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Etik Örgüt Kültürünün Etik Tedarikçi Seçimine Etkileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 171 - 189, 30.06.2019


Küreselleşmenin bir
sonucu olarak rekabet, işletmelerin ötesinde, tedarik zincirleri arasında
gerçekleşmeye başlamıştır. Bu süreçte işletmelerin tedarik zincirleri kapsamında
da etik konuları yönetsel bir bütünlükte ele almaları gerekliliği ortaya
çıkmıştır. Bu araştırmada, etik örgüt kültürünün etik tedarikçi seçimine
etkileri incelenmektedir. Araştırmada Goebel vd. (2012) çalışmasındaki model
temel alınmıştır. Yargısal örnekleme yöntemi ve e-posta yoluyla anket kullanılarak
LinkedIn aracılığı ile tespit edilen 2000 satınalma çalışanı araştırmaya dâhil
edilmiş olup; 165 kullanılabilir anket elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına
göre, etik örgüt kültürünün, etik tedarik seçimi üzerinde pozitif yönde etkili
olduğu bulgusu elde edilmiştir.


  • Adam, A.M., Rachman-Moore, D. (2004). “The Methods Used to Implement an Ethical Code of Conduct and Employee Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 54, Issue.3: 225-244.
  • Adams, J.S., Tashchian, A., Shore, T.H. (2001). “Codes of Ethics as Signals for Ethical Behavior”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.29, Issue.3: 199-211.
  • Ahi, P., Searcy, C. (2013). “A Comparative Literature Analysis of Definitions for Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.52, No.4: 209-216.
  • Akarsu, B. (1988). Felsefe Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul
  • Alayoğlu, N. (2015). “İş Ahlakı Ekseninde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi ve Etik”, Güncel Yaklaşımlar Işığında Etik, Ed. Rana Atabay, N. Öykü İyigün, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, Beta Basım A.Ş.
  • Arvey, R.D., Davis, G.A., Nelson, S.M. (1984). “Use of Discipline in an Organization: A Field Study”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.69: 448-460.
  • Aşçıgil, S.F. (2001). “İş Etiği: Eski Sorunlar, Yeni Kavramlar, Yeni Yaklaşımlar” (Tebliğ), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Derneği Ekonomi Forumu, İstanbul
  • Bekmen, A. (2014). Sermayenin Etik İnşası: Küresel Üretim ve Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, 1. Basım, İstanbul, BÜTEK A.Ş.
  • Bentler, P.M., Bonnet, D.C. (1980). “Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures”, Psychological Bulletin, 88(3): 588-606.
  • Berkman, Ü., Arslan, M. (2009). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İş etiği ve Etik Yönetimi, İstanbul, TÜSİAD
  • Blome, C., Paulraj, A. (2013). “Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.116, No.3: 567-585.
  • Carter, C.R. (1999). “Ethical Issues in International Buyer–Supplier Relationships: A Dyadic Examination”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.18: 191–208.
  • Carter, C.R. (2005). "Purchasing Social Responsibility and Firm Performance", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.35, Issue.3: 177-194.
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2000). “Purchasing’s Contribution to the Socially Responsible Management of the Supply Chain”, Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2002). “Social Responsibility and Supply Chain Relationship”, Transportation Research Part E, Vol.38, No.1: 37-52.
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2004). “The Role of Purchasing in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Structural Equation Analysis”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vo.25, Issue.1: 145-186.
  • Carter, C.R., Rogers, D.S. (2008). “A Framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Movingtoward New Theory”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 38 Issue.5: 360-387.
  • Chin, W.W. (1998a). “The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling”, Modern Methods for Business Research, Ed. G. A. Marcoulides , Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 295-336.
  • Chin, W.W. (1998b). “Commentary: Issues and Opinion on Structural Equation Modeling”, MIS Quarterly, Vol.22, No.1: vii-xvi.
  • Comrey, A.L., Lee, H.B. (1992). A First Course in Factor Analysis, Second Edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey
  • Crane, A., Matten, D. (2010). Business Ethics, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford
  • Doğan, N. (2009). “İş Etiği ve İşletmelerde Etik Çöküş”, SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Sayı 16
  • Ferrell, O.C., Rogers, M.M., Ferrell, L., Sawayda, J. (2013). “A Framework for Understanding Ethical Supply Chain Decision Making,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 20:3-4: 260-287.
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D. (1981). “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 39-50.
  • Geoffrey, R.N., Streiner, D.L. (2008). Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials, Third Edition, BC Decker Inc, Hamilton
  • Goebel, P., Reuter, C., Pibernik, R., Sichtmann, C. (2012). “The Influence of Ethical Culture on Supplier Selection in the Context of Sustainable Sourcing”, Int. J.Production Economics, Vol.140: 7-17.
