Müslümanların makara üzerinde tasviri, en popüler Hollywood'dan başlayarak Bollywood'daki muadillerine ve rakiplerine kadar yaygın bir fenomen haline geldi ve hatta Türk filmlerinin ve dramalarının yeni gelmesi, Endonezya filmleri Müslüman dünyasının birçok yerinde yükselen bir tür. Bu akademik makalede, sırasıyla kültürel emperyalizm ve temsil teorileri yardımıyla Bollywood ve Endonezya filmlerindeki Müslüman tasvirlerinin irdelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Birbiriyle çelişen betimlemeler, metodoloji olarak Göstergebilimsel Kare yardımıyla anlaşılır. Makale ayrıca, genel Müslüman kimliğini ve dindarlığını şekillendirme açısından ticari filmlerin toplum üzerindeki rolünü inceleme amacını da taşımaktadır. Bollywood ve Endonezyalı yönetmen ve yapımcıların özellikle 90'lı ve 2000'li yılların başında Müslümanları canlandıran ve kimlik oluşturan filmleri dikkate alınmaktadır. Belge, sinematik anlatıları ve Müslüman temsilini deşifre ederek kimlik siyasetinin yanı sıra Endonezya ve Hindistan'daki arka plan tarihini de vurguluyor.
Andrew, Dudley J. (1984). Concepts in Film Theory.
Arief, Syarief M. (1996). Mencari Formula Film Dakwah Islam’, Pelita, 30 March.
BBC. (2016, August 12). Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan stopped at US airport. BBC News. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-37055993 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Brenner, Suzanne; and Weintraub, Andrew N. (Ed.). (2011), Holy matrimony? The Print Politics of Polygamy in Indonesia, Islam and Popular Culture in Indonesia and Malaysia, (p. 212 - 234), London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Chapman, James. (2003). Cinemas of the World: Film and Society from 1895 to the Present. Reaktion Books Ltd.
Deaux, K., & Lewis, L. L. (1984). Structure of gender stereotypes: Interrelationships among components and gender label. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(5), 991–1004.
https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.46.5.991 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Derek M. D., S. (2017). The Othering of Muslims: Discourses of Radicalization in the New York Times, 1969–2014—Silva—2017 [Academic]. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library.
Do Nascimento, Jonas. (2019). Art, Cinema and Society: Sociological Perspectives. 19. 19-28. 10.34257/GJHSS.
Ewen, Elizabeth and Stuart. (1992). Channels of Desire: Mass Desire And The Shaping of American Consciousness, (pp. 189–220), Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Hermawan , Ary. (2008). Habiburrahman El Shirazy: No Intentions to Counter ‘Satanic Verses’. The Jakarta Post, 4 April 2008. Retrieved from http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2008/04/03/habiburrahman-el-shirazy-no-intentions-counter-039satanic-verses039.html (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Hoberman, J. (2012, December 19). The Trembling Upper World: On Siegfried Kracauer. The Nation Magazine. Retrieved July 25, 2022, from https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/trembling-upper-world-siegfried-kracauer/
Hoesterey, James. (2008). Marketing Morality: The Rise, Fall and Rebranding of Aa Gym. in G. Fealy and S. White (eds). Expressing Islam: Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia. Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 95–112 .
Jasin, Hasbi H. (1985). Yang Porno Haram; Bila Ulama Ramai-ramai Menonton Film. Merdeka, 23 July.
Jones, Carla. (2007). Fashion and Faith in Urban Indonesia. Fashion Theory 11 (2/3): 211 – 232 .
Khan, Farhat Basir. (2017), Othering of Muslim Identity in Hindi Cinema. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE), Volume No. 6, Issue No. 11, 2217 – 2223.
Klein, L. (2018, December). Science Fiction Hollywood Films As A Social Phenomenon: A Showcase Of Western Worldview. İbn Haldun Ünİversİtesİ, Medeniyet Ittifaki Enstİtüsü.
Kumar, Sanjeev H.M. (2013). ‘Constructing the Nation’s Enemy: Hindutva, Popular Culture and the Muslim “Other” in Bollywood Cinema’. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35 (3): 458–69.
Kumar, Sanjeev H.M. (2016), Metonymies of Fear: Islamophobia and the Making of Muslim Identity in Hindi Cinema, Society and Culture in South Asia, 2 (2), 233 - 255.
Lieber, Robert J. and Ruth E. Weisberg. 2002. ‘Globalisation Culture and Crisis of Identities’. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 16 (2): 273–96.
