Research Article
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Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation

Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 68 - 76, 01.10.2018


This research is conducted to know the effect of Team Games Tournament (TGT) learning model
with “Numbered-Board Quiz” game in increasing science learning achievement of four grade
students in Sawahan, Madiun. This quasi-experimental research used pretest-posttest control group
design. The samples in this research was 154 students from 6 elementary schools, 79 students are
in experiment group and 75 students are in control group. Students in experiment group are given
treatment with TGT learning model while students in control class are given treatment
conventional learning model that is direct teaching. Data analysis used ANOVA in this research
indicate that learning model and the students 'learning motivation have a significant impact on the
science course achievement. Students’ science achiement used Teams Games Tournament with
Numbered-Board Quiz is better than the science learning achievement used direct learning. After
this study, it’s expected that many learning model innovations are used by teachers in teaching and
learning activities


  • Alake-Tuenter, E., Biemans, H. J., Tobi, H., Wals, A. E., Oosterheert, I., & Mulder, M. (2012). Inquiry-Based Science Education Competencies of Primary School Teachers: A literature study and critical review of the American National Science Education Standards. International Journal of Science Education, 34(17), 2609-2640. Amien, Mohammad. 1987. Mengajarkan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) dengen Menggunakan Metode ‘Discovery’ dan ‘Inquiry’. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Ardasheva, Y., Carbonneau, K. J., Roo, A. K., & Wang, Z. (2018). Learning and Individual Differences Relationships among prior learning , anxiety , self-e ffi cacy , and science vocabulary learning ofmiddle school students with varied English language pro fi ciency. Learning and Individual Differences, 61(November 2017), 21-30. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman. Billinghurst, M., & Kato, H. (2002). How the virtual inspires the real. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 64-70. Cheng, C., & Su, C. (2012). Social and WCLTA 2011 A Game-based learning system for improving student ’ s learning effectiveness in system analysis course, 31(2011), 669–675. Co, S., Aydın, S., & Filiz, M. (2009). Students â€TM conceptions about browser-game-based learning in mathematics education : TTNetvitamin case, 1, 1848–1852. Cojocariu, V., & Boghian, I. (2014). Teaching the Relevance of Game-Based Learning to Preschool and Primary Teachers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 142, 640–646. Davison, L., I. Galbraith, and M. McQueen. 2008. "Cooperative Learning: A Partnership Between an EPS and School.Educational Psychology in Practice, 24(4):307-317. Gorghiu, G., Cristea, S., Petrescu, A., & Monica, L. (2015). Problem-Based Learning - An Efficient Learning Strategy In The Science Lessons Context, 191, 1865-1870. Hwang, G. J., & Wu, P. H. (2012). Advancements and trends in digital game-based learning research: a review of publications in selected journals from 2001 to 2010. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E6-E10. Juwıta, W., Salim, A., & Winarno, W. (2018). Students ’ Tolerance Behavior in Religious-Based Primary School : Gender Perspective, 51–58. Ke, F. (2008). Alternative goal structures for computer game-based learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(4), 429-445. Kirikkaya, E. B., Iseri, S., & Vurkaya, G. (2010). A board game about space and solar system for primary school students. Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology, 9(2) , 1-13. Lin, C. H., Liu, E. Z. F., Chen, Y. L., Liou, P. Y., Chang, M., Wu, C. H., & Yuan, S. M. (2013). Gamebased remedial instruction in mastery learning for upper-primary school students. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 271-281. Liu, E. Z. F., & Lin, C. H. (2009). Developing evaluative indicators for educational computer games. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1), 174-178. Mueller, W. E., Massiha, G. H. (2012). A Interactive Game to Enhance Student Understanding of Materials Management. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Vol.1(2), pp. 45-50. Pangestuti, A. A., Corebima, A. D., & Zubaidah, S. (2015). Using Reading-Concept Map-Teams Games Tournament ( Remap-TGT ) to Improve Reading Interest of Tenth Grade Student of Laboratory Senior High School State University of Malang, 3(2), 250-254. Pribadi, K., Cheow, D. Z. Y., Yong, J. H. E., Sundrasagran, M. Improving Resiience and Self-Esteem among University Students with Entrepreneurship Simulation Board Game. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), vol.7(1), pp. 28-56, 2018. Ristanto, R. H., Zubaidah, S., Amin, M., & Rohman, F. (2018). The Potential of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition in Biology Learning at Higher Education, 3(1), 50–56. Salam, A., Hossain, A., & Rahman, S. (2015). Effects of Using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Cooperative Technique for Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools of Bangladesh. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3(3), 35-45. Setyorini, I. Y., Subandi & Santoso, A. (2015). Motivasi dan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa setelah Pelajaran Kimia dengan Strategi Inkuiri Terbimbing. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Vol. 21(2), 151-159. Slavin, Robert E. 2008. Cooperative Learning Teori, Riset dan Praktik. Bandung: Nusa Media.Stockwell, B. R., Stockwell, M. S., Cennamo, M., & Jiang, E. (2015). Blended Learning Improves Science Education. Cell, 162(5), 933-936. Su, C., & Cheng, C. (2013). A Mobile Game-based Insect Learning System for improving the learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 42–50. Suduc, A., Bizoi, M., & Gorghiu, G. (2015). Inquiry Based Science Learning in Primary Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 205(May), 474-479. Tanner, M. M., & Lindquist, T. M. (1998). Using MONOPOLY and Teams-Games-Tounaments in accounting education: a cooperative learning teaching resource. Accounting Education. Tastan, O., & Markic, S. (2012). The self-efficacy of pre-service elementary teachers using cooperative learning in science teaching, 46, 5005-5009. Tsay, M. and M. Brady. 2010. "A Case Study of Cooperative Learning and Communication Pedagogy: Does Working in Teams Make a Difference?.Journal of the Scholarships of Teaching and Learning 10(2):78-89. Ucus, S. (2015). Elementary School Teachers ’ Views on Game -based Learning as a Teaching Method. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 186, 401–409. Veloo, A., & Chairhany, S. (2013). Fostering Students' Attitudes and Achievement in Probability Using Teams-games-tournaments. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 59-64. Wijayanto, P. W., & Siradj, Y. (2017). The Educational Game “Indonesian Tribes” for the Kindergarten Students, 1(1), 27–36. Widiawati, W., Subandi & Fajaroh, F. (2015). The Impacts of Group Problem Solving on Students’ Learning Motivation, Critical Thinking, and Learning Achievements. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, vol.21(1), 106-114. Wodarski, J. S., & Feit, M. D. (2011). Adolescent Preventive Health and Team-Games-Tournaments: Five Decades of Evidence for an Empirically Based Paradigm. Social Work in Public Health, 26(5), 482-512. Yıldırım, F.S.; & Mirici, S. (2016). Improving the student’sopinion about the nature of science with the processbasedactivities by the teachers who get distanceeducation about the nature of science. InternationalOnline Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET),3(4). 262-283. Zhi, E., Liu, F., & Chen, P. (2013). The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Students ' Learning Performance in Science Learning - A Case of " Conveyance Go ." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 1044-1051.
Year 2018, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 68 - 76, 01.10.2018