  • Hair, J.F.,‎ Tatham,‎ R.L., Anderson,‎ R.E., Black, W. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
  • Hegarty, W.H., Sims Jr., H.P. (1978). “Some Determinants of Unethical Decision Behavior: an Experiment”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.63: 451-457.
  • Henseler, J., Hubona, G., Ray, P.A. (2015). "Using PLS Path Modeling in New Technology Research: Updated Guidelines", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.116, Issue.1: 2-20.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C.M., Sinkovics, R.R. (2009). “The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing”, Ed. Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Pervez N. Ghauri, New Challenges to International Marketing, Advances in International Marketing, Vol.20: 277-319.
  • Hu, L., Bentler, P.M. (1998). Fit Indices in Covariance Structure Modeling: Sencivity to Underparameterized Model Misspecification, Psychological Methods, Vol.3, No.4: 424-453.
  • Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Mangla, S.K., Garg, C.P. (2017). “An Integrated Framework for Sustainable Supplier Selection and Evaluation in Supply Chains”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.140, 1686-1698.
  • Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Harper & Row, New York
  • Neef, D. (2004). The Supply Chain Imperative: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers, New York, Amacom
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric Theory, McGraw Hill, New York
  • Özgener, Ş. (2014). İş Ahlakının Temelleri, 3. Baskı, Ankara, Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Park, H., Stoel, L. (2005). "A Model of Socially Responsible Buying/Sourcing Decision-Making Processes", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol.33, No.4: 235-248.
  • Pitts, C. (1995). Motivating Your Organization, McGraw-Hill Book Company
  • Robin, D., Giallourakis, M., David, F., Moritz, T. (1989). “A Different Look at Codes of Ethics”, Business Horizons, 32, 66-73. Ross, T. (1988). Ethics in American Business, Detroit
  • Seuring, S., Müller, M. (2008). “From a Literature Review to A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16: 1699-1710.
  • Somers, M.J. (2001). “Ethical Codes of Conduct and Organizational Context: A Study of the Relationship Between Codes of Conduct, Employee Behavior and Organizational Values”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.30, Issue.2: 185-195.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Amato, S., Vinzi, V.E. (2004). “A Global Goodness of Fit Index for PLS Structural Equation Modelling”, Proceedings of the XLII SIS Scientific Meeting, CLEUP: Padova: 739-742.
  • Thornton, L.M., Autrey, C.W., Gligor, D.M. (2013). “Does Socially Responsible Supplier Selection Pay-Off for Customer Firms? A Cross Cultural Comparison”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol.9, Issue.3: 66-89.
  • Touboulic, A., Walker, H. (2015). “Theories in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: a Structured Literature Review”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 45, Issue.1/2: 16-42.
  • Trevino, L.K. (1990). “A Cultural Perspective on Changing and Developing Organizational Ethics”, Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol.4: 195-230.
  • Trevino, L.K. (1992). “The Social Effects of Punishment in Organizations: A Justice Perspective”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.17: 647-676.
  • Trevino, L.K., Butterfield, K.D., McCabe, D.D. (2001). “The Ethical Context in Organizations: Influences on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors”, Ethical Issues in Organizations, The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics, Eds. Michael Schwartz, Howard Harris, Ron Duska, Emerald Group Publishing Limited: 301–337.
  • Trevino, L.K., Weaver, G.R. (2001). “Organizational Justice and Ethics Program ‘‘Follow-Through’’: Influences on Employees’ Harmful and Helpful Behavior", Business Ethics Quaterly, Vol.11: 651-671.
  • Trevino, L.K., Weaver, G.R., Gibson, D.G., Toffler, B.L. (1999). “Managing Ethics and Legal Compliance: What Works and What Hurts”, California Management Review, Vol.41: 131-151.
  • Trevino, L.K., Youngblood, S.A. (1990). “Bad Apples in Bad Barrels: A Causal Analysis of Ethical Decision-Making Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.75: 447-476.
  • Ülgen, H., Mirze, S.K. (2004). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Weaver, G.R. (2004). “Ethics and Employees: Making the Connection”, Academy of Management Executive, Vol.18, No.2: 121-125.
  • Weaver, G.R., Trevino, L.K., Agle, B. (2005). “Ethical Role Models in Organizations”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol.43: 313-340.
  • Weele, A.J.V. (2014). Satınalma ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Çev. Timuçin Binder, 5. Basımdan Çeviri, İstanbul, Literatür Yayınları
  • Wetzels, M., Odekerken-Schröder, G., van Oppen, C. (2009). “Using PLS Path Modeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models: Guidelines and Empirical Illustration”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 33, No.1: 177-195.