Lippmann, Walter. (1997). Public Opinion. Simon and Schuster.
Pew Research Center (2012, August 9). THE WORLD’S MUSLIMS: UNITY AND DIVERSITY. Chapter 2: Religious Commitment. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/08/09/the-worlds-muslims-unity-and-diversity-2-religious-commitment/ (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Rahman, M.A. (2021), Unpacking Bangladesh’s Obsession With Bollywood. The Daily Star. Retrieved from https://www.thedailystar.net/book-reviews/news/unpacking-bangladeshs-obsession-bollywood-2117121 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Sarwat, Ahmed H. (2003). Kajian Syariah; Film Dalam Kacamata Syariah Islam. Paper, Islamic Movie Workshop, June-August.
Sasono, Eric. (2010), Islamic-themed Films in Contemporary Indonesia: Commodified Religion or Islamization?, Asian Cinema, Fall/Winter 2010, 48 - 60.
Sheikh, Aamina. (2012), Bollywood Has an Immense Impact on Our Lives. The Dawn.
Retrieved from https://www.dawn.com/news/759380/bollywood-has-an-immense-impact-on-our-lives (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
The Hindu (2016, February 5). Aamir Khan Loses Snapdeal Contract. Retrieved from https://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/Aamir-Khan-loses-Snapdeal-contract/article14062507.ece (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging. (2017, June 29). Retrieved from Othering and Belonging website: http://www.otheringandbelonging.org/the-problem-of-othering/ (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Van Heeren, Katinka. (2012), Contemporary Indonesian Film: Spirits of Reform and Ghosts from the Past, Leiden: KITLV Press.
Wichelen, Sonja van. (2007). Reconstructing ‘Muslimness’: New Bodies in Urban Indonesia. in Cara Aitchison , Peter Hopkins and Mei-Po Kwan ( eds.). Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate , pp. 93 – 108 .
Widodo, Amrih. (2008). Writing for God: Piety and Consumption in Popular Islam. Inside Indonesia 93. Retrieved from http://www.insideindonesia.org/content/view/1121/47/ (Access Date: 25.09.2009).
Zakariya, Sabahat. (2019). Bollywood Influences Pakistani Weddings. Firstpost. Retrieved from https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/bollywood-influences-pakistani-weddings-6435871.html (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
The depiction of Muslims on reel has been a widely popular phenomenon starting from the most popular Hollywood to their Bollywood counterparts and competitors, and even the new arrival of Turkish films an dramas, Indonesian films are a rising genre in many parts of the Muslim world. In this academic article, a scrutiny of Muslim depiction in Bollywood as well as Indonesian movie is aimed with the help of cultural imperialism, and representation theories respectively. The contrasting depictions are understood with the help of the Semiotic Square as methodology. The article also has an objective of examining the role of commercial films on the society at large in terms of shaping overall Muslim identity and piety. The movies of Bollywood and Indonesian directors and producers which portray Muslims and create identity, particularly in the 90s and early 2000s, are taken into account. The paper highlights identity politics, as well as background history in Indonesia and India by decoding cinematic narratives and Muslim representation.
Andrew, Dudley J. (1984). Concepts in Film Theory.
Arief, Syarief M. (1996). Mencari Formula Film Dakwah Islam’, Pelita, 30 March.
BBC. (2016, August 12). Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan stopped at US airport. BBC News. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-37055993 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Brenner, Suzanne; and Weintraub, Andrew N. (Ed.). (2011), Holy matrimony? The Print Politics of Polygamy in Indonesia, Islam and Popular Culture in Indonesia and Malaysia, (p. 212 - 234), London and New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Chapman, James. (2003). Cinemas of the World: Film and Society from 1895 to the Present. Reaktion Books Ltd.
Deaux, K., & Lewis, L. L. (1984). Structure of gender stereotypes: Interrelationships among components and gender label. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 46(5), 991–1004.
https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-3514.46.5.991 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Derek M. D., S. (2017). The Othering of Muslims: Discourses of Radicalization in the New York Times, 1969–2014—Silva—2017 [Academic]. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library.
Do Nascimento, Jonas. (2019). Art, Cinema and Society: Sociological Perspectives. 19. 19-28. 10.34257/GJHSS.
Ewen, Elizabeth and Stuart. (1992). Channels of Desire: Mass Desire And The Shaping of American Consciousness, (pp. 189–220), Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press.