  • Alake-Tuenter, E., Biemans, H. J., Tobi, H., Wals, A. E., Oosterheert, I., & Mulder, M. (2012). Inquiry-Based Science Education Competencies of Primary School Teachers: A literature study and critical review of the American National Science Education Standards. International Journal of Science Education, 34(17), 2609-2640. Amien, Mohammad. 1987. Mengajarkan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) dengen Menggunakan Metode ‘Discovery’ dan ‘Inquiry’. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Ardasheva, Y., Carbonneau, K. J., Roo, A. K., & Wang, Z. (2018). Learning and Individual Differences Relationships among prior learning , anxiety , self-e ffi cacy , and science vocabulary learning ofmiddle school students with varied English language pro fi ciency. Learning and Individual Differences, 61(November 2017), 21-30. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman. Billinghurst, M., & Kato, H. (2002). How the virtual inspires the real. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 64-70. Cheng, C., & Su, C. (2012). Social and WCLTA 2011 A Game-based learning system for improving student ’ s learning effectiveness in system analysis course, 31(2011), 669–675. Co, S., Aydın, S., & Filiz, M. (2009). Students â€TM conceptions about browser-game-based learning in mathematics education : TTNetvitamin case, 1, 1848–1852. Cojocariu, V., & Boghian, I. (2014). Teaching the Relevance of Game-Based Learning to Preschool and Primary Teachers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 142, 640–646. Davison, L., I. Galbraith, and M. McQueen. 2008. "Cooperative Learning: A Partnership Between an EPS and School.Educational Psychology in Practice, 24(4):307-317. Gorghiu, G., Cristea, S., Petrescu, A., & Monica, L. (2015). Problem-Based Learning - An Efficient Learning Strategy In The Science Lessons Context, 191, 1865-1870. Hwang, G. J., & Wu, P. H. (2012). Advancements and trends in digital game-based learning research: a review of publications in selected journals from 2001 to 2010. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(1), E6-E10. Juwıta, W., Salim, A., & Winarno, W. (2018). Students ’ Tolerance Behavior in Religious-Based Primary School : Gender Perspective, 51–58. Ke, F. (2008). Alternative goal structures for computer game-based learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(4), 429-445. Kirikkaya, E. B., Iseri, S., & Vurkaya, G. (2010). A board game about space and solar system for primary school students. Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology, 9(2) , 1-13. Lin, C. H., Liu, E. Z. F., Chen, Y. L., Liou, P. Y., Chang, M., Wu, C. H., & Yuan, S. M. (2013). Gamebased remedial instruction in mastery learning for upper-primary school students. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 271-281. Liu, E. Z. F., & Lin, C. H. (2009). Developing evaluative indicators for educational computer games. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1), 174-178. Mueller, W. E., Massiha, G. H. (2012). A Interactive Game to Enhance Student Understanding of Materials Management. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), Vol.1(2), pp. 45-50. Pangestuti, A. A., Corebima, A. D., & Zubaidah, S. (2015). Using Reading-Concept Map-Teams Games Tournament ( Remap-TGT ) to Improve Reading Interest of Tenth Grade Student of Laboratory Senior High School State University of Malang, 3(2), 250-254. Pribadi, K., Cheow, D. Z. Y., Yong, J. H. E., Sundrasagran, M. Improving Resiience and Self-Esteem among University Students with Entrepreneurship Simulation Board Game. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), vol.7(1), pp. 28-56, 2018. Ristanto, R. H., Zubaidah, S., Amin, M., & Rohman, F. (2018). The Potential of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition in Biology Learning at Higher Education, 3(1), 50–56. Salam, A., Hossain, A., & Rahman, S. (2015). Effects of Using Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) Cooperative Technique for Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools of Bangladesh. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3(3), 35-45. Setyorini, I. Y., Subandi & Santoso, A. (2015). Motivasi dan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa setelah Pelajaran Kimia dengan Strategi Inkuiri Terbimbing. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Vol. 21(2), 151-159. Slavin, Robert E. 2008. Cooperative Learning Teori, Riset dan Praktik. Bandung: Nusa Media.Stockwell, B. R., Stockwell, M. S., Cennamo, M., & Jiang, E. (2015). Blended Learning Improves Science Education. Cell, 162(5), 933-936. Su, C., & Cheng, C. (2013). A Mobile Game-based Insect Learning System for improving the learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 42–50. Suduc, A., Bizoi, M., & Gorghiu, G. (2015). Inquiry Based Science Learning in Primary Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 205(May), 474-479. Tanner, M. M., & Lindquist, T. M. (1998). Using MONOPOLY and Teams-Games-Tounaments in accounting education: a cooperative learning teaching resource. Accounting Education. Tastan, O., & Markic, S. (2012). The self-efficacy of pre-service elementary teachers using cooperative learning in science teaching, 46, 5005-5009. Tsay, M. and M. Brady. 2010. "A Case Study of Cooperative Learning and Communication Pedagogy: Does Working in Teams Make a Difference?.Journal of the Scholarships of Teaching and Learning 10(2):78-89. Ucus, S. (2015). Elementary School Teachers ’ Views on Game -based Learning as a Teaching Method. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 186, 401–409. Veloo, A., & Chairhany, S. (2013). Fostering Students' Attitudes and Achievement in Probability Using Teams-games-tournaments. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 59-64. Wijayanto, P. W., & Siradj, Y. (2017). The Educational Game “Indonesian Tribes” for the Kindergarten Students, 1(1), 27–36. Widiawati, W., Subandi & Fajaroh, F. (2015). The Impacts of Group Problem Solving on Students’ Learning Motivation, Critical Thinking, and Learning Achievements. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, vol.21(1), 106-114. Wodarski, J. S., & Feit, M. D. (2011). Adolescent Preventive Health and Team-Games-Tournaments: Five Decades of Evidence for an Empirically Based Paradigm. Social Work in Public Health, 26(5), 482-512. Yıldırım, F.S.; & Mirici, S. (2016). Improving the student’sopinion about the nature of science with the processbasedactivities by the teachers who get distanceeducation about the nature of science. InternationalOnline Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET),3(4). 262-283. Zhi, E., Liu, F., & Chen, P. (2013). The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Students ' Learning Performance in Science Learning - A Case of " Conveyance Go ." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 103, 1044-1051.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Tantri Pradhita Yudhi Astri This is me

