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Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğunda Şanlıurfa'da Görev Yapmakta Olan Pediatristlerin Bilgi ve Tutumları

Year 2014, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 223 - 230, 15.12.2014


Amaç: Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu(DEHB) çocukluk çağında sık görülmektedir. Günlük
pratik içerisinde bu çocukların pediatri uzmanlarıyla karşılaşma ihtimalleri daha yüksektir. Pediatristlerin
uzmanlık eğitimi içerisine Çocuk Psikiyatri rotasyonu son yıllarda eklenmiştir. Çalışmamızda Dikkat
Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu hakkında Şanlıurfa'da görev yapmakta olan pediatristlerin bilgi ve
tutumlarının araştırılması hedeflenmiştir.
Materyal ve Metod: Şanlıurfa ilinde, devlet veya özel hastanelerde çalışan 38 pediatristin Dikkat Eksikliği
Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu ile ilgili 46 sorudan oluşan doğru, yanlış seklinde cevapları olan bir anket
doldurmaları istendi. Anket hekimlerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri yaş, cinsiyet, hekimlik süreleri gibi ve
Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu hakkında genel bilgilere ilişkin sorular içermekteydi.
Bulgular: Yapılan anket sonuçlarında %44.7 Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu tanısı
koyabileceğini %39.5 tanı ölçütlerini bilmediğini, %34.2 DEHB tanısı konan bir çocuğun çocuk
psikiyatrisinden önce çocuk nörolojisine gitmesi gerektiği, % 26.3 ilaçların ciddi yan etkileri olduğunu,
%10.5 ise ilaçların bağımlılık yapabileceğini belirtmişlerdir.
Sonuç: Bu bulgular pediatristlerin sık görülen Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu ile ilgili genel
tutumlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Pediatri uzmanlık eğitimi içerisine konulan Çocuk Psikiyatri rotasyonunun
bu alandaki bilgilenmeyi arttıracağı ve yararlı olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • 1) American Psychiatric Association. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, American Psychiatric Association, Arlington, VA 2013. p.59 2) Committee on Quality Improvement S on A-DD. Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Child With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics. 2000;105(5):1158-1170. 3) Castellanos FX. Developmental Trajectories of Brain Volume Abnormalities in Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA. American Medical Association; 2002;288(14):1740. 4) Durston S, Hulshoff Pol HE, Schnack HG, Buitelaar JK, Steenhuis MP, Minderaa RB, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of boys with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder and their unaffected siblings. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2004;43(3):332-40. 5) Kieling C, Goncalves RRF, Tannock R, Castellanos FX. Neurobiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. 2008;17(2):285-307. 6) Vincent A, Guerard M. My Brain Needs Glasses: Living with Hyperactivity. 2004 7) Asheim H, Nilsen KB, Stordahl H, Johansen K. [Prescription of central nervous system stimulants]. Tidsskrift for den Norske lægeforening : tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny række . 2001;121(8):908-10. 8) Jadad AR, Boyle M, Cunningham C, Kim M, Schachar R. Treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary) . 1999;(11): 1-341. 9) Huang H-L, Chao C-C, Tu C-C, Yang P-C. Behavioral parent training for Taiwanese parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2003;57(3):275-81. 10) Olfson M, Gameroff MJ, Marcus SC, Jensen PS. National trends in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The American journal of psychiatry. 2003;160(6):1071-7. 11) Schilling DL, Washington K, Billingsley FF, Deitz J. Classroom seating for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: therapy balls versus chairs. The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 57(5):534-41. 12) Döpfner M, Frölich J, Sevecke K, Lehmkuhl G. [Multimodal therapy concept in hyperkinetic disorder. Drugs alone are not enough]. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin. 2002;144(47):34-8. 13) Hazelwood E, Bovingdon T, Tiemens K. The meaning of a multimodal approach for children with ADHD: experiences of service professionals. Child: care, health and development . 2002;28(4):301-7. 14) Owens EB, Hinshaw SP, Kraemer HC, Arnold LE, Abikoff HB, Cantwell DP, et al. Which treatment for whom for ADHD? Moderators of treatment response in the MTA. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2003;71(3):540-52. 15) Ercan ES, Aydın C (1999) Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu. Ben Hasta Değilim çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıklarının psikososyal yönü. A Ekşi (ed.) 1. Baskı, Nobel TıpKitap Evleri, İstanbul, s:270-284. 16) R Glow. A validation of Conners TQ and a crosscultural comparison of prevalence of hyperactivity in children. In Burrows G, Werry J (eds). [Internet]. Advances in Human Psychopharmacology. 1980. p. 303–320. 17) Özdoğan B, Ak A, Soytürk M. Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite/Aşırı Hareketlilik Bozukluğu olan Çocukların Eğitiminde Öğretmen El Kitabı. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. 2005 18) Hirfanoğlu T, Soysal AS, Gücüyener K, Cansu A, Serdaroğlu A. Astudy of perceptions, attitudes, and level of knowledge among pediatricians towards attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. The Turkish journal of pediatrics . 50(2):160-6. 19) Thapar A, Thapar A. Is primary care ready to take on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? BMC family practice . 2002;3:7. 20) Polanczyk G, de Lima MS, Horta BL, Biederman J, Rohde LA. The worldwide prevalence of ADHD: a systematic review and metaregression analysis. The American journal of psychiatry . 2007;164(6):942-8. 21) Mannuzza S, Klein RG, Bessler A, Malloy P, LaPadula M. Adult outcome of hyperactive boys. Educational achievement, occupational rank, and psychiatric status. Archives of general psychiatry . 1993;50(7):565-76 . 22) Foy JM, Earls MF. Aprocess for developing community consensus regarding the diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics. 2005;115(1):97-104 23) Karabekiroğlu, K., Çakin-Memik, N., Özcan-Özel, O., Toros, F., Öztop, D., Özboran, B., Cengel-Kultur, E., Akbaş, S., Taşdemir, N.G., Ayaz, M., Aydın, C., Bildik, T., Erermiş, S., Yaman, A.K., "DEHB ve Otizm ile İlgili Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Damgalama: Sınıf Öğretmenleri veAnababalarla Çok Merkezli Bir Çalışma", Klinik Psikiyatri, 12, 79-89 (2009) 24) Riddle MA, Yershova K, Lazzaretto D, Paykina N, Yenokyan G, Greenhill L, et al. The Preschool AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) 6- year follow-up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2013;52(3):264-278.

