Research Article
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“Parametrik Mimar”ların Virtüelliği Üzerine

Year 2024, Volume: 16 Issue: 45, 1236 - 1274


Bu makale, mimarlık ve matematik arasındaki içkinlik hakkındadır. Dijital tasarım araçlarının kullanımının zirvesinde, herkes tarafından artık bilindiği düşünülen “parametrik mimar” tanımını açıklamaya çalışmak bu yazının hedefidir. Parametrik mimarlık tanımının mimarlığın matematikle kurduğu ilişkide arandığı bu çalışmada ilk olarak, matematiğin platonik boyutlarından akıp mimarlığın mükemmellik arayışına; hassasiyet (precision) ve doğruluk (accuracy) ihtiyacına; geometrik ve grafik sezgilerin temsile dönüşümüne kadar farklı konseptler üzerinden “parametrik mimar” kavramının türeyişini anlatan tarihsel bir sunuşa yer verilmiştir. Sonrasında Zaha Hadid ve Antoni Gaudí gibi farklı zaman, yer ve teknolojilere ait virtüöz mimarların sunduğu temsiller üzerinden “parametrik mimarlar”ın virtüellik zemini tartışılmaktadır. Bunu da mimari manipülasyonların materyalist taleplerini karşılamak için çalışan “parametrik mimar”a gerekli kılınan matematiksel dönüşümü, bir kompütasyon düşüncesi (computational thinking) üretim alanı olarak tartışmaya açmaktadır. Star mimar ve Tanrı’nın mimarı gibi erk üreten pozisyonlara sıkıştırmak yerine, bu yazıda altı çizilmek istenen virtüalite tartışması, her iki virtüöz mimar ile ortaklıklar edinmiş, Patrik Schumacher ve Mark Burry’nin üzerinden “parametrik mimar”ın yeniden yaratımına odaklanmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bu araştırmadan elde edilen iç görüler, tasarı geometrinin sınırlarına sıkışan klasik mimarlık pratiğini aşmanın bir yolu olarak görünen “parametrik mimarlık” tanımını matematik ile kurulan yaratıcılık odaklı ilişki üzerinden yeni ve gelişen virtüel zemin kayması/birleştirmesi olarak yapmaktadır. Böylece mimarlık pratiği ve teorisi için çıkarımlar sunmaktadır.


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  • Canestrino, G. (2024). Luigi Moretti’s formalised methods and his use of mathematics in the design process of architettura parametrica’s swimming stadiums. Nexus Network Journal.
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  • Dinçer, S. G. and Yazar, T. (2021). A comparative analysis of the digital re-constructions of muqarnas systems: the case study of sultanhanı muqarnas in central anatolia. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 19(3), 360–385.
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On the Virtuality of “Parametric Architects”

Year 2024, Volume: 16 Issue: 45, 1236 - 1274


This paper is about the immanence between architecture and mathematics. At the peak of the use of digital design tools, the aim of this paper is to explain the definition of “parametric architect”, which is thought to be known by everyone. In this study, where the definition of parametric architecture is sought in the relationship that architecture establishes with mathematics, firstly, a historical projection is cast to explain the derivation of the concept of “parametric architect” through different concepts, from the platonic dimensions of mathematics to architecture's search for perfection; the need for precision and accuracy; and the transformation of geometric and graphic intuition into representation. The virtuosity of “parametric architects” is then discussed through the representations of virtuoso architects such as Zaha Hadid and Antoni Gaudí. This is followed by a discussion of the mathematical transformation required of the “parametric architect” working to meet the materialist demands of architectural manipulations as a field of computational thinking. Instead of compressing it into power-producing positions such as the starchitect and God's architect, the discussion of virtuosity, which this paper seeks to underline, gives place to the re-creation of the “parametric architect” through Patrik Schumacher and Mark Burry. As a result, the insights gained from this research define “parametric architecture”, which seems to be a way to overcome the architectural practice trapped in the limits of descriptive geometrical thinking, as a new and evolving virtual ground shift/joining through the creativity-oriented relationship established with mathematics. Thus, it offers implications for architectural practice and theory.


