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Etki ve Norm Girişimcilik: Azerbaycan’ın Yumuşak Gücün Stratejik Kullanımı

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 31 - 46, 30.04.2024


Bu makalede, Azerbaycan’ın ekonomik ve kamu diplomasisi, eğitim girişimleri ve insani liderlik de dahil olmak üzere çeşitli alanlarda stratejik olarak yumuşak güç kullanımı incelenmektedir. Metinden açıkça anlaşıldığı üzere Azerbaycan, küresel konuşmaları ve idealleri etkin bir şekilde şekillendirerek, norm girişimcisi olarak ün kazanmıştır. Kültürel, ekonomik ve siyasi trendlerin kesişiminde bulunan Azerbaycan, önemli enerji kaynaklarını ve ekonomik ittifaklarını uluslararası konumunu güçlendirmek için nasıl kullandığı belirtilmektedir. Bu analiz, Azerbaycan’ı bir norm girişimcisi olarak ele almakta ve kriz durumlarında ve küresel işbirliğinde hızlı bir şekilde yanıt verebilme yeteneğini ortaya koymaktadır. Aynı zamanda, makale Azerbaycan’ın 1990’lardan bu yana kendisine belirlediği öncelikli konuları - topraklarını işgalden kurtarma, bu durumları uluslararası toplumun dikkatine sunma ve tüm türden provokasyonları önleme gibi konuları - analiz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda kültürel ve kamu diplomasisinin vazgeçilmez rolü de incelenmektedir. Ülkenin küresel dayanışma taahhüdünü vurgularken, Nagorno-Karabağ çatışması tarafından ortaya çıkarılan zorluklar ve enerji kaynaklarının siyasi kaldıraç olarak kullanılmasında gereken ince denge makalede ele alınmaktadır. Ekonomik güç ile altyapı iyileştirmeleri arasındaki karmaşık bağlantının çözülmesine yönelik önemli bir çaba sarf edilmektedir. Bakü Uluslararası Deniz Ticaret Limanı ve Bakü-Tiflis-Kars demiryolu gibi iddialı projeler aracılığıyla, sadece Azerbaycan’ın ekonomik gücü artırılmakla kalmamakta, aynı zamanda Avrupa’da enerji istikrarını sağlama konusundaki önemi de pekiştirilmektedir. Dahası, bu gerçek ekonomik alışverişlerin genişletilmesi, tek bir pazarın önemi ve Azerbaycan’ın daha fazla işbirliği yoluyla yumuşak gücünün artırılmasıyla ilgilidir.


  • Aghazada, R. (2013), “Searching for a new foreign policy strategy for Azerbaijan--public diplomacy efforts”, European Scientific Journal, p.222-233
  • Akhundov, J. (2020), “Conflict and militarization of education: Totalitarian institutions in secondary schools and in the system of extracurricular education in Azerbaijan”, Journal of Conflict Transformation, Issue:1, p. 20-41.
  • Akyıldız, S. (2019), Reflections of nationalism and the role of language policies in national identity formation in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan, Unpublished Graduate Thesis, TR School of Social Sciences .
  • Ahlberg, M. (2023), Beyond the music: Exploring the Dynamics of National and European Identity in the Eurovision Song Contest. Unpublished Bachelour Thesis, Ger Malmö University.
  • Altun, F. (2023), “The Organisation of Turkic States Digital Communication and Digital Diplomacy Perspective”, Bilig, Issue:106, p.1-33.
  • Amirbek, A., & Ydyrys, K. (2014). “Education and soft power: Analysis as an instrument of foreign policy”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Issue: 143, p. 514-516.
  • AZERTAG. Azerbaijan sends humanitarian aid to Yemen. Retrieved from AZERTAG. Azerbaijani PM signs order to provide financial assistance to Lebanon. Retrieved from
  • Bradshaw, Samantha and Howard, Philip N., (2019), “The Global Disinformation Order: 2019 Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation”, Copyright, Fair Use, Scholarly Communication, etc..
  • Breuning, M. (2007), Foreign policy analysis: A comparative introduction. Springer.
  • Caspian News. (2017, August 18). From weapons to humanitarian aid: Azerbaijan, Pakistan seen as reliable partners. Retrieved from
  • Cooper, D. A. (2011), “Challenging contemporary notions of middle power influence: implications of the proliferation security initiative for “Middle Power Theory”, Foreign Policy Analysis, 7(3), p.317-336.
