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Year 1993, Volume: 11 , 23 - 40, 31.12.1993


Makaleye ait öz bulunmamaktadır.        


  • AKAD, Mehmet (1984), Teori ve Uygulama Açısından 1961 Anayasasının 10, Maddesi (Istanbul).
  • BARRY, Norman P.(1986), On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (Macmillan).
  • BARRY, Norman P. (1989), An Introduction to Modem Political Theory (Macmillan, 2nd. ed.),
  • BERLIN, Isaiah (1969), "Two Concepts of Liberty", Four Essays On Liberty (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 1 18-72.
  • CRANSTON, Maurice (1954), Freedom: A New Analysis (Longmans, Green and Co.).
  • CRANS¶ON, Maurice (1990), Hakiarž Nelerdiffl", Çev„ A. Yayla, Yeni Forum, n. 253 (Haziran), ss. 41-3.
  • DONNELLY, Jack (1989), Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice (Cornell University Press).
  • DOWRÎCK, F.E. (1979), "Introduction", Dowrick (ed.), Human Rights (University of Durham).
  • ERDOÖAN, Mustafa (1990), "Liberal Düsünce Geleneèi", Yeni Forum, n. 242 (Mayls), ss. 20-34. Bu makale, yazann Liberal Toplum Liberal Siyaset (Ankara 1993) adli kitablnda "Siyasi Düsüncede Liberal Gelenek" achyla yeniden SS. 15-59.
  • ERDOÖAN, Mustafa (1993), "Adalet, Özgürlük, Refah", Sosyopoliti-k Yak1a91-m, n, I (Subat-Mart), ss. 108-117.
  • FREEDEN, Michael (1991), Rights (Open University Press),
  • GEWIRTH, Alan (1992), "Are There Any Absolute Rights", Jeremy Waldron (ed.), Theories cf Rights (Oxford University Press) içinde, SS. 91-109.
  • GOWER, Barry (1979), "Understanding Rights: An Analysis of A Problem", Dowrick (ed.), a.g.e. içinde, ss. 51-61.
  • GRAEFRATH, Bernd (1991)p "Hume's Metaethical Cognitivism and Natural Law 'Theory", The of Value Inquiry, v. 25, ss. 73-79.
  • GRAY, John (1980), "On Negative and Positive Liberty", Political Studies,v. 28, SS. 507-26.
  • HART, H. L. A. (1992), "Are There Any Natural Rights?", Waldron (ed.), a.g„e., içinde, ss. 77-90. KABOCLU, Ibrahim Ö. (1989), Kollektif ÖzgürIükler (Diyarbakir).
  • KANT, Immanuel (1991), Political Writings, (trans., H. B. Nisbet), Hans Reiss (ed.), (Cambridge University Press).
  • KUBALI, Hüseyin (1971), Anayasa Hukuku Dersleri (Istanbul).
  • KUÇURADt, İonna (1982), "Felsefe ve Insan Hakiari", insan Haklarmm Felsefi Temelleri (Ankara) içinde, 49-54.
  • KUÇURADt,İonna (1988a), "Özgürlük ve Kavramlan", Uludaž Konu¶nalan (Ankara) içinde, ss. 1-19.
  • KUÇURAD!,İtonna (1988b), "World Problems' From the View-point of Human Rights", Philosophy Facing World Problems (Ankara) içinde, ss. 57-71.
  • MACDONALD, Margaret(1992), "Natural Rights", Waldron (ed.), a.g,e., içinde, SS. 21-40.
  • MEGONE, Christopher (1987), "One Concept of Liberty", Political Studies,v. 35, SS. 611-22.
  • MILNE, A. J. M. (1979), 'The Idea ofHuman Rights: A Critical Inquiry", Dowrick (ed.), a,g.e. içinde, ss. 23-40.
  • RAND, Ayn (1990), "Insamn Haklan", Çev., A. Yayla, Y:eni Forum, n, 250 (Mart), ss. 68-71.
  • RAPHAEL, D. D. (1990), Problems of political Philosophy (Humanities Press International, Inc.)
  • SAVAŞ Vural Fuat (1993), Anayasal iktisat (Izmir, 2. b).
  • SCANLON, T. M. (1988), "Rights, Goats, and Fairness", Samuel Schemer (ed.), Consequentialåsm and Its Critics (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 74-92.
  • SCHEFFLER, Samuel (1988), "Introduction", Schemer (ed.), içinde, SS. 1l-13.
  • TAYLOR, Charles (1979). 'What's Wrong With Negative Liberty", Alan Ryan (ed.), The Idea of Freedom (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 175-93.
  • WALDRON, Jeremy (1992), "Introduction", Waldron (ed.), a.g,e, içinde, ss. 1-20.
Year 1993, Volume: 11 , 23 - 40, 31.12.1993