The Effects of Ethical Organizational Culture on Ethical Supplier Selection

Year 2019, Volume: 34 Issue: 2, 171 - 189, 30.06.2019


Due to globalization,
competition has started to appear between supply chains rather than the
organizations. The requirement for the firms to handle ethical issues within a
holistic managerial approach throughout their supply chains has emerged. This
study focuses on the effects of ethical organizational culture on ethical
supplier selection. This study is based on the model developed and tested by
Goebel et al (2012). By judgmental sampling technique and online survey method
2000 buying professionals subscribed in LinkedIn were included in the data
collection process and 165 usable surveys were collected. The results show that
the ethical organizational culture has a positive significant effect on ethical
supplier selection.


  • Adam, A.M., Rachman-Moore, D. (2004). “The Methods Used to Implement an Ethical Code of Conduct and Employee Attitudes”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 54, Issue.3: 225-244.
  • Adams, J.S., Tashchian, A., Shore, T.H. (2001). “Codes of Ethics as Signals for Ethical Behavior”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.29, Issue.3: 199-211.
  • Ahi, P., Searcy, C. (2013). “A Comparative Literature Analysis of Definitions for Green and Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.52, No.4: 209-216.
  • Akarsu, B. (1988). Felsefe Terimleri Sözlüğü, İstanbul
  • Alayoğlu, N. (2015). “İş Ahlakı Ekseninde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi ve Etik”, Güncel Yaklaşımlar Işığında Etik, Ed. Rana Atabay, N. Öykü İyigün, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, Beta Basım A.Ş.
  • Arvey, R.D., Davis, G.A., Nelson, S.M. (1984). “Use of Discipline in an Organization: A Field Study”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.69: 448-460.
  • Aşçıgil, S.F. (2001). “İş Etiği: Eski Sorunlar, Yeni Kavramlar, Yeni Yaklaşımlar” (Tebliğ), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Derneği Ekonomi Forumu, İstanbul
  • Bekmen, A. (2014). Sermayenin Etik İnşası: Küresel Üretim ve Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, 1. Basım, İstanbul, BÜTEK A.Ş.
  • Bentler, P.M., Bonnet, D.C. (1980). “Significance Tests and Goodness of Fit in the Analysis of Covariance Structures”, Psychological Bulletin, 88(3): 588-606.
  • Berkman, Ü., Arslan, M. (2009). Dünyada ve Türkiye’de İş etiği ve Etik Yönetimi, İstanbul, TÜSİAD
  • Blome, C., Paulraj, A. (2013). “Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.116, No.3: 567-585.
  • Carter, C.R. (1999). “Ethical Issues in International Buyer–Supplier Relationships: A Dyadic Examination”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol.18: 191–208.
  • Carter, C.R. (2005). "Purchasing Social Responsibility and Firm Performance", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol.35, Issue.3: 177-194.
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2000). “Purchasing’s Contribution to the Socially Responsible Management of the Supply Chain”, Center for Advanced Purchasing Studies
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2002). “Social Responsibility and Supply Chain Relationship”, Transportation Research Part E, Vol.38, No.1: 37-52.
  • Carter, C.R., Jennings, M.M. (2004). “The Role of Purchasing in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Structural Equation Analysis”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vo.25, Issue.1: 145-186.
