Approval by the Ethics Committee
The following guidelines must be followed under the topic of ethical rules:
1. Research in all fields, including the social sciences, as well as clinical and experimental human and animal investigations, must receive separate ethics committee approval; this approval must be acknowledged and documented in the report.
2. Information about ethical guidelines should be provided under different headings for authors, editors, and referees in this category.
3. Respect for research and publication ethics should be stated in the articles.
4. References to national and international standards should accompany any mention of ethical principles in the journal and/or on the website. Scientific publications submitted to journals should take into account, for instance, the guidelines of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors.
5. For research that needs ethics committee approval, the name of the committee, the approval date, and the approval number should be given in the method section as well as on the first or last page of the article. Presentations of cases should provide information on the signing of the informed consent or consent form.
6. Copyright laws must be followed for the creative and intellectual works used.
Are all articles required to have the permission of the ethics committee?
No, permission from the ethics committee is not necessary. Articles that "require Ethics Committee Permission" are also mentioned in the criteria.
The following research projects require approval from an ethics committee:
- Any type of research, whether qualitative or quantitative, that collects participant data using techniques like surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, experiments, or interviews
using people and animals (as well as resources and data) for research or other academic endeavours,
- human clinical trials,
- the study involving animals,
- research conducted in the past in compliance with the law protecting personal data,
-additionally, indicating in case presentations that the "Informed Consent Form" has been obtained
- requesting permission from the owners to use their scales, surveys, and photos, and displaying that authorization,
certifying that the used literary and creative works are protected by copyright
Should publications resulting from studies and theses finished in the past be subject to retrospective Ethics Committee approval?
Before 2020, works that employed research data from master's or doctorate studies (which must be indicated in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, and were accepted but not yet published are not required to obtain retrospective ethics committee approval.
Are publications produced outside of institutions restricted by these TR Index rules?
No, they don't. Researchers from non-university institutions can also apply to the local ethics committee.
Form for Author Declaration for Articles Not Subject to Ethics Committee Approval
Our author(s) must scan the declaration form with a wet signature and upload it to the system for papers that are submitted to our journal but do not need ethics committee approval and whose data were obtained before 2020. All authors must sign the declaration form, saying that there is no need for an ethics committee decision. To access the form, click here.