  • Cordies, B. D. (2014), “Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as Donors of Humanitarian Aid. Has the Diversification of Aid Channels and Donors Reached Southern Eurasia?”, Central Asia and the Caucasus, 15(5), p.107–118.
  • De, C. B. (2014), “Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as donors of humanitarian aid: Has the diversification of aid channels and donors reached Southern Eurasia?” Central Asia and the Caucasus, 15(5), p.107–118.
  • Eurasianet. New donors on the block: Unpacking the largesse of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Retrieved from block-unpacking-the-largesse-of-azerbaijan-and-kazakhstan
  • Ergun, A., & Kondakci, Y. (2021), “The internationalization of higher education and identity construction in Azerbaijan. Europe-Asia Studies”, 73(7), p.1330-1354.
  • Farmanova, A. (2013), MRS. Mehriban Aliyeva’s multifaceted activity serves to expand international reputation of Azerbaijan. Science and World, 88.
  • Fuller, E. (2013), Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Galstyan, H. (2021), Disputed Land, Disputed Lives: Transnational and regional coverage of the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in the 2020 war.
  • Gojayev, V. (2010), Resource Nationalism Trends in Azerbaijan. 2004-2009. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Grasso, C. (2019), The troubled path towards greater transparency as a means to foster good corporate governance and fight against corruption in the energy sector. Handbook of Energy Finance Theories: Practices and Simulations, World Scientific.
  • Grix, J., & Houlihan, B. (2013), “Sports mega-events as part of a nation’s soft power strategy: The cases of germany (2006) and the UK (2012)”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16(4), p.572–596.
  • Guliyev, F. (2023), “Renewable Energy Targets and Policies in Traditional Oil-Producing Countries: A Comparison of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 18793665231177720.
  • Guliyev, M. (2020, July). Accelerating economic diversification in Azerbaijan: Challenges, shaping prospects. In 56th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development–Aveiro.
  • Goble, P. (2010), Azerbaijan In the World.
  • Hall, T. (2010), “An unclear attraction: a critical examination of soft power as an analytical category. Chinese Journal of International Politics”, 3(2), p.189-211.
  • HASANOV, A. (2018), Genocide in Khojaly.
  • Huseynzade, B. Evaluation of Mega Sport Events Beyond the Borders of Just Sports Event: Azerbaijani Case Study in Terms of Economic and Political Implications.
  • Ibrahimov, Z. S. (2022), The Role of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Development of Foreign and Cultural Relations of Azerbaijan (Doctoral dissertation). Baku State University.
  • Ibragimov, Z. S. (2022), “The formation and stages of development of interstate activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation”, SocioEconomic Challenges (SEC), 6(3), p148-156.
  • Idan, A., & Shaffer, B. (2011), “The foreign policies of post-Soviet landlocked states”, Post-Soviet Affairs, 27(3), p.241-268.
  • IEA (2022), Implementing a Long-Term Energy Policy Planning Process for Azerbaijan: A Roadmap, Paris, IEA, License: CC BY 4.0, IEA, Azerbaijan total energy supply, 2020, IEA, Pari,,
  • Ismayilov, M. (2012), “State, identity, and the politics of music: Eurovision and nation-building in Azerbaijan”, Nationalities Papers, 40(6), p.833-851.
  • Iwabuchi, K. (2015), “Pop-culture diplomacy in Japan: Soft power, nation branding and the question of ‘international cultural exchange”,. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(4), p.419-432.
  • Jamiloglu, G. A. (2021), “Words of the Leader: Justice Supports the National Idea and Diplomacy”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 12(3), p.137-144.
  • Justice for Khojaly. About the Campaign. Retrieved from Khan, K., Khurshid, A., & Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2023), “Investigating the relationship between geopolitical risks and economic security: Empirical evidence from central and Eastern European countries”, Resources Policy, 85, 103872.
  • Labarre, F., & Niculescu, G. (2016), The Media Is the Message: Shaping Compromise in the South Caucasus. In Regional Stability in the South Caucasus: 12th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group (pp. 12/2016). Vienna. ISBN 978-3-902944-95-5
  • LATE, A. A. A. I. (1992), BEYNƏLXALQ CİNAYƏT. Washington Post.
