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Adaptation of an entrepreneurship education self-assessment scale at the tertiary level into Turkish

Year 2023, , 638 - 671, 23.12.2023


The university environment provides a good context for entrepreneurship education. With the vigorous development of entrepreneurship education, educators and scholars have shown increasing interest in the significant role entrepreneurship education plays in higher education. As a result, the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education has quickly become a popular topic. However, it is often not easy to evaluate entrepreneurship education programs, which are designed for medium- and long-term outcomes. It is essential to develop alternative assessment tools that do not traditionally assess only knowledge. The study aims to adapt the multidimensional measurement tool for assessing university students' entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, attitudes, and mindsets. While the scale was translated into Turkish, face and content validity were proved. The data was gathered from 572 university students. Confirmatory factor analyses were employed to assess the construct validity of the measure. The Turkish Entrepreneurship Education Self-Efficiency Scale was obtained with three main dimensions and 38 items. Its Cronbach’s alpha, Spearman-Brown correlation, and composite reliability coefficients are 0.95, 0.86, and 0.98, respectively. Furthermore, the study found that the entrepreneurship education scores of the participants were significantly related to their gender, field of education, volunteering, work experience, experience of starting or running their own business, and entrepreneurship education. The effect size of these variables differs, and the experience with self-employment has the greatest influence on entrepreneurship education.

Ethical Statement

Gazi University, 26.06.2019, 2019-195


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Adaptation of an entrepreneurship education self-assessment scale at the tertiary level into Turkish

Year 2023, , 638 - 671, 23.12.2023


The university environment provides a good context for entrepreneurship education. With the vigorous development of entrepreneurship education, educators and scholars have shown increasing interest in the significant role entrepreneurship education plays in higher education. As a result, the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education has quickly become a popular topic. However, it is often not easy to evaluate entrepreneurship education programs, which are designed for medium- and long-term outcomes. It is essential to develop alternative assessment tools that do not traditionally assess only knowledge. The study aims to adapt the multidimensional measurement tool for assessing university students' entrepreneurial skills, knowledge, attitudes, and mindsets. While the scale was translated into Turkish, face and content validity were proved. The data was gathered from 572 university students. Confirmatory factor analyses were employed to assess the construct validity of the measure. The Turkish Entrepreneurship Education Self-Efficiency Scale was obtained with three main dimensions and 38 items. Its Cronbach’s alpha, Spearman-Brown correlation, and composite reliability coefficients are 0.95, 0.86, and 0.98, respectively. Furthermore, the study found that the entrepreneurship education scores of the participants were significantly related to their gender, field of education, volunteering, work experience, experience of starting or running their own business, and entrepreneurship education. The effect size of these variables differs, and the experience with self-employment has the greatest influence on entrepreneurship education.

Ethical Statement

Gazi University, 26.06.2019, 2019-195

Supporting Institution

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.


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There are 134 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation, Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Ahmet Çelik 0000-0001-9511-7516

Ebru Solmaz 0000-0003-4893-450X

Publication Date December 23, 2023
Submission Date January 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çelik, A., & Solmaz, E. (2023). Adaptation of an entrepreneurship education self-assessment scale at the tertiary level into Turkish. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 10(4), 638-671.

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