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Proje Yönetim Metodolojisi (PYM): Değişim kabiliyeti ve hayatta kalma ilişkisi

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 140 - 156, 30.06.2019


Sinopsis - Hayatta kalma bugünkü şirketlerin
bir numaralı dürtüsüdür; bu nedenle, organizasyonlar içinde gerekli olan
değişikliklerin ve ilgili projelerin çoğunluğu bunu güvence altına almayı
amaçlamaktadır. Bununla birlikte, bir proje yönetimi metodolojisinin
kullanılmaması, kurumun proje yönetimi çabalarını ve genel etkinliğini
tehlikeye atabilmektedir. Proje yönetimi metodolojisini uygulamadaki
başarısızlıkların bir numaralı nedeni ise, paydaşlardaki değişim algısının
farkındalığı ve yönetimi ile ilgilidir. Bu makale, paydaşların özelliklerine
dönük stratejilere katkıda bulunmaktadır.

Proje Temeli - Kongre[1]  sunum notları incelenmiş ve araştırma
düzlemine taşınmıştır. İndüktif doğası nedeniyle, gömülü teori uygulanmış, 58
katılımcı toplam sekiz cevap, üç kodlama ve dört kayıt olarak
gruplandırılmıştır. Kutuplaşmış duyguların (ya da bunlara nasıl tepki
verileceğinin), kurumların proje yönetimi metodolojisini kullanma çabalarını
tehlikeye atabileceği öne sürülen dört hipoteze yer verilmiştir. Makale,
ayrıca, sorunları hafifletmeyi hedefleyen bir uygulama modeline de yer vermektedir.
Model, PYM (Proje Yönetim Metodolojisi) kurulumunu (aynı zamanda organizasyonun
kendisini) başarılı kılmak için, çalışma, farklı paydaşlar açısından 10 adımlık
bir eylem planına dönüştürülmüştür.

Projenin Yılları - 2013-2018

Hedef Okuyucu - Proje Sponsorları, Hat
Yöneticileri, Proje Yöneticileri

Öğrenilen Dersler – Paydaşlarla ilgili
bilmediğimiz şey, onları neye göre grupladığımızdan ziyade değişime verdikleri
tepkilere dönük işletmemiz gereken stratejilerdir, öyle ki bu başarı ile
doğrudan ilişkilidir. Stratejilere uzanan yoldaki diğer kazanımlar; proje
tamamlama adımına önerilen ilave bir bileşen (değişim belirleyicileri için
bilgi deposu oluşturma), iş yükünün sonradan emek yoğun bir moda
büründürülmesinin salık verilmesi ve fiziksel bariyerlerin yeniden tanımı
olarak özetlenebilir.

Vurgulanan Nitelikler - Proje Yönetimi

İlgili Teori - Değişim Yönetimi, Paydaş Yönetimi

[1] Ozmen, E. S. (2013). Project Management
Methodology (PYM): How can PYM serve organisations today? PMI Global Congress
EMEA (pp. 1-11). PMI. Retrieved from