  • Loda, C. (2016), “Azerbaijan, Foreign Policy, and Public Diplomacy”, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 27(1), p.39-55.
  • Makili-Aliyev, K. (2013), “Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy: Between East and West”, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
  • Mammadov, A. (2022), “Analysis Of The Foreign Policy Of Azerbaijan In The Perspective Of Neorealist Theory: In The Example Of The Karabakh Problem”, Journal Of Eastern European And Central Asian Research, 9(3).
  • Mammadli, Nargiz (6 February 2023), “Azerbaijan Sends Rescuers, Humanitarian Aid to Quake-Hit Türkiye”, Archived from the original on 7 February 2023.
  • Mehdiyev, E. (2019), Role of International Organizatıons in Regional Cooperation: Case Study of Azerbaijan in the System of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Doctoral dissertation, Marmara Universitesi (Turkey).
  • Madokoro, D. (2018), “International Commissions as norm entrepreneurs: Creating the normative idea of the responsibility to protect”, Review of International Studies, 45(1), p.100–119.
  • Mozaffari, A., & Akbar, A. (2023), “Iran’s soft power in Azerbaijan: shifting cultural dynamics in the post-Soviet era”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29(6), p.667-685.
  • National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2007). Approved by Instruction No. 2198 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 May 2007, Article 4.1.1. Retrieved from
  • Pashayeva, G. (2018), “Language as a soft power resource: The case of Azerbaijan”, Language Problems and Language Planning, 42(2), p.132-143 Prontera, A. (2018), “Italian energy security, the Southern Gas Corridor and the new pipeline politics in Western Europe: from the partner state to the catalytic state”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 21, p.464-494
  • Ramankulova, L. (2020), Nation Branding: An Instrument of Soft Power or Nation-Building? The Case of Kazakhstan.
  • Rojo-Labaien, E. (2018), “The Baku 2015 European Games as a national milestone of post-Soviet Azerbaijan”, Nationalities Papers, 46(6), p.1101-1117.
  • Rojo-Labaien, E. (2023), “Azerbaijan on the crossroad between Eastern and Western state building: the Baku 2015 European Games and the boundaries of Europe”, Sport in Society, 26(4), p.650-670.
  • Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Rumyansev, S. (2010), “Post-Soviet Nation State as a Sponsor of Construction of the Ethno-National Diaspora: Azeri’s Case”, Revue européenne des migrations Internationals, 26, p.111-131.
  • Ruys, T., & Silvestre, F. R. (2021). Military Action to Recover Occupied Land: Lawful Self-defence or Prohibited Use of Force? The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Revisited.
  • Samadova, M. (2016), “Educational reforms and innovations in Azerbaijan”, The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 6(1), p.62-67
  • Sargent, S. (2020), “Fractured Resemblances”: Contested Multinational Heritage and Soft Power”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 27(1), p.97-123.
  • Sideri, E. (2008), “The diaspora of the term Diaspora: A working-paper of a definition”, Transtext(e)s Transcultures , (4), p.32–47.
  • Szondi, G. (2008), Public diplomacy and nation branding: Conceptual similarities and differences. Clingendael Institute.
  • Shafiyev, F. (2023), “Erosion of Territorial Integrity as a Threat to International Security”, Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, (23), p.34-49.
  • Şehitoğlu, R., & Güner, O. (2023), “Earthquake Diplomacy: The Efforts of The Members of The Organization of Turkic States After Türkiye Quakes in 2023”, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 13(3), p.1775-1792.
  • Trading Economics, Azerbaijan GDP - 2023 Data - 2024 Forecast Trend News Agency (2023)
  • Valiyev, A. T. (2017), The Understanding Of Cultural Diplomacy, Its History And Azerbaijan Model. In Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера (No. 1, pp. 60-66). Vedecko vydavatelske centrum Sociosfera-CZ sro.
  • Valiyev, J. (2017), “Foreign policy of Azerbaijan in 25 Years of independence: priorities, principles and achievements”, Caucasus International, 7(1), p.29-46.
  • Valiyev, A. (2016), First European Olympic Games in Baku: New Articulation of Azerbaijani Identity?. Mega events in post-Soviet Eurasia: Shifting borderlines of inclusion and exclusion, 131-149.
  • Vantsyan, T. (2022), Nagorno-Karabakh: 2020 war and the new geopolitical reality.
