Research Article
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Year 2023, , 822 - 848, 05.09.2023



  • Aassve, A., Arpino, B. & Goisis, A. (2012). Grandparenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the generations and gender survey. Demographic Research, 27(3), 53-84.
  • Altuzarra, A., Gálvez-Gálvez, C. & González-Flores, A. (2019). Economic Development and Female Labour Force Participation: The Case of European Union Countries. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-20.
  • Antecol, H. (2000). An examination of cross-country differences in the gender gap in labor force participation rates. Labour Economics, 7(4), 409-426.
  • Antonopoulos, R. (2009). The Current Economic and Financial Crisis: A Gender Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003). Labour Force ­ Unemployment and Participation Rates in Australia: A Cohort Analysis, Australian Labour Market Statistics.
  • Ben-Porath, Y., (1973). Labor-Force Participation Rates and the Supply of Labor. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 697-704.
  • Bölükbaşı, H. T. & Kutlu, A. O. (2019). Piecing Together the ‘Turkish Puzzle’on Female Labour Force Participation: Comparative Insights from Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 24(1), 53-77.
  • Cameron, L., Suarez, D. C. & Rowell, W. (2019). Female Labour Force Participation in Indonesia: Why Has it Stalled?. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(2), 157-192.
  • Cuberes, D., Munoz-Boudet, A. M., & Teignier, M. (2019). How Costly Are Labor Gender Gaps? Estimates by Age Group for the Balkans and Turkey. Eastern European Economics, 57(1), 86-101.
  • Çatalbaş, G. K. (2015). Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımını Belirleyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Panel Veri Yaklaşımı. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(10), 249-280.
  • Elmeskov, J. & Pichelmann, K. (1993). Unemployment and labour force participation, trends and cycles. Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • Gustavsson, M. & Österholm, P. (2006). The informational value of unemployment statistics: A note on the time series properties of participation rates. Economics Letters, 92(3), 428-433.
  • Helleiner, E. (2011). Understanding the 2007–2008 global financial crisis: Lessons for scholars of international political economy. Annual review of political science, 14, 67-87.
  • Hornstein, A. (2013). The Cyclicality of the Labor Force Participation Rate. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
  • Hornstein, A. & Rhodes, K. (2013). Will a Surge in Labor Force Participation Impede Unemployment Rate Improvement?. Richmond Fed Economic Brief, 13(08), 1-4.
  • Jaumotte, F. (2003). Labour Force Participation of Women: Empirical Evidence on The Role of Policy and Other Determinants in OECD Countries. OECD Economic Studies: 37, 2003/2, 51-108.
  • ILO. (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum: Global Report. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2016). Women At Work Trends. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2018). World Employment Social Outlook Trends For Women 2018 Global Snapshot, Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2020). World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2020. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • İŞKUR. (2021). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2021 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2020). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2020 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2019). İzmir İşgücü Piyasası Araştırma Raporu.
  • Klasen, S. (2019). What explains uneven female labor force participation levels and trends in developing countries?. The World Bank Research Observer, 34(2), 161-197.
  • Lundberg, J. & Norell, J. (2018). Taxes, benefits and labour force participation: A survey of the quasi-experimental literature. Stockholm: Ratio (Ratio working paper 313).
  • Signorelli, M., Choudhry, M., & Marelli, E. (2012). The Impact of Financial Crises on Female Labour. The European Journal of Development Research, 24(3), 413–433.
  • TÜİK (2007). İşgücü, İstihdam ve İşsizlik İstatistikleri, Yayın No: 3095, Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası.
  • TÜİK (2018). İşgücü İstatistikleri.
  • Umney, C., Greer, I., Onaran, Ö., & Symon, G. (2018). The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis. Capital & Class, 42(2), 333–351.
  • Uysal, D., Keskin, R. & Sertkaya, Y. (2016) Türkiye’de Kadınların İşgücüne Katılmını Belirleyen Faktörler Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Analiz, Siirt Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 3(2), 73-92.
  • Verick, S. (2012). Giving up Job Search during a Recession: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the South African Labour Market†. Journal of African Economies, 21(3), 373–408.
  • Verick, S. (2014). Female labor force participation in developing countries. IZA World of Labor, 1-11.
  • Yeğenoğlu, S. & Emre, H. (2004). Farmakoekonomi alanında temel kavramlar. Ankara Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 41-61.
  • Zimmer, T, E. & Guzman, D. A., (2013) What's Behind the Labor Force Participation Rate. Incontext, 14(2).