  • Carter, C.R., Rogers, D.S. (2008). “A Framework of Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Movingtoward New Theory”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 38 Issue.5: 360-387.
  • Chin, W.W. (1998a). “The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling”, Modern Methods for Business Research, Ed. G. A. Marcoulides , Mahwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 295-336.
  • Chin, W.W. (1998b). “Commentary: Issues and Opinion on Structural Equation Modeling”, MIS Quarterly, Vol.22, No.1: vii-xvi.
  • Comrey, A.L., Lee, H.B. (1992). A First Course in Factor Analysis, Second Edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey
  • Crane, A., Matten, D. (2010). Business Ethics, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford
  • Doğan, N. (2009). “İş Etiği ve İşletmelerde Etik Çöküş”, SÜ İİBF Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, Sayı 16
  • Ferrell, O.C., Rogers, M.M., Ferrell, L., Sawayda, J. (2013). “A Framework for Understanding Ethical Supply Chain Decision Making,” Journal of Marketing Channels, 20:3-4: 260-287.
  • Fornell, C., Larcker, D. (1981). “Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error”, Journal of Marketing Research, 18: 39-50.
  • Geoffrey, R.N., Streiner, D.L. (2008). Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials, Third Edition, BC Decker Inc, Hamilton
  • Goebel, P., Reuter, C., Pibernik, R., Sichtmann, C. (2012). “The Influence of Ethical Culture on Supplier Selection in the Context of Sustainable Sourcing”, Int. J.Production Economics, Vol.140: 7-17.
  • Hair, J.F.,‎ Tatham,‎ R.L., Anderson,‎ R.E., Black, W. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
  • Hegarty, W.H., Sims Jr., H.P. (1978). “Some Determinants of Unethical Decision Behavior: an Experiment”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.63: 451-457.
  • Henseler, J., Hubona, G., Ray, P.A. (2015). "Using PLS Path Modeling in New Technology Research: Updated Guidelines", Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.116, Issue.1: 2-20.
  • Henseler, J., Ringle, C.M., Sinkovics, R.R. (2009). “The Use of Partial Least Squares Path Modeling in International Marketing”, Ed. Rudolf R. Sinkovics, Pervez N. Ghauri, New Challenges to International Marketing, Advances in International Marketing, Vol.20: 277-319.
  • Hu, L., Bentler, P.M. (1998). Fit Indices in Covariance Structure Modeling: Sencivity to Underparameterized Model Misspecification, Psychological Methods, Vol.3, No.4: 424-453.
  • Luthra, S., Govindan, K., Kannan, D., Mangla, S.K., Garg, C.P. (2017). “An Integrated Framework for Sustainable Supplier Selection and Evaluation in Supply Chains”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.140, 1686-1698.
  • Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Harper & Row, New York
  • Neef, D. (2004). The Supply Chain Imperative: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers, New York, Amacom
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometric Theory, McGraw Hill, New York
  • Özgener, Ş. (2014). İş Ahlakının Temelleri, 3. Baskı, Ankara, Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Park, H., Stoel, L. (2005). "A Model of Socially Responsible Buying/Sourcing Decision-Making Processes", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol.33, No.4: 235-248.
  • Pitts, C. (1995). Motivating Your Organization, McGraw-Hill Book Company
  • Robin, D., Giallourakis, M., David, F., Moritz, T. (1989). “A Different Look at Codes of Ethics”, Business Horizons, 32, 66-73. Ross, T. (1988). Ethics in American Business, Detroit
