
  • Ignico, A. (1997). The Effects of Interactive Videotape Instruction on Knowledge, Performance and Assesment or Sport Skills. Physical Educator. Vol. 50 58–63
  • Jambor, E. A. & Weekes, E. M. (1995). Videotape Feedback: Make it More Effective. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 66 No. 2 pp. 48–50.
  • Jambor, E. A. (1996). Beyond Language Barriers: Teaching Techniques for Swimming. Journal of Physical Education Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 34–36.
  • Janelle, C. M., Barba, D. A., Frehlich, S. G., Tennant, L. K. & Cauraugh, J. H. (1997). Maximizing Performance Effectiveness Through Videotape Replay and a Selfcontrolled Learning Environment. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 68, Pp. 269–279.
  • Kluka, D. A. (1999) Motor Behavior: From Learning to Performance. United States: Morton Publishing Co. 197–203
  • Lee, T. D., Swinnen, S. P. & Serrien, D. J. (1994). Cognitive Effort and Motor Learning. Quest, 46, 328–344.
  • McCullagh, P. & Caird, J. K. (1990). Correct and Learning Models and the Use of Model Knowledge of Results in the Acquisition and Retention of a Motor Skill. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 18, 107–1 16.
  • McCullagh, P. & Meyer, K. N. (1997). Learning Versus Correct Models: Influence of Model Type on the Learning of a Free-Weight Squat Lift. Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport. Vol. 68, No.1 pp. 56–61.
  • Merian, T. & Baumberger, B. (2007) Le Feedback Vidéo en Éducation Physique Scolaire. Staps: Revue Internationale Des Sciences Du Sport Et De L'education Physique. No: 76, 107–120
  • Mohnsen, B. S. & Thompson, C. (1997). Video Technology in Physical Education. Strategies, 10 (6), 8–11.
  • Moston, M. & Ashworth,S. (2002) Teaching Physical Education (5 th ed.) San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings Publish
  • Rothstein, A. L. (1981). Using Feedback to Enhance Learning and Performance With Emphasis on Videotape Replay. Sports Science Periodical on Research and Technology in Sport, 1, 1–7
  • Schmidt, R. A. & Lee, T. D. (1999). Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis (3 th ed.). Champaign, Human Kinetics. 332–333
  • Schmidt, R. A. & Wrisberg, C. A. (2004) Motor Learning and Performance (3 rd ed). Champaign IL: Human Kinetics Publishers.
  • Siedentop, D. (1991). Generic Instructional Strategies. James Bull (Ed), Developing Teaching Skills in Physical Education. (205–223), Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co.
  • Sidaway, B. & Hand, J. (1993). Frequency of Modeling Effects on the Acquisition and Retention of a Motor Skill. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 64 (1), 122–126.
  • Taylor, S. L. (2006). A Study of The Effectiveness of Modern Digital Imaging Techniques with Middle School Physical Education Students During the Development and Acquisition of Motor Skılls. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The Florida State University College of Education.
  • Turner, T. (1998) A Concise Guide for the Teacher-Coach to Successfully Observe and Correct Motor Skills. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol. 69 No. 3 pp. 7–9
  • Wang, J. & Griffin, M. (1998). Early Correction of Movement Errors Can Help Student Performance. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Vol:69, No:4
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Murat Kangalgil This is me

Giyasettin Demirhan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 44 Issue: 44


APA Kangalgil, M., & Demirhan, G. (2013). Beden Eğitimi Derslerinde Kullanılan Farklı Tür Dönütlerin Erişi ve Kalıcılığa Etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 44(44), 189-197.