Research Article
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Effects of Nano Selenium on Performance, Egg Quality, Sperm Quality and Hatching Parameters of Breeding Quails

Year 2019, , 33 - 37, 01.07.2019


study was conducted to determine the effects of using nano selenium (Se) on
breeding quail rations on reproductive performance, weight gain, egg quality,
sperm quality, hatching parameters and liver. A total of 80 (20 males and 60
females), 10 week old quails (
coturnix Japonica
) were used in the study. The animals were divided into
two groups as control (K - inorganic sodium selenite) and experiment (D - nano
sodium selenite) with 10 replicates each having one male and three female. The
use of nano Se does not have any significant effect on productive performance,
weight gain and feed consumption. However, it decreased the egg weight (P
<0.01) and the yellow color
<0.05) and, increased the
shell weight (P
<0.001), Haugh unit and shell index (P<0.01). No significant
effect was determined in the shell thickness. Nano Se increased head defects (P
<0.05) in spermatozoa but
did not affect other morphological parameters. Nano Se decreased the fertility
and hatchability of total eggs (P
<0.05), while other hatching parameters were not
affected. Histopathologically the hepatic changes in experiment group were characterized
by fat vacuoles. As a result, the use of 0.2 mg/kg nano Se in breeding quail
rations generally has a negative effect. For this reason nano Se may be
recommended to use at lower levels.


  • Attia YA, Abdalah AA, Zeweil HS, Bovera F, Tag El-Din AA, Araft MA, 2010: Effect of inorganic or organic selenium supplementation on productive performance egg quality and some physiological traits of dual-purpose breeding hens. Czech Anim Sci, 11, 505-519.
  • Bancroft JD, Stevens A, Turner DR, 1996: Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. London, Churchill Livingstone.
  • Baylan M, Canoğulları S, Ayasan T, Copur G, 2011: Effects of dietary selenium source storeage time and temperature on the quality of quail eggs. Biol Trace Elem Res, 143, 957-964.
  • Eldin TAS, Hamady GAAH, Abdel-Moneim MA, Farroh KY, El-Reffaei WHM, 2015: Nuritional evaluation of selenium-methionine nanocomposite as a novel dietary supplement for laying hens. Journal of Anim Health and Prod, 3 (3), 64-72.
  • Hasan M, 2011: Effect of organic selenium supplementation on male quail reproduction. MSc Thesis. Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
  • Haugh RR, 1937: The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Poult Mag, 43, 552-573.
  • İsmail FSA, Mostafa MY, Azzam MMM, Gorgy MAL, 2016: Effect of some sources of antioxidants on the productive and reproductive performance of turkey hens. J Anim and Poultry Prod,7 (10), 393-401.
  • NRC (National Research Council), 1994: Nutrient Requirements of Ring-Necked Pheasants, Japanese Quail and Bobwhite Quail. Ninth Revised Ed., National Academy Press, Washington, USA.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, Babu M, 2018: Dietary nano-selenium increases egg production in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). The Indian Veterinary Journal, 95 (5), 73-75.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, 2018a: Effect of nano-selenium on fertility of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix Japonica. J Appl Zool Res, 29 (1), 100-103.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, 2018b: Effect of nano-selenium on hatchability of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix Japonica. J Appl Zool Res, 29 (1), 104-107.
  • Radwan NL, Eldin TAS, El-Zaiat AA, Mostafa MASA, 2015: Effect of dietary nano-selenium supplementation on seleneium contentand oxidative stability in table eggs and productive performance of laying hens. Int J Poult Sci, 14 (3), 161-176.
  • Sauveur B, 1988: Reproduction des Volailles et Production d’Oeufs. INRA ed., Paris, France.
  • Skrivan M, Marounek M, Englmaierova M, Skrivanova V, 2013: Influence of dietary vitamin C and selenium, alone and in combination on the performance of laying hens and quality of eggs. Czech Anim Sci, 2, 91-97.
  • SPSS, 2013: IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22.0, SPSS Inc., Mihigan Ave.,Illinois, USA., Chicago.
  • Surai PF, 2002: Selenium in poultry nutrition 1. Antioxidant properties, deficiency and toxicity. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 58, 333-347.
  • Surai PF, Fisinin VI, 2014: Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition: An update. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 191, 1-15.
  • Swain PS, Rajendran D, Rao SBN, Dominic G, 2015: Preparation and effects of nano mineral particle feeding in livestock: A review. Veterinary World, 8 (7), 888-891.
  • Uniyal S, Dutta N, Raza M, Jaiswal SK, Sahoo JK, Ashwin K, 2017: Application of nano minerals in the field of animal nutrition: A review. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 6 (4), 4-8.
  • Zdunczyk Z, Drazbo A, Jankowski J, Juskiewicz J, Antoszkiewicz Z, Troszynska A, 2013: The effect of dietary vitamin E and selenium supplements on the fatty acid profile and quality traits of eggs. Archiv Tierzucht, 72, 719-732.

Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2019, , 33 - 37, 01.07.2019


çalışma damızlık bıldırcın rasyonlarında nano selenyum (Se) kullanılmasının
verim, canlı ağırlık artışı, yumurta kalite özellikleri, sperm kalitesi,
kuluçka parametreleri ve karaciğer üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla
yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 20 erkek ve 60 dişi olmak üzere toplam 80 adet 10
haftalık yaşta bıldırcın (Coturnix
coturnix Japonica
) kullanılmıştır. Hayvanlar kontrol (K - inorganik sodyum
selenit) ve deneme (D - nano sodyum selenit) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmış,
her grup altında da her biri bir (1) erkek üç (3) dişi içeren 10 adet alt grup
oluşturulmuştur. Nano Se kullanılması verim, canlı ağırlık ve yem tüketimi
üzerine herhangi bir önemli etki oluşturmamıştır. Ancak yumurta ağırlığı (P
<0.01) ve sarı rengini (P<0,05) azaltırken, kabuk
ağırlığı (P
<0.001), Haugh birimi ve
kabuk indeksini (P
<0.01) artırdığı görülmüştür. Kabuk kalınlığında ise
herhangi bir önemli etki belirlenmemiştir. Nano Se kullanımı spermatozoalarda
başa bağlı bozukluk oranını artırmış (P
<0.05) ancak diğer morfolojik parametreleri
etkilememiştir. Nano Se döllülük oranı ve kuluçka randımanını önemli düzeyde (P
<0.05) düşürmüş, diğer
kuluçka parametrelerini ise etkilememiştir. Histopatolojik olarak deneme
grubundaki karaciğerlerde yağ vakuolleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak,
rasyonlarda 0.2 mg/kg nano Se’nin kullanılması genel olarak olumsuz bir etki
oluşturmuştur. Bu nedenle daha düşük düzeylerde kullanılması önerilebilir.


  • Attia YA, Abdalah AA, Zeweil HS, Bovera F, Tag El-Din AA, Araft MA, 2010: Effect of inorganic or organic selenium supplementation on productive performance egg quality and some physiological traits of dual-purpose breeding hens. Czech Anim Sci, 11, 505-519.
  • Bancroft JD, Stevens A, Turner DR, 1996: Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. London, Churchill Livingstone.
  • Baylan M, Canoğulları S, Ayasan T, Copur G, 2011: Effects of dietary selenium source storeage time and temperature on the quality of quail eggs. Biol Trace Elem Res, 143, 957-964.
  • Eldin TAS, Hamady GAAH, Abdel-Moneim MA, Farroh KY, El-Reffaei WHM, 2015: Nuritional evaluation of selenium-methionine nanocomposite as a novel dietary supplement for laying hens. Journal of Anim Health and Prod, 3 (3), 64-72.
  • Hasan M, 2011: Effect of organic selenium supplementation on male quail reproduction. MSc Thesis. Department of Poultry Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
  • Haugh RR, 1937: The Haugh unit for measuring egg quality. US Poult Mag, 43, 552-573.
  • İsmail FSA, Mostafa MY, Azzam MMM, Gorgy MAL, 2016: Effect of some sources of antioxidants on the productive and reproductive performance of turkey hens. J Anim and Poultry Prod,7 (10), 393-401.
  • NRC (National Research Council), 1994: Nutrient Requirements of Ring-Necked Pheasants, Japanese Quail and Bobwhite Quail. Ninth Revised Ed., National Academy Press, Washington, USA.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, Babu M, 2018: Dietary nano-selenium increases egg production in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). The Indian Veterinary Journal, 95 (5), 73-75.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, 2018a: Effect of nano-selenium on fertility of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix Japonica. J Appl Zool Res, 29 (1), 100-103.
  • Pratheebha Y, Revathi K, 2018b: Effect of nano-selenium on hatchability of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix Japonica. J Appl Zool Res, 29 (1), 104-107.
  • Radwan NL, Eldin TAS, El-Zaiat AA, Mostafa MASA, 2015: Effect of dietary nano-selenium supplementation on seleneium contentand oxidative stability in table eggs and productive performance of laying hens. Int J Poult Sci, 14 (3), 161-176.
  • Sauveur B, 1988: Reproduction des Volailles et Production d’Oeufs. INRA ed., Paris, France.
  • Skrivan M, Marounek M, Englmaierova M, Skrivanova V, 2013: Influence of dietary vitamin C and selenium, alone and in combination on the performance of laying hens and quality of eggs. Czech Anim Sci, 2, 91-97.
  • SPSS, 2013: IBM SPSS Statistics Version 22.0, SPSS Inc., Mihigan Ave.,Illinois, USA., Chicago.
  • Surai PF, 2002: Selenium in poultry nutrition 1. Antioxidant properties, deficiency and toxicity. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 58, 333-347.
  • Surai PF, Fisinin VI, 2014: Selenium in poultry breeder nutrition: An update. Anim Feed Sci Technol, 191, 1-15.
  • Swain PS, Rajendran D, Rao SBN, Dominic G, 2015: Preparation and effects of nano mineral particle feeding in livestock: A review. Veterinary World, 8 (7), 888-891.
  • Uniyal S, Dutta N, Raza M, Jaiswal SK, Sahoo JK, Ashwin K, 2017: Application of nano minerals in the field of animal nutrition: A review. Bulletin of Environment Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 6 (4), 4-8.
  • Zdunczyk Z, Drazbo A, Jankowski J, Juskiewicz J, Antoszkiewicz Z, Troszynska A, 2013: The effect of dietary vitamin E and selenium supplements on the fatty acid profile and quality traits of eggs. Archiv Tierzucht, 72, 719-732.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Ömer Sevim This is me 0000-0001-6123-4159

