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Metabolomic Applications in Nutrition and Food: A General Evaluation

Year 2019, , 827 - 839, 25.08.2019


Metabolomics is
the determination, quantification, and identification of small molecule
metabolites from lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, hormones and other cell
components in tissues, cells, and physiological fluids by using high-efficiency
technologies in a certain period. The application of metabolomics includes the
identification of biomarkers, enzyme-substrate interactions, drug-activity
studies, metabolic pathway analysis and some other studies related to the
system biology. So metabolomics is the cheap and correct separation, definition
and measurement of all metabolites in cells, tissues or biological fluids in
short amounts of time with high throughput technologies such as NMR, GC-MS, and
LC-MS. It is the quantitative measurement of the metabolic profile of the
living being to characterize the genetics and the phenotypic response to the
nutritional status of it. Environmental factors, such as feeding patterns and
exposure to toxins, play an important role in the prevention/development of
many diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and therefore in the health
status of individuals. There are many studies in the field of food science and
nutrition, food quality and food safety and food processing. Being healthy is a
combination of good genetics, good lifestyle and good nutrition. Metabolomics
allows the analysis of physiological processes by monitoring metabolite
concentration, they can vary according to metabolic information and to a
substantial extent the molecular content of the food and its health properties
and characterize the chemical changes as a result of food processing. In
summary, a better understanding of the effects of genes, proteins, enzymes,
metabolites at the cellular level and microenvironments can aid in metabolomic
approach to the design of nutritional programs in order to process cell
functions and improve overall health. Today, scientists are working to prevent
obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and chronic diseases and find new bioactive
food components that prolong life, lose weight, improve physical and mental
health, and prevent diseases such as heart attacks and cancer. In this context,
the use of metabolomics techniques, the development of food consumption
patterns, the benefits of any diet and improvement of physiological responses
are provided and new components can be discovered. In summary, a better
understanding of the effects of cell-level genes, proteins, enzymes,
metabolites, and micro-environments can help metabolic approaches to the design
of nutritional programs to process cell functions and improve overall health
and to improve our understanding of the role of health and disease, nutrition
and nutrients. The objective of this study; to make a general evaluation about
metabolomics applications in food and nutrition research and to emphasize some
potential applications of metabolomics in food and nutrition research, to
investigate the effects of metabolomics on nutrition and food to present
scientific literature on these subjects.