Attıtude and Knowledge of Pedıatrıcıans about Attentıon Defıcıte and Hıperactıvıty Dısorder Who Works in Sanlıurfa

Year 2014, Volume: 11 Issue: 3, 223 - 230, 15.12.2014


Background: Attention Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorder is a common condition in childhood. Children
with Attention Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorder are more likely to encounter with pedistricians. Recently,
Child and Adolesan Psychiatry rotation is added to pediatry education. we aimed to evaluate pediatricians'
knowledge and attitude about Attention Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorders.

Material and Method: Thirty-eight pediatricians who work in University and state hospitals answered
questionnaire consisting of 46 questions regarding sociodemographic features, age, duration of work,
marital status, and general knowledge and management of Attention Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorder.
Results: Of pediatricians, 44.7% said that they can diagnose Attention Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorder,
%39.5 said that they did not know the protocol used in establishing the diagnosis and 26.3% think that the
medications have serious side effects, 10.5% think that medication can be addictive.
Conclusions: These findings indicate the attitude and knowledge of pediatricians about the Attention
Deficite and Hiperactivity Disorder. It's thought that child psychiatry rotations for pediatry residents will be
useful and increase knowledge of pediatricians


  • 1) American Psychiatric Association. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, American Psychiatric Association, Arlington, VA 2013. p.59 2) Committee on Quality Improvement S on A-DD. Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosis and Evaluation of the Child With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics. 2000;105(5):1158-1170. 3) Castellanos FX. Developmental Trajectories of Brain Volume Abnormalities in Children and Adolescents With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA. American Medical Association; 2002;288(14):1740. 4) Durston S, Hulshoff Pol HE, Schnack HG, Buitelaar JK, Steenhuis MP, Minderaa RB, et al. Magnetic resonance imaging of boys with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder and their unaffected siblings. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2004;43(3):332-40. 5) Kieling C, Goncalves RRF, Tannock R, Castellanos FX. Neurobiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America. 2008;17(2):285-307. 6) Vincent A, Guerard M. My Brain Needs Glasses: Living with Hyperactivity. 2004 7) Asheim H, Nilsen KB, Stordahl H, Johansen K. [Prescription of central nervous system stimulants]. Tidsskrift for den Norske lægeforening : tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny række . 2001;121(8):908-10. 8) Jadad AR, Boyle M, Cunningham C, Kim M, Schachar R. Treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary) . 1999;(11): 1-341. 9) Huang H-L, Chao C-C, Tu C-C, Yang P-C. Behavioral parent training for Taiwanese parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences. 2003;57(3):275-81. 10) Olfson M, Gameroff MJ, Marcus SC, Jensen PS. National trends in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The American journal of psychiatry. 2003;160(6):1071-7. 11) Schilling DL, Washington K, Billingsley FF, Deitz J. Classroom seating for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: therapy balls versus chairs. The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 57(5):534-41. 