Onur Tatlı 0000-0003-2733-1937

Eren Kuter 0000-0003-4536-9058

Ehsan Karimiyan This is me 0000-0003-3324-1364

Mehmet Kaya This is me 0000-0003-2377-4474

Solmaz Karaarslan 0000-0002-6239-2439

Uğur Uçan This is me 0000-0001-8325-138X

B. Hakan Köksal This is me 0000-0002-5676-446X

Özcan Cengiz

Ahmet G. Önol This is me 0000-0002-7520-7423

Publication Date July 1, 2019
Submission Date December 19, 2018
Acceptance Date May 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Sevim, Ö., Tatlı, O., Kuter, E., Karimiyan, E., et al. (2019). Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 8(1), 33-37.
AMA Sevim Ö, Tatlı O, Kuter E, Karimiyan E, Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Uçan U, Köksal BH, Cengiz Ö, Önol AG. Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. July 2019;8(1):33-37. doi:10.31196/huvfd.590916
Chicago Sevim, Ömer, Onur Tatlı, Eren Kuter, Ehsan Karimiyan, Mehmet Kaya, Solmaz Karaarslan, Uğur Uçan, B. Hakan Köksal, Özcan Cengiz, and Ahmet G. Önol. “Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta Ve Sperm Kalitesi Ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8, no. 1 (July 2019): 33-37.
EndNote Sevim Ö, Tatlı O, Kuter E, Karimiyan E, Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Uçan U, Köksal BH, Cengiz Ö, Önol AG (July 1, 2019) Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8 1 33–37.
IEEE Ö. Sevim, “Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri”, Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 33–37, 2019, doi: 10.31196/huvfd.590916.
ISNAD Sevim, Ömer et al. “Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta Ve Sperm Kalitesi Ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 8/1 (July 2019), 33-37.
JAMA Sevim Ö, Tatlı O, Kuter E, Karimiyan E, Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Uçan U, Köksal BH, Cengiz Ö, Önol AG. Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2019;8:33–37.
MLA Sevim, Ömer et al. “Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta Ve Sperm Kalitesi Ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Harran University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, vol. 8, no. 1, 2019, pp. 33-37, doi:10.31196/huvfd.590916.
Vancouver Sevim Ö, Tatlı O, Kuter E, Karimiyan E, Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Uçan U, Köksal BH, Cengiz Ö, Önol AG. Nano Selenyumun Damızlık Bıldırcınlarda Verim, Yumurta ve Sperm Kalitesi ile Kuluçka Parametreleri Üzerine Etkileri. Harran Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2019;8(1):33-7.