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  • Alaçam, S., Güzelci, O. Z., Gürer, E. and Bacınoğlu, S. Z. (2017). Reconnoitring computational potentials of the vault-like forms: thinking aloud on muqarnas tectonics. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 15(4), 285–303.
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  • Aydin, S. and Aktaş, B. (2020). Developing an integrated vr infrastructure in architectural design education. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 495468.
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  • Burry, M., Coll Grifoll, J. and Gómez, J. (2008). Sagrada familia s. XXI gaudí ara/ahora/now. Barcelona: Edicions UPC.
  • Butrica, A. J. (2015). The mind’s eye: technical education, drawing and meritocracy in France, 1800-1850. Icon, 21, 1–23. 20 Ağustos 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Canestrino, G. (2024). Luigi Moretti’s formalised methods and his use of mathematics in the design process of architettura parametrica’s swimming stadiums. Nexus Network Journal.
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  • — (Ed.). (2013). The digital turn in architecture 1992–2012. London: Wiley.
  • — (2018, 22 Mart). The second digital turn | Mario Carpo | Talks at Google. 20 Ağustos 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Carpo, M. and Lemerle, F. (Ed.). (2008). Perspective, projections, and design: technologies of architectural representation. London: Routledge.
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  • Deleuze, G. (1988). Bergsonism. (H. Tomlinson and B. Habberjam, Trn.). New York: Zone Books.
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  • Dinçer, S. G. and Yazar, T. (2021). A comparative analysis of the digital re-constructions of muqarnas systems: the case study of sultanhanı muqarnas in central anatolia. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 19(3), 360–385.
  • Durand, J. N. L. (2000). Précis of the lectures on architecture. (D. Britt, trn.). Los Angeles, CA: The Getty Research Institute Publications Program.
  • Espel, R., Gómez, J., Grima, R. and Aguado, A. (2009). La evolución de la construcción del templo de la sagrada familia. Informes de la construcción, 61(516), 5–20.
  • Evans, R. (2000). The projective cast: architecture and its three geometries. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Frazer, J. (1995). An evolutionary architecture: themes. London: Architectural Association.
  • Galison, P. and Thompson, E. (Ed.) (2009). The architecture of science. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
  • Gerbino, A. and Johnston, S. (2009). Compass and rule: architecture as mathematical practice in England, 1500-1750. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • Gertner, J. (2013). The idea factory: bell labs and the great age of american innovation. London: Penguin Books.
  • Grima López, R., Aguado De Cea, A. and Gómez Serrano, J. (2013). Gaudí and reinforced concrete in construction. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 7(4), 375–402.
  • Gün, O. Y. (2012). Tasarım ve kompütasyon kuramcıları. Dosya, Hesaplamalı tasarım, (29), 1–5. 20 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Günenç, Ö. F. ve Işıker, F. (2024). Bülent tanju ile mimarlık, mimarlık tarihi ve mimarlık tarihyazımı üzerine bir söyleşi. İdealkent, 16(44), 587–608.
  • Hadid, Z. ((1983)2021, 12 Kasım). Zaha Hadid | Makers | M+. M+ Online Collection. 5 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Hensel, M., Menges, A. and Weinstock, M. (2010). Emergent technologies and design. Oxon, [U.K.]; New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Hillier, B. and Hanson, J. (1984). The social logic of space. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hirschberg, U., Hovestadt, L. and Fritz, O. (Ed.). (2020). Atlas of digital architecture: terminology, concepts, methods, tools, examples, phenomena. Basel: Birkhauser.
  • Iris Ceramica Group. (2020a, November 27). The architects series ep. 15 - A documentary on: Zaha Hadid Architects. 20 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • — (2020b, December 18). Patrick Schumacher lecture: “Cyber space and the autopoiesis of architecture”. 20 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Işıker, F. (2024). Jacques-françois blondel’in “yeni” mimar yetiştirme projesi: école des arts. İdealkent, 16(44), 641–668.
  • Ivorypress. (2013, July 2). Panel discussion - Zaha Hadid beyond boundaries, art and design. 20 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi.
  • Jahnke, E. and Emde, F. (1943). Tables of functions with formulae and curves. New York: DoveI.
  • Jencks, C. (2013). Nonlinear architecture (1997). M. Carpo (Ed.), The digital turn in architecture 1992–2012 içinde (ss. 80–107). London: Wiley.
  • Jodidio, P. (2020). Zaha hadid: zaha hadid architects complete works 1979-today. Köln: Taschen.
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There are 100 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Architectural Computing and Visualisation Methods, Architectural Science and Technology, Architectural History, Theory and Criticism, Architectural Design, Information Technologies in Architecture and Design, Materials and Technology in Architecture
Journal Section Articles

Serdar Aydın 0000-0001-6445-8879

Early Pub Date October 25, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date September 6, 2024
Acceptance Date September 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 16 Issue: 45


APA Aydın, S. (2024). “Parametrik Mimar”ların Virtüelliği Üzerine. İDEALKENT, 16(45), 1236-1274.