  • Gibney MJ, Walsh M, Brennan L, Roche HM, German B, Ommen B. Metabolomics in human nutrition: opportunities and challenges. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82:497-503.
  • Goodacre R. Metabolomics-the way forward. Metabolomics. 2005;1:1-2.
  • Manach C, Hubert J, Llorach R, Scalbert A. The complex links between dietary phytochemicals and human health deciphered by metabolomics. Mol Nutr Food. 2009;53:1303-1315.
  • Primrose S, Draper J, Elsom R, et al. Metabolomics and human nutrition. Br J Nutr. 2011;105:1277-1283.
  • Llorach R, Garcia-Aloy M, Tulipani S, Vazquez-Fresno R, Andres-Lacueva C. Nutrimetabolomic strategies to develop new biomarkers of intake and health effects. J Agric Food Chem. 2012;60:8797-8808.
  • Rubio-Aliaga I, Kochhar S, Silva-Zolezzi I. Biomarkers of nutrient bioactivity and efficacy: a route toward personalized nutrition. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012;46:545-554.
  • Novotna H, Kmiecik O, Galazka M, et al. Metabolomic fingerprinting employing DART-TOFMS for authentication of tomatoes and peppers from organic and conventional farming. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2012;29:1335-1346.
  • Heuberger AL, Lewis MR, Chen MH, Brick MA, Leach JE, Ryan EP. Metabolomic and functional genomic analyses reveal varietal differences in bioactive compounds of cooked rice. Plos One. 2010;5:2915.
  • Beleggia R, Platani C, Papa R, et al. Metabolomics and food processing: from semolina to pasta. J Agric Food Chem. 2011;59:9366-9377.
  • Rapoport SI, Ramadan E, Basselin M. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) incorporation into the brain from plasma, as an in vivo biomarker of brain DHA metabolism and neurotransmission. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2011;96:109-113.
  • Bocarsly ME, Powell ES, Avena NM, Hoebel BG. High-fructose corn syrup causes characteristics of obesity in rats: increased body weight, body fat and triglyceride levels. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2010;97:101-106.
  • Ong TP, Perusse L. Impact of nutritional epigenomics on disease risk and prevention: introduction. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 2011;4:245-247.
  • Sassone-Corsi P. Physiology. When metabolism and epigenetics converge. Science. 2013;339:148-150.
  • Snigdha S, Astarita G, Piomelli D, Cotman CW. Effects of diet and behavioral enrichment on free fatty acids in the aged canine brain. Neuroscience. 2012;202:326-333.
  • Cuda C, Badawi A, Karmali M, El-Sohemy A. Polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor 4 are associated with factors of the metabolic syndrome and modify the association between dietary saturated fat and fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Metabolism. 2011;60:1131-1135.
  • Cornelis MC, El-Sohemy A. Coffee, caffeine, and coronary heart disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2007;10:745-751.
  • Wenk MR. The emerging field of lipidomics. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2005;4:594-610.
  • Moco S, Bino RJ, Vorst O, Verhoeven HA, Groot J, Beek TA. A liquid chromatography-mas spectrometry-based metabolome database for tomato. Plant Physiol. 2006;141:1205-1218.
  • Ogrinc N, Kosir IJ, Spangenberg JE, Kidric J. The application of NMR and MS methods for detection of adulteration of wine, fruit juices and olive oil. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2003;376:424-430.
  • Lindon JC, Holmes E, Bollard ME, Stanley EG, Nicholson JK. Metabonomics technologies and their applications in physiological monitoring, drug safety assessment and disease diagnosis. Biomarkers.2013;9:1-31.
  • Christopher J, Haselssen JN. Metabolic profiling as a tool for understanding mechanisms of toxicity. Toxicol Pathol. 2008;36(1):140-147.
  • Sébédio JL. Metabolomics, nutrition, and potential biomarkers of food quality, intake, and health status. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2017;82:83-116.
  • Wishart DS, Tzur D, Knox C, et al. HMDB: the human metabolome database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007;35:521-526.
  • Öztürk AS. The clinical aproach to metabolomics and proteomics concepts. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci Intern Med-Special Topics. 2015;1(1):31-39.
  • Fardet A, Canlet C, Gottardi G, et al. Whole-Grain and Refined Wheat Flours Show Distinct Metabolic Profiles in Rats as Assessed by a 1H NMR-Based Metabonomic Approach. J Nutr. 2007;137(4):923-929.
  • Menni C, Zhai G, Macgregor A, et al. Targeted metabolomics profiles are strongly correlated with nutritional patterns in women. Metabolomics. 2013;9(2):506-514.
  • Rasmussen LG, Winning H, Savorani F, et al. Assessment of dietary exposure related to dietary GI and fibre intake in a nutritional metabolomic study of human urine. Genes Nutr. 2012;7(2):281-293.
  • Rauschert S, Uhl O, Koletzko B, Hellmuth C. Metabolomic biomarkers for obesity in humans: a short review. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 2014;64(3-4):314-324.
  • Karatoy B, Akbas EH. D Vitamini ve Metabolomik. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg. 2018;16(2):127-194.
  • Yaman Ö. Hekimlikte metabolomik çalışmalara genel bir bakış. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research. 2015;3(1):33-46.

Beslenme ve Gıda Alanlarında Metabolomik Uygulamalar: Genel Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2019, , 827 - 839, 25.08.2019


