
Submissions are open for October 2024 issue. The deadline for the 8th issue to be published in October 2024 is September 15, 2024. For further details, see the Announcements.

IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies is an international, electronically published, and double-anonymous peer-reviewed journal devoted to English literary studies. The journal aims to supply a highly qualified academic platform for the exchange of diverse critical and original ideas on any aspect of literatures written in English, cultural studies, and literary theory.

In the journal, original articles, interviews, and book reviews will be considered for publication.

Our journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography, ERIH PLUSEBSCOhost, and Asos Indeks.

Last Update Time: 5/14/24, 7:13:37 PM

IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies is published by The English Language and Literature Research Association of Türkiye (IDEA).