  • Ahmad, M. H., Ismail, S., Rani, W. N. M. W. M., & Wahab, M. H. (2017, October). Trust in management, communication and organisational commitment: Factors influencing readiness for change management in organisation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1891, No. 1, p. 020019). AIP Publishing.
  • Aitken, A. (2017). Driving Project Delivery from the Top Down: Engaging Executive Leaders as Project Sponsors. Project Management Research and Practice, 4.
  • Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453-474.
  • Aladwani, A. M. (2001). Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 266-275
  • Barakat, L. L., Lorenz, M. P., Ramsey, J. R., & Cretoiu, S. L. (2015). Global managers: An analysis of the impact of cultural intelligence on job satisfaction and performance. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(4), 781-800.
  • Bierly III, P. E., Kessler, E. H., & Christensen, E. W. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom. Journal of organizational change management, 13(6), 595-618.
  • Bryde, D. J. (2003). Project management concepts, methods and application. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,23(7), 775-793.
  • Caldwell, C. (2013). Tomorrow's global leaders. People and Strategy, 36(3), 48.
  • Chiocchio, F. (2007). Project team performance: a study of electronic task and coordination communication. Project Management Quarterly, 38(1), 97.
  • Cho, J. Y., & Lee, E-H. (2014). Reducing confusion about grounded theory and qualitative content analysis: Similarities and differences. The Qualitative Report, 19(64), 1-20.
  • Clarke, A. (1999). A practical use of key success factors to improve the effectiveness of project management. International Journal of Project Management, 17(3), 139-145.
  • Coupaye, T., & Estublier, J. (2000, February). Foundations of enterprise software deployment. In Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2000. Proceedings of the Fourth European (pp. 65-73). IEEE.
  • Dagdeviren, H., Lund-Thomsen, P., McCann L. (2016) Multiple paths through the complexities of globalization: The next three years of Competition & Change, Competition & Change, 21(1), 3-9
  • Dent, E. B., & Goldberg, S. G. (1999). Challenging “resistance to change”. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35(1), 25-41.
  • Desouza, K. C., & Evaristo, J. R. (2006). Project management offices: A case of knowledge-based archetypes. International Journal of Information Management, 26(5), 414-423.
  • Fui-Hoon Nah, F., Lee-Shang Lau, J., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • Gemuenden, H. G., & Lechler, T. (1997, July). Success factors of project management: the critical few-an empirical investigation. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (pp. 375-377). IEEE.
  • Giorgi, G. (2013). Organizational emotional intelligence: development of a model. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21(1), 4-18.
  • Hambrick, D. C. (1981). Strategic awareness within top management teams. Strategic Management Journal, 2(3), 263-279.
  • Hanisch, B., Lindner, F., Mueller, A., & Wald, A. (2009). Knowledge management in project environments. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 148-160.
  • Heerwagen, J. (2010, December 15) The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace. U.S. General Services Administration. Retrieved on 4 March 2013 from
  • Hornstein, H. (2013). The need to integrate project management and organizational change. Article about the integration of project management and Change management, accessed on, 10.
  • Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298.
  • Hurt, M., & Thomas, J. L. (2009). Building value through sustainable project management offices. Project Management Journal, 40(1), 55-72.
  • Ibbs, C. W., & Kwak, Y. H. (2000). Assessing project management maturity. Project Management Journal, 31(1), 32-43.
  • Jansson, H., & Söderman, S. (2015). International strategic management hybrids in China. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(2), 209-223.
  • Jiang, W., & Gu, Q. (2015). A moderated mediation examination of proactive personality on employee creativity: A person-environment fit perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(3), 393-410.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (2009). Precarious work, insecure workers: Employment relations in transition. American sociological review, 74(1), 1-22.
  • Kaufman, R., Kaman, T., Yu, Y., & Glimm, J. (2012, November). Stochastic convergence and the software tool W*. In Proceeding Book of International Conference to Honour Professor EF Toro, CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, London (pp. 37-41).
  • Kearse, M., Moir, R., Wilson, A., Stones-Havas, S., Cheung, M., Sturrock, S., ... & Thierer, T. (2012). Geneious Basic: an integrated and extendable desktop software platform for the organization and analysis of sequence data. Bioinformatics, 28(12), 1647-1649.
  • Kerzner, H. (2004). Advanced project management: Best practices on implementation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. (2005). Strategic planning for project management using a project management maturity model. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. (2010). Project Management: Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence (Vol. 4). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Krueger, C. (2001, October). Easing the transition to software mass customization. In International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering (pp. 282-293). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Labuschagne, C., & Brent, A. C. (2005). Sustainable project life cycle management: the need to integrate life cycles in the manufacturing sector. International Journal of Project Management, 23(2), 159-168.