  • Van Gils, E. (2018), “Azerbaijan’s foreign policy strategies and the European Union: Successful Resistance and pursued influence”, Europe-Asia Studies, 70(5), p.738–758.
  • World Bank (2020), AZERBAIJAN

Influence and Norm Entrepreneurship: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Deployment of Soft Power

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 31 - 46, 30.04.2024


In this article, it is mentioned that Azerbaijan’s strategic deployment of soft power across a variety of realms, including economic and public diplomacy, educational initiatives, and humanitarian leadership, is examined. It is clearly understood from this text that Azerbaijan is actively shaping global conversations and ideals, earning it the reputation of being a norm entrepreneur. Situated at the crossroads of cultural, economic, and political trends, the significance of leveraging its considerable energy resources and economic alliances to bolster its international standing is recognized by Azerbaijan. This analysis explores Azerbaijan as a norm entrepreneur and reveals its ability to respond quickly in crisis situations and global cooperation. At the same time, the article analyzes the priority issues that Azerbaijan has set before itself since the 1990s - issues such as the liberation of its lands from occupation, bringing these situations to the attention of the international community, and preventing all kinds of provocations, and the indispensable role of cultural and public diplomacy in this sense are analyzed. While highlighting the country’s commitment to global solidarity, the challenges posed by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and the delicate balance required when using energy resources for political leverage are critically examined in the article. A considerable effort towards resolving the intricate connection between economic power and infrastructural improvements is made. Through ambitious projects like the Baku International Sea Trade Port and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, not only is Azerbaijan’s economic prowess enhanced but also its significance in ensuring energy stability in Europe is solidified. More than that, this fact is about widening economic exchanges, the importance of a single market, and enhancing Azerbaijan’s soft power through more cooperation.


  • Aghazada, R. (2013), “Searching for a new foreign policy strategy for Azerbaijan--public diplomacy efforts”, European Scientific Journal, p.222-233
  • Akhundov, J. (2020), “Conflict and militarization of education: Totalitarian institutions in secondary schools and in the system of extracurricular education in Azerbaijan”, Journal of Conflict Transformation, Issue:1, p. 20-41.
  • Akyıldız, S. (2019), Reflections of nationalism and the role of language policies in national identity formation in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan, Unpublished Graduate Thesis, TR School of Social Sciences .
  • Ahlberg, M. (2023), Beyond the music: Exploring the Dynamics of National and European Identity in the Eurovision Song Contest. Unpublished Bachelour Thesis, Ger Malmö University.
  • Altun, F. (2023), “The Organisation of Turkic States Digital Communication and Digital Diplomacy Perspective”, Bilig, Issue:106, p.1-33.
  • Amirbek, A., & Ydyrys, K. (2014). “Education and soft power: Analysis as an instrument of foreign policy”, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, Issue: 143, p. 514-516.
  • AZERTAG. Azerbaijan sends humanitarian aid to Yemen. Retrieved from AZERTAG. Azerbaijani PM signs order to provide financial assistance to Lebanon. Retrieved from
  • Bradshaw, Samantha and Howard, Philip N., (2019), “The Global Disinformation Order: 2019 Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation”, Copyright, Fair Use, Scholarly Communication, etc..
  • Breuning, M. (2007), Foreign policy analysis: A comparative introduction. Springer.
  • Caspian News. (2017, August 18). From weapons to humanitarian aid: Azerbaijan, Pakistan seen as reliable partners. Retrieved from
  • Cooper, D. A. (2011), “Challenging contemporary notions of middle power influence: implications of the proliferation security initiative for “Middle Power Theory”, Foreign Policy Analysis, 7(3), p.317-336.
  • Cordies, B. D. (2014), “Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as Donors of Humanitarian Aid. Has the Diversification of Aid Channels and Donors Reached Southern Eurasia?”, Central Asia and the Caucasus, 15(5), p.107–118.
  • De, C. B. (2014), “Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan as donors of humanitarian aid: Has the diversification of aid channels and donors reached Southern Eurasia?” Central Asia and the Caucasus, 15(5), p.107–118.
  • Eurasianet. New donors on the block: Unpacking the largesse of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Retrieved from block-unpacking-the-largesse-of-azerbaijan-and-kazakhstan
  • Ergun, A., & Kondakci, Y. (2021), “The internationalization of higher education and identity construction in Azerbaijan. Europe-Asia Studies”, 73(7), p.1330-1354.