The Relationship between Women's Labor Force Participation and Unemployment: An Evaluation in terms of 1950-1989 Cohorts in İzmir Province

Year 2023, , 822 - 848, 05.09.2023


This study investigates the relationship between the female labor force participation rate and the unemployment rate at the Izmir province level. The factors affecting and regulating this relationship, especially the variables of gender and education level, which are determinants of labor force participation, are discussed comparatively between the years 2004-2017. The course of women's labor force status in terms of age, cohort, and year was examined through the analysis of secondary data obtained from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). As a result of the analyses made in the province of Izmir, it was concluded that the global economic crisis experienced in 2008 affected the youth the most, women's labor force participation was directly related to education, the unemployment rate of women with low education levels increased and decreased independently of the labor force participation rate, and the unemployment rate of women was more sensitive to cyclical changes than men.


  • Aassve, A., Arpino, B. & Goisis, A. (2012). Grandparenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the generations and gender survey. Demographic Research, 27(3), 53-84.
  • Altuzarra, A., Gálvez-Gálvez, C. & González-Flores, A. (2019). Economic Development and Female Labour Force Participation: The Case of European Union Countries. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-20.
  • Antecol, H. (2000). An examination of cross-country differences in the gender gap in labor force participation rates. Labour Economics, 7(4), 409-426.
  • Antonopoulos, R. (2009). The Current Economic and Financial Crisis: A Gender Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003). Labour Force ­ Unemployment and Participation Rates in Australia: A Cohort Analysis, Australian Labour Market Statistics.
  • Ben-Porath, Y., (1973). Labor-Force Participation Rates and the Supply of Labor. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 697-704.
  • Bölükbaşı, H. T. & Kutlu, A. O. (2019). Piecing Together the ‘Turkish Puzzle’on Female Labour Force Participation: Comparative Insights from Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 24(1), 53-77.
  • Cameron, L., Suarez, D. C. & Rowell, W. (2019). Female Labour Force Participation in Indonesia: Why Has it Stalled?. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(2), 157-192.
  • Cuberes, D., Munoz-Boudet, A. M., & Teignier, M. (2019). How Costly Are Labor Gender Gaps? Estimates by Age Group for the Balkans and Turkey. Eastern European Economics, 57(1), 86-101.
  • Çatalbaş, G. K. (2015). Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımını Belirleyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Panel Veri Yaklaşımı. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(10), 249-280.
  • Elmeskov, J. & Pichelmann, K. (1993). Unemployment and labour force participation, trends and cycles. Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • Gustavsson, M. & Österholm, P. (2006). The informational value of unemployment statistics: A note on the time series properties of participation rates. Economics Letters, 92(3), 428-433.
  • Helleiner, E. (2011). Understanding the 2007–2008 global financial crisis: Lessons for scholars of international political economy. Annual review of political science, 14, 67-87.
  • Hornstein, A. (2013). The Cyclicality of the Labor Force Participation Rate. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
  • Hornstein, A. & Rhodes, K. (2013). Will a Surge in Labor Force Participation Impede Unemployment Rate Improvement?. Richmond Fed Economic Brief, 13(08), 1-4.
  • Jaumotte, F. (2003). Labour Force Participation of Women: Empirical Evidence on The Role of Policy and Other Determinants in OECD Countries. OECD Economic Studies: 37, 2003/2, 51-108.
  • ILO. (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum: Global Report. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2016). Women At Work Trends. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2018). World Employment Social Outlook Trends For Women 2018 Global Snapshot, Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2020). World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2020. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • İŞKUR. (2021). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2021 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2020). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2020 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2019). İzmir İşgücü Piyasası Araştırma Raporu.
  • Klasen, S. (2019). What explains uneven female labor force participation levels and trends in developing countries?. The World Bank Research Observer, 34(2), 161-197.
  • Lundberg, J. & Norell, J. (2018). Taxes, benefits and labour force participation: A survey of the quasi-experimental literature. Stockholm: Ratio (Ratio working paper 313).
  • Signorelli, M., Choudhry, M., & Marelli, E. (2012). The Impact of Financial Crises on Female Labour. The European Journal of Development Research, 24(3), 413–433.
  • TÜİK (2007). İşgücü, İstihdam ve İşsizlik İstatistikleri, Yayın No: 3095, Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası.
  • TÜİK (2018). İşgücü İstatistikleri.
  • Umney, C., Greer, I., Onaran, Ö., & Symon, G. (2018). The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis. Capital & Class, 42(2), 333–351.
  • Uysal, D., Keskin, R. & Sertkaya, Y. (2016) Türkiye’de Kadınların İşgücüne Katılmını Belirleyen Faktörler Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Analiz, Siirt Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 3(2), 73-92.
  • Verick, S. (2012). Giving up Job Search during a Recession: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the South African Labour Market†. Journal of African Economies, 21(3), 373–408.
  • Verick, S. (2014). Female labor force participation in developing countries. IZA World of Labor, 1-11.
  • Yeğenoğlu, S. & Emre, H. (2004). Farmakoekonomi alanında temel kavramlar. Ankara Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 41-61.
  • Zimmer, T, E. & Guzman, D. A., (2013) What's Behind the Labor Force Participation Rate. Incontext, 14(2).

Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımı ve İşsizlik İlişkisi: İzmir İlinde 1950-1989 Kohortları Açısından Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2023, , 822 - 848, 05.09.2023


Bu çalışma, İzmir ili düzeyinde kadınların işgücüne katılım oranı ile işsizlik oranı arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Bu ilişkiyi etkileyen ve düzenleyen faktörler, özellikle işgücüne katılımda belirleyici olan cinsiyet ve eğitim düzeyi değişkenleri, 2004-2017 yılları arasında karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Yaş, kohort ve yıl bakımından kadınların işgücü durumunun izlediği seyir, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK)’ndan elde edilen ikincil verilerin analizi yoluyla incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda İzmir ilinde; 2008 yılında yaşanan küresel ekonomik krizin en çok gençleri etkilediği, kadınların işgücüne katılımının eğitim ile doğrudan ilişkili olduğu, özellikle düşük eğitim seviyesindeki kadınların işsizlik oranının işgücüne katılım oranından bağımsız olarak artıp azaldığı, kadınların işsizlik oranının konjonktürel değişimlere karşı erkeklere nazaran daha hassas olduğu sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır.


  • Aassve, A., Arpino, B. & Goisis, A. (2012). Grandparenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the generations and gender survey. Demographic Research, 27(3), 53-84.
  • Altuzarra, A., Gálvez-Gálvez, C. & González-Flores, A. (2019). Economic Development and Female Labour Force Participation: The Case of European Union Countries. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-20.
  • Antecol, H. (2000). An examination of cross-country differences in the gender gap in labor force participation rates. Labour Economics, 7(4), 409-426.
  • Antonopoulos, R. (2009). The Current Economic and Financial Crisis: A Gender Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003). Labour Force ­ Unemployment and Participation Rates in Australia: A Cohort Analysis, Australian Labour Market Statistics.
  • Ben-Porath, Y., (1973). Labor-Force Participation Rates and the Supply of Labor. Journal of Political Economy, 81(3), 697-704.
  • Bölükbaşı, H. T. & Kutlu, A. O. (2019). Piecing Together the ‘Turkish Puzzle’on Female Labour Force Participation: Comparative Insights from Southern Europe. South European Society and Politics, 24(1), 53-77.
  • Cameron, L., Suarez, D. C. & Rowell, W. (2019). Female Labour Force Participation in Indonesia: Why Has it Stalled?. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 55(2), 157-192.
  • Cuberes, D., Munoz-Boudet, A. M., & Teignier, M. (2019). How Costly Are Labor Gender Gaps? Estimates by Age Group for the Balkans and Turkey. Eastern European Economics, 57(1), 86-101.
  • Çatalbaş, G. K. (2015). Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımını Belirleyen Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Panel Veri Yaklaşımı. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(10), 249-280.
  • Elmeskov, J. & Pichelmann, K. (1993). Unemployment and labour force participation, trends and cycles. Paris, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • Gustavsson, M. & Österholm, P. (2006). The informational value of unemployment statistics: A note on the time series properties of participation rates. Economics Letters, 92(3), 428-433.
  • Helleiner, E. (2011). Understanding the 2007–2008 global financial crisis: Lessons for scholars of international political economy. Annual review of political science, 14, 67-87.