  • Light, M., Rosser, B., & Hayward, S. (2005). Realizing the benefits of project and portfolio management. Stamford, CT: Gartner.
  • Mazodier, M., & Quester, P. (2014). The role of sponsorship fit for changing brand affect: A latent growth modeling approach. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Milliman, J., Czaplewski, A. J., & Ferguson, J. (2003). Workplace spirituality and employee work attitudes: An exploratory empirical assessment. Journal of organizational change management, 16(4), 426-447.
  • Milosevic, D. Z. (1997, July). Strategic project management: from ad-hocracy to standardization. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (pp. 369-374). IEEE.
  • Müller, R., & Turner, R. (2007). The influence of project managers on project success criteria and project success by type of project. European Management Journal, 25(4), 298-309.
  • Nadkarni, S., & Chen, J. (2014). Bridging yesterday, today, and tomorrow: CEO temporal focus, environmental dynamism, and rate of new product introduction. Academy of Management Journal, 57(6), 1810-1833.
  • Nadkarni, S., Chen, T., & Chen, J. (2016). The clock is ticking! Executive temporal depth, industry velocity, and competitive aggressiveness. Strategic Management Journal, 37(6), 1132-1153.
  • Ozmen, E. S. & Oner. M. A. (2015, September). Calisanlarda ve Sirketlerde Degisim Algisini Yonetmek, Harvard Business Review, 26. (in Turkish)
  • Ozmen, E. S. (2013). Project Management Methodology (PYM): How can PYM serve organisations today? PMI Global Congress EMEA (pp. 1-11). PMI. Retrieved from
  • Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A., & D. Pathak, R. (2013). Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62(5), 534-544.
  • Pellegrinelli, S., Murray-Webster, R., & Turner, N. (2015). Facilitating organizational ambidexterity through the complementary use of projects and programs. International Journal of Project Management, 33(1), 153-164.
  • Piderit, S. K. (2000). Rethinking resistance and recognizing ambivalence: A multidimensional view of attitudes toward an organizational change. Academy of Management Review, 25(4), 783-794.
  • Project Management Institute. (2008) A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (4th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
  • Project Management Institute. (2013) A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
  • Röglinger, M., Pöppelbuß, J., & Becker, J. (2012). Maturity models in business process management. Business Process Management Journal, 18(2), 328-346.
  • Rosemann, M. (2010). The service portfolio of a BPM center of excellence. In Brocke, J.V. & Rosemann, M. (Eds.) Handbook on Business Process Management 2. (267-284). Heidelberg: Springer
  • Sbaraini, A., Carter, S. M., Evans, R. W., & Blinkhorn, A. (2011). How to do a grounded theory study: a worked example of a study of dental practices. BMC medical research methodology, 11(1), 128.
  • Seppänen, V. (2002). Evolution of competence in software subcontracting projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(2), 155-164.
  • Shenhar, A. J., & Wideman, R. M. (1997, July). Toward a fundamental differentiation between projects. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (p. 391). IEEE.
  • Shukla, A., Rai, H. (2015). Linking Perceived Organizational Support to Organizational Trust and Commitment: Moderating Role of Psychological Capital. Global Business Review, 16(6), 981-996.
  • Silvius, G. (2017). Sustainability as a new school of thought in project management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 1479-1493.
  • Simon, P. (2010). The Role of IT in an Enterprise 2.0 World. The Next Wave of Technologies: Opportunities from Chaos, 39-58.
  • Soulsby, A. & Clark, E. (2013) Organizational Restructuring and Change in Transition Societies: Dominant Coalitions and the Dynamics of Managerial Power and Politics, Competition & Change, 17(2), 176-196
  • Spender, J. C. (1996). Organizational knowledge, learning and memory: three concepts in search of a theory. Journal of organizational change management, 9(1), 63-78.
  • Suddaby, R. (2006). From the editors: What grounded theory is not. Academy of Management Journal 49(4), 633-642.
  • Swink, M. (2003). Completing projects on-time: how project acceleration affects new product development. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20(4), 319-344.
  • Terlizzi, M. A., de Souza Meirelles, F., & de Moraes, H. R. O. C. (2016). Barriers to the use of an IT Project Management Methodology in a large financial institution. International Journal of Project Management, 34(3), 467-479.
  • Thamhain, H. J. (1999, August). Emerging project management techniques: a managerial assessment. In Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999. Technology and Innovation Management. PICMET'99. Portland International Conference on (pp. 363-368). IEEE.
  • White, D. E., & Patton, J. R. (1999). Metrics and critical success factors for managing organizations by projects. In Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999. Technology and Innovation Management. PICMET'99. Portland International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 252-253). IEEE.
  • Wischnevsky, J. D. (2004). Change as the winds change: The impact of organizational transformation on firm survival in a shifting environment. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 12(4), 361.
  • Wysocki, R. K. (2011). Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
  • Young, R., & Jordan, E. (2008). Top management support: Mantra or necessity?. International Journal of Project Management, 26(7), 713-725.
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Project Management Methodology: Resistance for change vs Capability for Survival

