Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 49, 30.01.2020


Type 2 diabetes is a disease that causes individuals to experience
physiological, psychological and social obstacles.
This study
was conducted to determine the obstacles experienced by type 2 diabetes
patients in coping with their diseases.
The cross-section study was conducted between the dates of September 10,
2018 - January 18, 2019. Being literate, being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
at least six months ago and being volunteer to participate in the study were
determined as the inclusion criteria. It was found that the patients who aged
28-45 years, married, were living with their families, used insulin for 1-5
years had more obstacles in coping with their disease, and this finding was
statistically significant (p<0.05). It was determined that the female
patients, housewives, high school graduates, individuals with a disease
duration of 1-7 years and individuals with another chronic disease experienced
more obstacles, although not statistically significant (p>0.05).
In this
study, it was determined that the patients with Type 2 diabetes experienced
some obstacles related medication use, self-monitoring, knowledge and belief,
diagnosis, relationships with health professionals, lifestyle change, coping
with diabetes, and receiving support.


I would like to thanks the patients who participated in the study.


  • 1. ADA (American Diabetes Association) Standards of medical care in diabetes. Diabetes Care 2019; 42 (Suppl. 1):3-11.
  • 2. World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines on secondand third-line medicines and type of insulin for the control of blood glucose levels in non-pregnant adults with diabetes mellitus. Geneva: WHO, 2018. [online]. Accessed date: 10 August 2019.
  • 3. Kahraman G, Tavşanlı NG, Baydur H, Özmen D, Özmen E. Validity and reliability of the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire in type-2 diabetic patients. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 17(Suppl.1):33-44. doi: 10.5455/apd.184116
  • 4. Muslu L, Ardahan M. Motivational interview technique for life style change in diabetes mellitus. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2018; 10(3):346-357. Doi: 10.18863/pgy.348106
  • 5. Adu MD, Malabu UH, Malau-Aduli AEO, Malau-Aduli BS. Enablers and barriers to effective diabetes self-management: A multi-national investigation. PLoS One 2019; 14(6): 1-22. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217771
  • 6. Pilv L, Ratsep A, Oona M, Kalda R. prevalent obstacles and predictors for people living with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Family Medicine 2012; 1-8. doi:10.1155/2012/842912
  • 7. Shrivastava RS, Shrivastava PS, Rmasamy J. Role of self-care in management of diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013; 12(14):14-18.
  • 8. Üren Y, Karabulutlu EY. Investigating the factors that complicate diabetes control in patients with type 2 diabetes. HSP 2018; 5(3):376-386.
  • 9. Pal K, Eastwood SV, Michie S, et al. Computer-based diabetes self-management interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013; 3: CD008776
  • 10. Cheng LJ, Wu VX, Dawkes S, Lim ST, Wang W. Factors influencing diet barriers among outpatients with poorly-controlled type 2 diabetes: A descriptive correlational study. Nurs Health Sci. 2019; 21:102-111.
  • 11. Bi Y, Zhu D, Cheng J, Zhu Y, Xu N, Cui S, Hu Y. The statusof glycemic control: A cross-sectional study of outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus across primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals in the Jiangsu province of China. Clinical Therapeutics 2010; 32(5): 973-983.
  • 12. Cowie CC, Rust KF, Byrd-Holt DD, Gregg EW, Ford ES, Geiss L, S.Fradkin JE. Prevalence of diabetes and high riskfor diabetes using A1C criteria in the US population in 1988–2006. Diabetes Care 2010; 33(3): 562-568.
  • 13. Ghimire S. Barriers to diet and exercise among nepalese type 2 diabetic patients. International Scholarly Research Notices 2017; 1-9.
  • 14. Jones L, Crabb S, Turnbull D, Oxlad M. Barriers and facilitators to effective type 2 diabetes management in a rural context: a qualitative study with diabetic patients and health professionals. J Health Psycol. 2014; 19(3):441-453. DOI: 10.1177/1359105312473786
  • 15. Byers D, Garth K, Manley D, Chlebowy D. Facilitators and barriers to Type 2 diabetes self-management among rural African American adults. J Health Dispar Res Pract. 2016; 9(1):1-11.
  • 16. Li J, Li Z, Zhao W, Pan H, Halloran EJ. The reliability and validity of the diabetes care profile for Chinese populations. Eval Health Prof. 2015; 38(2):200-218.
  • 17. Fatema K, Hossain S, Natasha K, Chowdhury HA, Akter J, Khan T, et al. Knowledge attitude and practice regarding diabetes mellitus among Nondiabetic and diabetic study participants in Bangladesh. BMC public health. 2017;17(1):364.
  • 18. Anari R, Amani R, Veissi M. Obesity and poor glycemic controlin patients with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2016; 4(2):584-588.
  • 19. Gurmu, Y, Gela, D, Aga, F. Factors associated with self-care practice among adult diabetes patients in West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. BMC Health Serv Res 2018; 18(1):732.
  • 20. Manne-Goehler J, Atun R, Stokes A, Goehler A, Houinato D, Houehanou C. Diabetes diagnosis and care in sub-Saharan Africa: pooled analysis of individual data from 12 countries. Lancet Diabetes-Endocrinol 2016; (16) 30: 216-219.
  • 21. Hearnshaw H, Wright K, Dale J, Sturt J, Vermeire E, van Royen P. Development and validation of the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire (DOQ) to assess obstacles in living with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 2007; 24: 878-882.
  • 22. Heissam K, Abuamer Z, El-Dahshan N. Patterns and obstacles to oral antidiabetic medications adherence among type 2 diabetics in Ismailia, Egypt: a cross section study. Pan Afr Med J. 2015; 20 (177):1-7. doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.20.177.4025 1-10.
  • 23. Saghir SA, Alhariri AE, Alkubati SA, Almiamn AA, Aladaileh SH, Alyousefi NA. Factors associated with poor glycemic control among type-2 diabetes mellitus patients in Yemen. Trop. J. Pharm. Res. 2019; 18 (7): 1539-1546.
  • 24. Orhan B, Gülseven KB. Assciation between cognitive and social factors and metabolic control parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin Exp Health Sc. 2016; 6:1-8.


Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 35 - 49, 30.01.2020


Tip 2 diyabet, bireylerin fizyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal sorunlar
yaşamasına neden olan bir hastalıktır.
Bu çalışma, Tip 2 diyabet hastalarının hastalıkları
ile baş etmelerinde karşılaştıkları engellerin belirlenmesi amacıyla
yapılmıştır. Kesitsel tipdeki
çalışma, 10 Eylül
2018 - 18 Ocak 2019 tarihleri arasında yapılmıştır.
Çalışmaya katılan 28-45 yaş aralığındaki hastaların, evli bireylerin,
ailesiyle yaşayan ve 1-5 yıldır insülin kullanan hastaların hastalıklarıyla baş
etmelerinde daha fazla engel yaşadıkları ve bu oranın istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0.05). Çalışmaya katılan kadın hastaların, ev
hanımlarının, lise mezunlarının, hastalık süresi 1-7 yıl olan bireylerin ve
başka bir kronik hastalığı olan bireylerin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmamakla
birlikte daha fazla engel yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir (p>0.05).
çalışmada Tip 2 diyabet hastalarının ilaç kullanımı, kendi kendini izleme,
bilgi ve inanç, tanı, sağlık profesyonelleriyle ilişkiler, yaşam tarzı değişikliği,
diyabetle başa çıkma ve destek almada engeller yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir.