küçük moleküllü metabolitlerin lipitler, karbonhidratlar, vitaminler, hormonlar
ve dokularda, hücrelerde ve fizyolojik sıvılarda bulunan diğer hücre
bileşenlerinde belirli bir sürede yüksek verim teknolojilerini kullanarak
belirlenmesi, nicelendirilmesi ve tanımlanmasıdır. Metabolomik uygulaması,
biyobelirteçlerin tanımlanmasını, enzim-substract etkileşimlerini, ilaç
aktivitesi çalışmalarını, metabolik yol analizini ve sistem biyolojisi ile
ilgili diğer bazı çalışmaları içerir. Yani metabolomik, NMR, GC-MS ve LC-MS
gibi yüksek verimli teknolojilerle hücrelerde, dokularda veya biyolojik
sıvılarda bulunan tüm metabolitlerin kısa sürede ucuz ve doğru ayrılması,
tanımlanması ve ölçülmesidir. Beslenme paternleri ve toksinlere maruz kalma
gibi çevresel faktörler, obezite, tip 2 diyabet gibi birçok hastalığın
önlenmesinde/ gelişmesinde ve dolayısıyla kişilerin sağlık durumlarında önemli
bir rol oynar. Sağlıklı olmak, iyi genetik, iyi yaşam tarzı ve iyi beslenmenin
bir birleşimidir. Metabolomik, metabolit konsantrasyonlarını izleyerek
fizyolojik işlemlerin analizini sağlar, büyük ölçüde yiyeceğin moleküler içeriğine
ve sağlık özelliklerine göre değişebilen ve gıda işlemesinin bir sonucu olarak
oluşan kimyasal değişiklikleri karakterize eder. Günümüzde bilim insanarı
obezite, diyabet, kardiyovasküler ve kronik hastalıkların önlenmesi ve yaşamı
uzatan, kilo verdiren, fiziksel ve zihinsel sağlığı geliştiren ve kalp krizi ve
kanser gibi hastalıkları önleyen yeni biyoaktif gıda bileşenleri bulmak için
çalışmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, metabolomik tekniklerin kullanımı, gıda tüketim
modellerinin geliştirilmesi, herhangi bir diyetin faydaları ve fizyolojik
tepkilerin iyileştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalara katkı sunmaktadır. Bu konuda
gıda bilimi ve beslenme, gıda kalitesi ve gıda güvenliği, gıda işleme alanında
birçok çalışma vardır. Özetle, hücre seviyesindeki genlerin, proteinlerin,
enzimlerin, metabolitlerin ve mikro ortamların etkilerinin daha iyi
anlaşılması, hücre fonksiyonlarını ve genel sağlığı geliştirmek için beslenme
programlarının tasarımına metabolik yaklaşımlar yardımcı olabilir, sağlık ve
hastalık, beslenme ve besinlerin rolünü anlayışımızı geliştirebilir. Bu
çalışmanın amacı; gıda ve beslenme araştırmalarında metabolomic uygulamalar
konusunda genel bir değerlendirme yapmak, bazı potansiyel uygulamaları
vurgulamak, metabolominin gıda ve beslenme üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak ve
bu konularda bilimsel literatürü sunmaktır.