  • Farmanova, A. (2013), MRS. Mehriban Aliyeva’s multifaceted activity serves to expand international reputation of Azerbaijan. Science and World, 88.
  • Fuller, E. (2013), Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy and the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Galstyan, H. (2021), Disputed Land, Disputed Lives: Transnational and regional coverage of the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh in the 2020 war.
  • Gojayev, V. (2010), Resource Nationalism Trends in Azerbaijan. 2004-2009. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt.
  • Grasso, C. (2019), The troubled path towards greater transparency as a means to foster good corporate governance and fight against corruption in the energy sector. Handbook of Energy Finance Theories: Practices and Simulations, World Scientific.
  • Grix, J., & Houlihan, B. (2013), “Sports mega-events as part of a nation’s soft power strategy: The cases of germany (2006) and the UK (2012)”, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 16(4), p.572–596.
  • Guliyev, F. (2023), “Renewable Energy Targets and Policies in Traditional Oil-Producing Countries: A Comparison of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan”, Journal of Eurasian Studies, 18793665231177720.
  • Guliyev, M. (2020, July). Accelerating economic diversification in Azerbaijan: Challenges, shaping prospects. In 56th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development–Aveiro.
  • Goble, P. (2010), Azerbaijan In the World.
  • Hall, T. (2010), “An unclear attraction: a critical examination of soft power as an analytical category. Chinese Journal of International Politics”, 3(2), p.189-211.
  • HASANOV, A. (2018), Genocide in Khojaly.
  • Huseynzade, B. Evaluation of Mega Sport Events Beyond the Borders of Just Sports Event: Azerbaijani Case Study in Terms of Economic and Political Implications.
  • Ibrahimov, Z. S. (2022), The Role of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Development of Foreign and Cultural Relations of Azerbaijan (Doctoral dissertation). Baku State University.
  • Ibragimov, Z. S. (2022), “The formation and stages of development of interstate activities of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation”, SocioEconomic Challenges (SEC), 6(3), p148-156.
  • Idan, A., & Shaffer, B. (2011), “The foreign policies of post-Soviet landlocked states”, Post-Soviet Affairs, 27(3), p.241-268.
  • IEA (2022), Implementing a Long-Term Energy Policy Planning Process for Azerbaijan: A Roadmap, Paris, IEA, License: CC BY 4.0, IEA, Azerbaijan total energy supply, 2020, IEA, Pari,,
  • Ismayilov, M. (2012), “State, identity, and the politics of music: Eurovision and nation-building in Azerbaijan”, Nationalities Papers, 40(6), p.833-851.
  • Iwabuchi, K. (2015), “Pop-culture diplomacy in Japan: Soft power, nation branding and the question of ‘international cultural exchange”,. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 21(4), p.419-432.
  • Jamiloglu, G. A. (2021), “Words of the Leader: Justice Supports the National Idea and Diplomacy”, Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 12(3), p.137-144.
  • Justice for Khojaly. About the Campaign. Retrieved from Khan, K., Khurshid, A., & Cifuentes-Faura, J. (2023), “Investigating the relationship between geopolitical risks and economic security: Empirical evidence from central and Eastern European countries”, Resources Policy, 85, 103872.
  • Labarre, F., & Niculescu, G. (2016), The Media Is the Message: Shaping Compromise in the South Caucasus. In Regional Stability in the South Caucasus: 12th Workshop of the PfP Consortium Study Group (pp. 12/2016). Vienna. ISBN 978-3-902944-95-5
  • LATE, A. A. A. I. (1992), BEYNƏLXALQ CİNAYƏT. Washington Post.
  • Loda, C. (2016), “Azerbaijan, Foreign Policy, and Public Diplomacy”, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 27(1), p.39-55.
  • Makili-Aliyev, K. (2013), “Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy: Between East and West”, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).
  • Mammadov, A. (2022), “Analysis Of The Foreign Policy Of Azerbaijan In The Perspective Of Neorealist Theory: In The Example Of The Karabakh Problem”, Journal Of Eastern European And Central Asian Research, 9(3).
  • Mammadli, Nargiz (6 February 2023), “Azerbaijan Sends Rescuers, Humanitarian Aid to Quake-Hit Türkiye”, Archived from the original on 7 February 2023.