  • 1. ADA (American Diabetes Association) Standards of medical care in diabetes. Diabetes Care 2019; 42 (Suppl. 1):3-11.
  • 2. World Health Organization (WHO). Guidelines on secondand third-line medicines and type of insulin for the control of blood glucose levels in non-pregnant adults with diabetes mellitus. Geneva: WHO, 2018. [online]. Accessed date: 10 August 2019.
  • 3. Kahraman G, Tavşanlı NG, Baydur H, Özmen D, Özmen E. Validity and reliability of the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire in type-2 diabetic patients. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry 2016; 17(Suppl.1):33-44. doi: 10.5455/apd.184116
  • 4. Muslu L, Ardahan M. Motivational interview technique for life style change in diabetes mellitus. Current Approaches in Psychiatry 2018; 10(3):346-357. Doi: 10.18863/pgy.348106
  • 5. Adu MD, Malabu UH, Malau-Aduli AEO, Malau-Aduli BS. Enablers and barriers to effective diabetes self-management: A multi-national investigation. PLoS One 2019; 14(6): 1-22. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217771
  • 6. Pilv L, Ratsep A, Oona M, Kalda R. prevalent obstacles and predictors for people living with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Family Medicine 2012; 1-8. doi:10.1155/2012/842912
  • 7. Shrivastava RS, Shrivastava PS, Rmasamy J. Role of self-care in management of diabetes mellitus. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2013; 12(14):14-18.
  • 8. Üren Y, Karabulutlu EY. Investigating the factors that complicate diabetes control in patients with type 2 diabetes. HSP 2018; 5(3):376-386.
  • 9. Pal K, Eastwood SV, Michie S, et al. Computer-based diabetes self-management interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013; 3: CD008776
  • 10. Cheng LJ, Wu VX, Dawkes S, Lim ST, Wang W. Factors influencing diet barriers among outpatients with poorly-controlled type 2 diabetes: A descriptive correlational study. Nurs Health Sci. 2019; 21:102-111.
  • 11. Bi Y, Zhu D, Cheng J, Zhu Y, Xu N, Cui S, Hu Y. The statusof glycemic control: A cross-sectional study of outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus across primary, secondary, and tertiary hospitals in the Jiangsu province of China. Clinical Therapeutics 2010; 32(5): 973-983.
  • 12. Cowie CC, Rust KF, Byrd-Holt DD, Gregg EW, Ford ES, Geiss L, S.Fradkin JE. Prevalence of diabetes and high riskfor diabetes using A1C criteria in the US population in 1988–2006. Diabetes Care 2010; 33(3): 562-568.
  • 13. Ghimire S. Barriers to diet and exercise among nepalese type 2 diabetic patients. International Scholarly Research Notices 2017; 1-9.
  • 14. Jones L, Crabb S, Turnbull D, Oxlad M. Barriers and facilitators to effective type 2 diabetes management in a rural context: a qualitative study with diabetic patients and health professionals. J Health Psycol. 2014; 19(3):441-453. DOI: 10.1177/1359105312473786
  • 15. Byers D, Garth K, Manley D, Chlebowy D. Facilitators and barriers to Type 2 diabetes self-management among rural African American adults. J Health Dispar Res Pract. 2016; 9(1):1-11.
  • 16. Li J, Li Z, Zhao W, Pan H, Halloran EJ. The reliability and validity of the diabetes care profile for Chinese populations. Eval Health Prof. 2015; 38(2):200-218.
  • 17. Fatema K, Hossain S, Natasha K, Chowdhury HA, Akter J, Khan T, et al. Knowledge attitude and practice regarding diabetes mellitus among Nondiabetic and diabetic study participants in Bangladesh. BMC public health. 2017;17(1):364.
  • 18. Anari R, Amani R, Veissi M. Obesity and poor glycemic controlin patients with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2016; 4(2):584-588.
  • 19. Gurmu, Y, Gela, D, Aga, F. Factors associated with self-care practice among adult diabetes patients in West Shoa Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. BMC Health Serv Res 2018; 18(1):732.
  • 20. Manne-Goehler J, Atun R, Stokes A, Goehler A, Houinato D, Houehanou C. Diabetes diagnosis and care in sub-Saharan Africa: pooled analysis of individual data from 12 countries. Lancet Diabetes-Endocrinol 2016; (16) 30: 216-219.
  • 21. Hearnshaw H, Wright K, Dale J, Sturt J, Vermeire E, van Royen P. Development and validation of the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire (DOQ) to assess obstacles in living with type 2 diabetes. Diabetic Medicine 2007; 24: 878-882.
  • 22. Heissam K, Abuamer Z, El-Dahshan N. Patterns and obstacles to oral antidiabetic medications adherence among type 2 diabetics in Ismailia, Egypt: a cross section study. Pan Afr Med J. 2015; 20 (177):1-7. doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.20.177.4025 1-10.
  • 23. Saghir SA, Alhariri AE, Alkubati SA, Almiamn AA, Aladaileh SH, Alyousefi NA. Factors associated with poor glycemic control among type-2 diabetes mellitus patients in Yemen. Trop. J. Pharm. Res. 2019; 18 (7): 1539-1546.
  • 24. Orhan B, Gülseven KB. Assciation between cognitive and social factors and metabolic control parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes. Clin Exp Health Sc. 2016; 6:1-8.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşe Kacaroğlu Vicdan 0000-0002-7486-9396

Ülkü Demirkan Yapar This is me 0000-0003-0953-1791

Publication Date January 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Kacaroğlu Vicdan, A., & Demirkan Yapar, Ü. (2020). DETERMINATION OF THE OBSTACLES TO COPING WITH DIABETES IN THE TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS. International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences, 6(1), 35-49.

International Anatolia Academic Online Journal Health Sciences