  • Seuring, S., Müller, M. (2008). “From a Literature Review to A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16: 1699-1710.
  • Somers, M.J. (2001). “Ethical Codes of Conduct and Organizational Context: A Study of the Relationship Between Codes of Conduct, Employee Behavior and Organizational Values”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.30, Issue.2: 185-195.
  • Tenenhaus, M., Amato, S., Vinzi, V.E. (2004). “A Global Goodness of Fit Index for PLS Structural Equation Modelling”, Proceedings of the XLII SIS Scientific Meeting, CLEUP: Padova: 739-742.
  • Thornton, L.M., Autrey, C.W., Gligor, D.M. (2013). “Does Socially Responsible Supplier Selection Pay-Off for Customer Firms? A Cross Cultural Comparison”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol.9, Issue.3: 66-89.
  • Touboulic, A., Walker, H. (2015). “Theories in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: a Structured Literature Review”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 45, Issue.1/2: 16-42.
  • Trevino, L.K. (1990). “A Cultural Perspective on Changing and Developing Organizational Ethics”, Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol.4: 195-230.
  • Trevino, L.K. (1992). “The Social Effects of Punishment in Organizations: A Justice Perspective”, Academy of Management Review, Vol.17: 647-676.
  • Trevino, L.K., Butterfield, K.D., McCabe, D.D. (2001). “The Ethical Context in Organizations: Influences on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors”, Ethical Issues in Organizations, The Next Phase of Business Ethics: Integrating Psychology and Ethics, Eds. Michael Schwartz, Howard Harris, Ron Duska, Emerald Group Publishing Limited: 301–337.
  • Trevino, L.K., Weaver, G.R. (2001). “Organizational Justice and Ethics Program ‘‘Follow-Through’’: Influences on Employees’ Harmful and Helpful Behavior", Business Ethics Quaterly, Vol.11: 651-671.
  • Trevino, L.K., Weaver, G.R., Gibson, D.G., Toffler, B.L. (1999). “Managing Ethics and Legal Compliance: What Works and What Hurts”, California Management Review, Vol.41: 131-151.
  • Trevino, L.K., Youngblood, S.A. (1990). “Bad Apples in Bad Barrels: A Causal Analysis of Ethical Decision-Making Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.75: 447-476.
  • Ülgen, H., Mirze, S.K. (2004). İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Weaver, G.R. (2004). “Ethics and Employees: Making the Connection”, Academy of Management Executive, Vol.18, No.2: 121-125.
  • Weaver, G.R., Trevino, L.K., Agle, B. (2005). “Ethical Role Models in Organizations”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol.43: 313-340.
  • Weele, A.J.V. (2014). Satınalma ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Çev. Timuçin Binder, 5. Basımdan Çeviri, İstanbul, Literatür Yayınları
  • Wetzels, M., Odekerken-Schröder, G., van Oppen, C. (2009). “Using PLS Path Modeling for Assessing Hierarchical Construct Models: Guidelines and Empirical Illustration”, MIS Quarterly, Vol. 33, No.1: 177-195.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Çağrı Afşaroğulları 0000-0002-0585-4924

Oylum Korkut Altuna 0000-0003-4871-1939

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Submission Date October 10, 2018
Acceptance Date August 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 34 Issue: 2


APA Afşaroğulları, Ç., & Korkut Altuna, O. (2019). Etik Örgüt Kültürünün Etik Tedarikçi Seçimine Etkileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. İzmir İktisat Dergisi, 34(2), 171-189.
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