Hermawan , Ary. (2008). Habiburrahman El Shirazy: No Intentions to Counter ‘Satanic Verses’. The Jakarta Post, 4 April 2008. Retrieved from http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2008/04/03/habiburrahman-el-shirazy-no-intentions-counter-039satanic-verses039.html (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Hoberman, J. (2012, December 19). The Trembling Upper World: On Siegfried Kracauer. The Nation Magazine. Retrieved July 25, 2022, from https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/trembling-upper-world-siegfried-kracauer/
Hoesterey, James. (2008). Marketing Morality: The Rise, Fall and Rebranding of Aa Gym. in G. Fealy and S. White (eds). Expressing Islam: Religious Life and Politics in Indonesia. Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 95–112 .
Jasin, Hasbi H. (1985). Yang Porno Haram; Bila Ulama Ramai-ramai Menonton Film. Merdeka, 23 July.
Jones, Carla. (2007). Fashion and Faith in Urban Indonesia. Fashion Theory 11 (2/3): 211 – 232 .
Khan, Farhat Basir. (2017), Othering of Muslim Identity in Hindi Cinema. International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering (IJARSE), Volume No. 6, Issue No. 11, 2217 – 2223.
Klein, L. (2018, December). Science Fiction Hollywood Films As A Social Phenomenon: A Showcase Of Western Worldview. İbn Haldun Ünİversİtesİ, Medeniyet Ittifaki Enstİtüsü.
Kumar, Sanjeev H.M. (2013). ‘Constructing the Nation’s Enemy: Hindutva, Popular Culture and the Muslim “Other” in Bollywood Cinema’. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35 (3): 458–69.
Kumar, Sanjeev H.M. (2016), Metonymies of Fear: Islamophobia and the Making of Muslim Identity in Hindi Cinema, Society and Culture in South Asia, 2 (2), 233 - 255.
Lieber, Robert J. and Ruth E. Weisberg. 2002. ‘Globalisation Culture and Crisis of Identities’. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 16 (2): 273–96.
Lippmann, Walter. (1997). Public Opinion. Simon and Schuster.
Pew Research Center (2012, August 9). THE WORLD’S MUSLIMS: UNITY AND DIVERSITY. Chapter 2: Religious Commitment. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2012/08/09/the-worlds-muslims-unity-and-diversity-2-religious-commitment/ (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Rahman, M.A. (2021), Unpacking Bangladesh’s Obsession With Bollywood. The Daily Star. Retrieved from https://www.thedailystar.net/book-reviews/news/unpacking-bangladeshs-obsession-bollywood-2117121 (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Sarwat, Ahmed H. (2003). Kajian Syariah; Film Dalam Kacamata Syariah Islam. Paper, Islamic Movie Workshop, June-August.
Sasono, Eric. (2010), Islamic-themed Films in Contemporary Indonesia: Commodified Religion or Islamization?, Asian Cinema, Fall/Winter 2010, 48 - 60.
Sheikh, Aamina. (2012), Bollywood Has an Immense Impact on Our Lives. The Dawn.
Retrieved from https://www.dawn.com/news/759380/bollywood-has-an-immense-impact-on-our-lives (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
The Hindu (2016, February 5). Aamir Khan Loses Snapdeal Contract. Retrieved from https://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/Aamir-Khan-loses-Snapdeal-contract/article14062507.ece (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
The Problem of Othering: Towards Inclusiveness and Belonging. (2017, June 29). Retrieved from Othering and Belonging website: http://www.otheringandbelonging.org/the-problem-of-othering/ (Access Date: 02.04.2022)
Van Heeren, Katinka. (2012), Contemporary Indonesian Film: Spirits of Reform and Ghosts from the Past, Leiden: KITLV Press.
Wichelen, Sonja van. (2007). Reconstructing ‘Muslimness’: New Bodies in Urban Indonesia. in Cara Aitchison , Peter Hopkins and Mei-Po Kwan ( eds.). Geographies of Muslim Identities: Diaspora, Gender and Belonging. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate , pp. 93 – 108 .
Widodo, Amrih. (2008). Writing for God: Piety and Consumption in Popular Islam. Inside Indonesia 93. Retrieved from http://www.insideindonesia.org/content/view/1121/47/ (Access Date: 25.09.2009).
Zakariya, Sabahat. (2019). Bollywood Influences Pakistani Weddings. Firstpost. Retrieved from https://www.firstpost.com/entertainment/bollywood-influences-pakistani-weddings-6435871.html (Access Date: 02.04.2022)