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2, 140 - 156, 30.06.2019


Synopsis - Survival is number one motive of companies today; therefore the majority of necessary changes and related projects within the organizations aim to secure this. However, failing to use a project management methodology may jeopardize an organization’s project management efforts and overall effectiveness, where number one reason of failures with implementing a project management methodology is related to change domain in different audience groups. This paper contributes to name the audience characteristics and relying strategies accordingly.
Project Setting – A congress proceeding  is scrutinized per propositions and validated in respect to research method with full notes. Due to inductive nature, grounded theory was applied, where eight answers, three coding and four memoing were grouped through 58 participants.  Four propositions were generated, where they primarily suggest that not being aware of (especially) polarized emotions (or how to react them) might jeopardize organizations’ efforts in deploying a project management methodology. Managerial implications refer to utilization of a single integrated project management methodology tool (in lieu of many, e.g. converging project management software and project management methodology in one tool) through a 10-step action plan in regard of different audience types.
Years of Project – 2013-2018    
Target Reader – Project Sponsors, Line Managers, Project Managers
Lessons Learned - What we do not know is how we compartmentalize the audience in the organizations and its determinants, where normally prevents the purpose from being accomplished. Scrutiny and validation efforts brought one addition (repository for change agents) to outputs of project completion, few additions to physical barriers, correct the work load mode to back-loaded, and some more.   
Competencies Highlighted – Project Management Methodology
Related Theory – Change Management, Stakeholder Management