  • Mehdiyev, E. (2019), Role of International Organizatıons in Regional Cooperation: Case Study of Azerbaijan in the System of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (Doctoral dissertation, Marmara Universitesi (Turkey).
  • Madokoro, D. (2018), “International Commissions as norm entrepreneurs: Creating the normative idea of the responsibility to protect”, Review of International Studies, 45(1), p.100–119.
  • Mozaffari, A., & Akbar, A. (2023), “Iran’s soft power in Azerbaijan: shifting cultural dynamics in the post-Soviet era”, International Journal of Cultural Policy, 29(6), p.667-685.
  • National Security Concept of the Republic of Azerbaijan. (2007). Approved by Instruction No. 2198 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23 May 2007, Article 4.1.1. Retrieved from
  • Pashayeva, G. (2018), “Language as a soft power resource: The case of Azerbaijan”, Language Problems and Language Planning, 42(2), p.132-143 Prontera, A. (2018), “Italian energy security, the Southern Gas Corridor and the new pipeline politics in Western Europe: from the partner state to the catalytic state”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 21, p.464-494
  • Ramankulova, L. (2020), Nation Branding: An Instrument of Soft Power or Nation-Building? The Case of Kazakhstan.
  • Rojo-Labaien, E. (2018), “The Baku 2015 European Games as a national milestone of post-Soviet Azerbaijan”, Nationalities Papers, 46(6), p.1101-1117.
  • Rojo-Labaien, E. (2023), “Azerbaijan on the crossroad between Eastern and Western state building: the Baku 2015 European Games and the boundaries of Europe”, Sport in Society, 26(4), p.650-670.
  • Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Rumyansev, S. (2010), “Post-Soviet Nation State as a Sponsor of Construction of the Ethno-National Diaspora: Azeri’s Case”, Revue européenne des migrations Internationals, 26, p.111-131.
  • Ruys, T., & Silvestre, F. R. (2021). Military Action to Recover Occupied Land: Lawful Self-defence or Prohibited Use of Force? The 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Revisited.
  • Samadova, M. (2016), “Educational reforms and innovations in Azerbaijan”, The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 6(1), p.62-67
  • Sargent, S. (2020), “Fractured Resemblances”: Contested Multinational Heritage and Soft Power”, International Journal of Cultural Property, 27(1), p.97-123.
  • Sideri, E. (2008), “The diaspora of the term Diaspora: A working-paper of a definition”, Transtext(e)s Transcultures , (4), p.32–47.
  • Szondi, G. (2008), Public diplomacy and nation branding: Conceptual similarities and differences. Clingendael Institute.
  • Shafiyev, F. (2023), “Erosion of Territorial Integrity as a Threat to International Security”, Horizons: Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, (23), p.34-49.
  • Şehitoğlu, R., & Güner, O. (2023), “Earthquake Diplomacy: The Efforts of The Members of The Organization of Turkic States After Türkiye Quakes in 2023”, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, 13(3), p.1775-1792.
  • Trading Economics, Azerbaijan GDP - 2023 Data - 2024 Forecast Trend News Agency (2023)
  • Valiyev, A. T. (2017), The Understanding Of Cultural Diplomacy, Its History And Azerbaijan Model. In Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера (No. 1, pp. 60-66). Vedecko vydavatelske centrum Sociosfera-CZ sro.
  • Valiyev, J. (2017), “Foreign policy of Azerbaijan in 25 Years of independence: priorities, principles and achievements”, Caucasus International, 7(1), p.29-46.
  • Valiyev, A. (2016), First European Olympic Games in Baku: New Articulation of Azerbaijani Identity?. Mega events in post-Soviet Eurasia: Shifting borderlines of inclusion and exclusion, 131-149.
  • Vantsyan, T. (2022), Nagorno-Karabakh: 2020 war and the new geopolitical reality.
  • Van Gils, E. (2018), “Azerbaijan’s foreign policy strategies and the European Union: Successful Resistance and pursued influence”, Europe-Asia Studies, 70(5), p.738–758.
  • World Bank (2020), AZERBAIJAN
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section Articles

Sirus Asgarov 0000-0001-7007-5874

Early Pub Date April 30, 2024
Publication Date April 30, 2024
Submission Date February 5, 2024
Acceptance Date April 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Asgarov, S. (2024). Influence and Norm Entrepreneurship: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Deployment of Soft Power. Uluslararası Politik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(1), 31-46.

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