Gunarhadi Gunarhadi This is me

Riyadi Riyadi This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 3 Issue: 4


APA Pradhita Yudhi Astri, T., Gunarhadi, G., & Riyadi, R. (2018). Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation. International Journal of Educational Research Review, 3(4), 68-76.
AMA Pradhita Yudhi Astri T, Gunarhadi G, Riyadi R. Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation. IJERE. October 2018;3(4):68-76. doi:10.24331/ijere.452982
Chicago Pradhita Yudhi Astri, Tantri, Gunarhadi Gunarhadi, and Riyadi Riyadi. “Numbered-Board Quiz With TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement Based on Learning Motivation”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3, no. 4 (October 2018): 68-76.
EndNote Pradhita Yudhi Astri T, Gunarhadi G, Riyadi R (October 1, 2018) Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3 4 68–76.
IEEE T. Pradhita Yudhi Astri, G. Gunarhadi, and R. Riyadi, “Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation”, IJERE, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 68–76, 2018, doi: 10.24331/ijere.452982.
ISNAD Pradhita Yudhi Astri, Tantri et al. “Numbered-Board Quiz With TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement Based on Learning Motivation”. International Journal of Educational Research Review 3/4 (October 2018), 68-76.
JAMA Pradhita Yudhi Astri T, Gunarhadi G, Riyadi R. Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation. IJERE. 2018;3:68–76.
MLA Pradhita Yudhi Astri, Tantri et al. “Numbered-Board Quiz With TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement Based on Learning Motivation”. International Journal of Educational Research Review, vol. 3, no. 4, 2018, pp. 68-76, doi:10.24331/ijere.452982.
Vancouver Pradhita Yudhi Astri T, Gunarhadi G, Riyadi R. Numbered-Board Quiz with TGT to Improve Students’ Science Achievement based on Learning Motivation. IJERE. 2018;3(4):68-76.

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