12) Döpfner M, Frölich J, Sevecke K, Lehmkuhl G. [Multimodal therapy concept in hyperkinetic disorder. Drugs alone are not enough]. MMW Fortschritte der Medizin. 2002;144(47):34-8. 13) Hazelwood E, Bovingdon T, Tiemens K. The meaning of a multimodal approach for children with ADHD: experiences of service professionals. Child: care, health and development . 2002;28(4):301-7. 14) Owens EB, Hinshaw SP, Kraemer HC, Arnold LE, Abikoff HB, Cantwell DP, et al. Which treatment for whom for ADHD? Moderators of treatment response in the MTA. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2003;71(3):540-52. 15) Ercan ES, Aydın C (1999) Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu. Ben Hasta Değilim çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıklarının psikososyal yönü. A Ekşi (ed.) 1. Baskı, Nobel TıpKitap Evleri, İstanbul, s:270-284. 16) R Glow. A validation of Conners TQ and a crosscultural comparison of prevalence of hyperactivity in children. In Burrows G, Werry J (eds). [Internet]. Advances in Human Psychopharmacology. 1980. p. 303–320. 17) Özdoğan B, Ak A, Soytürk M. Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite/Aşırı Hareketlilik Bozukluğu olan Çocukların Eğitiminde Öğretmen El Kitabı. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. 2005 18) Hirfanoğlu T, Soysal AS, Gücüyener K, Cansu A, Serdaroğlu A. Astudy of perceptions, attitudes, and level of knowledge among pediatricians towards attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder. The Turkish journal of pediatrics . 50(2):160-6. 19) Thapar A, Thapar A. Is primary care ready to take on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? BMC family practice . 2002;3:7. 20) Polanczyk G, de Lima MS, Horta BL, Biederman J, Rohde LA. The worldwide prevalence of ADHD: a systematic review and metaregression analysis. The American journal of psychiatry . 2007;164(6):942-8. 21) Mannuzza S, Klein RG, Bessler A, Malloy P, LaPadula M. Adult outcome of hyperactive boys. Educational achievement, occupational rank, and psychiatric status. Archives of general psychiatry . 1993;50(7):565-76 . 22) Foy JM, Earls MF. Aprocess for developing community consensus regarding the diagnosis and management of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics. 2005;115(1):97-104 23) Karabekiroğlu, K., Çakin-Memik, N., Özcan-Özel, O., Toros, F., Öztop, D., Özboran, B., Cengel-Kultur, E., Akbaş, S., Taşdemir, N.G., Ayaz, M., Aydın, C., Bildik, T., Erermiş, S., Yaman, A.K., "DEHB ve Otizm ile İlgili Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Damgalama: Sınıf Öğretmenleri veAnababalarla Çok Merkezli Bir Çalışma", Klinik Psikiyatri, 12, 79-89 (2009) 24) Riddle MA, Yershova K, Lazzaretto D, Paykina N, Yenokyan G, Greenhill L, et al. The Preschool AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Study (PATS) 6- year follow-up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2013;52(3):264-278.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Hasan Kandemir

Salih Selek

Fethiye Kılıçaslan

Hüseyin Bayazıt This is me

Suat Ekinci This is me

Sultan Basmacı Kandemir This is me

Kadir Güler This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2014
Submission Date May 9, 2014
Acceptance Date December 9, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 11 Issue: 3


Vancouver Kandemir H, Selek S, Kılıçaslan F, Bayazıt H, Ekinci S, Basmacı Kandemir S, Güler K. Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğunda Şanlıurfa’da Görev Yapmakta Olan Pediatristlerin Bilgi ve Tutumları. Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2014;11(3):223-30.

Harran Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi  / Journal of Harran University Medical Faculty