  • AKAD, Mehmet (1984), Teori ve Uygulama Açısından 1961 Anayasasının 10, Maddesi (Istanbul).
  • BARRY, Norman P.(1986), On Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (Macmillan).
  • BARRY, Norman P. (1989), An Introduction to Modem Political Theory (Macmillan, 2nd. ed.),
  • BERLIN, Isaiah (1969), "Two Concepts of Liberty", Four Essays On Liberty (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 1 18-72.
  • CRANSTON, Maurice (1954), Freedom: A New Analysis (Longmans, Green and Co.).
  • CRANS¶ON, Maurice (1990), Hakiarž Nelerdiffl", Çev„ A. Yayla, Yeni Forum, n. 253 (Haziran), ss. 41-3.
  • DONNELLY, Jack (1989), Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice (Cornell University Press).
  • DOWRÎCK, F.E. (1979), "Introduction", Dowrick (ed.), Human Rights (University of Durham).
  • ERDOÖAN, Mustafa (1990), "Liberal Düsünce Geleneèi", Yeni Forum, n. 242 (Mayls), ss. 20-34. Bu makale, yazann Liberal Toplum Liberal Siyaset (Ankara 1993) adli kitablnda "Siyasi Düsüncede Liberal Gelenek" achyla yeniden SS. 15-59.
  • ERDOÖAN, Mustafa (1993), "Adalet, Özgürlük, Refah", Sosyopoliti-k Yak1a91-m, n, I (Subat-Mart), ss. 108-117.
  • FREEDEN, Michael (1991), Rights (Open University Press),
  • GEWIRTH, Alan (1992), "Are There Any Absolute Rights", Jeremy Waldron (ed.), Theories cf Rights (Oxford University Press) içinde, SS. 91-109.
  • GOWER, Barry (1979), "Understanding Rights: An Analysis of A Problem", Dowrick (ed.), a.g.e. içinde, ss. 51-61.
  • GRAEFRATH, Bernd (1991)p "Hume's Metaethical Cognitivism and Natural Law 'Theory", The of Value Inquiry, v. 25, ss. 73-79.
  • GRAY, John (1980), "On Negative and Positive Liberty", Political Studies,v. 28, SS. 507-26.
  • HART, H. L. A. (1992), "Are There Any Natural Rights?", Waldron (ed.), a.g„e., içinde, ss. 77-90. KABOCLU, Ibrahim Ö. (1989), Kollektif ÖzgürIükler (Diyarbakir).
  • KANT, Immanuel (1991), Political Writings, (trans., H. B. Nisbet), Hans Reiss (ed.), (Cambridge University Press).
  • KUBALI, Hüseyin (1971), Anayasa Hukuku Dersleri (Istanbul).
  • KUÇURADt, İonna (1982), "Felsefe ve Insan Hakiari", insan Haklarmm Felsefi Temelleri (Ankara) içinde, 49-54.
  • KUÇURADt,İonna (1988a), "Özgürlük ve Kavramlan", Uludaž Konu¶nalan (Ankara) içinde, ss. 1-19.
  • KUÇURAD!,İtonna (1988b), "World Problems' From the View-point of Human Rights", Philosophy Facing World Problems (Ankara) içinde, ss. 57-71.
  • MACDONALD, Margaret(1992), "Natural Rights", Waldron (ed.), a.g,e., içinde, SS. 21-40.
  • MEGONE, Christopher (1987), "One Concept of Liberty", Political Studies,v. 35, SS. 611-22.
  • MILNE, A. J. M. (1979), 'The Idea ofHuman Rights: A Critical Inquiry", Dowrick (ed.), a,g.e. içinde, ss. 23-40.
  • RAND, Ayn (1990), "Insamn Haklan", Çev., A. Yayla, Y:eni Forum, n, 250 (Mart), ss. 68-71.
  • RAPHAEL, D. D. (1990), Problems of political Philosophy (Humanities Press International, Inc.)
  • SAVAŞ Vural Fuat (1993), Anayasal iktisat (Izmir, 2. b).
  • SCANLON, T. M. (1988), "Rights, Goats, and Fairness", Samuel Schemer (ed.), Consequentialåsm and Its Critics (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 74-92.
  • SCHEFFLER, Samuel (1988), "Introduction", Schemer (ed.), içinde, SS. 1l-13.
  • TAYLOR, Charles (1979). 'What's Wrong With Negative Liberty", Alan Ryan (ed.), The Idea of Freedom (Oxford University Press) içinde, ss. 175-93.
  • WALDRON, Jeremy (1992), "Introduction", Waldron (ed.), a.g,e, içinde, ss. 1-20.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Erdoğan This is me

Publication Date December 31, 1993
Submission Date January 1, 1993
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 11


APA Erdoğan, M. (1993). İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 11, 23-40.
AMA Erdoğan M. İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. December 1993;11:23-40.
Chicago Erdoğan, Mustafa. “İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 11, December (December 1993): 23-40.
EndNote Erdoğan M (December 1, 1993) İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 11 23–40.
IEEE M. Erdoğan, “İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 11, pp. 23–40, 1993.
ISNAD Erdoğan, Mustafa. “İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 11 (December 1993), 23-40.
JAMA Erdoğan M. İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1993;11:23–40.
MLA Erdoğan, Mustafa. “İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ”. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 11, 1993, pp. 23-40.
Vancouver Erdoğan M. İNSAN HAKLARI ÖĞRETİSİNE GİRİŞ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 1993;11:23-40.

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