  • Ahmad, M. H., Ismail, S., Rani, W. N. M. W. M., & Wahab, M. H. (2017, October). Trust in management, communication and organisational commitment: Factors influencing readiness for change management in organisation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1891, No. 1, p. 020019). AIP Publishing.
  • Aitken, A. (2017). Driving Project Delivery from the Top Down: Engaging Executive Leaders as Project Sponsors. Project Management Research and Practice, 4.
  • Ajzen, I., & Madden, T. J. (1986). Prediction of goal-directed behavior: Attitudes, intentions, and perceived behavioral control. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 22(5), 453-474.
  • Aladwani, A. M. (2001). Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 266-275
  • Barakat, L. L., Lorenz, M. P., Ramsey, J. R., & Cretoiu, S. L. (2015). Global managers: An analysis of the impact of cultural intelligence on job satisfaction and performance. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(4), 781-800.
  • Bierly III, P. E., Kessler, E. H., & Christensen, E. W. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom. Journal of organizational change management, 13(6), 595-618.
  • Bryde, D. J. (2003). Project management concepts, methods and application. International Journal of Operations & Production Management,23(7), 775-793.
  • Caldwell, C. (2013). Tomorrow's global leaders. People and Strategy, 36(3), 48.
  • Chiocchio, F. (2007). Project team performance: a study of electronic task and coordination communication. Project Management Quarterly, 38(1), 97.
  • Cho, J. Y., & Lee, E-H. (2014). Reducing confusion about grounded theory and qualitative content analysis: Similarities and differences. The Qualitative Report, 19(64), 1-20.
  • Clarke, A. (1999). A practical use of key success factors to improve the effectiveness of project management. International Journal of Project Management, 17(3), 139-145.
  • Coupaye, T., & Estublier, J. (2000, February). Foundations of enterprise software deployment. In Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2000. Proceedings of the Fourth European (pp. 65-73). IEEE.
  • Dagdeviren, H., Lund-Thomsen, P., McCann L. (2016) Multiple paths through the complexities of globalization: The next three years of Competition & Change, Competition & Change, 21(1), 3-9
  • Dent, E. B., & Goldberg, S. G. (1999). Challenging “resistance to change”. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 35(1), 25-41.
  • Desouza, K. C., & Evaristo, J. R. (2006). Project management offices: A case of knowledge-based archetypes. International Journal of Information Management, 26(5), 414-423.
  • Fui-Hoon Nah, F., Lee-Shang Lau, J., & Kuang, J. (2001). Critical factors for successful implementation of enterprise systems. Business Process Management Journal, 7(3), 285-296.
  • Gemuenden, H. G., & Lechler, T. (1997, July). Success factors of project management: the critical few-an empirical investigation. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (pp. 375-377). IEEE.
  • Giorgi, G. (2013). Organizational emotional intelligence: development of a model. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21(1), 4-18.
  • Hambrick, D. C. (1981). Strategic awareness within top management teams. Strategic Management Journal, 2(3), 263-279.
  • Hanisch, B., Lindner, F., Mueller, A., & Wald, A. (2009). Knowledge management in project environments. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(4), 148-160.
  • Heerwagen, J. (2010, December 15) The Changing Nature of Organizations, Work, and Workplace. U.S. General Services Administration. Retrieved on 4 March 2013 from
  • Hornstein, H. (2013). The need to integrate project management and organizational change. Article about the integration of project management and Change management, accessed on, 10.
  • Hornstein, H. A. (2015). The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity. International Journal of Project Management, 33(2), 291-298.
  • Hurt, M., & Thomas, J. L. (2009). Building value through sustainable project management offices. Project Management Journal, 40(1), 55-72.
  • Ibbs, C. W., & Kwak, Y. H. (2000). Assessing project management maturity. Project Management Journal, 31(1), 32-43.
  • Jansson, H., & Söderman, S. (2015). International strategic management hybrids in China. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(2), 209-223.
  • Jiang, W., & Gu, Q. (2015). A moderated mediation examination of proactive personality on employee creativity: A person-environment fit perspective. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 28(3), 393-410.
  • Kalleberg, A. L. (2009). Precarious work, insecure workers: Employment relations in transition. American sociological review, 74(1), 1-22.
  • Kaufman, R., Kaman, T., Yu, Y., & Glimm, J. (2012, November). Stochastic convergence and the software tool W*. In Proceeding Book of International Conference to Honour Professor EF Toro, CRC, Taylor and Francis Group, London (pp. 37-41).
  • Kearse, M., Moir, R., Wilson, A., Stones-Havas, S., Cheung, M., Sturrock, S., ... & Thierer, T. (2012). Geneious Basic: an integrated and extendable desktop software platform for the organization and analysis of sequence data. Bioinformatics, 28(12), 1647-1649.
  • Kerzner, H. (2004). Advanced project management: Best practices on implementation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. (2005). Strategic planning for project management using a project management maturity model. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. (2010). Project Management: Best Practices: Achieving Global Excellence (Vol. 4). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
  • Kerzner, H. R. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Krueger, C. (2001, October). Easing the transition to software mass customization. In International Workshop on Software Product-Family Engineering (pp. 282-293). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Labuschagne, C., & Brent, A. C. (2005). Sustainable project life cycle management: the need to integrate life cycles in the manufacturing sector. International Journal of Project Management, 23(2), 159-168.