  • Gibney MJ, Walsh M, Brennan L, Roche HM, German B, Ommen B. Metabolomics in human nutrition: opportunities and challenges. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005;82:497-503.
  • Goodacre R. Metabolomics-the way forward. Metabolomics. 2005;1:1-2.
  • Manach C, Hubert J, Llorach R, Scalbert A. The complex links between dietary phytochemicals and human health deciphered by metabolomics. Mol Nutr Food. 2009;53:1303-1315.
  • Primrose S, Draper J, Elsom R, et al. Metabolomics and human nutrition. Br J Nutr. 2011;105:1277-1283.
  • Llorach R, Garcia-Aloy M, Tulipani S, Vazquez-Fresno R, Andres-Lacueva C. Nutrimetabolomic strategies to develop new biomarkers of intake and health effects. J Agric Food Chem. 2012;60:8797-8808.
  • Rubio-Aliaga I, Kochhar S, Silva-Zolezzi I. Biomarkers of nutrient bioactivity and efficacy: a route toward personalized nutrition. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2012;46:545-554.
  • Novotna H, Kmiecik O, Galazka M, et al. Metabolomic fingerprinting employing DART-TOFMS for authentication of tomatoes and peppers from organic and conventional farming. Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess. 2012;29:1335-1346.
  • Heuberger AL, Lewis MR, Chen MH, Brick MA, Leach JE, Ryan EP. Metabolomic and functional genomic analyses reveal varietal differences in bioactive compounds of cooked rice. Plos One. 2010;5:2915.
  • Beleggia R, Platani C, Papa R, et al. Metabolomics and food processing: from semolina to pasta. J Agric Food Chem. 2011;59:9366-9377.
  • Rapoport SI, Ramadan E, Basselin M. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) incorporation into the brain from plasma, as an in vivo biomarker of brain DHA metabolism and neurotransmission. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 2011;96:109-113.
  • Bocarsly ME, Powell ES, Avena NM, Hoebel BG. High-fructose corn syrup causes characteristics of obesity in rats: increased body weight, body fat and triglyceride levels. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2010;97:101-106.
  • Ong TP, Perusse L. Impact of nutritional epigenomics on disease risk and prevention: introduction. J Nutrigenet Nutrigenomics. 2011;4:245-247.
  • Sassone-Corsi P. Physiology. When metabolism and epigenetics converge. Science. 2013;339:148-150.
  • Snigdha S, Astarita G, Piomelli D, Cotman CW. Effects of diet and behavioral enrichment on free fatty acids in the aged canine brain. Neuroscience. 2012;202:326-333.
  • Cuda C, Badawi A, Karmali M, El-Sohemy A. Polymorphisms in Toll-like receptor 4 are associated with factors of the metabolic syndrome and modify the association between dietary saturated fat and fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Metabolism. 2011;60:1131-1135.
  • Cornelis MC, El-Sohemy A. Coffee, caffeine, and coronary heart disease. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2007;10:745-751.
  • Wenk MR. The emerging field of lipidomics. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2005;4:594-610.
  • Moco S, Bino RJ, Vorst O, Verhoeven HA, Groot J, Beek TA. A liquid chromatography-mas spectrometry-based metabolome database for tomato. Plant Physiol. 2006;141:1205-1218.
  • Ogrinc N, Kosir IJ, Spangenberg JE, Kidric J. The application of NMR and MS methods for detection of adulteration of wine, fruit juices and olive oil. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2003;376:424-430.
  • Lindon JC, Holmes E, Bollard ME, Stanley EG, Nicholson JK. Metabonomics technologies and their applications in physiological monitoring, drug safety assessment and disease diagnosis. Biomarkers.2013;9:1-31.
  • Christopher J, Haselssen JN. Metabolic profiling as a tool for understanding mechanisms of toxicity. Toxicol Pathol. 2008;36(1):140-147.
  • Sébédio JL. Metabolomics, nutrition, and potential biomarkers of food quality, intake, and health status. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2017;82:83-116.
  • Wishart DS, Tzur D, Knox C, et al. HMDB: the human metabolome database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007;35:521-526.
  • Öztürk AS. The clinical aproach to metabolomics and proteomics concepts. Turkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci Intern Med-Special Topics. 2015;1(1):31-39.
  • Fardet A, Canlet C, Gottardi G, et al. Whole-Grain and Refined Wheat Flours Show Distinct Metabolic Profiles in Rats as Assessed by a 1H NMR-Based Metabonomic Approach. J Nutr. 2007;137(4):923-929.
  • Menni C, Zhai G, Macgregor A, et al. Targeted metabolomics profiles are strongly correlated with nutritional patterns in women. Metabolomics. 2013;9(2):506-514.
  • Rasmussen LG, Winning H, Savorani F, et al. Assessment of dietary exposure related to dietary GI and fibre intake in a nutritional metabolomic study of human urine. Genes Nutr. 2012;7(2):281-293.
  • Rauschert S, Uhl O, Koletzko B, Hellmuth C. Metabolomic biomarkers for obesity in humans: a short review. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 2014;64(3-4):314-324.
  • Karatoy B, Akbas EH. D Vitamini ve Metabolomik. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg. 2018;16(2):127-194.
  • Yaman Ö. Hekimlikte metabolomik çalışmalara genel bir bakış. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research. 2015;3(1):33-46.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Articles

İlkay Yılmaz 0000-0001-5938-3112

Haydar Özpınar This is me 0000-0002-2523-7149

Publication Date August 25, 2019
Acceptance Date July 12, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


JAMA Yılmaz İ, Özpınar H. Beslenme ve Gıda Alanlarında Metabolomik Uygulamalar: Genel Bir Değerlendirme. IGUSABDER. 2019;:827–839.

 Alıntı-Gayriticari-Türetilemez 4.0 Uluslararası (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)