  • Hornstein, A. (2013). The Cyclicality of the Labor Force Participation Rate. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.
  • Hornstein, A. & Rhodes, K. (2013). Will a Surge in Labor Force Participation Impede Unemployment Rate Improvement?. Richmond Fed Economic Brief, 13(08), 1-4.
  • Jaumotte, F. (2003). Labour Force Participation of Women: Empirical Evidence on The Role of Policy and Other Determinants in OECD Countries. OECD Economic Studies: 37, 2003/2, 51-108.
  • ILO. (2015). Women in Business and Management Gaining Momentum: Global Report. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2016). Women At Work Trends. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2018). World Employment Social Outlook Trends For Women 2018 Global Snapshot, Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • ILO. (2020). World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2020. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • İŞKUR. (2021). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2021 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2020). İşgücü Piyasası Araştırması İzmir İli 2020 Yılı Sonuç Raporu.
  • İŞKUR. (2019). İzmir İşgücü Piyasası Araştırma Raporu.
  • Klasen, S. (2019). What explains uneven female labor force participation levels and trends in developing countries?. The World Bank Research Observer, 34(2), 161-197.
  • Lundberg, J. & Norell, J. (2018). Taxes, benefits and labour force participation: A survey of the quasi-experimental literature. Stockholm: Ratio (Ratio working paper 313).
  • Signorelli, M., Choudhry, M., & Marelli, E. (2012). The Impact of Financial Crises on Female Labour. The European Journal of Development Research, 24(3), 413–433.
  • TÜİK (2007). İşgücü, İstihdam ve İşsizlik İstatistikleri, Yayın No: 3095, Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası.
  • TÜİK (2018). İşgücü İstatistikleri.
  • Umney, C., Greer, I., Onaran, Ö., & Symon, G. (2018). The state and class discipline: European labour market policy after the financial crisis. Capital & Class, 42(2), 333–351.
  • Uysal, D., Keskin, R. & Sertkaya, Y. (2016) Türkiye’de Kadınların İşgücüne Katılmını Belirleyen Faktörler Üzerine Ekonometrik Bir Analiz, Siirt Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi İktisadi Yenilik Dergisi, 3(2), 73-92.
  • Verick, S. (2012). Giving up Job Search during a Recession: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the South African Labour Market†. Journal of African Economies, 21(3), 373–408.
  • Verick, S. (2014). Female labor force participation in developing countries. IZA World of Labor, 1-11.
  • Yeğenoğlu, S. & Emre, H. (2004). Farmakoekonomi alanında temel kavramlar. Ankara Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(1), 41-61.
  • Zimmer, T, E. & Guzman, D. A., (2013) What's Behind the Labor Force Participation Rate. Incontext, 14(2).
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Labour, Migration and Development
Journal Section Articles

Efe Çınar 0000-0002-1787-7242

Tunç Demirbilek 0000-0001-5384-6016

Publication Date September 5, 2023
Submission Date December 28, 2022
Acceptance Date May 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çınar, E., & Demirbilek, T. (2023). Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımı ve İşsizlik İlişkisi: İzmir İlinde 1950-1989 Kohortları Açısından Bir Değerlendirme. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 38(3), 822-848.

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