  • Light, M., Rosser, B., & Hayward, S. (2005). Realizing the benefits of project and portfolio management. Stamford, CT: Gartner.
  • Mazodier, M., & Quester, P. (2014). The role of sponsorship fit for changing brand affect: A latent growth modeling approach. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 31(1), 16-29.
  • Milliman, J., Czaplewski, A. J., & Ferguson, J. (2003). Workplace spirituality and employee work attitudes: An exploratory empirical assessment. Journal of organizational change management, 16(4), 426-447.
  • Milosevic, D. Z. (1997, July). Strategic project management: from ad-hocracy to standardization. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (pp. 369-374). IEEE.
  • Müller, R., & Turner, R. (2007). The influence of project managers on project success criteria and project success by type of project. European Management Journal, 25(4), 298-309.
  • Nadkarni, S., & Chen, J. (2014). Bridging yesterday, today, and tomorrow: CEO temporal focus, environmental dynamism, and rate of new product introduction. Academy of Management Journal, 57(6), 1810-1833.
  • Nadkarni, S., Chen, T., & Chen, J. (2016). The clock is ticking! Executive temporal depth, industry velocity, and competitive aggressiveness. Strategic Management Journal, 37(6), 1132-1153.
  • Ozmen, E. S. & Oner. M. A. (2015, September). Calisanlarda ve Sirketlerde Degisim Algisini Yonetmek, Harvard Business Review, 26. (in Turkish)
  • Ozmen, E. S. (2013). Project Management Methodology (PYM): How can PYM serve organisations today? PMI Global Congress EMEA (pp. 1-11). PMI. Retrieved from
  • Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A., & D. Pathak, R. (2013). Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 62(5), 534-544.
  • Pellegrinelli, S., Murray-Webster, R., & Turner, N. (2015). Facilitating organizational ambidexterity through the complementary use of projects and programs. International Journal of Project Management, 33(1), 153-164.
  • Piderit, S. K. (2000). Rethinking resistance and recognizing ambivalence: A multidimensional view of attitudes toward an organizational change. Academy of Management Review, 25(4), 783-794.
  • Project Management Institute. (2008) A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (4th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
  • Project Management Institute. (2013) A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
  • Röglinger, M., Pöppelbuß, J., & Becker, J. (2012). Maturity models in business process management. Business Process Management Journal, 18(2), 328-346.
  • Rosemann, M. (2010). The service portfolio of a BPM center of excellence. In Brocke, J.V. & Rosemann, M. (Eds.) Handbook on Business Process Management 2. (267-284). Heidelberg: Springer
  • Sbaraini, A., Carter, S. M., Evans, R. W., & Blinkhorn, A. (2011). How to do a grounded theory study: a worked example of a study of dental practices. BMC medical research methodology, 11(1), 128.
  • Seppänen, V. (2002). Evolution of competence in software subcontracting projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(2), 155-164.
  • Shenhar, A. J., & Wideman, R. M. (1997, July). Toward a fundamental differentiation between projects. In Innovation in Technology Management-The Key to Global Leadership. PICMET'97: Portland International Conference on Management and Technology (p. 391). IEEE.
  • Shukla, A., Rai, H. (2015). Linking Perceived Organizational Support to Organizational Trust and Commitment: Moderating Role of Psychological Capital. Global Business Review, 16(6), 981-996.
  • Silvius, G. (2017). Sustainability as a new school of thought in project management. Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 1479-1493.
  • Simon, P. (2010). The Role of IT in an Enterprise 2.0 World. The Next Wave of Technologies: Opportunities from Chaos, 39-58.
  • Soulsby, A. & Clark, E. (2013) Organizational Restructuring and Change in Transition Societies: Dominant Coalitions and the Dynamics of Managerial Power and Politics, Competition & Change, 17(2), 176-196
  • Spender, J. C. (1996). Organizational knowledge, learning and memory: three concepts in search of a theory. Journal of organizational change management, 9(1), 63-78.
  • Suddaby, R. (2006). From the editors: What grounded theory is not. Academy of Management Journal 49(4), 633-642.
  • Swink, M. (2003). Completing projects on-time: how project acceleration affects new product development. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20(4), 319-344.
  • Terlizzi, M. A., de Souza Meirelles, F., & de Moraes, H. R. O. C. (2016). Barriers to the use of an IT Project Management Methodology in a large financial institution. International Journal of Project Management, 34(3), 467-479.
  • Thamhain, H. J. (1999, August). Emerging project management techniques: a managerial assessment. In Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999. Technology and Innovation Management. PICMET'99. Portland International Conference on (pp. 363-368). IEEE.
  • White, D. E., & Patton, J. R. (1999). Metrics and critical success factors for managing organizations by projects. In Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999. Technology and Innovation Management. PICMET'99. Portland International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 252-253). IEEE.
  • Wischnevsky, J. D. (2004). Change as the winds change: The impact of organizational transformation on firm survival in a shifting environment. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 12(4), 361.
  • Wysocki, R. K. (2011). Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Emre Süleyman Özmen 0000-0001-5541-1155

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2018
Kabul Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özmen, E. S. (2019). Proje Yönetim Metodolojisi (PYM): Değişim kabiliyeti ve hayatta kalma ilişkisi. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 34(2), 140-156.

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tarafından taranmaktadır.

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